6 research outputs found

    Revitalised Heritage of the Former Congress Poland Textile Industry as a Supra-Regional Potential

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    The aim of the paper is to present cultural heritage of the textile industry, crucial for the past development of central parts of Poland, which could be an important value for supra-regional identity and potential. The analysis based on the case studies of three historical post-industrial complexes includes data examination and study walks. The chosen complexes are situated in Zgierz, Łódź and Żyrardów, i.e. towns that have been subject to consistent and long-term urban regeneration processes done in the spirit of sustainable development and multifunctional exploitation. The conducted analysis proves that the historical and cultural values of these complexes are of supra-regional nature and that their accessibility as well as existing service infrastructure and highlights make them attractive not only locally. The article leads to the conclusion that in order to use their potential to the fullest, there is a need of a common action on the regional level, such as the creation of a cultural route

    Metody zrównoważonego zarządzania przestrzenią w procesach rewitalizacji – analiza porównawcza narzędzi urbanistyki operacyjnej stosowanych w praktyce polskich miast

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    The paper attempts to analyse the instruments of urban operating tools used for spatial management in the urban regeneration processes. A comparative analysis of planning documents prepared for the implementation of revitalisation policy, i.e. spatial development concepts and Local Revitalisation Plans, was carried out. These instruments were juxtaposed with master plans, commonly used in the revitalisation practice by German cities but by some Polish cities as well. The article presents mechanisms of the impact of urban operating tools on the scope and nature of the urban regeneration processes. The scale of the impact understood as the pace of the implementation of the sustainable development goals in degraded urban areas was also assessed.Artykuł podejmuje próbę analizy instrumentów urbanistyki operacyjnej stosowanych do zarządzania przestrzenią w procesach rewitalizacji prowadzonych na terenach miejskich. Analizie porównawczej poddano dokumenty planistyczne opracowywane na potrzeby wdrażania polityki rewitalizacyjnej: koncepcje urbanistyczne oraz miejscowe plany rewitalizacji. Instrumenty te zestawiono z master planami, wykorzystywanymi powszechnie w praktyce rewitalizacyjnej miast niemieckich, a także w doświadczeniach miast polskich. W artykule został przedstawiony mechanizm wpływu narzędzi urbanistyki operacyjnej na zakres i charakter procesu rewitalizacji. Ocenie została poddana skala tego wpływu, z punktu widzenia tempa realizacji celów zrównoważonego rozwoju na miejskich obszarach zdegradowanych

    Proces rewitalizacji na wiejskim obszarze zdegradowanym gospodarczo i społecznie. Studium przypadku gminy Wierzbica

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    The article presents a research of a regeneration process launched in a rural area deprived of local traditions. After the collapse of industry, the former workers' housing estate in the village of Wierzbica began to degrade. The degradation process included the breakdown of social ties and the collapse of tradition. The authors of the regeneration programme faced the challenge of rebuilding a collective identity of the inhabitants. The direction of renewal of the housing estate developed with its inhabitants focused on issues related to the improvement of land development, technical condition of the development and technical infrastructure, and the development of a new social program for the residents of the housing estate.W artykule zaprezentowano badania związane z planowaniem rewitalizacji na obszarach wiejskich, pozbawionych lokalnych tradycji. Wraz z upadkiem przemysłu, dawne osiedle robotnicze we wsi Wierzbica zaczęło ulegać degradacji. Nastąpił rozpad więzi społecznych oraz upadek tradycji. Twórcy programu rewitalizacji stanęli przed wyzwaniem zbudowania na nowo tożsamości zbiorowej mieszkańców. Kierunek odnowy osiedla robotniczego wypracowany z jego mieszkańcami skupił się nie tylko na zagadnieniach związanych z poprawą zagospodarowania terenu, czy też stanu technicznego zabudowy i infrastruktury technicznej, ale przede wszystkim na opracowaniu nowego programu społecznego

    Analysis of post-industrial sites in functional urban areas. The capital city of Warsaw, Płock, Radom and Pionki cases

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    The article presents results of the analysis regarding industrial zones of three Functional Urban Areas (FUA) – Warsaw, Płock and Radom with Pionki. The research was based on available source material: planning, strategic and operational documents, specialist studies and reports, and statistical data. The study included the assessment of the state of environment, socioeconomic status, infrastructure development and a legal and ownership context of brownfields. The structure of the article corresponds to the content of the report, i.e. presents the location of the post-industrial areas and their significance for the FUAs, results of social and economic analysis, a planning context for undertaken and planned actions, finally, major conclusions of the analysis

    Space for dialogue : practical handbook about how to lead public participation in spatial planning

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    Public participation means involvement of individuals, groups and local communities in public decision making. In the last few years an evolution of understanding the public participation in city management can be noticeable in Polish cities. The handbook tries to answer the question of how to lead public participation in spatial planning, with the focus on the contribution that citizens bring to the process. The aim is to provide practical knowledge about public participation in spatial planning (at the local government level), including good practices in this eld. The handbook consists of ten chapters. The rst three chapters gives an introduction to the theory of public participation in spatial planning. Fourth of them describes the de nition of public participation in spatial planning. The fth chapter shows forms of participation in current law conditions of Polish spatial-planning system. Sixth chapter deals with all the questions and doubts about process of public participation in spatial planning: its actors, advantages, limitations and problems. As a consequence, chapter sixth shows the principles and practical hints on social consultations organization. Next chapter describes the new forms of methods and tools of participation. Eighth chapter refers to main principles and examples of good practices in new participatory approach in Poland. Ninth chapter traces the results and evaluation of three processes of spatial planning regarding public participation (examples from Gorzów Wielkopolski, Trzebinia and Poznań) with a focus on SWOT analysis. The last chapter deals with a number of recommendations on how to strengthen the existing framework of local authorities cooperation in the eld of public participation in spatial planning