2,922 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Metal Boranes as Solid-State Electrolytes for Next Generation Battery Applications

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    Modifying conventional batteries by replacing liquid electrolytes with solid ionic conductors is a novel strategy for developing next-generation energy storage devices (solid-state batteries) with increased safety, energy density, and reduced costs. Metal-boranes have shown promising features as solid-state electrolytes, due to their high ionic conductivity and compatibility with alkali-metal anodes. The synthesised metal-boranes demonstrate promising properties for further research and application as solid-state electrolytes in batteries

    The flora and vegetation in an area of the Caatinga in Taperuaba, Sobral, Ceará state, Brazil

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    The Caatinga, covering about 800.000 km2, is the predominant vegetation type of the semi-arid region of Brazil. The Caatinga biome comprises several phytophysiognomies and floristic compositions, with many endemic species, especially in Fabaceae, Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Bignoniaceae e Combretaceae. Despite considerable advances, the Brazilian semi-arid needs more studies and inventories of biodiversity, especially the Ceará state. On the basis of these considerations, the present study aims to identify the flora and vegetation, in order to characterize the phytophysiognomy in an area of the Caatinga, in locality of Taperuaba, municipality of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. Field work was conducted in March 2015 and 2016 respectively, in three transects. The life-forms were established in accordance of Raunkiaer´s system. The floristic list is composed of 87 species, distributed in 66 genera and 36 families. The flora comprises 22 Brazilian endemic species. The most representative family was Fabaceae with 15 species, followed by Malvaceae (7) Convolvulaceae (6), Euphorbiaceae (5) and Poaceae (5). The biological spectrum had a high proportion of therophytes (29,9%), chamaephytes (29,9%) and phanerophytes (26,4%). In the area were identified two phytophysiognomies: outcrops communities highlighting succulent phanerophytes (Pilosocereus chrysostele (Vaupel) Byles & G.D. Rowley subsp. cearensis P.J. Braun & Esteves and P. gounellei (F.A.C. Weber) Byles & Rowley), chamaephytes (Encholirium spectabile Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. and Lepidaploa chalybaea (Mart. ex DC.) H. Rob.) and therophytes (Mitracarpus baturitensis Sucre), mixed with communities including small trees and shrubs on deeper soil, composed of Cereus jamacaru DC., a succulent phanerophyte, and many woody phanerophytes, such as Cordia oncocalyx Allemão, Crateva trapia L., Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth., M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir., Poincianella bracteosa (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz and P. pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz

    Distill n' Explain: explaining graph neural networks using simple surrogates

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    Explaining node predictions in graph neural networks (GNNs) often boils down to finding graph substructures that preserve predictions. Finding these structures usually implies back-propagating through the GNN, bonding the complexity (e.g., number of layers) of the GNN to the cost of explaining it. This naturally begs the question: Can we break this bond by explaining a simpler surrogate GNN? To answer the question, we propose Distill n' Explain (DnX). First, DnX learns a surrogate GNN via knowledge distillation. Then, DnX extracts node or edge-level explanations by solving a simple convex program. We also propose FastDnX, a faster version of DnX that leverages the linear decomposition of our surrogate model. Experiments show that DnX and FastDnX often outperform state-of-the-art GNN explainers while being orders of magnitude faster. Additionally, we support our empirical findings with theoretical results linking the quality of the surrogate model (i.e., distillation error) to the faithfulness of explanations.Comment: To appear in AISTATS 202


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    O problema norteador deste trabalho é compreender como as categorias raça e sexualidade aparecem na relação entre Amaro e Aleixo dentro de um contexto inter-racial entre homens, na obra Bom Crioulo. Perceber como a moral, os costumes do século XIX aparecem na obra literária de Adolfo Caminha são um dos objetivos traçados, assim como procuraremos demonstrar como a sexualidade presente na relação inter-racial é tratada de acordo com o período da produção literária do autor. Entre os apontamentos conclusivos percebe-se que na obra a construção da sexualidade deu-se decorrente da articulação entre a demarcação dos papéis sexuais especialmente no que tange a masculinidade, em Amaro, e a feminilidade em Aleixo, assim como o binarismo: natureza versus cultura

    Clinical management of pain in the newborn: perception of nurses from the neonatal intensive care unit

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    Objective: analyzing the perceptions of nurses about the clinical pain in neonates in neonatal intensive care unit. Method: a descriptive, exploratory study, of a qualitative approach conducted with ten nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit of the University Hospital Antônio Pedro applying a semi-structured interview for data collection, and analyzed according to thematic content analysis method. Results: understanding the mechanism of neonatal pain, which does not depend upon complete formation of myelination; lack of verbalization of the newborn and this fact complicates the assessment of pain; however we must be sensitive to other physiological and behavioral signs, such as: facial mimicry, heart and respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, oxygen saturation, palmar sweating and vagal tone. Conclusion: it is a practice to be rethought the use of protocols and scales for the evaluation of indicators of neonatal pain

