9 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis in Understanding the Potential of Online News in the Public Health Crisis Response

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    This study analyzes online news disseminated throughout the pre-, during-, and post-intervention periods of the "Syphilis No!" Project, which was developed in Brazil between November 2018 and March 2019. We investigated the influence of sentiment aspects of news to explore their possible relationships with syphilis testing data in response to the syphilis epidemic in Brazil. A dictionary-based technique (VADER) was chosen to perform sentiment analysis considering the Brazilian Portuguese language. Finally, the data collected were used in statistical tests to obtain other indicators, such as correlation and distribution analysis. Of the 627 news items, 198 (31.58%) were classified as a sentiment of security (TP2; stands for the news type 2), whereas 429 (68.42%) were classified as sentiments that instilled vulnerability (TP3; stands for the news type 3). The correlation between the number of syphilis tests and the number of news types TP2 and TP3 was verified from (i) 2015 to 2017 and (ii) 2018 to 2019. For the TP2 type news, in all periods, the p -values were greater than 0.05, thus generating inconclusive results. From 2015 to 2017, there was an ρ = 0.33 correlation between TP3 news and testing data (p -value = 0.04); the years 2018 and 2019 presented a ρ = 0.67 correlation between TP3 news and the number of syphilis tests performed per month, with p -value = 0.0003. In addition, Granger's test was performed between TP3 news and syphilis testing, which resulted in a p -value = 0.002, thus indicating the existence of Granger causality between these time series. By applying natural language processing to sentiment and informational content analysis of public health campaigns, it was found that the most substantial increase in testing was strongly related to attitude-inducing content (TP3)

    Ganhos genéticos para caracteres de raiz em populações de cenoura nos sistemas orgânico e convencional de produção

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar os ganhos genéticos para caracteres de raiz em populações de cenoura cultivadas nos sistemas orgânico e convencional. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasília (DF). Duas populações de cenoura derivadas da cultivar Brasília e de origem comum até 2002, foram subdivididas em duas populações, avaliadas e selecionadas, por oito gerações consecutivas, nos verões de 2000 a 2007. Em 2008, amostras de sementes das populações, provenientes de cada ciclo de seleção, foram semeadas em campo e conduzidas sob manejo orgânico e convencional de produção, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com nove tratamentos, quatro repetições e parcelas de 1 m². Aos 90 dias após a semeadura, 20 raízes por parcela foram colhidas para a avaliação dos caracteres comprimento, diâmetro do xilema e do floema; comprimento da extensão do ombro verde; massa fresca; presença de halo; formato de ponta e de ombro e coloração do xilema e floema. Foi realizada análise de variância com determinação da interação entre tratamentos e sistemas de produção, agrupamento de médias entre os tratamentos, e calculados os ganhos reais com a seleção. Pôde-se verificar que nos oito anos de seleção não houve ganhos significativos para os caracteres estudados nas duas populações. Com isso, conclui-se que os caracteres avaliados já se encontram fixados nas duas populações estudadas. Verificou-se que a seleção não precisa ser realizada nos dois sistemas de cultivo, orgânico e convencional, possibilitando diminuição de recursos financeiros e de mão-de-obra empregados no melhoramento.The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic gain with the selection of root characters of carrot populations cultivated in organic and conventional production systems. The experiments were carried out at Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasília, Brazil. Two carrot populations derived from Brasília cultivar and with common origin until 2002, were separate in two populations and evaluated for eight generations during 2000 to 2007. In 2008, seed samples of the population in each cycle of selection were sowed in the field in both organic and conventional production systems, in a randomized blocks design with four replications of nine treatments and plots of 1 m². After 90 days of sowing, 20 roots per plot were harvested for the evaluation of the length, xylem and phloem diameter, green shoulder length, fresh mass, presence of halo, tip and shoulder format, and the color parameters of xylem and phloem. Variance analysis was carried out to determine the interaction between treatments and production systems, grouping of means among treatments, and the real gain with the selection was estimated. In the last eight years of selection, a significant gain was not observed on the studied characters in the two populations. So we concluded that those traits are already quite developed and stabilized in both populations. The selection doesn't need to be accomplished in both areas of organic and conventional cultivation, making possible the decrease of financial and labor resources utilized in the breeding

    Educomunicação, Transformação Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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    Esta publicação apresenta os principais trabalhos dos GTs do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação nos temas Transformação social, com os artigos que abordam principalmente Educomunicação e/ou Mídia-Educação, no contexto de políticas de diversidade, inclusão e equidade; e, em Desenvolvimento Sustentável os artigos que abordam os avanços da relação comunicação/educação no contexto da educação ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável

    Medição da densidade óssea através de ondas eletromagnéticas e classificação por MVS

