29 research outputs found


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    Outsourced data storage in cloud computing atmosphere needs huge data management and maintenance costs for that cloud servers, due to its growing demands in computing conditions.  In cloud storage servers, the customer system stores their data towards the cloud storage without acquiring a close copy.  The primary issue during this scenario should be to integrity auditing the information for security reasons on voiding data repetitions, due to the untreated huge outsourced data for that cloud servers. This paper will project and solve the issues for example voiding data repetitions and integrity auditing of understanding on cloud data storage, we offer two fundamental secure schemes to overcome the above mentioned pointed out stated issues in strongly related cloud computing atmosphere.  They are ConfCldEnv and ConfCldEnv.  The initial ConfCldEnv, will audit the integrity of clients produced data tags before uploading for the cloud, this course of action include Reduce Map cloud. Due to this plan of action, it heavily cuts lower round the computational costs of clients with the auditing and file uploading process. As well as the second ConfCldEnv  provides the designed request clients by triggers integrity auditing and secure voiding repetitions of understanding, when clients wants to secure their data before uploading data on cloud

    Clinical course of ectopic pregnancy:a tertiary centre experience

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    Background: Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is one of the causes of maternal mortality and morbidity in the first trimester. EP is still a major challenge and its incidence is on the rise due to changes in lifestyle and advances in medical practice. The early diagnosis and treatment of this condition over the past two decades has allowed a definitive medical management of unruptured ectopic pregnancies even before there were clinical symptoms in these high-risk women.Methods: It was a retrospective study of 100 cases of EP conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital, attached to Bangalore medical college, Bengaluru for a period of 3 years. The aim of the study was to study the incidence, risk factors, clinical profile and management of EP cases.Results: Incidence of EP was 1.3% of all deliveries and 5.6% of gynecological surgeries. Peak age group was between 25-30 years (37%). Most of them were multiparous (83%), 58% of the patients had identifiable risk factors. 95% had amenorrhea, followed by pain abdomen in 81%, bleeding PV in 43%. 17% presented with shock. 91% patients presented with ruptured ectopic, 9% were unruptured. Unruptured cases were treated medically using Methotrexate. Laparotomy was done for ruptured cases. Commonest site of Ectopic was ampulla (81%). Salpingectomy was done for most cases (86%). No maternal mortality observed.Conclusions: All high-risk women should be screened at the earliest with serum β-hCG and TVS. The impact on future fertility can be improved by focusing on primary prevention and early diagnosis before rupture

    Von Willebrand disease in pregnancy: a case report

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    Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a hereditary bleeding disorder that can be severe and potentially life-threatening, particularly in pregnant women during labor and subsequently during early puerperium. There is no optimal treatment or management for this disorder. Hence, all efforts aim at early diagnosis and the focus is mainly on minimising and controlling blood loss. We described the case of a woman in the post-partum period with severe VWD, admitted in the obstetrics and gynaecology ward at Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore. Prompt diagnosis, initiation of pre-partum and intra-partum Von Willebrand factor (VWF)/clotting factor replacement therapy, vigilant post-partum monitoring of blood loss and systematic follow up will help expedite recovery and prevent adverse outcomes


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    The suggested types of automatic test packet generation might find the kinds of router and can create a model that's device-independent. While automatic test packet generation approach goodies links like common rules of forwarding, its complete coverage assurances testing of every single link inside the network. Two most ordinary reasons for failures of network are hardware failures furthermore to software bugs, which issues will noticeable themselves as throughput degradation. The suggested types of automatic test packet generation will produce packets instantly for testing of performance assertions helping in recognition of errors by individually and methodically testing every forwarding entry, furthermore to packet processing rules within network. To acknowledge the failures we initiate an analogy test packet generation that creates tiniest packet trying to find testing of live lines of fundamental topology and congruence among data plane condition furthermore to specifications of configuration


