1,344 research outputs found

    Sustainable policies for air pollution reduction after COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learnt from the impact of the different lockdown periods on air quality

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments imposed several mobility restrictions which can be used to evaluate their impact on air quality and generate better-targeted policies to improve it. Therefore, this study aimed to define sustainable mitigation measures to reduce air pollution based on quantifying the impacts of the restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic on air quality in Portugal. Thus, hourly concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, NO2, O-3, CO and SO2 were obtained from the Portuguese Air Quality Monitoring Network. Data was then divided into six periods (2020-2021) and compared with the corresponding historical periods (2015-2019). Furthermore, the satellite data of NO2, CO, and absorbing aerosol index (AAI) from the sentinel-5P TROPOMI was collected to complement the analysis conducted for the monitoring data. Overall, air quality improved in all study periods and areas, except in industrial sites. The satellite data corroborated the results herein achieved and thus validated the real effect of the measures adopted in the country during the pandemic on air quality. Sustainable policies to improve air quality could include remote (or hybrid) work whenever possible as a long-term measure and prohibition of travelling between municipalities when an extraordinary event of high air pollution is predicted or occurs. Other policies should be adopted for industrial areas. Given this, and as the restrictive mobility measures had a strong effect on reducing air pollution, the post-COVID era represents an opportunity for society to rethink future mobility and other emerging policies, that should favour softer and cleaner means of transportation

    Heterogeneous impacts of mobility restrictions on air quality in the State of Sao Paulo during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Air quality in the State of Sao Paulo was evaluated during the first general State plan of mobility restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic (24th March to May 31, 2020). Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O-3), particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5 and sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentrations were assessed in cities of the Sao Paulo State with a monitoring station and compared to historical data. Linear regression models were built to investigate the relationship between the isolation of the population - determined using mobile phone monitoring data - and the concentration of each pollutant during the studied period. Although the reduction of pollutants such as NO2, SO2 and PM2.5 is very clear, the economic and climatic characteristics of each region were decisive in the general behaviour of O-3 and PM10. It was not possible to establish a correlation between the pollutants and the isolation index, partly due to the lack of data, partly due to the compliance of the population to those measurements, which was variable over time. Another important limitation factor was the absence of data related to the pollutants of interest in many of the stations. However, the isolation measures carried out in the State opened the opportunity to individually assess the air quality measurements in each of the stations, enabling an understanding that will allow in the future the design of air quality policies together with local sanitary policies

    Metabolic diseases affect male reproduction and induce signatures in gametes that may compromise the offspring health

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    The most prevalent diseases worldwide are non-communicable such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Noteworthy, the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes is expected to steadily increase in the next decades, mostly fueled by bad feeding habits, stress, and sedentarism. The reproductive function of individuals is severely affected by abnormal metabolic environments, both at mechanical and biochemical levels. Along with mechanical dysfunctions, and decreased sperm quality (promoted both directly and indirectly by metabolic abnormalities), several studies have already reported the potentially harmful effects of metabolic disorders in the genetic and epigenetic cargo of spermatozoa, and the epigenetic inheritance of molecular signatures induced by metabolic profile (paternal diet, obesity, and diabetes). The inheritance of epigenetic factors towards the development of metabolic abnormalities means that more people in reproductive age can potentially suffer from these disorders and for longer periods. In its turn, these individuals can also transmit this (epi)genetic information to future generations, creating a vicious cycle. In this review, we collect the reported harmful effects related to acquired metabolic disorders and diet in sperm parameters and male reproductive potential. Besides, we will discuss the novel findings regarding paternal epigenetic inheritance, particularly the ones induced by paternal diet rich in fats, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. We analyze the data attained with in vitro and animal models as well as in long-term trans generational population studies. Although the findings on this topic are very recent, epigenetic inheritance of metabolic disease has a huge societal impact, which may be crucial to tackle the `fat epidemic' efficiently

    Glycerol and testicular activity: the good, the bad and the ugly

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    Over the past decades, there have been several studies suggesting that semen quality is declining. Interestingly, these observations are paired with a significant increase in the number of individuals diagnosed with metabolic diseases, including obesity and diabetes mellitus. Hence, it is tempting to hypothesize that obesity and its associated comorbidities and risk factors (such as a hypercaloric diets) impair the homeostasis of the male reproductive health, with a possible direct effect on the testes. The blood and interstitial fluids of obese individuals usually have increased levels of glycerol, notably due to triglyceride and phospholipid catabolism and high fructose intake. Glycerol is metabolized via intermediary metabolism by a group of reactions centred at the glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle, which links the metabolic pathway of glucose, lipids and oxidative phosphorylation, illustrating its high relevance for biological systems. Glycerol enters and exits the cells by the action of specialized carriers, known as aquaglyceroporins, whose functional importance for male reproductive health has emerged in the last few years. Notably, glycerol has antispermatogenic properties. When present in high concentration in the testis, it causes blood-testis barrier disruption, impairing tubular fluid homeostasis. Nevertheless, glycerol metabolism in testicular cells remains a matter of debate. Herein we discuss previous and current research concerning the role of glycerol and its metabolism in testicular cells, and how it can influence testicular activity

    Solução glicosada hipertônica no mesentério e no peritônio de ratos: estudo macroscópico e microscópico

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    PURPOSE: The objective of the experimental study is to detect the macroscopic and microscopic alterations of the mesenterium and parietal peritoneum when hypertonic glucose aqueous solution 10%-25% is administrated into the peritoneal cavity of the rat. METHODS: 90 Wistar females young rats adults were used weighin between 180-250 g, numbered 1 to 90, establishing unique group and divided in three groups (A, B, C) of 30 animals chosen aleatory manner. 0,9% saline solution was used called control group, or group A, 10% glucose solution named group B, and in the others 30 was used 25% glucose solution named group C, differing in the observation period, (06h, 24h and 48h), but with the same procedure. A midline abdominal wall laparotomy was made and in the animals of the control group was injected 2 ml of a 0,9% saline solution into the peritoneal cavity. After, we made a suture in mass without to include the peritoneum. For the others groups (B, C) the rats received 10% glucose solution and 25% glucose solution injected into the peritoneal cavity respectively. All groups were kept under observation and the results were submitted to statistical analysis by a longitudinal and transversal comparative study. RESULTS: A new surgery was done in 6h, 24h and 48h, and we observed in macroscopic evaluation, the presence of fluid, serous uniforme and rosy all over the cavity. Vascular congestion was present. We dried out 90 fragments of mesenterium and 90 fragments of parietal peritonium bilateral. In the microscopic study, necrosis was not present. For the mesenterium histological study we observed 16 cases (17,8%) unspecific chronic inflammation, 30 cases (33,4%) hiperplasic linfonod, 10 cases (11,1%) high vascular congestion, 6 cases (6,6%) reaction fibrosis and 28 cases (31,1%) no alteration. For the parietal peritonium histological study we observed 6 cases (3,3%) reaction fibrosis and 174 cases (96,7%) no alteration. Giant cell was not present. In the statistical analisys statistic there is no significance between the groups (p>0,05). CONCLUSION: Hypertonic glucose solution and NaCl 0,9% on the mesenterium and parietal peritonium do not produce tissue necrosis in a rat and the inflammation process has the same intensity.OBJETIVO: Investigar as alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas do mesentério e do peritônio parietal quando se administra a solução aquosa de glicose hipertônica a 10% e a 25% na cavidade peritoneal de rato. MÉTODOS: 90 ratos fêmeas (n=90), adultos, Wistar, jovens, com peso variando de 180 a 250 gramas foram divididos em 3 sub-grupos (A, B e C) contendo cada um 30 animais com procedimentos idênticos, diferindo apenas no período de observação. Os números de 1 a 30 constituem o grupo A ou grupo-controle (NaCl 0,9%), os números de 31 a 60 constituem o grupo B ou grupo-glicose a 10% e os números de 61 a 90 constituem o grupo C ou grupo- glicose a 25%. Realizando-se posteriormente laparotomia com incisão mediana longitudinal de pele a 2 cm abaixo do processo Xiphoideus sterni, estendendo-se por 3 cm caudalmente na linha média ventral. A escolha do procedimento a ser realizado para introdução na cavidade peritoneal de 2 ml de uma solução de cloreto de sódio 0,9% (controle), de glicose hipertônica a 10% e de glicose hipertônica a 25%. Em períodos correspondentes às 6h, 24h e 48h de pós-operatório, os animais de cada grupo foram reoperados, sendo realizada avaliação macroscópica e microscópica além dos registros das alterações histológicas do mesentério e peritônio parietal. RESULTADOS: Na microscopia do mesentério observou-se que 30 animais (33,4%) apresentaram linfonodos hiperplásicos; 6 animais (6,6%) com fibrose reacional; 10 animais (11,1%) com intensa congestão vascular; 16 animais (17,8%) com inflamação crônica inespecífica; 28 casos (31,1%) sem alteração. A microscopia do peritônio revelou 6 casos com fibrose reacional (3,3%) 174 casos (96,7%) sem alteração histológica. CONCLUSÃO: As soluções de glicose a 10% e a 25% não causam necrose tecidual quando introduzidas na cavidade peritoneal. O processo reacional inflamatório é de igual intensidade tecidual comparando-se ao uso da solução de NaCl a 0,9%.UNCISAL DepartmentUFAL Morphology Department and Human AnatomyUNIFESP-EPM Surgery DepartmentUNIFESP, EPM, Surgery DepartmentSciEL

