3,308 research outputs found

    A Search for Candidate Light Echoes: Photometry of Supernova Environments

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    Supernova (SN) light echoes could be a powerful tool for determining distances to galaxies geometrically, Sparks 1994. In this paper we present CCD photometry of the environments of 64 historical supernovae, the first results of a program designed to search for light echoes from these SNe. We commonly find patches of optical emission at, or close to, the sites of the supernovae. The color distribution of these patches is broad, and generally consistent with stellar population colors, possibly with some reddening. However there are in addition patches with both unusually red and unusually blue colors. We expect light echoes to be blue, and while none of the objects are quite as blue in V-R as the known light echo of SN1991T, there are features that are unusually blue and we identify these as candidate light echoes for follow-on observations.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 5 Postscript Tables, 42 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in the A&AS. Figures 1 through 36 are available at the web address: http://www.stsci.edu/~boffi

    Battery workshop

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    The workshop was attended by representatives from industry and government. The requirements for energy storage and the plans for battery development were reviewed. The workshop followed a debate format, with the objective of recommending improvements to the development plans presented by NASA and the Air Force. The issues addressed were: (1) significant technology deficiencies which can be identified; (2) adequacy of current and proposed programs to resolve the technology deficiencies identified; (3) additional tasks which should be undertaken, including benefits and timing; and (4) lowest priority items in the presently planned program, both in content and in timing

    Low radiative efficiency accretion at work in active galactic nuclei: the nuclear spectral energy distribution of NGC4565

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    We derive the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC4565. Despite its classification as a Seyfert2, the nuclear source is substantially unabsorbed. The absorption we find from Chandra data (N_H=2.5 X 10^21 cm^-2) is consistent with that produced by material in the galactic disk of the host galaxy. HST images show a nuclear unresolved source in all of the available observations, from the near-IR H band to the optical U band. The SED is completely different from that of Seyfert galaxies and QSO, as it appears basically ``flat'' in the IR-optical region, with a small drop-off in the U-band. The location of the object in diagnostic planes for low luminosity AGNs excludes a jet origin for the optical nucleus, and its extremely low Eddington ratio L_o/L_Edd indicates that the radiation we observe is most likely produced in a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF). This would make NGC4565 the first AGN in which an ADAF-like process is identified in the optical. We find that the relatively high [OIII] flux observed from the ground cannot be all produced in the nucleus. Therefore, an extended NLR must exist in this object. This may be interpreted in the framework of two different scenarios: i) the radiation from ADAFs is sufficient to give rise to high ionization emission-line regions through photoionization, or ii) the nuclear source has recently ``turned-off'', switching from a high-efficiency accretion regime to the present low-efficiency state.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Effects of Changes in Reaction Rates on Simulations of Nova Explosions

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    Classical novae participate in the cycle of Galactic chemical evolution in which grains and metal enriched gas in their ejecta, supplementing those of supernovae, AGB stars, and Wolf-Rayet stars, are a source of heavy elements for the ISM. Once in the diffuse gas, this material is mixed with the existing gases and then incorporated into young stars and planetary systems during star formation. Infrared observations have confirmed the presence of carbon, SiC, hydrocarbons, and oxygen-rich silicate grains in nova ejecta, suggesting that some fraction of the pre-solar grains identified in meteoritic material come from novae. The mean mass returned by a nova outburst to the ISM probably exceeds ~2 x 10^{-4} Solar Masses. Using the observed nova rate of 35 per year in our Galaxy, it follows that novae introduce more than ~7 x 10^{-3} Solar Masses per year of processed matter into the ISM. Novae are expected to be the major source of 15N and 17O in the Galaxy and to contribute to the abundances of other isotopes in this atomic mass range. Here, we report on how changes in the nuclear reaction rates affect the properties of the outburst and alter the predictions of the contributions of novae to Galactic chemical evolution. We also discuss the necessity of including the pep reaction in studies of thermonuclear runaways in material accreted onto white dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, as it appeared in the Proceedings of the Tours 2006 Symposium on Nuclear Physic

    TorchIO: A Python library for efficient loading, preprocessing, augmentation and patch-based sampling of medical images in deep learning

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    Background and objective: Processing of medical images such as MRI or CT presents different challenges compared to RGB images typically used in computer vision. These include a lack of labels for large datasets, high computational costs, and the need of metadata to describe the physical properties of voxels. Data augmentation is used to artificially increase the size of the training datasets. Training with image subvolumes or patches decreases the need for computational power. Spatial metadata needs to be carefully taken into account in order to ensure a correct alignment and orientation of volumes. Methods: We present TorchIO, an open-source Python library to enable efficient loading, preprocessing, augmentation and patch-based sampling of medical images for deep learning. TorchIO follows the style of PyTorch and integrates standard medical image processing libraries to efficiently process images during training of neural networks. TorchIO transforms can be easily composed, reproduced, traced and extended. Most transforms can be inverted, making the library suitable for test-time augmentation and estimation of aleatoric uncertainty in the context of segmentation. We provide multiple generic preprocessing and augmentation operations as well as simulation of MRI-specific artifacts. Results: Source code, comprehensive tutorials and extensive documentation for TorchIO can be found at http://torchio.rtfd.io/. The package can be installed from the Python Package Index (PyPI) running pip install torchio. It includes a command-line interface which allows users to apply transforms to image files without using Python. Additionally, we provide a graphical user interface within a TorchIO extension in 3D Slicer to visualize the effects of transforms. Conclusion: TorchIO was developed to help researchers standardize medical image processing pipelines and allow them to focus on the deep learning experiments. It encourages good open-science practices, as it supports experiment reproducibility and is version-controlled so that the software can be cited precisely. Due to its modularity, the library is compatible with other frameworks for deep learning with medical images

    Polarization Diagnostics for Cool Core Cluster Emission Lines

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    The nature of the interaction between low-excitation gas filaments at ~104 K, seen in optical line emission, and diffuse X-ray emitting coronal gas at ~107 K in the centers of galaxy clusters remains a puzzle. The presence of a strong, empirical correlation between the two gas phases is indicative of a fundamental relationship between them, though as yet of undetermined cause. The cooler filaments, originally thought to have condensed from the hot gas, could also arise from a merger or the disturbance of cool circumnuclear gas by nuclear activity. Here, we have searched for intrinsic line emission polarization in cool core galaxy clusters as a diagnostic of fundamental transport processes. Drawing on developments in solar astrophysics, direct energetic particle impact induced polarization holds the promise to definitively determine the role of collisional processes such as thermal conduction in the ISM physics of galaxy clusters, while providing insight into other highly anisotropic excitation mechanisms such as shocks, intense radiation fields, and suprathermal particles. Under certain physical conditions, theoretical calculations predict of the order of 10% polarization. Our observations of the filaments in four nearby cool core clusters place stringent upper limits ( 0.1%) on the presence of emission line polarization, requiring that if thermal conduction is operative, the thermal gradients are not in the saturated regime. This limit is consistent with theoretical models of the thermal structure of filament interfacesPeer reviewe

    Theoretical Studies of Accretion of Matter onto White Dwarfs and the Single Degenerate Scenario for Supernovae of Type Ia

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    We present a brief summary of the Single Degenerate Scenario for the progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae in which it is assumed that a low mass carbon-oxygen white dwarf is growing in mass as a result of accretion from a secondary star in a close binary system. Recent hydrodynamic simulations of accretion of solar material onto white dwarfs without mixing always produce a thermonuclear runaway and steady burning does not occur. For a broad range in WD mass (0.4 Solar masses to 1.35 Solar Masses), the maximum ejected material occurs for the 1.25 Solar Mass sequences and then decreases as the white dwarf mass decreases. Therefore, the white dwarfs are growing in mass as a consequence of the accretion of solar material and as long as there is no mixing of accreted material with core material. In contrast, a thermonuclear runaway in the accreted hydrogen-rich layers on the low luminosity WDs in close binary systems where mixing of core matter with accreted material has occurred is the outburst mechanism for Classical, Recurrent, and Symbiotic novae. The differences in characteristics of these systems is likely the WD mass and mass accretion rate. The high levels of enrichment of CN ejecta in elements ranging from carbon to sulfur confirm that there is dredge-up of matter from the core of the WD and enable them to contribute to the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Therefore, studies of CNe can lead to an improved understanding of Galactic nucleosynthesis, some sources of pre-solar grains, and the Extragalactic distance scale. The characteristics of the outburst depend on the white dwarf mass, luminosity, mass accretion rate, and the chemical composition of both the accreting material and WD material. The properties of the outburst also depends on when, how, and if the accreted layers are mixed with the WD core and the mixing mechanism is still unknown.Comment: 25 Pages, Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India (BASI) in pres

    Electronic structure of NiS1x_{1-x}Sex_x across the phase transition

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    We report very highly resolved photoemission spectra of NiS(1-x)Se(x) across the so-called metal-insulator transition as a function of temperature as well as composition. The present results convincingly demonstrate that the low temperature, antiferromagnetic phase is metallic, with a reduced density of states at EF_F. This decrease is possibly due to the opening of gaps along specific directions in the Brillouin zone caused by the antiferromagnetic ordering.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Plane-wave based electronic structure calculations for correlated materials using dynamical mean-field theory and projected local orbitals

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    The description of realistic strongly correlated systems has recently advanced through the combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation (LDA) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). This LDA+DMFT method is able to treat both strongly correlated insulators and metals. Several interfaces between LDA and DMFT have been used, such as (N-th order) Linear Muffin Tin Orbitals or Maximally localized Wannier Functions. Such schemes are however either complex in use or additional simplifications are often performed (i.e., the atomic sphere approximation). We present an alternative implementation of LDA+DMFT, which keeps the precision of the Wannier implementation, but which is lighter. It relies on the projection of localized orbitals onto a restricted set of Kohn-Sham states to define the correlated subspace. The method is implemented within the Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) and within the Mixed Basis Pseudopotential (MBPP) frameworks. This opens the way to electronic structure calculations within LDA+DMFT for more complex structures with the precision of an all-electron method. We present an application to two correlated systems, namely SrVO3 and beta-NiS (a charge-transfer material), including ligand states in the basis-set. The results are compared to calculations done with Maximally Localized Wannier functions, and the physical features appearing in the orbitally resolved spectral functions are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure