159 research outputs found

    Tagging Scientific Publications using Wikipedia and Natural Language Processing Tools. Comparison on the ArXiv Dataset

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    In this work, we compare two simple methods of tagging scientific publications with labels reflecting their content. As a first source of labels Wikipedia is employed, second label set is constructed from the noun phrases occurring in the analyzed corpus. We examine the statistical properties and the effectiveness of both approaches on the dataset consisting of abstracts from 0.7 million of scientific documents deposited in the ArXiv preprint collection. We believe that obtained tags can be later on applied as useful document features in various machine learning tasks (document similarity, clustering, topic modelling, etc.)

    A stroop in the hand is worth two on the laptop: superior reliability of a smartphone based alcohol stroop in the real world

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    Background: Attentional bias (AB) is the tendency for substance-related stimuli to grab attention. The addiction Stroop task is widely used for measuring AB in the lab, but it has poor reliability and inconsistent predictive validity. Therefore, there is a need to improve the psychometric properties of the task. Objectives: This study contrasts the internal reliability and predictive validity of a basic (general alcohol words) and an upgraded (personalized alcohol pictures) Stroop task delivered in a neutral room on a laptop computer versus a smartphone application on participants’ homes. Methods: 120 participants recruited in 2016, completed a basic and an upgraded Stroop task. Half the participants completed the tasks on a laptop computer in a neutral university room and the remainder completed the tasks on a smartphone app in their homes. Participants also self-reported their typical alcohol consumption. Results: Acceptable internal reliability was found for both basic (α = .70) and upgraded (α = .74) Stroop tasks in the home-smartphone condition, but neither had acceptable internal reliability when administered in the neutral room-computer condition (basic α = .49; upgraded α = .58). Participants showed AB toward alcohol words, but not for beer pictures, regardless of condition. None of the indices of AB was associated with individual differences in alcohol involvement, regardless of condition. Conclusion: The internal reliability of the alcohol Stroop was acceptable when administered on smartphones, in naturalistic settings, rather than on laptop computers, in neutral university rooms

    Spectrum of skeletal disorders during the peripartum period: MRI patterns

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    Pregnancy is a normal condition in which a combination of biomechanical and hormonal changes may result in a wide spectrum of skeletal disorders. Skeletal overloading due to postural and weight changes, combined with increased ligamentous laxity stemming from the action of relaxing and the risk of pregnancy-related osteoporosis during childbearing, childbirth, and postpartum, have been associated with various pathologies. Owing to the heterogeneity of proposed contributing factors, skeletal lesions in the peripartum period may be related to different pathogenesis depending on the metabolic status of the patient and the degree of biomechanical stress; thus, a fatigue or insufficiency discrimination is not always easy to make. When combined with clinical data, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful tool in clarifying the cause of skeletal pain in the majority of patients or alerting clinicians to proceed to further investigations. Early detection and tailored treatment are important in order to avoid disease progression and long-term restriction of daily activities which may have an adverse impact on the relationship between the mother and the newborn. This pictorial essay provides an overview of the MRI characteristics and pattern of involvement of skeletal lesions presenting during the peripartum period, combined with demographic data and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) measurements

    Validation of Endogenous Control Genes for Gene Expression Studies on Human Ocular Surface Epithelium

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate a panel of ten known endogenous control genes (ECG) with quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qPCR), for identification of stably expressed endogenous control genes in the ocular surface (OS) epithelial regions including cornea, limbus, limbal epithelial crypt and conjunctiva to normalise the quantitative reverse transcription PCR data of genes of interest expressed in above-mentioned regions. METHOD: The lasermicrodissected (LMD) OS epithelial regions of cryosectioned corneoscleral buttons from the cadaver eyes were processed for RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis to detect genes of interest with qPCR. Gene expression of 10 known ECG--glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), beta actin (ACTB), peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIA), TATA-box binding protein (TBP1), hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT1), beta glucuronidase (GUSB), Eucaryotic 18S ribosomal RNA (18S), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK1), beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), ribosomal protein, large, P0 (RPLP0)--was measured in the OS epithelial regions by qPCR method and the data collected was further analysed using geNorm software. RESULTS: The expression stability of ecgs in the os epithelial regions in increasing order as determined with genorm software is as follows: ACTB<18S<TBP<B2M<PGK1<HPRT1<GUSB<GAPDH<PPIA-RPLP0. In this study, geNorm analysis has shown the following ECGs pairs to be most stably expressed in individual OS epithelial regions: HPRT1-TBP in cornea, GUSB-PPIA in limbus, B2M-PPIA and RPLP0-TBP in LEC and conjunctiva respectively. However, across the entire ocular surface including all the regions mentioned above, PPIA-RPLP0 pair was shown to be most stable. CONCLUSION: This study has identified stably expressed ECGs on the OS epithelial regions for effective qPCR results in genes of interest. The results from this study are broadly applicable to quantitative reverse transcription PCR studies on human OS epithelium and provide evidence for the use of PPIA-RPLP0 ECGs pair in quantitative reverse transcription PCR across the OS epithelium
