21 research outputs found


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    The design of the sensor unit based on miniature electrochemical electrodes was devel-oped and investigated. Experimental studies of the effect of load on the functional state of the subjects were carried out, which were interpreted using the projection method for analyzing correlated data.Исследование выполнено в рамках Государственного задания № 075-01073-20-00

    Experimentally Guided Computational Model Discovers Important Elements for Social Behavior in Myxobacteria

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    Identifying essential factors in cellular interactions and organized movement of cells is important in predicting behavioral phenotypes exhibited by many bacterial cells. We chose to study Myxococcus xanthus, a soil bacterium whose individual cell behavior changes while in groups, leading to spontaneous formation of aggregation center during the early stage of fruiting body development. In this paper, we develop a cell-based computational model that solely relies on experimentally determined parameters to investigate minimal elements required to produce the observed social behaviors in M. xanthus. The model verifies previously known essential parameters and identifies one novel parameter, the active turning, which we define as the ability and tendency of a cell to turn to a certain angle without the presence of any obvious external factors. The simulation is able to produce both gliding pattern and spontaneous aggregation center formation as observed in experiments. The model is tested against several known M. xanthus mutants and our modification of parameter values relevant for the individual mutants produces good phenotypic agreements. This outcome indicates the strong predictive potential of our model for the social behaviors of uncharacterized mutants and their expected phenotypes during development

    Designing an automatic pollen monitoring network for direct usage of observations to reconstruct the concentration fields

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    We consider several approaches to a design of a regional-to-continent-scale automatic pollen monitoring network in Europe. Practical challenges related to the arrangement of such a network limit the range of possible solutions. A hierarchical network is discussed, highlighting the necessity of a few reference sites that follow an extended observations protocol and have corresponding capabilities. Several theoretically rigorous approaches to a network design have been developed so far. However, before starting the process, a network purpose, a criterion of its performance, and a concept of the data usage should be formalized. For atmospheric composition monitoring, developments follow one of the two concepts: a network for direct representation of concentration fields and a network for model-based data assimilation, inverse problem solution, and forecasting. The current paper demonstrates the first approach, whereas the inverse problems are considered in a follow-up paper. We discuss the approaches for the network design from theoretical and practical standpoints, formulate criteria for the network optimality, and consider practical constraints for an automatic pollen network. An application of the methodology is demonstrated for a prominent example of Germany's pollen monitoring network. The multi-step method includes (i) the network representativeness and (ii) redundancy evaluation followed by (iii) fidelity evaluation and improvement using synthetic data

    Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview

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    Pollen monitoring has traditionally been carried out using manual methods frst developed in the early 1950s. Although this technique has been recently standardised, it sufers from several drawbacks, notably data usually only being available with a delay of 3–9 days and usually delivered at a daily resolution. Several automatic instruments have come on to the market over the past few years, with more new devices also under development. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of all available and developing automatic instruments, how they measure, how they identify airborne pollen, what impacts measurement quality, as well as what potential there is for further advancement in the feld of bioaerosol monitoring.</p

    Abstracts of presentations on selected topics at the XIVth international plant protection congress (IPPC) July 25-30, 1999

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    Dyadisches Coping Inventar (DCI): Ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung des partnerschaftlichen Umgangs mit Stress

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    Stress und Stressbewältigung werden innerhalb von Partnerschaften zunehmend als dyadische Phänomene begriffen. Um dieser Sichtweise diagnostisch Rechnung zu tragen, wird das Dyadische Coping Inventar (DCI) zur Erfassung des partner-schaftlichen Umgangs mit Stress vorgestellt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Weiter-entwicklung des Fragebogens zum dyadischen Coping (FDCT-N, Bodenmann 2000). Die faktorielle und psychometrische Überprüfung erfolgte an insgesamt N = 2399 Personen. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für die Testgüte des Instruments. Die theoretisch postulierte Faktorenstruktur konnte durch Faktorenanalysen empirische Evidenz finden. Die internen Konsistenzen fielen insgesamt gut aus, die Test-Retest-Korrelationen lagen erwartungsgemäß im mittleren Bereich. Die Konstruktvalidität war ebenfalls gut, die kriterienbezogene Validität befriedigend. Weiterhin werden Cut-Off-Werte präsentiert, die erlauben, Paare nach der Güte des dyadischen Copings einzuteilen. Das DCI eignet sich gleichermaßen für klinische Fragestellungen (z.B. Interventions-forschung), Partnerschaftsdiagnostik und Therapieevaluation sowie für entwicklungs- oder gesundheitspsychologische Fragestellungen

    Corporate Fight against the COVID-19 Risks Based on Technologies of Industry 4.0 as a New Direction of Social Responsibility

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    The purpose of the article: to find new (most effective) directions for the corporate COVID-19 risks management and developing management implications for leading this fight amid the pandemic and crisis for sustainable development. The methods of correlation and regression analysis are used. It is proved that the most perspective method of the corporate fight against the COVID-19 risks is a flexible transformation of business according to the new conditions based on the Industry 4.0 technologies. This paper further develops and supplements the concept of corporate social responsibility, including a new direction—corporate fight against the COVID-19 risks in it. The authors develop management implications on improving the corporate fight against the COVID-19 risks as a new direction of corporate social responsibility amid the pandemic. The advantages of using the Industry 4.0 technologies for the corporate fight against the viral threat include reduction of the share of the population with household expenditures for healthcare above 25% of total expenditures or incomes, reduction of the number of new cases per 1 million people, and an increase of the self-isolation index, the share of responsible employers amid COVID-19 risks

    A three-dimensional model of myxobacterial fruiting-body formation

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    Myxobacterial cells are social; they swarm by gliding on surfaces as they feed cooperatively. When they sense starvation, tens of thousands of cells change their movement pattern from outward spreading to inward concentration and form aggregates that become fruiting bodies. Cells inside fruiting bodies differentiate into round, nonmotile, environmentally resistant spores. Traditionally, cell aggregation has been considered to imply chemotaxis, a long-range cell interaction that shares many features of chemical reaction–diffusion dynamics. The biological evidence, however, suggests that Myxococcus xanthus aggregation is the consequence of direct cell-contact interactions that are different from chemotaxis. To test whether local interactions suffice to explain the formation of fruiting bodies and the differentiation of spores within them, we have simulated the process. In this article, we present a unified 3D model that reproduces in one continuous simulation all the stages of fruiting-body formation that have been experimentally observed: nonsymmetric initial aggregates (traffic jams), streams, formation of toroidal aggregates, hemispherical 3D mounds, and finally sporulation within the fruiting body