200 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Approach for Assessing the Significance of Contextual Variables in Nonparametric Frontier Models: an Application for Brazilian Banks

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    This article presents an empirical application illustrating the use of a nonparametric frontier model relying on a probabilistic definition of the production frontier. The significance of the variable nonperforming loans in productive efficiency is assessed, for a sample of Brazilian banks, using the concepts of condicional and unconditional efficiency measures, in a context where it is not necessary to impose any particular distribution for the production data. The analysis is robust relative to the assumptions of separability.

    A case study of families eligible to The National Family Agriculture Strengthening Program (PRONAF)

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    O estudo analisa 447 estabelecimentos enquadráveis no PRONAF e pertencentes à amostra de 1.806 estabelecimentos da Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Os dados foram coletados em 1997 e 1998, e referem-se ao ano agrícola 1996/97. Foram encontradas 236 famílias com renda líquida negativa, RL < 0, e 211 delas têm renda líquida igual ou maior que zero, RL ≥ 0. O estudo testa a hipótese de que erros de administração e bloqueio à difusão de tecnologia explicam porque os dois grupos são tão diferentes, quanto à renda líquida. Não se rejeitou a hipótese da neutralidade da tecnologia: o grupo de renda líquida negativa tem a função de produção abaixo do outro grupo. Por isso, este grupo (RL≥0 ) desfruta de conhecimentos que o grupo RL < 0 não tem. Foram encontradas muitas falhas na alocação de recursos e escolha de tecnologia. Ainda o grupo de RL < 0 enfrenta restrições à expansão do negócio, pois apresenta retorno constante à escala. Os erros de alocação de recursos exigem competência em administração rural para solucioná-los. Assim, o treinamento dos extensionistas tem que enfatizar a administração rural. O crédito rural tem que ter, como visão do negócio, o estabelecimento, e não se limitar a financiar tão somente novas tecnologias. O montante do empréstimo deve nascer do planejamento do estabelecimento. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe paper studies the sub-sample of 447 farms entitled to the benefits of PRONAF, the Brazilian federal government's credit programme for smallholder families, part of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation's sample of 1806 farms in nine regions of the country. From those 447 farms, 236 have negative net income ( RL < 0 ) and 211 are in the class of non-negative net income ( RL ≥ 0 ). The data were collected in 1997 and 1998, referring to the July1996/June1997 farm year. This paper's central hypothesis is that negative net income is explained by farm mismanagement and restricted knowledge diffusion. Another hypothesis is that technology is neutral, in the sense that the production function of the negative net income group is below that of the non-negative group. Thus, group RL < 0 does not have access to the same type of knowledge as group RL ≥ 0 , with a number of flaws being found in resource allocation and technology choice. Also, this group's expansion of farm activities is hindered by constant returns to scale. Sound knowledge of farm management is required to improve resource allocation, which implies training rural extension professionals to cope with farm management problems. Furthermore, the rural credit system needs to view the farm as whole, and should not be limited to financing only new technology. Instead, loan amounts must be a consequence of farm planning

    Evolução da produção e do comércio internacional do arroz e projeção de preços

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    Tendo em vista as constantes oscilações na produção e no comércio mundial de arroz, o presente trabalho objetivou identificar os países produtores, bem como, os continentes exportadores e importadores e estimar estatisticamente as taxas anuais de crescimento da produção, da importação e da exportação com o objetivo de identificar países ou regiões de crescimento e de declínio, em termos de importância para o produto. As taxas foram estimadas por meio de um modelo de regressão linerarizável com forma funcional y=abt, onde t representa o ano e y a produção, importação ou exportação anual. A Ásia é o principal continente exportador e importador, respondendo por 60,47% das exportações e 47,12% das importações mundiais. O continente americano responde por 22,84% das exportações e 12,64% das importações. A Europa abarca 12,28% das exportações mundiais e 20,12% das importações. A Oceania responde por 2,35% das exportações mundiais e 1,64% das importações e à África corresponde 2,05% das exportações mundiais e 18,48% das importações mundiais. Nos anos analisados, 1961 a 2006, a maior taxa de crescimento anual da exportação foi alcançada pela Europa com 8,33%; seguida pela Oceania com 6,96%; Ásia com 5,82%; África com 5,08% e o menor crescimento das exportações ocorreu no continente americano com 4,48%. Todos os continentes apresentaram taxas positivas de crescimento anual das importações, sendo a maior obtida pelo continente americano com 8,16%, seguida pela África com 7,98%, depois pela Oceania com 7,52%, Europa com 6,07% e a menor foi alcançada pela Ásia com 4,26%. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTWithin the scope of the constant fluctuations in production and world trade in rice, this study aimed to identify the major producers, exporters and importers of rice worldwide, and statistically estimate the annual rates of growth of production, import and export in order to identify countries or regions of growth and decline, in terms of importance for the product. The rates were estimated using a linearized regression model with functional form y=abt, where t represents the year and y production, import or export annually. Asia is the main exporting and importing continent, accounting for 60.47% of exports and 47.12% of world imports. The American continent accounts for 22.84% of exports and 12.64% of imports. Europe comprises 12.28% of world exports and 20.12% of imports. Oceania accounts for 2.35% of world exports and 1.64% of imports, and Africa is responsible for 2.05% of world exports and 18.48% of world imports. In the analyzed period from 1961 to 2006, the highest annual growth rate of export was achieved by Europe with 8.33%, followed by Oceania with 6.96%, 5.82% in Asia, Africa 5.08%, and the lowest was achieved by the Americas with 4.48%. All continents showed positive annual growth rates of imports, with the highest achieved by the Americas with 8.16%, followed by Africa with 7.98%, then by 7.52% in Oceania, Europe with 6.07 % and the lowest was achieved with 4.26% in Asia

    The meat market in Brazil: a partial equilibrium model

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    A partial equilibrium model for the meat market is fit to Brazilian data by three stages least squares. The model is consistent with the data and may be used for simulation purposes. In this context we compare model simulations for the near future with the OECD/ Aglink outlook. To illustrate using the model for simulations in policy assessments, we investigate the effect of a relative increase in corn price on the poultry and pork markets, coeteris paribus.Meat markets, elasticities, three stage least squares, simultaneous system of equations., Agribusiness, C 32,

    The EM algorithm for standard stochastic frontier models

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    The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is developed for the stochastic frontier models most used in practice with cross-section data. The resulting algorithms can be easily programmed into a computer and are shown to be worthy alternatives to general-purpose optimization routines currently used. The algorithms for the half normal and the exponential models have closed-form expressions whereas those for the truncated normal and gamma models will require the numerical solution of a nonlinear equation. Implementations of the EM algorithm either as a stand-alone routine or in accelerated form and also combined with Newton-like methods are discussed. We provide illustrations, along with R tools, for cost and production frontiers

    Influência de variáveis contextuais em medidas não-paramétricas de eficiência : uma aplicação com métodos de reamostragem

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    Avaliam-se três técnicas do tipo bootstrap para a análise estatística de um modelo não-paramétrico de produção em que uma medida de eficiência DEA é afetada potencialmente por um conjunto de fatores exógenos. A aplicação de interesse diz respeito a avaliação da significância das variáveis contextuais receita própria, melhoria de processos, intensidade de parcerias, tipo e tamanho nas eficiências técnicas de produção dos centros de pesquisa da Embrapa. Conclui-se que o bootstrap associado ao estimador de máxima verossimilhança produz o melhor ajuste do ponto de vista da correlação de Pearson entre valores observados e preditos e é o mais informativo relativamente a significância das variáveis consideradas. Com exceção de tamanho todas as variáveis contextuais são estatisticamente significantes. Receita própria, melhoria de processos e intensidade de parcerias são todas positivamente associadas com a eficiência técnica.We evaluate three bootstrap techniques for the statistical analysis of a non parametric production model for which a DEA measure of efficiency is potentially affected by a set of exogenous factors. The application of interest relates to the assessment of the significance of the contextual variables income generation, processes improvement, intensity of partnerships, type and size on the technical efficiencies of Embrapa’s research centers. It is concluded that the bootstrap of the maximum likelihood estimator provides the best fit from the point of view of Pearson correlation between observed and predicted values and is the most informative in regard to the significance of the variables considered. With the exception of size all contextual variables are statistically significant. Income generation, processes improvement and intensity of partnerships are all positively associated with technical efficiency

    Potential improvement of agricultural output for major producers based on dea efficiency measurements

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    In this article we perform production efficiency analysis for the 40 countries with largest value added by agricultural sector in 2005. Under the assumption of a nonparametric frontier and production observations satisfying a statistical model including both random and inefficiency errors, we estimate an agricultural production function using DEA measures of efficiency with output orientation and variable returns to scale. We found evidence that the set of countries investigated could increase their total value added by agricultural sector for at least 53.9% without increasing input usage with the prevailing technology. This result has a direct impact on issues related to the recent food crisis

    Credibilidade e crises cambiais : uma aplicação do modelo de Velasco

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    Este artigo analisa as crises cambiais dos principais países da América do Sul, no período de 1992 a 1998, com base no modelo de Velasco (1996). Este é um modelo que sintetiza dois enfoques: ataques especulativos resultantes de desequilíbrios nos fundamentos macroeconômicos e resultantes de profecias auto-realizáveis, mesmo quando as economias apresentam bons fundamentos. Nove países latino-americanos são classificados por meio da construção de um índice derivado de uma função perda. Desse modo é possível agrupar os países pelo grau de vulnerabilidade às crises, estabelecendo-se zonas de credibilidade. Os resultados indicam que a economia brasileira, por apresentar problemas nos fundamentos macroeconômicos, foi classificada em uma zona de credibilidade nula. A Argentina moveu-se de uma zona de alta credibilidade para uma faixa intermediária. Isto indica que a Argentina tornou-se suscetível às crises autorealizáveis. As demais economias situaram-se numa região de alta credibilidade.This paper analyzes the currency crises of the South American countries during the period from 1992 to 1998, based on the Velasco (1996) model. This is a model that synthesizes two approaches: speculative attacks resulting from unbalanced macroeconomics fundamentals and resulting from self-fulfilling prophecies, even when the economies show good fundamentals. Nine Latin American countries are classified by means of a loss function index. Thus, it is possible to classify the countries by the degree of vulnerability to the crises, establishing zones of credibility. The results indicate that the Brazilian economy, since it shows problems in its macroeconomic fundamentals, was classified in the zone of null credibility. Argentina moves from a zone of high credibility to an intermediate or partial zone. This is an indication that Argentina became susceptible to self-fulfilling crises. All other countries were classified in the zone of high credibility

    Technical efficiency of brazilian exporters of animal protein

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    This article uses censored and truncated statistical models to assess technical effects potentially affecting the production frontier of Embrapa’s (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária) research centers. Specifically the article assesses the significance of the factors level of research funds generated externally to the National Treasury, actions of partnership, technical quality of research projects, client satisfaction, change in administration, type and size on the measurement of technical efficiency of the research centers. Efficiency measures are computed both using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier methods. It is concluded that the DEA efficiency measurements provide more information regarding the assessment of technical effects and that revenue generation, actions of partnership, technical quality of projects, and size are significant factors. The statistical analysis leading to these results fits a Tobit model, defined by a distribution in the gamma family, to DEA technical efficiency measurements. This analysis is consistent with the fit of a truncated normal distribution to residuals obtained from the fit of a DEA production function

    Two-stage inference in experimental design using dea : an application to intercropping and evidence from randomization theory

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    Neste artigo é proposto o uso de medidas de eficiência DEA, com retornos constantes à escala e input unitário, na análise de respostas multidimensionais não negativas de ensaios experimentais. A abordagem proposta concorda com a Análise de Variância (Covariância) clássica para respostas unidimensionais e simplifica a análise estatística para o caso multidimensional. Os melhores tratamentos indicados pela análise otimizam um output combinado, definido por preços sombra, que são as soluções dos problemas lineares de DEA. A abordagem é particularmente útil na análise de experimentos consorciados (plantio simultâneo de mais de uma cultura agrícola). São aqui discutidos dois exemplos. Os resultados são validados via Teoria de Aleatorização, de modo a estudar apropriadamente as questões de correlação e não-normalidade das medidas DEA nas diferentes parcelas experimentais. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn this article we propose the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) measures of efficiency, under constant returns to scale and input equal to unity, in the analysis of multidimensional nonnegative responses in the design of experiments. The approach agrees with the standard Analysis of Variance (Covariance) for univariate responses and simplifies the statistical analysis in the multivariate case. The best treatments provided by the analysis optimize a combined output defined by shadow prices, which are the solutions of the DEA problem. The approach is particularly useful for the analysis of intercropping (crop mixtures) experiments. In this context we discuss two examples. To properly address the issue of correlation and non-normality of DEA measurements in different experimental plots we validate the results via Randomization Theory