645,979 research outputs found

    Human-computer interaction for development (HCI4D):the Southern African landscape

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    Human-Computer interaction for development (HCI4D) research aims to maximise the usability of interfaces for interacting with technologies designed specifically for under-served, under-resourced, and under-represented populations. In this paper we provide a snapshot of the Southern African HCI4D research against the background of the global HCI4D research landscape.We commenced with a systematic literature review of HCI4D (2010-2017) then surveyed Southern African researchers working in the area. The contribution is to highlight the context- specific themes and challenges that emerged from our investigation

    How integrated is SADC ? trends in intra-regional and extra-regional trade flows and policy

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    Do Southern African Development Community countries trade enough with each other and with the rest of the world? Although its share of world trade has fallen, appropriate benchmarking shows that, controlling for gross domestic product and other characteristics, Southern African Development Community countries have experienced an increase in openness that is comparable to other developing countries. Once market size and geography are taken into account, trade between Southern African Development Community countries is actually high. Southern African Development Community countries also trade more products with each other than they do with the rest of the world. In this sense, and contrary to stylized fears, the Southern African Development Community region is quite integrated. Although the Southern African Development Community has reduced its tariffs, the structure remains complex and could be lowered on intermediates. Other impediments make it costly and difficult to move goods, but are at levels that are comparable with countries at similar levels of development. Although this may be surprising, there is still scope for improvement and the disadvantageous geography of the Southern African Development Community makes it important for other trade impediments to be reduced.Free Trade,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy,Trade Law

    Education for transformative leadership in Southern Africa

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    This article argues that education for transformative leadership in a southern African context needs to nurture an understanding of the relationship between spirituality and charisma. This argument is based on a review of some literature pertaining to transformative learning, transformative leadership, and African value systems. The article explores the relationship between transformative leadership and transformative learning and education theories, and relates them to a specific southern African context. It proposes three arguments. First, transformative education may facilitate the transformative leadership development process. Second, transformative education and transformative leadership, although offering features that are sympathetic to African indigenous values, must also take account of particular African contexts. The article does not claim to be reporting from empirical research on this issue but, to support its position, draws on recent literature from an ongoing southern Africa leadership development project and some early empirical data from a small, related study in one southern African country. Third, the article suggests that a key difference between transformative learning and transformative leadership perspectives is the transformative leadership focus on charismatic qualities that inspire motivation to change. However, a defining conceptual thread of spirituality runs through the transformative learning and leadership literature that resonates with southern African core value systems. It is this thread that provides the overall conceptual link between the different strands of thought

    A proposal for: Research for a regional southern African development strategy

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    This is a proposal and abstract for "Research for a regional southern african development strategy" submitted by the National Institute for Research, University of Botswan

    CONVERDS: The Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the Southern Africa Region: Joint Project Proposal

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    Project proposal for a Collaborative Network for Vegetable Research and Development in the Southern Africa Region (CONVERDS). The proposal followed a decision by the CGIAR in May 1989 to commence internationalizing vegetable research in sub-Saharan Africa. The CGIAR Secretariat organized a project identification mission carried out by AVRDC, ISNAR, and the Southern African Center for Cooperation in Agricultural Research (SACCAR). The proposal was the subject of a regional workshop in Arusha, Tanzania in July 1990. Details of the workshop are contained in Annex I. The document details the network's mandate, objectives, and governance and management structure, as well as functions, priorities, and expected outputs.Agenda document, TAC 53

    No. 04: Gender Concerns in South African Migration Policy

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    This paper draws attention to the need for a gender analysis of the South African government’s proposed new policy on international migration, by identifying a number of areas of implicit gender discrimination. Such “discrimination by default” is of more than academic relevance, having important implications for national and regional development. Research undertaken by the Southern African Migration Project indicates a growing “feminization” of migration to South Africa from the Southern African region, as well as gender-specific motives and patterns of migration. If migration is to be effectively managed, such realities must be taken into account. The paper concludes by advocating a development-centred, household strategies approach, both in understanding international migration to South Africa and in the further development and implementation of legislation. The paper was written by Dr Belinda Dodson, a research associate of SAMP. The opinions expressed are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMP, its staff or its funders

    Is scaling up enough to curb the HIV epidemic in southern Africa?

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    We highlight key insights and provide some food for thought on 'Scaling up for success', the theme of the 4th Southern African AIDS Conference (Durban, 31 March - 3 April 2009), where over 4 000 scientists, field workers and activists presented and discussed research findings and best practices for HIV prevention, treatment and care in southern Africa

    Building sustainable research management capacity in science granting councils in Sub-Saharan Africa (SRMinSGC) : final technical report

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    The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) in partnership with the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), together aimed to implement sustainable research management capacity initiatives in the participating Science Granting Councils (SGCs) in sub-Saharan Africa. The role of SARIMA on the SGCI project was to create a broader and deeper awareness of research management of Science Granting Councils in 15 different sub-Saharan countries. This report reviews the project objectives, activities and outcomes