162 research outputs found

    Valuation of laterite in low-cost building in West Africa

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    The study of the performance of raw clay bricks has made it possible to develop laterite in Eco village construction projects. Identification tests (particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, Proctor, shrinkage limit, and sand equivalent) made it possible to characterize the laterite, the sand, and the E1 mixture (70% laterite and 30% sand). By adding binders to E1, three other types of mixtures E2, E3, and E4 have been proposed. The improved E1 sample:(1) At 2.5% of cement gives E2; (2) At 10% of lime gives E3; (3) with 0.8% lignosulfonates. After making the bricks using the samples E1, E2, E3, and E4, we perform uniform compression test at 3, 7, and 21 days. All samples have simple compressive strengths greater than 0.5 MPa (in accordance with standard NF EN 771-1) after 3 days. Their evolution from 0.5 to 2.5 MPa, between 3 and 7 days, shows a jump of 1.5. From 7 to 21 days the evolution curve of the Rc shows a slight ascension then a plateau pace (2.5, 2.51, 2.56 MPa). From these results, we concluded that they were used according to the area and the type of climate. The use of the sample E1 is proposed in arid zones or with low rainfall, the sample E2, and E3 in the rainy zones without risk of capillary rise and the sample E4 in the rainy zones with the risk of capillary ris

    Cystostomie percutanée à la pince de Kelly: indications, technique et résultats

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    Introduction: La dérivation urinaire sus-pubienne est pratiquée dans différentes circonstances. Cette étude vise à décrire la technique de cystostomie percutanée (CPC) pratiquée à l'aide d'une pince de Kelly pour la pose d'une sonde de Foley, à définir les indications de cette technique et à rapporter les résultats. Méthodes: Du 1er janvier 2005 au 31 décembre 2014, il a été réalisé 194 CPC à la pince de Kelly dans notre service, en urgence, sous anesthésie locale, chez des patients en rétention vésicale. Cette  technique, dérivée de la cystostomie par ponction au trocart vise à placer dans la vessie une sonde de Foley après incision cutanée et aponévrotique (de 1 cm sur la ligne médiane, à 1,5 - 2 cm au-dessus de lasymphyse pubienne) et la ponction vésicale à la pince de Kelly à travers cette incision.Résultats: Les 194 patients étaient tous de sexe masculin, âgés en moyenne de 50 ans ± 21 (extrêmes  de 17 ans et 86 ans). Les pathologies à l'origine des rétentions vésicales étaient : les rétrécissements urétraux (n=119), les hypertrophies bénignes de la prostate (n=47), les cancers de prostate (n=21), les traumatismes de l'urètre (n=7).Tous les patients ont été opérés avec succès par cette méthode et les suites ont été simples. Le temps de réalisation était de 6 minutes ± 1. Les sondes de Foley mises en  place étaient de charrière 16 (n=59), charrière 18 (n=116) et charrière 20 (n=19). La cicatrisation du  trajet de la CPC après l'ablation de la sonde de Foley n'a posée aucun problème chez 146 patients suivis, les 48 autres ayant été perdus de vue.Conclusion: La CPC à la pince de Kelly est une technique simple, rapide et pas onéreuse. Ses  indications  sont les mêmes que pour toute CPC et elle représente une alternative   la cystostomie par chirurgie ouverte.Key words: Cathétérisme vésical, cystostomie percutanée, pince de Kelly, sonde de Foley, rétention d´urine

    Étude de l'endommagement des matériaux composites sollicités thermiquement via l'acousto-ultrasonique

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    Les matériaux composites sont de plus en plus utilisés à cause de leurs propriétés mécaniques spécifiques très élevées comparativement à celles des métaux. Cependant la difficulté de pouvoir prédire la durée de vie des composites freine leurs applications dans les technologies de pointe comme l'aérospatial ou l'aéronautique. Parmi les méthodes de contrôle non-destructif (CND) connues, l'Acousto-Ultrasonique (AU) a montré un certain potentiel à détecter la présence d'endommagements et à suivre l'état de santé du matériau composite en évaluant ses propriétés mécaniques. Le but de ce travail est donc, dans un premier temps, de correler les propriétes mécaniques aux mesures AU pour valider l'AU comme technique d'évaluation non-destructive fiable et susceptible d'interroger les propriétés élastiques des composites et dans un deuxième temps d'utiliser cette approche pour identifier et caractériser l'effet d'une dégradation thermique sur les propriétés mécaniques de plaques composites avec fibres de carbone et matrice epoxyde. Du point de vue expérimental, il s'agit d'analyser les signaux AU émis par les plaques composites vierges et endommagées par un traitement numérique pour en déduire les paramètres temporels (RMS, Énergie, ...) et pour évaluer les modules E[indice inférieur 1] et E[indice inférieur 2] les rigidités longitudinale et transversale du composite. Par la suite, les résultats des éprouvettes de traction découpées de ces mêmes plaques sont comparés aux résultats de l'analyse AU. L'examen micrographique complémentaire effectué sur les plaques en fin de test vient apporter des précisions sur les causes de la dégradation des propriétés mesurées. Les résultats de l'étude montrent que l'AU est une technique fiable pour évaluer les propriétés mécaniques des composites. De plus, il est démontré que l'AU est un outil viable pour détecter et quantifier la variation de l'état structural du matériau dégradé thermiquement et ce, en déterminant les propriétés élastiques de façon non-destructive avec accès à une seule face

    Effect of premature rupture of membranes on the maternal and fetal prognosis during childbirth at the gynecology-obstetrics department of the Matam Communal Medical Center, Conakry, Guinea

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    Background: Premature rupture of membranes (RPM) is defined by rupture of the amnion and chorion before entering labor within 24 hours leading to vaginal discharge of amniotic fluid without uterine contractions. Objective of this study was to improving the management of premature Ruptures of the membranes received in the service.Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical prospective study lasting six months from January 1 to June 30 2016.Results: During the study period, we collected 108 cases of RPM out of 1543 deliveries, representing a hospital frequency of 7%. RPM had more frequently concerned pregnant women aged 25-29 (37.04%), housewife (37.03%), primiparous (45.37%) and referral (52.78%). 95.37% were single pregnancies with cephalic presentation (80%) received between 37-42 weeks (84.26%). Management mainly consisted of antibiotic prophylaxis (100%), fetal pulmonary maturation and childbirth. The vagina was the main mode of delivery (62.04%). The maternal prognosis was dominated by chorioamnionitis (12.96%). The fetal one was made up of respiratory distress (40.71%) and prematurity (12.39%).Conclusions: RPM is frequent at the Matam municipal medical center. It is essential for its prevention to ensure health education of the population in general and genital hygiene in particular, to make a coherent prenatal follow-up while putting a particular accent on the detection and the treatment of genital infections

    Implementation of active management of the third period of childbirth for the prevention of immediate post-partum bleeding in four regional maternity hospitals of Conakry, Guinea

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    Background: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency, skills level of health care service providers; to identify complications and difficulties related to the implementation of AMTPC/GATPA.Methods: It was about prospective study, descriptive of 6 months (1st March to 31st August 2014) carried out in the maternity hospitals of Faranah, Kindia, Mamou and Nzérékoré. It concerned the parturient women who had recently given birth and the personnel that carried out AMTPC/GATPA in these hospitals.Results: During the study period of 1,254 out of 1,305 births had benefited of AMTPC/GATPA, a frequency of 96.1%. The midwives were the most represented personnel in the implementation of GATPA (44.1%). In 46.4% of the cases, the health care service providers acquired this competence from the initial training. The release was obtained in the first trial in 64.9% cases. The duration of implementation of GATPA was less than 5 minutes in 72.6% cases. The different stages were respected in 91.5% cases. Complications were dominated by retention of placental fragments (10.2%). Lack of oxytocin was the main difficulty (36.6%).Conclusions: The sustainability of this achievement would depend on the systematic and correct implementation of AMTPC/GATPA at all childbirth attendants and the effective management of oxytocin

