24 research outputs found

    The Dilemma of Old, Urban Neighborhoods

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    In his recounting of the suburban migration from America\u27s cities, journalist and broadcaster Ray Suarez laments the loss of the old neighborhood . He extols its virtues while explaining its decline. Suarez\u27s nostalgic examples recall the virtues of the extended family kinship, neighborliness, and other features of the urban village. These are often associated with those urban neighborhoods populated by recent immigratns. These urban villages were thought to have peaked in the decades between the American Civil War and the onset of the First World War, when many U.S. cities industrialized and grew very rapidly. However, a continuing movement of migrants from the southern United States, Puerto RIco, and during the past few decades from around the globe has meant the survival of the urban village in many cities. Like their earlier predecessors, these neighborhoods are often characterized by high rates of poverty and substandard social conditions. In contrast to the old urban neighborhoods populated by the new immigratns, many neighborhoods in the economically and socially distressed areas of U.S. cities have been largely depopulated and have abnormally high rates of abandonment and social problems. These neighborhoods are often highly segregated by race and ethnicity and have high concentrations of poverty. Old urban neighborhoods have been a focus of social policy for the past fifty years. The passage of the Housing Act of 1949 heralded a federal commitment, at least on a limited basis, to provide the public housing for the poor and decent neighborhoods for those living in the slums through urban redevelopment, later renamed urban renewal. In the ensuing five decades, various federal policies and programs have been inaugerated, some later to be either reformed or dismantled, to address the problems presented by these older, urban neighborhoods and their residents. The dilemna confronting policymakers has been that neglect promises even worse problems, the worst of which have been urban riots triggered by festering social ills. On the other hand, no past active approach has yet solved these problems. After briefly reviewing major federal initiatives, I will focus on the emergence, evolution, and experience of community deveopment coroporations (CDCs) based in these neighborhoods

    Development of applications with Myo

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    El accidente cerebrovascular es la principal causa de discapacidad a largo plazo en los adultos mayores en el Perú y el mundo. Una de las principales consecuencias que estas personas sufren es el debilitamiento y pérdida de la funcionalidad de manera parcial o total de las extremidades superiores; lo que puede hacer difícil la vida independiente. Sin embargo, la mayoría de pacientes podrían recuperarse ejecutando, de manera independiente, los ejercicios de repeticiones diarias de movimientos en las extremidades afectadas. Lamentablemente, los pacientes no realizan los ejercicios recomendados por el terapeuta debido a que los consideran monótonos y aburridos. Por ello, en este trabajo se implementó un sistema de telerehabilitación basado en juegos que pretenden motivar a los pacientes para que realicen los movimientos o ejercicios necesarios para recuperarse; así como también lograr la adherencia a su régimen prescrito por el terapeuta, lo que aumenta las posibilidades de una recuperación significativa. En síntesis, el presente proyecto representa una gran oportunidad y desafío para comprobar que la propuesta logra más adherencia que la rehabilitación tradicional. A continuación, en el primer capítulo se expondrá el proyecto y sus objetivos a mayor detalle. Luego, el segundo capítulo, documentará los Student Outcomes cumplidos en este proyecto. En el tercer capítulo se analizará la situación actual de la herramienta Myo Armband la cual permitirá desarrollar aplicaciones orientadas a la rehabilitación, debido a la presencia de electromiógrafos en su composición. Después, en el cuarto capítulo se detallarán los conceptos necesarios para el propio entendimiento del proyecto y el problema identificado. A continuación, en el quinto capítulo se presentará el desarrollo y aporte final del proyecto. En el sexto capítulo se describirá como se llevó a cabo la gestión del proyecto. Finalmente, se listarán las conclusiones propuestas para el proyecto.Strokes are the main cause of long-term disability in elderly adults in Peru and in the world. One of the major consequences these people undergo is weakening and partial or full upper limbs functionality loss, which can hinder independent living. Nonetheless, most patients could recover by doing self-consciously daily repetition movement exercises in the weakened limbs. Pitifully, patients do not do the exercises by themselves as their therapist suggested due to the fact that they consider the exercises to be monotonous and dull. Therefore, in this work, a telerehabilitation system based on games was implemented that aims to motivate patients to perform exercises or necessary movements to convalesce themselves; as well as achieving adherence to their regime prescribed by the therapist, increasing the changes of an astonishing recovery. In summary, the present project represents a great opportunity and challenge to verify that the proposal achieves more adherence than traditional rehabilitation. Chapter one explores the project and its objectives in greater detail. Chapter two documents the Student Outcomes fulfilled in this project. Chapter three analyzes the current situation of of the Myo Armband tool which will allow the development of applications oriented to rehabilitation, due to the presence of electromyographs in its composition. Chapter four details the concepts needed to identify and understand the problem space. Chapter five presents the project's development and our contributions. Chapter six describes how project management was carried out. Finally, conclusions generated from this project are listed.Tesi