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    The fast improvement of the Internet of things (IoT) era makes it feasible for connecting diverse clever gadgets together via the Internet and supplying greater records interoperability strategies for application motive. Recent studies suggest greater capacity packages of IoT in data in-depth business sectors collectively with healthcare services. However, the range of the gadgets in IoT reasons the heterogeneity problem of the information layout in IoT platform. Meanwhile, the use of IoT technology in applications has spurred the increase of real-time information, which makes the statistics garage and getting access to more tough and hard. Here in this paper, a greener machine to system verbal exchange is finished for health care data

    Diversity analysis of sesame germplasm using DIVA-GIS

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    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) was studied for its distribution and diversity in India using DIVAGIS. Grid maps were generated for diversity analysis of the eight quantitative traits viz., plant height, inter-node length, leaves per plant, number of flowers per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, seed weight and seed yield. The results indicated that diverse accessions for all these traits can be sourced from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh (partly covering Chattisgarh) states and these states are diversity rich pockets for sesame germplasm in India. &nbsp

    Diversity analysis of sesame germplasm using DIVA-GIS

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    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) was studied for its distribution and diversity in India using DIVAGIS. Grid maps were generated for diversity analysis of the eight quantitative traits viz., plant height, inter-node length, leaves per plant, number of flowers per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, seed weight and seed yield. The results indicated that diverse accessions for all these traits can be sourced from Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh (partly covering Chattisgarh) states and these states are diversity rich pockets for sesame germplasm in India. &nbsp

    A review of career devoted to biophotonics-in memoriam to Ekaterina Borisova (1978-2021)

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    Regretfully, because of her sudden demise, Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Borisova is no longer amongst us. COVID-19 pulled away a brilliant scientist during the peak of her scientific career (see Fig. 1). All authors would like to express deepest condolences and sincere support to her family, friends, relatives and colleagues! We, therefore, rightfully commemorate her dedicated and devoted contribution to biophotonics, her readiness to always support, help, motivate and inspire all her colleagues and collaborators

    Клініко-епідеміологічне дослідження дерматозів обличчя у жінок

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    The face is the most prominent part of the body. Facial blemishes and disorders directly reflect a person's physical appearance, cosmesis and self-image. They may contribute to dysmorphism and even lead to depression in susceptible individuals, especially women. Early identification and management of facial skin disorders are therefore important. The aim: To study the clinical pattern and epidemiological determinants of facial dermatoses among females above 10 years. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among female patients with facial dermatoses, with informed consent, at a rural tertiary hospital for 18 months. Results: A total of 500 patients were enrolled. The majority were in the 4th and 5th decades. Pigmentary dermatoses were highest, melasma predominating. Immunobullous dermatoses formed the smallest group. Occupation-wise, the majority were agricultural labourers. Many dermatoses, especially melasma, were related to occupation and lifestyle with photo-aggravation, cosmetics use and stress. Conclusion: This study assessed the pattern of facial dermatoses among the female clientele of this institution. Hyperpigmentary dermatoses, especially melasma, emerged as the most common dermatosis for which treatment was soughtОбличчя — найбільш помітна частина тіла. Дефекти та недоліки на обличчі безпосередньо впливають на зовнішній вигляд і самооцінку людини. Вони можуть сприяти дисморфізму і навіть призводити до депресії у вразливих людей, особливо жінок. Тому важливу роль відіграє раннє виявлення та лікування розладів шкіри обличчя. Мета: вивчити клінічну картину та епідеміологічні детермінанти дерматозів обличчя у жінок старше 10 років. Методи: перехресне дослідження проводилося серед пацієнтів жіночої статі з дерматозами обличчя за інформованої згоди в сільській лікарні третього рівня протягом 18 місяців. Результати: Всього було досліджено 500 пацієнтів. Більшість з них були віком від 40 до 50 років. Найрозповсюдженішими були пігментні дерматози, переважала мелазма. Найменшу групу захворювань склали імунобуллезні дерматози. За родом занять більшість учасниць дослідження були сільськогосподарськими робітницями. Багато дерматозів, особливо мелазма, були пов'язані з професією та способом життя, включаючи фотозагострення, використання косметики та стрес. Висновок: це дослідження оцінило характер дерматозів обличчя серед жінок-пацієнтів лікарні. Гіперпігментні дерматози, особливо мелазма, виявилися найпоширенішим дерматозом, для якого призначали лікуванн