    Obstetric emergencies in the maternity ward of the Ignace Deen national hospital CHU of Conakry: sociodemographic, therapeutic and maternal fetal prognosis aspects

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    Background: Despite government efforts to reduce maternal mortality, the risk of a woman dying from obstetric complications is about one in six in the poorest regions of the world compared to one in thirty thousand in North Europe. The objective was therefore to describe the clinical socio-demographic aspects and to establish the maternal and fetal prognosis of obstetric emergencies.Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional prospective study over a 6-month period from January 1 to June 30, 2020 carried out at the maternity ward of the Ignace Deen national hospital (Conakry university hospital) in Guinea. The study looked at a continuous series of 662 obstetric emergency cases.Results: The frequency of admission of obstetric emergencies was 22.62%. They concerned young women (29.5 years old) on average, first-time mothers (53.32%), with low income professional activities, evacuated from a peripheral maternity unit (63.14%), no schooling (44.9%), married (92.3%), using the more often a means of public transport (66.5%) and whose pregnancies were poorly monitored (63.9%). Fetal emergencies were dominated by acute fetal distress (91.3%) and maternal emergencies were dominated by hypertensive emergencies (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia 37.44%) followed by hemorrhagic emergencies (last trimester hemorrhage and postpartum hemorrhage 34.34%). Pregnant and parturient women were more frequently admitted to labor (62.7%) and gave birth more frequently by caesarean section (86.70%). the staff reacted promptly to make a treatment decision in 75.5% of cases within fifteen minutes. emergency procedures were performed in less than fifteen minutes in almost all cases (97.4%), specific treatment was carried out in less than an hour in the majority of cases (68.3%). The maternal case fatality rate was 4.1% with the main cause of death being hemorrhagic shock of 51.8%. The stillbirth rate was 17.4%.Conclusions: The anticipation of emergency obstetric care (SOU) and close collaboration between the obstetrician, the anesthesiologist-resuscitator are essential in the management of obstetric emergencies

    Non-binary branching process and non-Markovian exploration process

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    International audienceWe study both a continuous time non-binary Galton−Watson random tree and its explo- ration (or height) process in the subcritical, critical and supercritical cases. We then renormalize our branching process and exploration process, and take the weak limit as the size of the population tends to infinity

    Fetal death in utero: epidemiological aspects, management and maternal prognosis in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the community medical centre of Ratoma

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    Background: Fetal death in utero (FDIU) often represents a tragedy badly lived, sometimes incomprehensible. It is considered as a failure of pregnancy's progress and monitoring. It is a frequent problem in obstetrical practice. Objective of study was to contribute to the study of FDIU in the maternity ward of the Ratoma municipal medical center.Methods: This was a prospective study of analytical type conducted over a period of 6 months from 1 January to 30 June 2017.Results: During this study period, we recorded 54 cases of FDIU out of a total of 1256 deliveries, or a frequency of 4.3%. The average age of our patients was 28.5 years with extremes of 16 to 39 years, the most represented age group was 25 to 34 years, with a frequency of 44.4%. The absence of active fetal movement was the main reason for consultation, with a frequency of 51.9%, and housewives were the most affected, with a frequency of 61.1%. The 70.4% of our patients gave birth by vaginal delivery and oxytocin was the most commonly used drug for induction of labor, i.e., 77.8%. The immediate maternal prognosis was 100% favorable and no case of maternal death was recordedConclusions: In-utero fetal death is a frequent obstetrical pathology, the awareness of women for the realization of ANC as well as the early management of risk factors detected during ANC constitutes an element of great importance. Therefore, a regular follow-up of all pregnant women even in the absence of risk factors proves necessary