    Immunohistochemical characteristics of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells in paraffin-embedded tissues

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    Thirty seven cases of Hodgkin's disease (HD) were studied for antibodies against CD15 and CD30 to investigate the distribution of these antibodies in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of various subtypes. Of all the cases 67.6% were positive with CD15 and 86.5% with CD30. A strong positive correlation was noted between the immunostaining of CD15 and CD30 antibodies (p<0.005). In regard of histopathologic subtypes, 40% of lymphocyte predominance, diffuse subtype, none of lymphocyte predominance, nodular subtype, 90.9% of nodular sclerosis, 73.3% of mixed cellularity, and 50% of lymphocyte depleted types of HD were immunostained with CD15 antibody. The corresponding figures for CD30 antibody were 60%, 50%, 100%, 93.3%, and 75%, respectively. It is concluded that to faciliate the detection of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells in HD, coexpression ofCD15 and CD30 is reliable.Thirty seven cases of Hodgkin's disease (HD) were studied for antibodies against CD15 and CD30 to investigate the distribution of these antibodies in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of various subtypes. Of all the cases 67.6% were positive with CD15 and 86.5% with CD30. A strong positive correlation was noted between the immunostaining of CD15 and CD30 antibodies (p<0.005). In regard of histopathologic subtypes, 40% of lymphocyte predominance, diffuse subtype, none of lymphocyte predominance, nodular subtype, 90.9% of nodular sclerosis, 73.3% of mixed cellularity, and 50% of lymphocyte depleted types of HD were immunostained with CD15 antibody. The corresponding figures for CD30 antibody were 60%, 50%, 100%, 93.3%, and 75%, respectively. It is concluded that to faciliate the detection of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells in HD, coexpression ofCD15 and CD30 is reliable

    Systemic Mastocytosis Presenting with a Prominent B Lymphocyte Proliferation in the Bone Marrow and Extensive Fibrosis of the Spleen

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    Systemic mastocytosis is a disease characterized by multifocal mast cell proliferation in the bone marrow or other extracutaneous organs. Because of loosely scattered and hypo-/agranular mast cells, the diagnosis is sometimes very difficult. In the bone marrow, mast cell infiltration may be associated with prominent lymphoid infiltration leading to a misdiagnosis of a low grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma

    Systemic mastocytosis presenting with a prominent B lymphocyte proliferation in the bone marrow and extensive fibrosis of the spleen

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    WOS: 000246827600005PubMed ID: 17473386Systemic mastocytosis is a disease characterized by multifocal mast cell proliferation in the bone marrow or other extracutaneous organs. Because of loosely scattered and hypo-/agranular mast cells, the diagnosis is sometimes very difficult. In the bone marrow, mast cell infiltration may be associated with prominent lymphoid infiltration leading to a misdiagnosis of a low grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A 49-year-old woman presented with right arm and leg pain, psychiatric symptoms, and diarrhea for four years. Physical examination and laboratory investigation revealed hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, mild thrombocytosis, mild leucocytosis and lymphacytosis. In the bone marrow biopsy, there was a prominent B lymphocyte proliferation reminiscent of a low grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma/leukemia and there were some spindle cells aggregates in paratrabecular location. The consecutive bone marrow biopsies were similar to the first. The subsequent splenectomy specimen exhibited striking fibrosis. In the lymph node sections, there was marginal zone hyperplasia. Multifocal accumulations of mast cells were strongly positive with mast cell tryptase and CD117 on immunohistochemical staining, though no metachromasia was identified in Giemsa and Toluidine Blue stained aspirates and tissue sections, probably due to hypo-/agranulation of mast cells. The case was presented to emphasize the importance of the antibody to mast cell tryptase in the diagnosis of mastocytosis and to discuss problems of differential diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis