960 research outputs found

    Atypical Presentations of Hearing Loss in Patients with Acoustic Neuroma

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    A hipoacúsia neurosensorial unilateral e progressiva é uma das principais manisfestações audiológicas dos doentes com diagnóstico de neurinoma do acústico, estando no entanto descritas outras formas de apresentação. Dos 43 doentes com diagnóstico de neurinoma do acústico, tratados pela equipa de otoneurocirurgia entre 1997 e 2003, identificamos 88,5% com hipoacústica neurosensorial unilateral, 4,6% como hipoacústica neurosensorial súbita, 4,6% com audição simétrica e 2,3% com audição "normal". Estes dados revelam a existência de três formas incomuns de apresentação dos neurinomas, facto que deve levar os otorrinolaringologistas a manterem um elevado grau de alerta perante doentes com queixas que possam sugerir, de algum modo, a presença de neurinoma do acústico

    Validación de la Positive and Negative Affect Schedule en Personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica

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    Aim: to analyze the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale in people with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis. Method: this was a methodological study. A random sample of 171 people chronic kidney disease who receive hemodialysis in two clinics in the region of Lisbon, Portugal. Data was collected from May to June 2015. The psychometric properties were evaluated: Validity (construct, convergent and predictive), reliability (Cronbach’s α) and stability (test-retest). Results: showed that the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale has two distinct dimensions of positive and negative affect, reliable and stable both when obtained by interview or by questionnaire. Conclusion: the validity and reproducibility of the Portuguese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale in people with chronic kidney disease are consistent with the original version and the English version of this scale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The choroid plexus response to a repeated peripheral inflammatory stimulus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic systemic inflammation triggers alterations in the central nervous system that may relate to the underlying inflammatory component reported in neurodegenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. However, it is far from being understood whether and how peripheral inflammation contributes to induce brain inflammatory response in such illnesses. As part of the barriers that separate the blood from the brain, the choroid plexus conveys inflammatory immune signals into the brain, largely through alterations in the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study we investigated the mouse choroid plexus gene expression profile, using microarray analyses, in response to a repeated inflammatory stimulus induced by the intraperitoneal administration of lipopolysaccharide every two weeks for a period of three months; mice were sacrificed 3 and 15 days after the last lipopolysaccharide injection. The data show that the choroid plexus displays a sustained response to the repeated inflammatory stimuli by altering the expression profile of several genes. From a total of 24,000 probes, 369 are up-regulated and 167 are down-regulated 3 days after the last lipopolysaccharide injection, while at 15 days the number decreases to 98 and 128, respectively. The pathways displaying the most significant changes include those facilitating entry of cells into the cerebrospinal fluid, and those participating in the innate immune response to infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These observations contribute to a better understanding of the brain response to peripheral inflammation and pave the way to study their impact on the progression of several disorders of the central nervous system in which inflammation is known to be implicated.</p

    Factores que Influencian a Apreciación de Películas Cómicas por Personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica

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    Objetivos: Identificar os factores que influenciam a apreciação de filmes humorosos em pessoas com doença renal crónica e conhecer os filmes humorosos mais apreciados por estas pessoas durante a sessão de hemodiálise. Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva e correlacional de delineamento transversal. Amostra randomizada composta por pessoas com doença renal crónica submetidas a hemodiálise numa clínica. A colheita de dados foi por meio de entrevista individual e questionário autopreenchido, utilizando-se os instrumentos: caracterização dos sujeitos e o formulário do sentido de humor. Os dados foram analisados recorrendo a procedimentos da estatística descritiva como média, desvio padrão e frequência simples e relativa e teste de hipóteses t student e qui quadrado para estabelecer a associação entre variáveis independentes e dependente. Resultados: Dos 171 participantes, os jovens e casados apreciam mais filmes de humor. As pessoas com doença renal crónica que apreciam filmes de humor consideram-se alegres e divertidas, referem ter sentido de humor e ter uma família divertida. Além disso, mencionam gostar de brincar, de rir, que as façam rir, de estar com pessoas com sentido de humor, de ouvir anedotas, de ler livros cómicos e de ouvir histórias engraçadas. Conclusões: Foram verificados os factores sociodemográficos e clínicos que estão relacionados com o sentido de humor e que influenciam a apreciação de filmes de humor, bem como foram identificados os principais tipos de filmes/vídeos de humor/cómicos apreciados pelas pessoas com doença renal crónica. Este estudo traz contributos importantes para a intervenção de enfermagem humor da Classificação das intervenções de enfermagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Altered iron metabolism is part of the choroid plexus response to peripheral inflammation.

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    Iron is essential for normal cellular homeostasis but in excess promotes free radical formation and is detrimental. Therefore, iron metabolism is tightly regulated. Here, we show that mechanisms regulating systemic iron metabolism may also control iron release into the brain at the blood-choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier. Intraperitoneal administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mice triggers a transient transcription of the gene encoding for hepcidin, a key regulator of iron homeostasis, in the choroid plexus, which correlated with increased detection of pro-hepcidin in the CSF. Similarly, the expression of several other iron-related genes is influenced in the choroid plexus by the inflammatory stimulus. Using primary cultures of rat choroid plexus epithelial cells, we show that this response is triggered not only directly by LPS but also by molecules whose expression increases in the blood in response to inflammation, such as IL-6. Intracellular conveyors of these signaling molecules include signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, which becomes phosphorylated, and SMAD family member 4, whose mRNA levels increase soon after LPS administration. This novel role for the choroid plexus-CSF barrier in regulating iron metabolism may be particularly relevant to restrict iron availability for microorganism growth, and in neurodegenerative diseases in which an inflammatory underlying component has been reported.This work was supported by Grant POCTI/SAU-NEU/56618/2004 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (Portugal) and a grant from The Dana Foundation (USA). F. M. is the recipient of postdoctoral fellowship, and A. M. F. is the recipient of a Ph. D., fellowship from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (Portugal)

    Palliative splenic irradiation for symptomatic splenomegaly in non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Splenic marginal zone lymphoma, an uncommon subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), is usually present with symptomatic splenomegaly. Although splenectomy has long been considered the first-line therapy in symptomatic or cytopenic patients, it can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Splenic irradiation is an option for patients who have a poor response to systemic therapy and/or are not surgical candidates. In this paper, we present a case report of a patient who received splenic radiotherapy for symptomatic splenomegaly. METHODS: An 85-year-old Caucasian man with a 4 year history of low-grade NHL presented with progressive pancytopenia, significant weight loss and symptomatic splenomegaly (abdominal discomfort, sense of fullness and limitation of mobility due to spleen size). The patient refused splenectomy and, in December 2017, was referred to palliative splenic radiotherapy. He was initially treated with five fractions of one Grey (Gy) in order to evaluate clinical and haematology response. After that, 1.5 Gy daily, 5 days a week for 3 weeks. 3D conformal radiotherapy, multiple fields and mixed energy (6 and 15 Mv) were used. RESULTS: Radiotherapy allowed significant splenic reduction to almost half the size, resolving abdominal discomfort and improving quality of life. There was no decline of haemoglobin, leukocytes and platelet counts; in fact, there was a marginal increase. CONCLUSION: Palliative splenic irradiation was well tolerated confirming that it is a safe treatment option for palliation of symptomatic splenomegaly. Thereby, splenic irradiation should be strongly considered in the management of symptomatic splenomegaly, for selected patients who are refractory to or unsuitable for other options or when the patient refuses other treatments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale in People with Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (MSHS) was developed by Thorson and Powell and it was validated in Portuguese, but not in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study examined the psychometrics of the MSHS in people with CKD on hemodialysis. A random sample of 171 people with CKD undergoing hemodialysis was selected. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a structure with three factors, “Humor Production and Social Use of Humor”, “Adaptive Humor and Appreciation Humor” and “Attitude Towards Humor”, with Alpha Cronbach values of 0.93, 0.90 and 0.83 respectively. It revealed stability in both interview and questionnaire methods. It showed moderate positive correlations with Positive Affect, Subjective Happiness and Wellbeing Personal Index, and moderate negative correlation with Negative Affect. Therefore, MSHS shows evidence of being a valid, reliable and reproducible scale either by questionnaire or interview.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transcriptome signature of the adult mouse choroid plexus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the gene expression profile of several tissues in humans and in rodent animal models has been explored, analysis of the complete choroid plexus (CP) transcriptome is still lacking. A better characterization of the CP transcriptome can provide key insights into its functions as one of the barriers that separate the brain from the periphery and in the production of cerebrospinal fluid.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This work extends further what is known about the mouse CP transcriptome through a microarray analysis of CP tissue from normal mice under physiological conditions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the genes most highly expressed are those implicated in energy metabolism (oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis/gluconeogenesis) and in ribosomal function, which is in agreement with the secretory nature of the CP. On the other hand, genes encoding for immune mediators are among those with lower expression in basal conditions. In addition, we found genes known to be relevant during brain development, and not previously identified to be expressed in the CP, including those encoding for various axonal guidance and angiogenesis molecules and for growth factors. Some of these are known to influence the neural stem cell niche in the subventricular zone, highlighting the involvement of the CP as a likely modulator of neurogenesis. Interestingly, our observations confirm that the CP transcriptome is unique, displaying low homology with that of other tissues. Of note, we describe here that the closest similarity is with the transcriptome of the endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on the data presented here, it will now be possible to further explore the function of particular proteins of the CP secretome in health and in disease.</p