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    This work holds the purpose of presenting an auxiliary way of bone density measurement through the attenuation of electromagnetic waves. In order to do so, an arrangement of two microstrip antennas with rectangular configuration has been used, operating in a frequency of 2,49 GHz, and fed by a microstrip line on a substrate of fiberglass with permissiveness of 4.4 and height of 0,9 cm. Simulations were done with silica, bone meal, silica and gypsum blocks samples to prove the variation on the attenuation level of different combinations. Because of their good reproduction of the human beings anomaly aspects, samples of bovine bone were used. They were subjected to weighing, measurement and microwave radiation. The samples had their masses altered after mischaracterization and the process was repeated. The obtained data were inserted in a neural network and its training was proceeded with the best results gathered by correct classification on 100% of the samples. It comes to the conclusion that through only one non-ionizing wave in the 2,49 GHz zone it is possible to evaluate the attenuation level in the bone tissue, and that with the appliance of neural network fed with obtained characteristics in the experiment it is possible to classify a sample as having low or high bone densityEste trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma técnica de medição da densidade óssea através da atenuação de ondas eletromagnéticas. Para a realização do trabalho, optou-se por um arranjo de antenas de microfita com configuração retangular, operando em uma frequência de 2,49GHz, alimentada por uma linha de microfita em um substrato de fibra de vidro com permissividade de 4,4 e altura de 0,9 cm. Foram realizadas simulações com amostras de sílica, farinha de osso, blocos de gesso e sílica para comprovação da variação do nível de atenuação em diferentes combinações. Por reproduzirem satisfatoriamente os aspectos de anomalia dos seres humanos, foram utilizadas amostras de osso bovino. Elas foram submetidas a pesagem, medições e radiação de micro-ondas. Suas massas foram alteradas e o processo foi repetido. Os dados obtidos foram inseridos em uma rede neural e procedeu-se ao seu treinamento, obtendo-se os melhores resultados, com classificação correta em 100% das amostras. Conclui-se que, através de uma onda não-ionizante na faixa de 2,49GHz, que é possível avaliar o nível de atenuação no tecido ósseo e que, com aplicação de rede neural alimentada com características obtidas no experimento, é possível classificar uma amostra como tendo densidade óssea baixa ou alt

    Sentiment Analysis in Understanding the Potential of Online News in the Public Health Crisis Response

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    This study analyzes online news disseminated throughout the pre-, during-, and post-intervention periods of the “Syphilis No!” Project, which was developed in Brazil between November 2018 and March 2019. We investigated the influence of sentiment aspects of news to explore their possible relationships with syphilis testing data in response to the syphilis epidemic in Brazil. A dictionary-based technique (VADER) was chosen to perform sentiment analysis considering the Brazilian Portuguese language. Finally, the data collected were used in statistical tests to obtain other indicators, such as correlation and distribution analysis. Of the 627 news items, 198 (31.58%) were classified as a sentiment of security (TP2; stands for the news type 2), whereas 429 (68.42%) were classified as sentiments that instilled vulnerability (TP3; stands for the news type 3). The correlation between the number of syphilis tests and the number of news types TP2 and TP3 was verified from (i) 2015 to 2017 and (ii) 2018 to 2019. For the TP2 type news, in all periods, the p-values were greater than 0.05, thus generating inconclusive results. From 2015 to 2017, there was an ρ = 0.33 correlation between TP3 news and testing data (p-value = 0.04); the years 2018 and 2019 presented a ρ = 0.67 correlation between TP3 news and the number of syphilis tests performed per month, with p-value = 0.0003. In addition, Granger’s test was performed between TP3 news and syphilis testing, which resulted in a p-value = 0.002, thus indicating the existence of Granger causality between these time series. By applying natural language processing to sentiment and informational content analysis of public health campaigns, it was found that the most substantial increase in testing was strongly related to attitude-inducing content (TP3)

    Developing A Tool For Accession To Assessment Exam Cytological Of The Cervix

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    Objective: To develop a tool for assessing the adherence of women performing the cytological examination of the cervix. Method: exploratory, descriptive with quantitative approach, which followed four steps for the construction of the instrument. Held between May and July 2015, using a sample of 384 women attending health facilities in João Pessoa city family. Data were analyzed by applying factor analysis and then correspondence analysis. Results: Scores were calculated from the influential factors reported by these women to perform the cytological examination, and then these scores were associated with the frequency of the examination. As for frequency, 37% performed annually, 25.1% every two years and 20.5% every six months, associated between the low and medium scores. While the high score was associated with a lower frequency, corresponding to 1.3% of those who underwent the test every three years and 15.9% who said they have set periods for their realization. Conclusion: The difficulties for not performing the examination, worse adherence to these women that health care, requiring effective interventions of professionals to minimize these barriers

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2012: volume 1: processos de ensino e de aprendizagem dos conteúdos escolares

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    O Protagonismo Infantojuvenil nos Processos Educomunicativos

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    Neste volume “O protagonismo infantojuvenil nos processos educomunicativos”, reunimos 53 artigos que transitam sobre a temática do protagonismo infantojuvenil em diversas experiências e processos educomunicativos e para facilitar sua leitura e busca por temas de seu interesse, eles estão organizados em 8 capítulos que abordam a educomunicação a partir do fazer das crianças e da apropriação da produção midiática. Expressão artística, rádio, vídeo, jornalismo, cultura digital, redes sociais entre outros são os temas abordados pelos autores destes trabalhos. convidamos o leitor a mergulhar nesta jornada educomunicativa, vivendo e revivendo junto conosco essas experiências vividas por outros, refletindo em cada texto sobre como estamos, como evoluímos e como seguimos os passos daqueles que com sua ousadia, amor e luta elaboraram os fundamentos da educomunicação