38 research outputs found
The study is part of the project aimed at revealing the mechanisms of discursive construction of international relations (IR). It examines the functions of the categories ‘strength’ and ‘weakness’ in discursive representations of states as political actors. The research draws on assumptions of social constructionism and CDA. The data include recent speeches by Russian and Polish Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The paper argues that the opposition ‘strength vs. weakness’ is essential in the construction of IR in discourse. We focus on how nation states and their qualities are represented in foreign policy discourse, and which of these qualities conceptualise the categories of strength and weakness. We demonstrate that the two categories constitute a relational pair; however, the category of strength is expressed more explicitly than that of ‘weakness’, and the axiological charge of ‘strength’ changes depending on the actor that it represents. An array of linguistic tools is employed in constructing the opposition, and, consequentially, the IR between the political actors. The paper suggests that social actors and their qualities can be viewed as social categories that are perpetually constructed and re-constructed in discourse. The research develops the theory of discourse and demonstrates how discourse analysis contributes to the study of social practices and helps interpret current social phenomena
Late diagnosis of type 2B multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN 2B) in a 23 year-old patient
W pracy przedstawiono przypadek zespołu MEN 2B u 23-letniego pacjenta na podstawie obecności obustronnych guzów chromochłonnych
nadnerczy oraz raka rdzeniastego tarczycy. U młodego mężczyzny stwierdzono ponadto mnogie przyzwojaki przykręgosłupowe,
marfanoidalną budowę ciała oraz liczne włókniaki błon śluzowych jamy ustnej i przewodu pokarmowego. Pacjent był kilkakrotnie hospitalizowany
w wieku 11–14 lat z powodu zaburzeń rytmu serca (tachykardii, licznych pobudzeń nadkomorowych) oraz bólów w okolicy
przedsercowej. W tym okresie nie obserwowano podwyższonych wartości ciśnienia tętniczego. W 2010 roku chorego hospitalizowano
z powodu bólów brzucha, nudności, wymiotów oraz nadciśnienia tętniczego, rozpoznano wówczas obustronne guzy nadnerczy. Chorego
skierowano do dalszej diagnostyki z podejrzeniem pheochromocytoma do Kliniki Endokrynologii w Szczecinie, gdzie potwierdzono diagnozę
obustronnych guzów chromochłonnych oraz dodatkowo rozpoznano raka rdzeniastego tarczycy. Na podstawie całości obrazu klinicznego
postawiono rozpoznanie zespołu MEN 2B, potwierdzone w późniejszym okresie badaniem genetycznym. Pacjenta po usunięciu guzów
nadnerczy oraz po tyroidektomii przekazano do dalszego leczenia (radioterapii i ponownego leczenia chirurgicznego z powodu wznowy
raka rdzeniastego) do Centrum Onkologii w Gliwicach.
Celem pracy było przedstawienie przypadku późnego rozpoznania zespołu MEN typu 2B mimo występowania od wczesnego dzieciństwa
objawów klinicznych mogących sugerować to rozpoznanie. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (6): 548–553)We present a case of MEN 2B diagnosed in a 23 year-old patient on the basis of bilateral pheochromocytoma and medullary thyroid carcinoma.
This young male patient also had multiple paragangliomas located along the spine, marfanoid features of body habitus and numerous
mucosal neuromas of the oral cavity and intestinal ganglioneuromatosis. The patient was hospitalised several times between the ages of 11
and 14 due to heart rhythm disorders (tachycardia, multiple supraventricular beats) and pain in the precardiac area. Elevated blood pressure
was not observed at that time. In 2010, the patient was admitted to hospital due to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and hypertension;
bilateral adrenal tumours were then detected. The patient was referred to the Department of Endocrinology in Szczecin, with suspected
pheochromocytoma in order to continue the diagnostic process. This resulted in the diagnosis of bilateral pheochromocytoma and medullary
thyroid carcinoma. On the basis of the whole clinical picture, the diagnosis of MEN 2B was established and subsequently confirmed
with genetic test results. Following the removal of adrenal tumours and thyroidectomy, the patient was referred to the Cancer Centre
and Institute of Oncology in Gliwice for further treatment (X-ray therapy and further surgery due to recurrence of medullary carcinoma).
This article presents a case of late MEN 2B diagnosis despite the presence of clinical symptoms suggestive of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
observed from early childhood. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (6): 548–553
Performance appraisal among public schools as the main function of human resources managamment
Celem pracy licencjackiej jest analiza funkcjonowania systemu oceniania pracowników w publicznych placówkach oświaty na terenie powiatu tarnogórskiego. Została w niej zawarta charakterystyka zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz zdefiniowano podstawowe metody oceniania pracowników, stosowane w organizacjach. Przeprowadzone zostały badania wśród nauczycieli dotyczące ich opinii na temat ocen pracowniczych, którymi są oni regularnie poddawani w placówkach oświaty, w których pracują. Pozwoliły one na odrzucenie hipotezy, że opinie nauczycieli na temat systemu oceniania mogą przyczynić się do udoskonalenia systemu ocen pracowników. Wykorzystane zostały pozycje z dziedziny zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz ustawy i rozporządzenia Ministra Edukacji Narodowej.The aim of this research paper is the analysis of performance appraisals among different kinds of public schools. It contains characteristics of human resources management, the appraisals methods used in organizations and finally, the survey conducted among teachers. This allowed to reject the thesis that teachers’ opinions on the performance appraisals do not result in improving the entire appraisal system. Wide range of literature was used. Not only the positions linked with the issue of human resources management but Acts and Ordinances of National Education Minister were needed as well
Patients’ experiences of living with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS): a qualitative study
Abstract Background Patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common in primary care, and pose a communicative and therapeutic challenge to GPs. Although much has been written about GPs’ frustration and difficulties while dealing with these patients, research presenting the patients’ perspectives on MUS still seems to be scarce. Existing studies have demonstrated the patients’ desire to make sense of symptoms, addressed the necessity for appropriate and acceptable explanation of MUS, and revealed stigmatization of patients with symptoms of mental origin. Treatment in primary care should focus on the patient’s most essential needs and concerns. The objective of this paper is to explore Polish patients’ perspectives on living with MUS. Methods A qualitative content analysis of 20 filmed, semi-structured interviews with patients presenting MUS (8 men and 12 women, aged 18 to 57) was conducted. All patients were diagnosed with distinctive somatoform disorders (F45), and presented the symptoms for at least 2 years. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed independently by two researchers. Results Four major themes emerged: (1) experiences of symptoms; (2) explanations for symptoms; (3) coping; (4) expectations about healthcare. Within the first theme, the patients identified the following sub-themes: persistence of symptoms or variability, and negative emotions. Patients who observed that their symptoms had changed over time were better disposed to accept the existence of a relationship between the symptoms and the mind. The second theme embraced the following sub-themes: (1) personal explanations; (2) social explanations; (3) somatic explanations. The most effective coping strategies the patients mentioned included: the rationalization of the symptoms, self-development and ignoring the symptoms. The majority of our respondents had no expectations from the healthcare system, and stated they did not use medical services; instead, they admitted to visiting psychologists or psychiatrists privately. Conclusion Patients with MUS have their own experiences of illness. They undertake attempts to interpret their symptoms and learn to live with them. The role of the GP in this process is significant, especially when access to psychological help is restricted. Management of patients with MUS in the Polish healthcare system can be improved, if access to psychologists and psychotherapists is facilitated and increased financial resources are allocated for primary care. Patients with MUS can benefit from a video/filmed consultation with a follow-up analysis with their GP
The study is part of the project aimed at revealing the mechanisms of discursive construction of international relations (IR). It examines the functions of the categories ‘strength’ and ‘weakness’ in discursive representations of states as political actors. The research draws on assumptions of social constructionism and CDA. The data include recent speeches by Russian and Polish Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The paper argues that the opposition ‘strength vs. weakness’ is essential in the construction of IR in discourse. We focus on how nation states and their qualities are represented in foreign policy discourse, and which of these qualities conceptualise the categories of strength and weakness. We demonstrate that the two categories constitute a relational pair; however, the category of strength is expressed more explicitly than that of ‘weakness’, and the axiological charge of ‘strength’ changes depending on the actor that it represents. An array of linguistic tools is employed in constructing the opposition, and, consequentially, the IR between the political actors. The paper suggests that social actors and their qualities can be viewed as social categories that are perpetually constructed and re-constructed in discourse. The research develops the theory of discourse and demonstrates how discourse analysis contributes to the study of social practices and helps interpret current social phenomena
Selected risk factors for adverse events in hospitalised patients in healthcare facilities
Recently, adverse events have been a key focus of research. They are an indispensable element of the quality of services provided in healthcare entities. Interest in the issue has increased due to the crucial importance of patients’ safety. Due to the actions of various determining factors, patients staying in medical institutions are at risk of adverse events. The phenomenon of adverse events is not fully known in Poland, due to the lack of a uniform system for their reporting and recording. The Council of Europe on 9 June 2009 issued recommendations on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections, which clearly state that adverse event monitoring systems should be set up and analysed in European Union (EU) member states to obtain full information on the extent and causes of incidents. In order to improve patient safety in the health system, the European Council recommends a standardised system for monitoring and reporting of adverse events. An analysis of the literature shows that adverse events have a wide variety of risk factors. This gives grounds to conclude that the topic of risk factors for such events is a very broad one. The results of available studies show risk factors on the part of those providing direct patient care, e.g. error on the part of the person performing the procedure or activity, error on the part of those providing indirect patient care, including organisational, management, and system errors, as well as external factors relating to the medical equipment used for patient care, as well as the key risk factors relating to patients themselves. The latter are the subject of the analysis undertaken. The aim of this report is to present selected risk factors for adverse events among inpatients in medical facilities