112 research outputs found

    Relation between Sexual and Gender Minority Status and Suicide Attempts Among Veterans Seeking Treatment for Military Sexual Trauma

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    There is limited study of suicidal behaviors among veterans identifying as sexual and gender minorities (SGMs), despite previous research indicating rates of suicide attempts are high within civilian SGM populations. Further, some research incorporating military service members suggests those identifying as SGMs are disproportionately exposed to military sexual trauma (MST), an additional risk factor for negative psychiatric sequelae. To address health care research disparities among minority veterans (i.e., women, those endorsing MST, SGMs), we examined presentations of veterans (N = 277) who attended initial consultation appointments for MST-related treatment and completed a semistructured clinical interview including demographic characteristics, history of suicide attempts (HSA), and a diagnostic evaluation. Twenty-eight (10.1%) veterans identified as SGMs. SGM/non-SGM groups were contrasted on suicidal and psychiatric morbidity outcomes. Overall, endorsement of HSA was high (30.7%). Despite similar clinical profiles, 53.6% of veterans who identified as SGM endorsed HSA in contrast with 28.1% of peers identifying as heterosexual and nontransgender, a significant effect of small-to-moderate size. Findings suggest assessment and clinical management of suicidality is of critical importance for clinicians providing services to veterans pursuing recovery from MST, generally, and may be especially so when delivering care to SGM. Further, results underscore the need for culturally competent delivery of trauma-focused interventions

    Sentimientos de adolescentes con Diabetes Mellitus delante del proceso de vivir con la enfermedad

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    Qualitative research conducted in a diabetes service in the countryside of the state of Ceará, Brazil, with 11 teenagers with diabetes mellitus. The study aimed to understand the experience of adolescents facing the process of living with diabetes. Data were collected in 2007 May and June, through semi-structured interviews. It was observed that the teenager faces difficulties since the moment of diagnosis, especially because their food habits and lifestyles need to change, triggering feelings like fear, insecurity and anger. Over time, they incorporate the necessary changes to treatment and care, and begin to see the disease as normal. One concludes that it is necessary to understand teenagers, their behaviors, fears and desires and support them in the different areas of this experience.Investigación cualitativa, llevada a cabo en un servicio de diabetes del interior del estado de Ceará, Brasil, con 11 adolescentes con diabetes mellitus. El objetivo fue comprender la experiencia del adolescente delante del proceso de vivir con diabetes. Los datos fueron recolectados entre mayo y junio de 2007 a través de entrevistas semi estructuradas. Se observó que el adolescente enfrenta dificultades desde el momento del diagnóstico, sobre todo en el plan alimentar y cambios en el estilo de vida, desencadenando sentimientos como miedo, inseguridad e ira. Con el tiempo, incorporan los cambios necesarios al tratamiento y atención, y llegan a ver la enfermedad como algo normal. En conclusión, que es necesario entender los adolescentes, sus comportamientos, miedos y deseos, y apoyarlos en las diferentes áreas de esta experiencia.Pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada em um serviço de diabetes do interior do Ceará com 11 adolescentes portadores de diabetes mellitus. O estudo objetivou compreender a experiência do adolescente frente ao processo de viver com o diabetes. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de maio e junho de 2007 por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Constatou-se que o adolescente enfrenta dificuldades desde o momento do diagnóstico, principalmente no plano alimentar e nas mudanças no estilo de vida, desencadeando sentimentos como medo, insegurança e revolta. Com o passar do tempo, incorporam as mudanças necessárias ao tratamento e cuidados; e passam a ver a doença de forma normal. Conclui-se que é necessário compreender os adolescentes, seus comportamentos, medos e anseios e apoiá-los nos diversos âmbitos dessa experiência.Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Pio IX-PI Programa de Saúde da FamíliaUniversidade Federal do Ceará Faculdade de Farmácia Odontologia e Enfermagem Departamento de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde ColetivaUNIFESP, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde ColetivaSciEL

    G4 motifs correlate with promoter-proximal transcriptional pausing in human genes

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    The RNA Pol II transcription complex pauses just downstream of the promoter in a significant fraction of human genes. The local features of genomic structure that contribute to pausing have not been defined. Here, we show that genes that pause are more G-rich within the region flanking the transcription start site (TSS) than RefSeq genes or non-paused genes. We show that enrichment of binding motifs for common transcription factors, such as SP1, may account for G-richness upstream but not downstream of the TSS. We further show that pausing correlates with the presence of a GrIn1 element, an element bearing one or more G4 motifs at the 5′-end of the first intron, on the non-template DNA strand. These results suggest potential roles for dynamic G4 DNA and G4 RNA structures in cis-regulation of pausing, and thus genome-wide regulation of gene expression, in human cells

    The Polyamine Inhibitor Alpha-Difluoromethylornithine Modulates Hippocampus-Dependent Function after Single and Combined Injuries

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    Exposure to uncontrolled irradiation in a radiologic terrorism scenario, a natural disaster or a nuclear battlefield, will likely be concomitantly superimposed on other types of injury, such as trauma. In the central nervous system, radiation combined injury (RCI) involving irradiation and traumatic brain injury may have a multifaceted character. This may entail cellular and molecular changes that are associated with cognitive performance, including changes in neurogenesis and the expression of the plasticity-related immediate early gene Arc. Because traumatic stimuli initiate a characteristic early increase in polyamine metabolism, we hypothesized that treatment with the polyamine inhibitor alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) would reduce the adverse effects of single or combined injury on hippocampus structure and function. Hippocampal dependent cognitive impairments were quantified with the Morris water maze and showed that DFMO effectively reversed cognitive impairments after all injuries, particularly traumatic brain injury. Similar results were seen with respect to the expression of Arc protein, but not neurogenesis. Given that polyamines have been found to modulate inflammatory responses in the brain we also assessed the numbers of total and newly born activated microglia, and found reduced numbers of newly born cells. While the mechanisms responsible for the improvement in cognition after DFMO treatment are not yet clear, the present study provides new and compelling data regarding the potential use of DFMO as a potential countermeasure against the adverse effects of single or combined injury

    Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans

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    Transport modelling of Joint European Torus (JET) dimensionless collisionality scaling experiments in various operational scenarios is presented. Interpretative simulations at a fixed radial position are combined with predictive JETTO simulations of temperatures and densities, using the TGLF transport model. The model includes electromagnetic effects and collisions as well as □(→┬E ) X □(→┬B ) shear in Miller geometry. Focus is on particle transport and the role of the neutral beam injection (NBI) particle source for the density peaking. The experimental 3-point collisionality scans include L-mode, and H-mode (D and H and higher beta D plasma) plasmas in a total of 12 discharges. Experimental results presented in (Tala et al 2017 44th EPS Conf.) indicate that for the H-mode scans, the NBI particle source plays an important role for the density peaking, whereas for the L-mode scan, the influence of the particle source is small. In general, both the interpretative and predictive transport simulations support the experimental conclusions on the role of the NBI particle source for the 12 JET discharges

    Propagación de pulsos en fibras ópticas con ceros de no linealidad

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    Los efectos ópticos no lineales tienen lugar a partir de la interacción entre un campo electromagnético intenso y un medio dieléctrico y son responsables de fenómenos de interés como la aparición de nuevas frecuencias, la generación de suma y diferencia de frecuencias y el ensanchamiento espectral, entre otros. En medios no centrosimétricos, como las fibras ópticas, estos efectos se manifiestan a través de la susceptibilidad de 3er orden. Esta tesis aborda el estudio de efectos lineales y no lineales, como la dispersión cromática, el efecto Kerróptico (responsable de la automodulación de fase y la modulación de fase cruzada), el scattering de Raman estimulado y el self-steepening, para el análisis de la dinámica de pulsos en medios ópticos no lineales, particularmente aquellos que presentan un perfil de no linealidad arbitrario. Se estudió la dinámica de propagación de solitones, los cuales son pulsos que resultan de la combinación de efectos lineales y no lineales y cuya forma y espectro permanecen inalterados durante la propagación, y también de ondas dispersivas que surgen de la perturbación de los solitones. En general, en la bibliografía, la propagación no lineal en fibras ópticas se modela a través de la ecuación no lineal de Schrodinger (NLSE) y de la ecuación no lineal de Schrodinger generalizada (GNLSE). Sin embargo, dado que ha sido demostrado que estas ecuaciones no conservan el n´umero de fotones para medios con perfiles no lineales con una dependencia arbitraria con la frecuencia, se utilizan las recientemente introducidas photon-conserving NLSE (pcNLSE) y su versión generalizada (pcGNLSE) para modelar la dinámica de pulsos y su interacción en medios que exhiben un cero de no linealidad. En este trabajo, además, se utilizan analogías temporales de la óptica geométrica y su extensión a medios no lineales para el estudio de la interacción de un pulso débil (signal) con un pulso intenso (pump). Este último actúa como barrera temporal mediante la modificación local del índice de refracción, lo que permite la reflexión o transmisión del signal, incluso siendo posible que este experimente la reflexión total interna. A partir de estas analogías se introdujeron los conceptos de cavidad y láser temporales, con aplicaciones a la medición distribuida de parámetros de la fibra. Asimismo, considerando las nuevas guías de onda con perfiles de no linealidad arbitrarios, en particular aquellas que exhiben un cero de no linealidad, se estudió la dinámica de propagación de los solitones y las ondas dispersivas. Se observó la influencia del cero de no linealidad comparando los resultados obtenidos utilizando la GNLSE y la pcGNLSE. Finalmente, se utilizan las analogías temporales para introducir un nuevo modelo analítico que permite describir la interacción pump-signal en medios con un cero de no linealidad, y se exploran aplicaciones de conmutación puramente óptica

    Gas-phase acylation reactions. Acetylation of phenols by radiolytic acetylium (CH3CO+) ions

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    The gas-phase acetylation of representative phenols by CH3CO+ ions from the γ-radiolysis of CH3F/CO mixts. has been investigated in the pressure range from 380 to 760 Torr, and in the presence of a gaseous base (NH3). At the higher system pressures, the competition between the n-type and the π-type nucleophilic centers of the ambident substrates is kinetically controlled and biased in favor of O-acetylation, as demonstrated by the predominant (from ∼80 to ∼97%) formation of aryl acetates with respect to the isomeric hydroxyacetophenones. The isomeric compn. of the ring-acetylated products reflects the electrophilic character and the remarkable positional selectivity of the CH3CO+ ion, which yields predominantly o- and p-hydroxyacetophenones, in proportions depending on the total pressure and on the presence of NH3. In fact, O- as well as o-acetylated substrates, are more stable than the other isomeric ionic intermediates, as indicated by their increased yields at the lowest total pressure used (380 Torr), under conditions of increased thermodn. control of products. The results of competition expts., carried out in the presence of mesitylene as the ref. substrate, allow detn. of a gas-phase acetylation reactivity scale from p-xylene to 2,6-xylenol, this scale is characterized by values ranging over 3 orders of magnitude. Comparison of the gas-phase acetylation of CH3CO+ ions with related reactions occurring in soln. reveals no basic mechanistic differences, the gas-phase reactivity and selectivity of free acetylium ions displaying significant analogies with those of acetylating reactants generated in low-polarity media by the action of poorly co-ordinating Friedel-Crafts catalysts on suitable precursors