333 research outputs found

    Finansowanie społeczne jako nowe narzędzie partycypacji społecznej w gospodarce przestrzennej

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie finansowania społecznościowego i jego wykorzystania w planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym. Autor poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy finansowanie społecznościowe można uznać za nową formę partycypacji społecznej, która nawiązuje do tradycyjnych działań w tym zakresie, korzystając z zupełnie nowych narzędzi? W celu uzyskania odpowiedzi na tak sformułowane pytanie przeprowadzono analizę danych dotyczących polskich projektów finansowanych społecznościowo, które miały wpływ na planowanie i zagospodarowanie polskich jednostek osadniczych, oraz przeprowadzono pogłębione studium przypadku – warszawskiego projektu „Uratujmy Jazdów”. Wyniki badania pozwalają uznać przedmiotowe zjawisko za nową formę partycypacji społecznej, dając jednocześnie podstawy do rekomendacji w zakresie możliwości jej wykorzystania przez władze lokalne

    Music Heals: Therapeutic Music to Reduce Pain and Anxiety in Adult ICU Patients

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    To decrease pain and anxiety in adult intensive care unit patients through the use of therapeutic music as compared to no music intervention.https://digitalcommons.centracare.com/nursing_posters/1101/thumbnail.jp

    Integrating Holsitic Care Modalities into an Inpatient Physical Rehabiliation Program

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    The purpose of this pilot project was to determine the feasibility of incorporating integrative therapies, including acupuncture, into the plan of care of patients undergoing physical rehabilitation in an inpatient setting, and to improve outcomes and patient satisfaction.https://digitalcommons.centracare.com/nursing_posters/1100/thumbnail.jp

    P.A.I.N.T. : a case study in engaging the community through public art.

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    Public art encompasses countless forms, serves many purposes and is constantly evolving. Engaging the community is one way public art has developed new forms and purposes. Involving the community allows residents to contribute to the creative process of an artwork and assume ownership of a project. This thesis explores the role of public art in engaging the community through the examination of the public art program Producing Art In Neighborhoods Together (P.A.I.N.T.) administered by Center For Neighborhoods, a nonprofit organization in Louisville, Kentucky. By analyzing feedback from involved artists and neighborhoods, this thesis examines the impact the P.A.I.N.T. Program has had on its participating stakeholders with an emphasis on how the program engages the community and provides a model for future public art programs developed according to the guidelines of Louisville\u27s Public Art Master Plan

    Air data measurement system for space shuttle

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    It is concluded that air data measurements of angle of attack and sideslip are needed to control the space shuttle vehicles. The basis for this conclusion, along with recommended sensor design and implementation, are described

    Investment in work health promotion in small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany

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    Health insurance expenditures on drug refunds in 2004-2012

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    Les ego-documents d’unne famille bourguignonne pendant la première guerre mondiale. Competénce scripturale entre conventions scripturales et expression individuelle.

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    This article explores the relation between the writing skill of literate people with limited experienceas text producers and the linguistic usage of epistolary formulae.While literate people ostensiblyknow how to write, those whose everyday life rarely requires written communication may notobserve common writing conventions. This study analyzes the opening and closing paragraphs inletters and postcards exchanged during World War I because these paragraphs are characterized bya high recurrence of prefabricated, stereotypical formulae.These texts reflect different degrees of* [email protected] 11 Número 2 Dezembro 2015Estrutura informacional, tecnologia e conhecimentoalphabetization and varying degrees of acquisition of writing skills.The ego-documents consideredin the article exhibit two types of tensions: on the one hand, they are shaped by the author’s relativecommand of written French that was already highly standardized at the time and, on the other hand,they are shaped by discursive traditions. These discursive traditions result in the usage of certainstructures inherent in the epistolary genrewhich often differ markedly fromthe written expressionsthat go beyond the formulaic.</span

    Starzenie się człowieka i starzenie się populacji. Podział odpowiedzialności za skutki finansowe w systemie opieki zdrowotnej

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    The aging of human being and the aging of the population. The division of responsibility for the financial results in health care systemThe adverse consequences of an aging society for the stability of health care financing systems are superimposed on the natural inequality of the distribution of health needs, and consequently, expenditure for health services in the life cycle of man. How long, under such conditions, will financial security systems based on the mechanism of PAYG (pay as you go) be able to guarantee all of its citizens, including the oldest ones, broad access to medical care? The debate brought about by D. Callahan in 1987 on “age-based rationing of benefits” for many years focused on trying to find ethical and economic rationale for limiting the scope of benefits guaranteed to the oldest citizens (eg A.  illimas, F. Breyer, D. Brock, N. Daniels, P. Dabrock). Age-based benefit rationing from public funds, however, may soon become a reality if we do not manage to break ties, within the public system, with the idea of full socialization of the costs of old age at the expense of future generations. Maintaining fundamental fairness towards the future generations requires an equal sharing of the financial consequences of aging, and this means taking on more responsibility of every individual for himself. A good practice of substitute private health insurance in Germany is the mandatory creation of individual financial reserves for old age which allows avoiding an excessive rise of equivalent risk premium in old age. Another solution for social health insurance might be reserves built by each generation, or a general public reserve. The transition from the purely PAYG system to a more capital one, however, will require the construction of functional solutions for the transitional period in which we have yet to build reserves and fund services for older generations who have not yet built reserves for themselves. An apparent increase of the country’s debt seems therefore inevitable, but also present older generations must be held financially accountable through higher premiums or payments for benefits