61 research outputs found

    Towards an affect sensitive interactive companion

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    Automatic image enhancement using intrinsic geometrical information

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    Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Facial Feature Distances

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    Illumination robust face representation based on intrinsic geometrical information

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    collaboration: keywords: Illumination robust face representation; intrinsic geometrical information; naturalistic human-robot interaction system; human-computer interaction system; binary non-subsampled contourlet transform; B-NSCT; multidirectional contour information; multiscale contour information; facial texture; CMU PIE databases; Yale B databasescollaboration: keywords: Illumination robust face representation; intrinsic geometrical information; naturalistic human-robot interaction system; human-computer interaction system; binary non-subsampled contourlet transform; B-NSCT; multidirectional contour information; multiscale contour information; facial texture; CMU PIE databases; Yale B databasescollaboration: keywords: Illumination robust face representation; intrinsic geometrical information; naturalistic human-robot interaction system; human-computer interaction system; binary non-subsampled contourlet transform; B-NSCT; multidirectional contour information; multiscale contour information; facial texture; CMU PIE databases; Yale B databasescollaboration: keywords: Illumination robust face representation; intrinsic geometrical information; naturalistic human-robot interaction system; human-computer interaction system; binary non-subsampled contourlet transform; B-NSCT; multidirectional contour information; multiscale contour information; facial texture; CMU PIE databases; Yale B databasescollaboration: keywords: Illumination robust face representation; intrinsic geometrical information; naturalistic human-robot interaction system; human-computer interaction system; binary non-subsampled contourlet transform; B-NSCT; multidirectional contour information; multiscale contour information; facial texture; CMU PIE databases; Yale B database

    Sonlu elemanlar metodu ile NR/SBR tipi elostomer easlı malzemelerin davranış modellerinin belirlenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Kauçuk malzemeler, endüstride her geçen gün kullanım alanları çoğalan mühendislik malzemeleridir. Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi gibi bilgisayar destekli tasarıma yönelik sayısal yöntemler günümüzde mühendislik uygulamalarının vazgeçilmez araçlarındandır. Bu yöntemlerin yapının davranışını modellemedeki başarıları, diğer etkenler yanında, modele girilen verilerin gerçeği ne ölçüde doğru bir şekilde yansıttıklarına bağlıdır. Bu sebeple kauçuk türü malzemelerin mekanik davranışı deneysel olarak belirlenerek matematiksel modeli kurulmalı ve bu matematiksel model içerisindeki veriler doğru olarak belirlenmelidir. Kauçuk türü malzemelerin mekanik davranışlarının modellenmesinde, katkı maddeleri ve üretim yöntemlerine bağlı olarak fiziksel özelliklerindeki çeşitlilik yanında, inelastik özellikler sergilemeleri, kauçuk türü malzemelerin mekanik davranışını modellemek yada doğruluğunu test etmek için birden fazla çeşitli deneyler yapılması, kauçuğun bazı mekanik özelliklerinin zamanla değişmesi yani viskoelastik bir malzeme olması gerçekçi modelin kurulmasında sorun kaynağıdır.Bu çalışmadaki en önemli amaç, az sayıda deneysel veri ile (daha az enerji, maliyet ve zaman) gerçekçi bir modelin kurulmasıdır. Ayrıca sonuçlanmış doktora çalışmasında ayakkabı tabanlarında kullanılmış bu malzemelerin, farklı alanlarda kullanılabilmesi için malzeme karakteristiğinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada, içinde dolgu malzemesi olarak değişik miktarlarda (250g.-500g.-750g.-1000g.) cam küre, mika tozu, wollastonit kullanılan NR/SBR malzemelerinin, sonlu eleman yönteminin söz konusu olan özellikleri dikkate alınarak bu yöntemle çözüm yapan Abaqus 6.7.1 yazılım programının kullanılmasıyla, malzeme davranış modelleri belirlenmiştir.Deneysel çalışma iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci aşamada, NR/SBR malzemesinden kesilen papyon şeklindeki çekme numunelerinin çekme deneyleri yapılmıştır. Deney sonucunda elde edilen veriler ile sonlu elemanlar programında malzemenin tanımlanması için gerekli olan değerler hesaplanmıştır. Abaqus programında çekme numuneleri birebir modellenerek, çekme deneyinden elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda tanımlanan malzeme modele atanmış, Abaqus'ün malzeme değerlendirme kısmında malzeme özellikleri test edilerek uygun malzeme modeli olarak Marlow seçilmiştir. Model seçiminden sonra numune analiz edilmiş, elde edilen test ve analiz verileri grafiklere dönüştürülüp sonuçlar kısmında karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta, Cam küre (CK) dolgulu malzemelerde analiz sonucunda hata paylarının yaklaşık % 0,25 ? 0,5, Mika tozu (MT) için yaklaşık % 0,01 ? 0,5, Wollastonit (W) için ise yaklaşık %0,2 ? 0,44 arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Rubbers are important engineering materials being used in industries for a long time. Their usage is increasing more and more in everyday. Similarly, Numerical methods such as Finite Element Method is inevitable tool being used in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing.The main aim of this research is to establish a realistic FE model with uniaxial data and determine the characteristic of special elastomer materials used in a PhD. Dissertation and to show that these materials can be used in different application areas.In this research, material behavior of NR/SBR materials with different filler materials (in the amount of 250g, 500g, 750g) such as glass sphere, mica powder , wollastonite was determined by using Abaqus 6.7.1.The experimental work was performed in two stages. In the first stage, test parts were made of NR/SBR materials were produced and all uniaxial tension tests were conducted properly. Data from experimental results were transferred to Abaqus CAE. All mathematical models were tested in Abaqus to determine the appropriate one. As a result, Morlow form was found to be the ideal mathematical material model with related coefficients.Finally, experimental and FE results were compared and it is found that there are %0,25-0,5 error for the elastomer material with glass sphere fillers, %0,01-0,5 error with mica powder fillers, 0,2-0,44 for wollastonit fillers

    Historic water mills of northern Cyprus and proposals for their preservation and re-use

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    Su insan yaşamının önemli gereksinmelerinden biridir. Uzun ve kurak yazlar nedeniyle su sıkıntısı çeken bir ada olmasına karşın, Kıbrıs’ta su gücü 1200-1950 yılları arasında tahılların öğütülmesinde ana enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılmıştır. Kıbrıs’ta su ile ilgili sistemlerin ilk olarak Roma döneminde kurulduğu bilinmektedir. Bizans ve Lüzinyan dönemlerinde bu sistemlerin sayısı artmış, ancak yeterli olmamıştır. Osmanlı döneminin daha ilk yıllarında vakıf kapsamında birçok su yolu, su kemeri ve değirmenleri yapılmıştır. Kırsal alanda yapılan incelemelerde endüstri arkeolojisi kapsamında incelenmesi gereken çok sayıda buğday öğüten su değirmeni tespit edilmiştir. Kıbrıs’ın tarihinin ve kırsal peyzajının bir parçası olan su değirmenlerinin gelecek kuşaklara aktarılabilmeleri, yapıları uygun bir işlevle kırsal yaşama kazandırmanın yanı sıra, özgün kimliklerini de korumaya bağlıdır. Çoğu harap durumda günümüze ulaşan su değirmenleri, yörede son yıllarda suyun azalması ve gelişen endüstrileşmeyle yarışamayarak terkedilmişlerdir. Bu nedenle tespit edilen onsekiz su değirmeni ve yirmi kadar kalıntı mimari, tarihi ve teknolojik miras olarak koruma altına alınmayı beklemektedir. Ege ve Akdeniz çevresindeki ülkelerde su gücü ile çalışan değirmenler ayrıntılı olarak incelenmeye başladığı halde, Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta bu yönde bir çalışma bugüne dek yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışma, teknoloji tarihinin ve kırsal peyzajın önemli bir bileşeni olan su değirmenlerinin korunması için gerekli yasal temelin oluşturulmasını ve yeniden kullanım olasılıklarını irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki değirmenlerin coğrafi dağılımı, özellikleri ve bugünkü durumları ve yeniden kullanımlarıyla ilgili öneriler tablolar halinde sunulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Su değirmeni, Kıbrıs, endüstri arkeolojisi, yerel mimari.Water is one of the important requirements of life. In Cyprus, water was used as the main energy source for grinding grains between the years 1200-1950 in spite of long and dry summers. The first water conveyance systems in Cyprus were erected under Roman rule. During the Byzantine and Eleusinian periods, the number of such structures increased. Under Ottoman rule, various water conduits, aqueducts and mills were built as part of charitable foundations. During a survey of historic rural settlements in Cyprus remains of several neglected water mills was noted. This lead to a detailed study of old maps and more mills were spotted. Unfortunately, these traditional structures were deserted and without maintenance. The decrease of water in the recent years and the developments in technology lead to their abandonment. The mills need to be studied and preserved within the context of the industrial heritage of the island. As an important component of the rural landscape, they should be preserved with their original features and potentialities for their reuse should be investigated. Except one, the water mills from the pre-industrial period are examples of the old turbine type. According to Landels, the earliest example of this type of mill was built near Neocaeserea (modern Niksar) during the 1st century B.C.  The mills in Cyprus were constructed using local technology and know-how. The construction of numerous mills and water conveyance systems by the Ottomans show the importance of water and its use as source of energy during their rule in Cyprus. Mills played an important role in the daily life of the rural people. They were rented and the income was used to run charitable institutions established by the Ottomans. As a result of the recent field survey, eighteen water mills were listed as worthy of being protected as part of the island's architectural, historical, technological heritage. The water mills in Cyprus have common features with the ones erected around the Mediterranean between the 18th -20th centuries. The majority of extant mills in Cyprus is from the Ottoman period and belongs to sultans' foundations. Unfortunately, no detailed studies were made on the mills in Northern Cyprus. The preservation of this important heritage and its transfer to the future generations demands research and funding for preservation. In order to achieve this goal, it was suggested to the Ministry of Tourism to initiate a project called "The Historic Water Mills and the Use of Water Power in Cyprus". The aim of this research is twofold; to document the water mills that are part of the technological history and rural landscape of Cyprus and to develop preservation and re-use proposals for them. With the help of historic documents, archives, a list of water mills that were built in Northern Cyprusduring the Ottoman period was compiled.  The second step was the preparation of an inventory of the extant water mills. Eighteen mills were studied and recorded by 1/100 scale drawings. Conservation problems of the mills were noted; re-use proposals were developed according to the needs of the nearby settlements. Projects to conserve the old mills in other Mediterranean countries were investigated. At the moment none of the watermills are in use.  It might be possible to improve the situation, with the support of the government. A project which aims to reuse the mills within the context of cultural tourism, assigning new functions to the industrial heritage and displaying the original technical equipment was proposed. New visitor routes including watermills and aqueducts were defined. The itinerary of "Historic Water Mills" is expected to contribute to the increase of interest and thus support the efforts for the preservation of the significant structures in Northern Cyprus. The new itinerary may be linked to "ERIH"'s "industrial heritage itinerary.  The reuse of the mills might lead to the rehabilitation of rural settlements; thus improving the scene for the better. The project will be integrated to the cultural tourism projects of the European Commission. With the documentation acquired by this research, it is possible to go forward to develop the legal basis for the conservation of industrial heritage of Northern Cyprus. After scheduling, it might be possible to work on the chances for the conservation of the mills. The result of the survey conducted during the research, the data sheets containing information about the geographical distribution, architectural features, physical conditions and re-use proposals for the water mills in North Cyprus is presented in order to start the discussion. Keywords: Water mill, Cyprus, Industrial heritage, vernacular architecture

    Liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente en las instituciones educativas del nivel secundaria de Rio Negro, Junín, 2021

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    Teniendo presente que en la actualidad el liderazgo directivo es muy importante dentro de la gestión educativa a fin de mejorar el desempeño docente, se ha realizado la investigación en donde se tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo directivo y el desempeño docente en las instituciones educativas del nivel secundario del distrito de Rio Negro, Junín 2021, asentado en un enfoque cuantitativo con nivel correlacional, y para ello se formalizó con el diseño no experimental de coste transversal. Para tal se utilizó como instrumento la encuesta validados por expertos, cuya confiabilidad en Alfa de Cronbach resultó 0,928, estuvo conformada por 80 colaboradores como muestra de estudio de las instituciones educativas en mención. Se logró determinar, un nivel de correlación positiva alta (Rho 0,831 y p valor 0,000). Entonces este nivel alto supone, a mayor liderazgo directivo existe mayor desempeño docente. y a menor liderazgo directivo existe menor desempeño docente

    From Personalised Predictions to Targeted Advice: Improving Self-Management in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease, that can lead to joint damage but also affects quality of life (QoL) including aspects such as self-esteem, fatigue, and mood. Current medical management focuses on the fluctuating disease activity to prevent progressive disability, but practical constraints mean periodic clinic appointments give little attention to the patient's experience of managing the wider consequences of chronic illness. The main aim of this study is to explore how to use patient-derived data both for clinical decision-making and for personalisation, with the first steps towards a platform for tailoring self-management advice to patients' lifestyle changes. As a result, we proposed a Bayesian network model for personalisation and have obtained promising outcomes

    Percutaneous Needle Decompression during Laparoscopic Gastric Surgery: A Simple Alternative to Nasogastric Decompression

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    Laparoscopic gastric surgeries are routinely performed with use of a nasogastric tube to decompress the upper gastrointestinal tract. A distended upper gastrointestinal tract can complicate successful laparoscopic gastric surgery as the distention compromises not only the visual field but also the laparoscopic manipulation of the stomach. Since nasogastric intubation is not without risks, we have attempted laparoscopic-assisted gastric cancer surgeries without nasogastric tubes. In this article we describe a simple method of aspirating gastric contents using a 9 cm long 19-gauge needle inserted percutaneously during laparoscopic-assisted gastrectomy. First, a 9 cm long 19-gauge disposable needle was introduced through the abdominal wall. This needle was then introduced to the stomach through the anterior wall and the stomach gases and fluids were aspirated by connecting the needle to suction. Thus, a collapsed upper gastrointestinal tract was easily obtained. We performed this procedure instead of nasogastric decompression on twenty-two patients with gastric cancer who underwent laparoscopic-assisted distal subtotal gastrectomy with lymph node dissection. The results were good with only one patient experiencing wound infection (4.5%) and one patient with postoperative acalculus cholecystitis (4.5%). There were no patients with either intraabdominal infection or anastomotic leakage and none of the patients needed postoperative nasogastric decompression, except the patient who experienced acaculus cholecystitis. Percutaneous needle aspiration is a very simple and efficient technique with little risk of postoperative complications. It can be used as an alternative to nasogastric tube decompression of the gastrointestinal tract for laparoscopic-assisted gastrectomy

    Attitudes to technology supported rheumatoid arthritis care: investigating patient and clinician perceived opportunities and barriers

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    Globally, demand outstrips capacity in rheumatology services, making Mobile Health (mHealth) attractive, with the potential to improve access, empower patient self-management and save costs. Existing mHealth interventions have poor uptake by end-users. This study was designed to understand existing challenges, and opportunities and barriers for computer technology in the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) care pathway