53 research outputs found

    Soroprevalência de toxoplasmose em comunidade de baixa renda da municipalidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil

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    Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common zoonoses worldwide. The seroprevalence for T. gondii in human population from Brazil might range from 40 to 80%. The aim of this paper was to study the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in children from age one to 15 living in a low socioeconomic community, named community of Jardim São Remo in the year of 2002. The community is located in the West area of São Paulo municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 110 (32.4%, CI 95%: 27.5 - 37.7) of the 339 children tested with indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. The titration of the samples revealed 29 children with serum titer equal to 16, 14 children with 32, 18 children with 64, 21 children with 128, 20 children with 256 and eight children with serum titer >; 512. The age dependence of the prevalence of T. gondii infection and the association between seroprevalence for T. gondii and seroprevalence for T. canis suggest that the infection is chiefly postnatal. Seroconversion in infant population of community Jardim São Remo occurs in children as young as two years old, earlier than in the children attended at health centers of São Paulo city. The seroprevalence of T. gondii in children from Jardim São Remo was compared to the prevalence in children from other urban centers of Brazil.A toxoplasmose é uma das zoonoses mais comuns em todo o mundo. Estima-se que a soroprevalência desta enfermidade na população humana do Brasil esteja entre 40 e 80%. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a soroprevalência para a infecçção pelo T. gondii em crianças entre um e 15 anos de idade em uma comunidade de baixa renda denominada comunidade Jardim São Remo, durante o ano de 2002. A comunidade estudada localiza-se na região Oeste do município de São Paulo, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Anticorpos contra T. gondii foram encontrados em 110 (32,4% IC 95%: 27.5 - 37.7) das 339 crianças submetidas ao teste de imunofluorescência indireta. A titulação das amostras revelou 29 amostras com título igual a 16, 14 crianças com título igual a 32, 18 crianças com título 64, 21 crianças com título 128, 20 crianças com título 256 e oito crianças com título maior ou igual a 512. A relação entre a idade das crianças e soroprevalência para toxoplasmose e a associação positiva entre soroprevalência para T. gondii e soroprevalência para T. canis sugere que a infecção ocorre principalmente após o nascimento. A soroconversão na população infantil da comunidade Jardim São Remo ocorre em crianças a partir de dois anos de idade, mais cedo, portanto que em crianças atendidas em centros de saúde da cidade de São Paulo. A soroprevalência para T. gondii em crianças de Jardim São Remo foi comparada com a soroprevalência em crianças de outros centros urbanos do Brasil

    O uso de dados epidemiológicos como base para o desenvolvimento de um currículo médico

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Epidemiology may help educators to face the challenge of establishing content guidelines for the curricula in medical schools. The aim was to develop learning objectives for a medical curriculum from an epidemiology database. DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive study assessing morbidity and mortality data, conducted in a private university in São Paulo. METHODS: An epidemiology database was used, with mortality and morbidity recorded as summaries of deaths and the World Health Organization's Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY). The scoring took into consideration probabilities for mortality and morbidity. RESULTS: The scoring presented a classification of health conditions to be used by a curriculum design committee, taking into consideration its highest and lowest quartiles, which corresponded respectively to the highest and lowest impact on morbidity and mortality. Data from three countries were used for international comparison and showed distinct results. The resulting scores indicated topics to be developed through educational taxonomy. CONCLUSION: The frequencies of the health conditions and their statistical treatment made it possible to identify topics that should be fully developed within medical education. The classification also suggested limits between topics that should be developed in depth, including knowledge and development of skills and attitudes, regarding topics that can be concisely presented at the level of knowledge

    Response of nitrate transporters and PM H + -ATPase expression to nitrogen flush on two upland rice varieties contrasting in nitrate uptake kinetics

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    These authors contributed equally to this work. Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of high-affinity nitrate (NO 3 -) transporters and plasma membrane H + -ATPase isoforms in rice varieties, contrasting in NO 3 -uptake kinetics parameters. Two varieties of rice were studied: cv. IAC-47 (improved for high N input) and cv. Piauí (a local landrace variety cultivated for low input farmers). We evaluated the expression of two PM H + -ATPase isoforms (OsA2 and OsA7), two NO 3 -transporters (OsNRT2.1 and OsNRT2.2), and OsNAR2.1, the rice regulatory genes for nitrate transport. The results showed that the Piauí variety has higher expression of OsNRT2.1-2.2, OsNAR2.1 and OsA2 and 7, compared to IAC-47 variety, mainly after 24h under low N condition. After 24h of 0.2 mM NO 3 --N resupply, the Piauí variety showed a net nitrate uptake and PM-H + -ATPase activity, 71% and 47% higher than IAC-47, respectively. This behavior of Piauí variety may be a strategy for better harnessing of available N that occurs in the tropical environment in a short period of time, after the onset of the rainy season. Changes in the expression levels of OsNRT2.1-2.2/OsNAR2.1 and OsA2 and 7 occur synchronously over time. Our results suggest the synchronized behavior of high affinity nitrate transporters and PM-H + -ATPases under N flush conditions

    Estimation of HIV incidence in two Brazilian municipalities, 2013

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    OBJECTIVE To estimate HIV incidence in two Brazilian municipalities, Recife and Curitiba, in the year of 2013. METHODS The method for estimating incidence was based on primary information, resulting from the Lag-Avidity laboratory test for detection of recent HIV infections, applied in a sample of the cases diagnosed in the two cities in 2013. For the estimation of the HIV incidence for the total population of the cities, the recent infections detected in the research were annualized and weighted by the inverse of the probability of HIV testing in 2013 among the infected and not diagnosed cases. After estimating HIV incidence for the total population, the incidence rates were estimated by sex, age group, and exposure category. RESULTS In Recife, 902 individuals aged 13 years and older were diagnosed with HIV infection. From these, 528 were included in the study, and the estimated proportion of recent infections was 13.1%. In Curitiba, 1,013 people aged 13 years and older were diagnosed, 497 participated in the study, and the proportion of recent infections was 10.5%. In Recife, the estimated incidence rate was 53.1/100,000 inhabitants of 13 years and older, while in Curitiba, it was 41.1/100,000, with male-to-female ratio of 3.5 and 2.4, respectively. We observed high rates of HIV incidence among men who have sex with men, of 1.47% in Recife and 0.92% in Curitiba. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained in the two cities showed that the group of men who have sex with men are disproportionately subject to a greater risk of new infections, and indicate that strategies to control the spread of the epidemic in this population subgroup are essential and urgent.OBJETIVO Estimar a incidência de HIV em dois municípios brasileiros, Recife e Curitiba, no ano de 2013. MÉTODOS O método de estimação da incidência foi baseado em informações primárias, resultantes do ensaio laboratorial Lag-Avidity para detecção de infecções recentes do HIV, aplicado em uma amostra dos casos diagnosticados nas duas cidades em 2013. Para a estimação da incidência de HIV para a população total das cidades, as infecções recentes detectadas na pesquisa foram anualizadas e ponderadas pelo inverso da probabilidade de teste de HIV no ano de 2013 entre os casos infectados e não diagnosticados. Após a estimação da incidência de HIV para a população total, foram estimadas as taxas de incidência por sexo, faixa de idade e categoria de exposição. RESULTADOS Em Recife, foram diagnosticados 902 indivíduos de 13 anos e mais com infecção de HIV. Desses, 528 foram incluídos no estudo, e a proporção estimada de infecções recentes foi de 13,1%. Em Curitiba, foram diagnosticadas 1.013 pessoas de 13 anos e mais, 497 participaram do estudo, e a proporção de infecções recentes foi de 10,5%. Em Recife, a taxa de incidência estimada foi de 53,1 por 100 mil habitantes de 13 anos e mais, enquanto em Curitiba, de 41,1 por 100 mil, com razão do sexo masculino para o feminino de 3,5 e 2,4, respectivamente. Foram evidenciadas elevadas taxas de incidência de HIV entre homens que fazem sexo com homens, de 1,47% em Recife e 0,92% em Curitiba. CONCLUSÕES Os resultados obtidos nas duas cidades mostraram que o grupo dos homens que fazem sexo com homens está desproporcionalmente sujeito ao maior risco de novas infecções, e indicam que estratégias para controle da disseminação da epidemia nesse subgrupo populacional são essenciais e urgentes

    Gene Duplication in the Sugarcane Genome: A Case Study of Allele Interactions and Evolutionary Patterns in Two Genic Regions

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is highly polyploid and aneuploid. Modern cultivars are derived from hybridization between S. officinarum and S. spontaneum. This combination results in a genome exhibiting variable ploidy among different loci, a huge genome size (~10 Gb) and a high content of repetitive regions. An approach using genomic, transcriptomic, and genetic mapping can improve our knowledge of the behavior of genetics in sugarcane. The hypothetical HP600 and Centromere Protein C (CENP-C) genes from sugarcane were used to elucidate the allelic expression and genomic and genetic behaviors of this complex polyploid. The physically linked side-by-side genes HP600 and CENP-C were found in two different homeologous chromosome groups with ploidies of eight and ten. The first region (Region01) was a Sorghum bicolor ortholog region with all haplotypes of HP600 and CENP-C expressed, but HP600 exhibited an unbalanced haplotype expression. The second region (Region02) was a scrambled sugarcane sequence formed from different noncollinear genes containing partial duplications of HP600 and CENP-C (paralogs). This duplication resulted in a non-expressed HP600 pseudogene and a recombined fusion version of CENP-C and the orthologous gene Sobic.003G299500 with at least two chimeric gene haplotypes expressed. It was also determined that it occurred before Saccharum genus formation and after the separation of sorghum and sugarcane. A linkage map was constructed using markers from nonduplicated Region01 and for the duplication (Region01 and Region02). We compare the physical and linkage maps, demonstrating the possibility of mapping markers located in duplicated regions with markers in nonduplicated region. Our results contribute directly to the improvement of linkage mapping in complex polyploids and improve the integration of physical and genetic data for sugarcane breeding programs. Thus, we describe the complexity involved in sugarcane genetics and genomics and allelic dynamics, which can be useful for understanding complex polyploid genomes

    Patrimônio e desenvolvimento: as políticas de patrimônio cultural nos anos 1960

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    This article aims at analyzing aspects of 1960s Brazilian cultural heritage policies, highlighting changes related to the articulation of concepts such as development, culture and heritage within the Directory of National Historical and Artistic Heritage - DPHAN, today Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). It discusses the effects of industrialization, urban growth and development improvement measures on heritage concepts and policies, analyzing initiatives that focus on preserving cultural assets acknowledged as national historical and artistic heritage and enhancing their economical potential. The discussion emphasizes notions and understandings on heritage and preservation that had substantial bearing on preservation measures carried on by DPHAN from the 1960s on regarding the identification, valorization and protection of cultural heritage, as well as the disciplinary and institutional debates this Directory proposed.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar especificidades dos anos 1960 no que diz respeito às políticas de patrimônio, destacando algumas mudanças de entendimentos, noções e propostas, notadamente referentes às relações entre desenvolvimento, cultura e patrimônio trabalhadas pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, então Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (DPHAN). Para tanto, vai-se partir das discussões e debates desse momento acerca dos efeitos da industrialização, do crescimento urbano e das políticas desenvolvimentistas sobre as políticas de patrimônio a partir dessa década, analisando as iniciativas voltadas à patrimonialização de bens culturais, à preservação do acervo que compunha o patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional e ao fomento de suas potencialidades econômicas. Na discussão proposta neste artigo, priorizar-se-ão os entendimentos e ações de preservação da DPHAN relacionados a identificação, valoração e proteção dos bens culturais, assim como os diálogos disciplinares e institucionais que a diretoria procurou estabelecer
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