6,170 research outputs found

    Produção de tomateiro orgânico irrigado por aspersão e gotejamento, em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com coentro.

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    O uso eficiente da água e a diversificação ambiental são fundamentais para o equilíbrio e a sustentabilidade dos sistemas orgânicos de produção de tomate. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a produção de tomate de mesa em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com coentro com irrigação por aspersão e gotejamento, em sistema orgânico. O experimento foi conduzido em área de produção orgânica no Distrito Federal. O delineamento foi blocos ao acaso, com tratamentos dispostos num arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (dois sistemas de irrigação x dois sistemas de cultivo). Não houve interação significativa entre os fatores avaliados, assim como não houve efeito do sistema de cultivo sobre as variáveis avaliadas. Embora o ciclo do tomateiro irrigado por gotejamento tenha diminuído, a produtividade de frutos não foi afetada pelos sistemas de irrigação. A maior redução de estande verificada na aspersão foi compensada por um aumento no número de frutos por planta, sem variação na massa por fruto. O menor volume de solo explorado pelas raízes do tomateiro associado à maior incidência de traça-o-tomateiro (Tuta absoluta) e principalmente de oídio (Leveillula taurica) pode ter limitado a produtividade do tomateiro irrigado por gotejamento. A taxa de frutos podres na aspersão foi o dobro da verificada no sistema por gotejamento


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    In the title compound, C10H10Cl2N4O, the hy­droxy group and benzene ring are disposed to opposite sides of the central 1,2,3-triazolyl ring. The dihedral angle between the five- and six-membered rings is 87.51 (12)°, and the C-O bond of the hy­droxy group lies almost normal to the plane of the 5-membered ring [N-C-C-O = -93.2 (2)°]. An intra­molecular amino-N-H...Cl hydrogen bond is noted. In the extended structure, supra­molecular layers in the ab plane are formed via hy­droxy-O-H...N(ring) and amine-N-H...O(hy­droxy) hydrogen bonds. The layers are connected along the c axis by [pi]-[pi] contacts between benzene rings [inter-centroid distance = 3.7789 (13) Å] and by C-Cl...[pi] inter­actions

    Pharmacological and Phytochemical Evaluation of Adiantum cuneatum Growing in Brazil

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    This work describes the phytochemical analysis and analgesic activity of a non polar fraction obtained from Adiantum cuneatum grown in Brazil. The results showed that the hexane fraction as well as two pure compounds, identified as filicene (1) and filicenal (2), given intraperitoneally, exhibited potent analgesic activity when evaluated in two models of pain in mice, writhing test and formalin-induced pain. Compound 1 presented a calculated ID50 value of 19.5 μmol/kg body weight, when evaluated in writhing test, being about 7-fold more active than some reference drugs, like as acetyl salicylic acid and acetaminophen. It also inhibited both phases (neurogenic and inflammatory) of the formalin test at 10 mg/kg (24 μmol/kg). The chemical composition of the plant grown in Brazil is similar to that grown in other countries. The results confirm and justify the popular use of this plant for the treatment of dolorous processes


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    Objective: Methylphenidate (MPH) is a derivative of piperidine, structurally related to amphetamine. It is the most widely psychostimulant used in Brazil for treating attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. This drug was investigated in an epilepsy model induced by pilocarpine and on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in young and adult mice. Methods: The control group was treated with saline. The treated groups received MPH (2.5, 5, 10 or 20 mg/kg) in single dose, followed by pilocarpine (400mg/Kg). The groups were observed for1h after treatment. Results: MPH, in all doses, was efficacious in decreasing both the latency to first seizures and the survival percentage in young and adult animals. Determination of AChE activity in the hippocampus and striatum of young and adult animals, after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus, demonstrated that pretreatment with MPH reduced AChE activity only in the striatum. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that MPH has proconvulsant action and cholinergic neurotransmission system can play a role in this effect

    Pernambuco Semiarid Native Rhizobial Populations Nitrogen Fixation Potential with Native \u3cem\u3eMacroptilium\u3c/em\u3e

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    Nitrogen (N) is one of nature´s most abundant elements, accounting for about 78% of the atmospheric gases, but mostly as the inert N2 form. As such it is not directly available to plants, and is relatively scarce in most agroecosystems. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) through diazotrophic bacteria represents ca. 63% of the yearly N input in terrestrial ecosystems (Taiz and Zeiger 2004). Legumes which form effective symbiosis with the diazotrophic group of bacteria commonly known as rhizobia, are a very important source of available N. Tropical forage legumes are usually able to nodulate with a diverse population of rhizobia, and may have a relevant contribution to nitrogen availability in pastures (Santos et al. 2003). This diversity may be exploited to find more symbiotically efficient bacterial strains, thereby increasing legume effects on pastures. One way to evaluate this diversity is to isolate strains from different regions, vegetation covers or cultivation systems, and environmental conditions. This practice would potentially lead to a large number of isolates, which would increase the chance of finding some more efficient than those currently available (Chagas Junior et al, 2010). Native legumes, including several species of Macroptilium are an important forage resource in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid, contributing to the quality of ruminant diet, but they are still not well known in regards to their BNF ability. This work evaluated nodulation efficiency of Macroptilium lathyroides when inoculated with Litolic Neossol from eight municipalities of Pernambuco State semiarid

    March1-dependent modulation of donor MHC II on CD103+ dendritic cells mitigates alloimmunity.

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    In transplantation, donor dendritic cells (do-DCs) initiate the alloimmune response either by direct interaction with host T cells or by transferring intact donor MHC to host DCs. However, how do-DCs can be targeted for improving allograft survival is still unclear. Here we show CD103+ DCs are the major do-DC subset involved in the acute rejection of murine skin transplants. In the absence of CD103+ do-DCs, less donor MHC-II is carried to host lymph nodes, fewer allogenic T cells are primed and allograft survival is prolonged. Incubation of skin grafts with the anti-inflammatory mycobacterial protein DnaK reduces donor MHC-II on CD103+DCs and prolongs graft survival. This effect is mediated through IL-10-induced March1, which ubiquitinates and decreases MHC-II levels. Importantly, in vitro pre-treatment of human DCs with DnaK reduces their ability to prime alloreactive T cells. Our findings demonstrate a novel therapeutic approach to dampen alloimmunity by targeting donor MHC-II on CD103+DCs