9 research outputs found

    Robotic theatre: comparative analysis of human and mechanized activities in the creative process

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    The article systematizes and analyzes the existing experience of organizing the creative process in a robotic theater. The author explores the robotic theater phenomenon, the artificial intelligence technology possibilities to function in the stage space. The article provides a comparative analysis of human and mechanized interaction in the stage space. The methodological basis of the research is a combination of several methods: analytical – for accounting for historical and fictional literature; theoretical and conceptual method – for analyzing the conceptual and terminological system of research and identifying the specifics of introducing the artificial intelligence technology in creative process; comparative-typological – to compare the peculiarities of the functioning of mechanized “actors” with the acting skills of human performers. The article explores the threat perception and uncanny valley concepts to study the perception of a robot–actor by an audience. The author examines the process of human interaction with a robotic body: from the moment of interest, interaction to the moment of rejection of the robot by a person (audience)

    Еволюція 3D-виміру: від ілюзії тривимірного зображення (в графіці та живописі) до тривимірних об’єктів в реальному просторі

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    Purpose of Article. The article is devoted to clarifying the features of stereographic images, the main aspects of using 3D printing as modern creative technology in various fields of human activity. Methodology. General scientific and concrete-scientific methods are applied in the work: theoretical – to clarify the conceptual-categorial apparatus of research; analytical – to analyze philosophical, art, history, cultural literature on the topic of research; historical – to clarify the development of stereography and the stages of formation of 3D-technologies; comparative-typological – to compare the specifics of using three-dimensional printing in various fields of human activity. Scientific Novelty. The genesis of 3D measurement features from the illusion of volumetric flat images to the creation (printing) of unique 3D objects is considered for the first time. The article analyzes the specificity of stereoscopic images and the principles of creating three-dimensional products using 3D printers. Conclusions. It has been proven that 3D printing is developing globally thanks to many advantages and affordable prices. 3D printing is a technology that allows going through the entire chain of the design process in a closed and continuous cycle: from the generation of an idea to the final design result.Мета роботи. Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню особливостей стереографічного зображення, основних аспектів використання 3D-друку як сучасної креативної технології в різних сферах діяльності людини. Методологія дослідження: у роботі застосовано загальнонаукові та конкретнонаукові методи: теоретичний – для з’ясування понятійно-категоріального апарату дослідження; аналітичний – при аналізі філософської, мистецтвознавчої, культурологічної літератури з теми дослідження; історичний – для з’ясування розвитку стереографії та етапів становлення 3D-технологій; порівняльно-типологічний – для порівняння специфіки використання тривимірного друку в різних сферах діяльності людства. Наукова новизна роботи полягає в тому, що вперше розглядається ґенеза особливостей 3D-виміру від ілюзії об’ємності пласких зображень до створення (друку) унікальних 3D-об’єктів, аналізується специфіка стереоскопічного зображення та принципи створення об’ємних продуктів за допомогою 3D-принтерів. Висновки. Доведено, що 3D-друк розвивається в глобальному масштабі завдяки багатьом перевагам і доступним цінам. 3D-друк – це технологія, яка дозволяє проходити весь ланцюжок процесу проектування в замкнутому і безперервному циклі: від генерації ідеї до кінцевого результату продукту


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    Purpose: This paper aims to reflect on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in works of art, examining its impact on the creative process, aesthetics, and audience reception, then provide a critical reflection on the use of AI in works of art, examining its potential benefits and drawbacks and exploring the ethical considerations involved. The paper examines the use of AI in works of art, with a focus on the methodologies and case studies that demonstrate the potential and challenges of this emerging field. Research methods: The paper presents case studies of notable artworks that utilize AI, discusses the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI in art, and explores the ethical considerations involved. Through a review of the literature and analysis of six case studies, we explore the aesthetic, technical, and social dimensions of AI-generated art, as well as the ethical and critical debates surrounding its production and reception. Findings: The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of critical engagement and continued reflection on the use of AI in art. Our findings suggest that AI can offer new modes of creative expression and engagement, but also raise questions about the role of human agency and interpretation in the artistic process. Implications: AI-generated art offers new opportunities and challenges for artists, scholars, and audiences, and that future research should focus on developing ethical guidelines, exploring collaborative practices, and examining the social and political implications of AI-based art. Case studies of AI-generated art can help us understand the potentials and limitations of this field by providing specific examples of how AI is being used to create art, and how artists and audiences are engaging with these works. These studies can provide insights into the creative processes, technical challenges, and social implications of AI-generated art

    Avant-gardism in the work of director Andrii Zholdak: Ukrainian and global context

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    The article deals with the essence of avant-gardism in art (theater, cinema, music). The study aims to analyze the avant-garde techniques in dramatic productions directed by A. Zholdak. The representatives of the avant-garde direction in the works of different countries of the world are marked and the historical aspect of the emergence of avant-gardism in theatrical art is briefly outlined. The main life stages of Zholdak's formation as a creative unit are elaborated on the basis. Noted individual features and ways of presenting interpreted performances, including the integration of political issues in the content of the work, the play on the contrasts, the emphasis on the role and meaning of the theatrical space, dynamism. The research methodology is based on the principles of objectivity, historicism, multifactoriality, systematicity, complexity, development, and pluralism. Examples of the main controversial productions of classical plays in the interpretation of the famous director AndriiZholdak are given. Also described are the attitudes of the public in different European countries, including Ukraine, to the work of AndriiZholdak as an innovator and avant-garde artist. The peculiarities of the audience's perception of AndriiZholdak's productions in different European countries are indicated


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    The purpose of the article is to investigate the problem of the methodology of using technical opportunities of visual art in the process of creating staged entertainment events. The concepts of «visual art», «technique» and «technology», «interactivity», etc. are clarified; the specificity of three-dimensional videomapping and video installations as areas of contemporary art are studied. The research methodology consisted in the application of the following general scientific and specific scientific methods: analytical – in the analysis of philosophical, art critical and culturological literature on the subject under research; historical – to determine the stages of formation of the areas of video art as an artistic phenomenon; theoretical – to define the general nature of visual art and its specifics in the field of performing arts; comparative-typological – to reveal commom and distinctive features of performing and visual arts as types of art; conceptual – in the process of analyzing and characterizing the conceptual-terminological system of the research. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the first attempt to consider the problems of using interactive media technology in the process of creating staged entertainment events and the corresponding problems of its practical implementation in the acting space. Conclusions. It was proved that using the technical component of video art in the acting space provides it with special visual appeal and interactivity. The task of using such visualization is to provide motionless reality with motion and dynamics with special imagery. Today, there are examples of stage shows which are fully organized using figurative-expressive means of visual art and do not use the main means of expression of the performing arts – acting (actor’s performance). In the acting space, visual installations can serve as an object, sculpture, or stage setting

    Technology in Work of Art and the Creative Process Structuring

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    The purpose of the article is to clarify the unique role of technology in creating a work of art and creative process structuring. The research methodology is based on applying analytical, theoretical and conceptual research methods for ‘technology’ term to structure the artistic process in the cultural development of humankind. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical comprehension of the concept of technology as a creative method. The article reveals the formative role of technology in elucidating the style and genre of a work of art. Conclusions. The actual understanding of technology lies in the synthesis of mathematical, natural sciences and cultural achievements, which is applied wherever it is about the progress of humankind. The article proves that technology is a method of artistic work — it determines the specificity of work from a practical point of view. Therefore, during the cultural development of humankind, there is a step-by-step technological improvement of art. It was revealed that technical and technological differences affect the formation of various types and directions of art and lead to the formation of various genres and their differentiation, as well as the classification of genre and stylistic diversity. The use of a certain technique in creativity forms an artistic style. It has been established that the artistic style is a static imprint of the production technique and technology in a work of art. The concept of an artistic style is inseparable from the technology of structuring the creative process. It has been determined that the specificity of the technology is determined by the consumable material. In particular, according to this, the names of painting techniques often coincide with consumables. It is noticed that in the art of sculpture, the formative role of technology in artistic production is also traced

    Non-Verbal Communication Means in the Contemporary Art

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    The relevance of this work is due to the significant spread of various concepts on the basic ways of generating diverse, modern shows of the entertainment genre with a wide range of non-verbal means of communication. Non-verbal communication means serve as mediators in art but due to the fact that in contemporary art, the communication between the audience and the author is not sufficiently arranged, there are gaps in the information message perceiving. The authors aimed to study the communication barriers related to non-verbal communication means, as well as to find the solutions for the problems that arise in this context. The following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, comparison, descriptive method, method of abstraction. Trends in cooperation developing between the authors and the subjects of receiving information were identified. The psychological and social researches’ data on the different signals impact on the information receiving efficiency were analyzed. Features and characteristics of the non-verbal communication means, their relationships, similarities and differences were identified. As a result of the research, the basic concepts of creating a show in the XXI century with the involvement of non-verbal communication, their effectiveness in the development of the industry at this stage, as well as possible directions for future development were described