    Listeria monocytogenes encodes a functional ESX-1 secretion system whose expression is detrimental to in vivo infection

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    Bacterial pathogenicity deeply depends on the ability to secrete virulence factors that bind specific targets on host cells and manipulate host responses. The Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is a human foodborne pathogen that remains a seriThis work was supported for the DC lab by national funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia/MEC Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia and co-funded by FEDER funds within the partnership agreement PT2020 related with the research unit number

    The impact of chronic stress on the rat brain lipidome

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    Chronic stress is a major risk factor for several human disorders that affect modern societies. The brain is a key target of chronic stress. In fact, there is growing evidence indicating that exposure to stress affects learning and memory, decision making and emotional responses, and may even predispose for pathological processes, such as Alzheimer's disease and depression. Lipids are a major constituent of the brain and specifically signaling lipids have been shown to regulate brain function. Here, we used a mass spectrometry-based lipidomic approach to evaluate the impact of a chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) paradigm on the rat brain in a region-specific manner. We found that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) was the area with the highest degree of changes induced by chronic stress. Although the hippocampus presented relevant lipidomic changes, the amygdala and, to a greater extent, the cerebellum presented few lipid changes upon chronic stress exposure. The sphingolipid and phospholipid metabolism were profoundly affected, showing an increase in ceramide (Cer) and a decrease in sphingomyelin (SM) and dihydrosphingomyelin (dhSM) levels, and a decrease in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and ether phosphatidylcholine (PCe) and increase in lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) levels, respectively. Furthermore, the fatty-acyl profile of phospholipids and diacylglycerol revealed that chronic stressed rats had higher 38 carbon(38C)-lipid levels in the hippocampus and reduced 36C-lipid levels in the PFC. Finally, lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) levels in the PFC were found to be correlated with blood corticosterone (CORT) levels. In summary, lipidomic profiling of the effect of chronic stress allowed the identification of dysregulated lipid pathways, revealing putative targets for pharmacological intervention that may potentially be used to modulate stress-induced deficits.Funding by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/SAU-NMC/118971/2010) and by the North Region Operational Program (ON.2-O Novo Norte), under Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN) and through Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER). GDP is funded by NIH grants R01 NS056049 and P50 AG008702 (to Scott Small)