643 research outputs found

    Noncommutative integrability and recursion operators

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    Geometric structures underlying commutative and non commutative integrable dynamics are analyzed. They lead to a new characterization of noncommutative integrability in terms of spectral properties and of Nijenhuis torsion of an invariant (1,1) tensor field. The construction of compatible symplectic structures is also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Vacuum Einstein metrics with bidimensional Killing leaves. I-Local aspects

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    The solutions of vacuum Einstein's field equations, for the class of Riemannian metrics admitting a non Abelian bidimensional Lie algebra of Killing fields, are explicitly described. They are parametrized either by solutions of a transcendental equation (the tortoise equation), or by solutions of a linear second order differential equation in two independent variables. Metrics, corresponding to solutions of the tortoise equation, are characterized as those that admit a 3-dimensional Lie algebra of Killing fields with bidimensional leaves.Comment: LateX file, 33 pages, 2 figure

    The gravity of light

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    A solution of the old problem raised by Tolman, Ehrenfest, Podolsky and Wheeler, concerning the lack of attraction of two light pencils "moving parallel", is proposed, considering that the light can be source of nonlinear gravitational waves corresponding (in the would be quantum theory of gravity) to spin-1 massless particles.Comment: Style is changed in standard latex, abstract has been reduced and the order of sections has been change

    Alternative Canonical Formalism for the Wess-Zumino-Witten Model

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    We study a canonical quantization of the Wess--Zumino--Witten (WZW) model which depends on two integer parameters rather than one. The usual theory can be obtained as a contraction, in which our two parameters go to infinity keeping the difference fixed. The quantum theory is equivalent to a generalized Thirring model, with left and right handed fermions transforming under different representations of the symmetry group. We also point out that the classical WZW model with a compact target space has a canonical formalism in which the current algebra is an affine Lie algebra of non--compact type. Also, there are some non--unitary quantizations of the WZW model in which there is invariance only under half the conformal algebra (one copy of the Virasoro algebra).Comment: 22 pages; UR-133

    Inflationary Cosmology from Noncommutative Geometry

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    In the framework of the Connes-Lott model based on noncommutative geometry, the basic features of a gauge theory in the presence of gravity are reviewed, in order to show the possible physical relevance of this scheme for inflationary cosmology. These models naturally contain at least two scalar fields, interacting with each other whenever more than one fermion generation is assumed. In this paper we propose to investigate the behaviour of these two fields (one of which represents the distance between the copies of a two-sheeted space-time) in the early stages of the universe evolution. In particular the simplest abelian model, which preserves the main characteristics of more complicate gauge theories, is considered and the corresponding inflationary dynamics is studied. We find that a chaotic inflation is naturally favoured, leading to a field configuration in which no symmetry breaking occurs and the final distance between the two sheets of space-time is smaller the greater the number of ee-fold in each sheet.Comment: 29 pages, plain Latex, + 2 figures as uuencoded postscript files, substantially revised version to appear in the Int. Jour. Mod. Phys.

    Constraints on Unified Gauge Theories from Noncommutative Geometry

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    The Connes and Lott reformulation of the strong and electroweak model represents a promising application of noncommutative geometry. In this scheme the Higgs field naturally appears in the theory as a particular `gauge boson', connected to the discrete internal space, and its quartic potential, fixed by the model, is not vanishing only when more than one fermion generation is present. Moreover, the exact hypercharge assignments and relations among the masses of particles have been obtained. This paper analyzes the possibility of extensions of this model to larger unified gauge groups. Noncommutative geometry imposes very stringent constraints on the possible theories, and remarkably, the analysis seems to suggest that no larger gauge groups are compatible with the noncommutative structure, unless one enlarges the fermionic degrees of freedom, namely the number of particles.Comment: 18 pages, Plain LaTeX, no figure

    Spin-1 gravitational waves and their natural sources

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    Non-vacuum exact gravitational waves invariant for a non Abelian two-dimensional Lie algebra generated by two Killing fields whose commutator is of light type, are described. The polarization of these waves, already known from previous works, is related to the sources. Non vacuum exact gravitational waves admitting only one Killing field of light type are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, late

    Dynamical Aspects of Lie--Poisson Structures

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    Quantum Groups can be constructed by applying the quantization by deformation procedure to Lie groups endowed with a suitable Poisson bracket. Here we try to develop an understanding of these structures by investigating dynamical systems which are associated with this bracket. We look at SU(2)SU(2) and SU(1,1)SU(1,1), as submanifolds of a 4--dimensional phase space with constraints, and deal with two classes of problems. In the first set of examples we consider some hamiltonian systems associated with Lie-Poisson structures and we investigate the equations of the motion. In the second set of examples we consider systems which preserve the chosen bracket, but are dissipative. However in this approach, they survive the quantization procedure.Comment: 17 pages, figures not include

    Mirror Fermions in Noncommutative Geometry

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    In a recent paper we pointed out the presence of extra fermionic degrees of freedom in a chiral gauge theory based on Connes Noncommutative Geometry. Here we propose a mechanism which provides a high mass to these mirror states, so that they decouple from low energy physics.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Gravitational fields with a non Abelian bidimensional Lie algebra of symmetries

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    Vacuum gravitational fields invariant for a bidimensional non Abelian Lie algebra of Killing fields, are explicitly described. They are parameterized either by solutions of a transcendental equation (the tortoise equation) or by solutions of a linear second order differential equation on the plane. Gravitational fields determined via the tortoise equation, are invariant for a 3-dimensional Lie algebra of Killing fields with bidimensional leaves. Global gravitational fields out of local ones are also constructed.Comment: 8 pagese, latex, no figure
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