    Granulomas caused by Mycobacterium sp. in farmed Turbot Scopthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Turbot, Scophthlalmus maximus, is a Pleuronectiformes fish that occurs in northeast Atlantic along the European coast and in the Mediterranean Sea and is produced in aquaculture since the last quarter of the twentieth century. During a survey conducted in a turbot fish farm nodular formations were occasionally observed in several organs, especially in the kidney and in the spleen. Microscopic observations showed that these nodules contained acid-fast bacilli. The molecular identification of the isolated bacteria conducted to the Mycobacterium genus. Although no abnormal mortalities were evident morbidity was observed. The normal development and welfare of infected fish decrease and the condition factor, the haematocrit and the haemoglobin concentration in blood decreases significantly with the increase of nodules abundance

    Concurrent Training Followed by Detraining: Does the Resistance Training Intensity Matter?

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the training and detraining (DT) effects of concurrent aerobic training and resistance training against 3 different external loads on strength and aerobic variables. Thirty-two men were randomly assigned to 4 groups: low-load (LLG, n = 9), moderate-load (MLG, n = 9), high-load (HLG, n = 8), and control group (CG, n = 6). Resistance training consisted of full squat (FS) with a low load (40-55% 1 repetition maximum [1RM]), a moderate load (55-70% 1RM), or a high load (70-85% 1RM) combined with jump and sprint exercises. Aerobic training was performed at 75% of the maximal aerobic speed for 15-20 minutes. The training period lasted for 8-week, followed by 4-week DT. Pretraining, post-training, and post-DT evaluations included 20-m running sprints (0-10 m: T10; 0-20 m: T20), shuttle run test, countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) test, and loading test (1RM) in FS. All the experimental groups showed improvements (p ≤ 0.05) in all the parameters assessed, except the LLG for T10 and the HLG for T20. The LLG, MLG, and HLG showed great changes in 1RM and V[Combining Dot Above]O2max compared with the CG (p ≤ 0.05), whereas the HLG and MLG showed a greater percentage change than the CG in T10 (p < 0.001) and CMJ (p ≤ 0.05). The 4-week DT period resulted in detrimental effects in all variables analyzed for all 3 experimental groups. In conclusion, our results suggest that strength training programs with low, moderate, or high external loads combined with low-intensity aerobic training could be effective for producing significant gains in strength and aerobic capacities. Moreover, the higher loads used increased gains in explosive efforts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio