17 research outputs found

    Exercise training prevents skeletal muscle damage in an experimental sepsis model

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    OBJECTIVE: Oxidative stress plays an important role in skeletal muscle damage in sepsis. Aerobic exercise can decrease oxidative stress and enhance antioxidant defenses. Therefore, it was hypothesized that aerobic exercise training before a sepsis stimulus could attenuate skeletal muscle damage by modulating oxidative stress. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic physical preconditioning on the different mechanisms that are involved in sepsis-induced myopathy. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to either the untrained or trained group. The exercise training protocol consisted of an eight-week treadmill program. After the training protocol, the animals from both groups were randomly assigned to either a sham group or a cecal ligation and perforation surgery group. Thus, the groups were as follows: sham, cecal ligation and perforation, sham trained, and cecal ligation and perforation trained. Five days after surgery, the animals were euthanized and their soleus and plantaris muscles were harvested. Fiber cross-sectional area, creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid reactive species, carbonyl, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were measured. RESULTS: The fiber cross-sectional area was smaller, and the creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid reactive species and carbonyl levels were higher in both muscles in the cecal ligation and perforation group than in the sham and cecal ligation and perforation trained groups. The muscle superoxide dismutase activity was higher in the cecal ligation and perforation trained group than in the sham and cecal ligation and perforation groups. The muscle catalase activity was lower in the cecal ligation and perforation group than in the sham group. CONCLUSION: In summary, aerobic physical preconditioning prevents atrophy, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation and improves superoxide dismutase activity in the skeletal muscles of septic rats

    Desempenho agronômico de híbridos F1 de tomate de mesa Agronomic attributes of F1 fresh market tomato hybrids

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    Objetivou-se avaliar e selecionar híbridos experimentais F1 de tomate de mesa do grupo salada quanto ao desempenho agronômico em condições de campo. Conduziu-se o experimento na Estação Experimental da Nunhems do Brasil, em Paulinia-SP, de fevereiro a junho de 2008. Obtiveram-se híbridos experimentais entre dez linhagens do BAG de tomate da Nunhems. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental blocos casualizados com 36 tratamentos, quatro repetições e dez plantas por parcela. Com base no agrupamento de médias pelo teste de Scott-Knott, os resultados do desempenho agronômico dos híbridos experimentais para sete características avaliadas mostraram grande variabilidade entre os genótipos para comprimento de fruto e largura de fruto, com quatro grupos de médias. Os híbridos mostraram boa variabilidade para produção de frutos por planta e altura de planta, com três agrupamentos cada e, para as características número de frutos por planta, número de pencas por planta e distância da primeira penca do solo, mostraram-se menos divergentes, com dois grupos de médias. HE-38 e HE-14, com valores heteróticos positivos, destacaram-se como os mais produtivos em relação ao híbrido-padrão Aplauso.<br>The study aims to obtain and select F1 resistant hybrids of tomato for fresh market and evaluate their agronomic attributes in field conditions. The work was carried out at Nunhems Experimental Station, located in Paulínia, São Paulo State, Brazil, from February to June 2008. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with 36 treatments, four replications and ten plants per plot. Based on the grouping of means by Scott-Knott test, the performance of hybrids for seven agronomic traits showed great variability among genotypes for fruit length and width with four groups of means. There was good variability for yield per plant, and plant height with three groups of means for each character. The traits fruit number per plant, cluster number per plant, and distance between the first cluster and the ground showed little divergence with two grouping means. HE-38 and HE-14 outperformed the standard Aplauso for fruit yield per plant showing positive heterotic effects

    Combining ability in sweet pepper for resistance to powdery mildew Capacidade de combinação em pimentão para resistência a oídio

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    With the increase of the production of pepper in protected environment, pathogens began to cause serious damages to producers such as Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Arn., fungus that causes powdery mildew. The systemic fungicides have not shown very satisfactory results. Thus, considering that protected cropping of pepper in Brazil is significant and growing, the incorporation of genes that confer resistance to powdery mildew is important for the maintenance of this cropping system. In this research, carried out in 2007 in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, the agronomic performance and resistance to powdery mildew was determined by triple hybrids of sweet pepper through general and specific combining ability of their parents. For agronomic performance of the triple hybrid, it was evaluated the weight length and width average of the fruit, length and width ratio of the fruit and wall thickness. For severity of powdery mildew a scale of scores from 1 to 5 was used. For statistical and genetic analysis, it was adopted Griffing's method two, model I, adapted for partial diallel. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with 17 treatments, including ten experimental hybrids and seven parents, eight replications and four plants per plot. The additive effects were greater than the non-additive effects for all agronomic characters; 'P36-R' and 'Platero' were highlighted as good combiners; 'Quantum-R x HV-12', 'Rubia x HV-12' and 'P36-R x HV-12' presented the best specific combining ability; the mean square of the specific combining ability for the severity of the disease was significant indicating the importance of genes with dominant and epistatic effect; triple hybrids obtained by crosses with 'Quantum-R' and 'Rubia-R' had negative general combining ability and the best reactions to powdery mildew.<br>Com o aumento do cultivo protegido de pimentão, patógenos como Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Arn., fungo causador do oídio, passaram a causar sérios prejuízos aos produtores. Os fungicidas sistêmicos não têm apresentado resultados muito satisfatórios. Assim, levando-se em conta que o cultivo protegido de pimentão no Brasil é importante e crescente, a incorporação de genes que conferem resistência ao oídio é relevante para a manutenção desse sistema de cultivo. Nesse trabalho, realizado em 2007 em Campinas-SP, determinou-se o potencial agronômico e de resistência a oídio de híbridos triplos de pimentão por meio da capacidade geral e específica de combinação dos genitores. Para determinar o desempenho agronômico dos híbridos triplos, avaliaram-se o peso, comprimento e largura média do fruto, relação entre comprimento e largura do fruto e espessura da polpa. Para a avaliação da severidade da doença utilizou-se escala de notas de 1 a 5. Para as análises estatístico-genéticas, adotou-se o método dois, modelo I de Griffing, adaptado para dialelo parcial. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 17 tratamentos, incluindo dez híbridos experimentais e sete genitores, oito repetições e quatro plantas por parcela. Os efeitos aditivos foram superiores aos efeitos nãoaditivos para todos os componentes agronômicos avaliados; 'P36-R' e 'Platero' destacaram-se como bons combinadores para os caracteres agronômicos avaliados; 'Quantum-R x HV-12', 'Rubia-R x HV-12' e 'P36-R x HV-12' apresentaram os maiores efeitos da capacidade específica de combinação para a maioria dos caracteres avaliados; o quadrado médio da capacidade específica de combinação significativo para a severidade da doença indicou a importância de genes com efeito de dominância e epistasia; híbridos triplos obtidos do cruzamento com 'Quantum-R' e 'Rubia-R' apresentaram capacidade geral de combinação negativa e as melhores reações de resistência ao oídio

    Analisando as pesquisas em educação especial no Brasil Analysing research in special education in Brazil

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    Nosso objetivo foi examinar a articulação lógica entre o problema e a proposição teórico-metodológica das produções na área da Educação Especial, focando os seus pressupostos epistemológicos. Nos fundamentamos nos pressupostos das tendências empírico-analítica, fenomenológica-hermenêutica, crítico-dialética e do paradigma da complexidade. O procedimento adotado foi interpretar todas as dissertações/teses produzidas nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Educação Especial do Brasil, que versam sobre Educação Especial, produzidas nos anos de 2001, 2002 e 2003, disponíveis no banco de teses da CAPES. Encontramos as tendências empírica, fenomenológica e dialética. Os equívocos encontrados foram a não inserção da pesquisa entre as produções na área; ausência de criticidade; não posicionamento numa determinada concepção de educação; construção teórica fundamentada em concepções diferentes; falta de coerência nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos; não explicitação metodológica; não descrição dos procedimentos éticos; e má elaboração dos resumos. Concluímos pela necessidade da melhoria das dissertações/teses para que possamos avançar na produção de conhecimento na área da Educação Especial.<br>Our objective was to analyze the logical articulation between the problem and the theoretical-methodological proposal of studies in the field of Special Education, focusing on the epistemological issues. We based our study on the empiric-analytical tendencies, phenomenology-hermeneutic, critical-dialectical and the complexity paradigm. The procedure that was adopted was interpreting all dissertations/thesis produced in Post-Graduate programs in Education and Special Education in Brazil, which focus on Special Education, produced in 2001, 2002 and 2003, available online at CAPES' thesis database. We found empirical, phenomenological and dialectic tendencies. The errors encountered included the failure to include the research among the productions in the field; lack of critical approach; lack of making explicit what educational conception the study was based on; theoretical construction based on different conceptions; lack of coherence in the theoretical-methodological proposals; lack of methodological specification; absence of ethical procedural descriptions; and poorly written abstracts. We came to the conclusion that improvements in theses /dissertations are necessary so as to continually move forward in the production of knowledge in the field of Special Education