    Quality indicators in support of intravenous therapy in a university hospital: a contribution of nursing

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    Objectives: to understand the indicators of quality of care for intravenous therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of a university hospital. Method: a non-experimental descriptive study with a quantitative approach in the NICU of a university hospital, through a systematic survey on the protocol of intravenous care: peripheral venous access, PICC and central venous catheter. Excel and presented in tables - statistical treatment, where the data were pooled and processed in Microsoft Office program was conducted. The study was approved by the CEP HUAP/UFF under Protocol 01660412.9.0000.5243 . Results: in the data analysis, the results showed a greater need for technical training and maintenance of venous access catheter peripheral, PICC, and umbilical catheter. Conclusion: so, the health professional should facilitate and promote patient safety for the sake of your well being and quality of life, avoiding the risks and adverse effects

    Aplicação de índices espectrais na avaliação do aporte de sedimento aos reservatórios das Usinas Hidrelétricas Itumbiara e Batalha (Brasil)

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    In this work, two spectral indexes were implemented using Landsat images, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) for the delimitation of the water mirror and the Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) to evaluate the sediment contribution to the reservoirs of the hydroelectric power plants Itumbiara and Batalha, located on the borders of the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais. The acquisition and processing were carried out in the Google Earth Engine platform and the post-processing in the QGIS software. The NDTI was applied to the reservoirs considering the variation in water level between the dry and rainy seasons in 2020. The highest concentration of turbidity in the Itumbiara reservoir occurred in September, and the lowest in June. August was the month with the highest turbidity concentration and July the lowest in the Batalha reservoir.En este trabajo se implementaron dos índices espectrales utilizando imágenes Landsat, el Índice de Diferencia de Agua Normalizada (NDWI) para la delimitación del espejo de agua y el Índice de Turbidez de Diferencia Normalizada (NDTI) para evaluar el aporte de sedimentos a los embalses de las centrales hidroeléctricas Itumbiara y Batalha, ubicadas en los límites de los estados de Goiás y Minas Gerais. El NDTI se aplicó en los embalses considerando la variación del nivel del agua entre las épocas seca y lluviosa de 2020. La mayor concentración de turbiedad en el embalse de Itumbiara se presentó en septiembre y la menor en junio, siendo agosto el mes con mayor concentración de turbidez y julio con la menor en el embalse de Batalha.Dans ce travail, deux indices spectraux ont été implémentés à l'aide d'images Landsat, le Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) pour la délimitation du miroir d'eau et le Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) pour évaluer la contribution des sédiments aux réservoirs des centrales hydroélectriques. Itumbiara et Batalha, situées aux confins des états de Goiás et Minas Gerais. Le NDTI a été appliqué dans les réservoirs en tenant compte de la variation du niveau d'eau entre les saisons sèche et pluvieuse de 2020. La plus forte concentration de turbidité dans le réservoir d'Itumbiara s'est produite en septembre et la plus faible en juin. Dans le réservoir de Batalha, août étant le mois avec la plus forte concentration de turbidité et la plus faible en juillet.In questo lavoro sono stati implementati due indici spettrali utilizzando immagini Landsat, il Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) per la delimitazione dello specchio d'acqua e il Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) per valutare il contributo dei sedimenti ai serbatoi delle Centrali Idroelettriche Itumbiara e Batalha, situate ai confini degli stati di Goiás e Minas Gerais. L'acquisizione e l'elaborazione sono state effettuate nella piattaforma Google Earth Engine e la post-elaborazione nel QGIS. L'NDTI è stato applicato nei bacini considerando la variazione del livello dell'acqua tra la stagione secca e quella piovosa del 2020. La più alta concentrazione di torbidità nel bacino di Itumbiara si è verificata a settembre, e la più bassa a giugno. Nel bacino di Batalha, agosto è il mese con la più alta concentrazione di torbidità e il più basso a luglio.Neste trabalho foram implementados dois índices espectrais utilizando imagens Landsat, o Índice da Diferença Normalizada de Água (NDWI) para delimitação do espelho d’água e o Índice de Turbidez por Diferença Normalizada (NDTI) para avaliação do aporte de sedimentos aos reservatórios das Usinas Hidrelétricas Itumbiara e Batalha, localizadas nas divisas dos estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais. A aquisição e o processamento foram realizados na plataforma Google Earth Engine e o pós-processamento no software QGIS. O NDTI foi aplicado nos reservatórios considerando a variação do nível de água entre as estações seca e chuvosa de 2020. A maior concentração de turbidez no reservatório de Itumbiara se deu em setembro, e a menor em junho. Já no reservatório de Batalha, sendo agosto o mês com maior concentração de turbidez, e a menor em julho