188 research outputs found
A gastronomia e o ensino das ciências: entrevista com Paulina Mata
Maria Paulina Estorninho Neves da Mata (Envendos/Portugal, 1955) é cientista, pesquisadora e escritora com interesse nas áreas de Química Orgânica e Química Alimentar. Tem doutorado em Química Orgânica pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA) e graduação em Engenharia Química pelo Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa. Atua como professora auxiliar do Departamento de Química da FCT-NOVA e coordena, desde 2010, o Mestrado em Ciências Gastronômicas da FCT-NOVA e do ISA-ULisboa. Participou da elaboração de cinco livros, entre eles A Cozinha é um Laboratório e A Cozinha Modernista, tendo compartilhado, ainda, conhecimentos por meio de periódicos, programas de TV e sites, como o blog Assins e Assados. Atualmente, integra o Conselho Editorial da Revista Mangút: Conexões Gastronômicas
Identification of the Kombucha consumer profile in Fortaleza-CE
Made from the fermentation of sweetened tea from the Camellia sinensis herb by a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts, Kombucha has been gaining ground in the Brazilian and international scene for its benefits and its possible ability to assist in human well-being. This fermented beverage has shown significant growth in the beverage market and, because of this, the present work aimed to carry out a data survey on the set of behavioral characteristics of kombucha consumers in the city of Fortaleza-CE and metropolitan region and the relationship of these individuals with the drink; as well as identifying the attributes that influence the purchase decision and prospecting the population's acceptability for fermented beverages such as kombucha. To carry out the research, the Google forms platform was used, and these forms were distributed through social networks following the snowball technique. XLSTAT software, Maxdiff test and Excel were used for data analysis. Thus, it was found that most kombucha consumers are women, young people, with an income between 1 and 4 minimum salary, single, with higher education and residents of the noblest areas of the city. The attributes that were considered decisive for the purchase decision were: health benefits, probiotic, flavor, increase immunity, contain no chemical additives and high antioxidant content. In this way, it is expected that this study will contribute with a direction to kombucha producers for the elaboration of new products directed to a specific public.Made from the fermentation of sweetened tea from the Camellia sinensis herb by a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts, Kombucha has been gaining ground in the Brazilian and international scene for its benefits and its possible ability to assist in human well-being. This fermented beverage has shown significant growth in the beverage market and, because of this, the present work aimed to carry out a data survey on the set of behavioral characteristics of kombucha consumers in the city of Fortaleza-CE and metropolitan region and the relationship of these individuals with the drink; as well as identifying the attributes that influence the purchase decision and prospecting the population's acceptability for fermented beverages such as kombucha. To carry out the research, the Google forms platform was used, and these forms were distributed through social networks following the snowball technique. XLSTAT software, Maxdiff test and Excel were used for data analysis. Thus, it was found that most kombucha consumers are women, young people, with an income between 1 and 4 minimum salary, single, with higher education and residents of the noblest areas of the city. The attributes that were considered decisive for the purchase decision were: health benefits, probiotic, flavor, increase immunity, contain no chemical additives and high antioxidant content. In this way, it is expected that this study will contribute with a direction to kombucha producers for the elaboration of new products directed to a specific public
In vitro characterization of endophytic bacteria associated with physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) and their potential for plant-growth promotion and biocontrol / Caracterização in vitro de bactérias endofíticas associadas ao pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) e seu potencial de promoção de crescimento vegetal e biocontrole
The physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is a shrubby plant of perennial cycle, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae, from Central America and currently vegetates spontaneously in diverse regions of the planet. The commercial interest in Brazil occurred due to the desirable characteristics of that crop as an agricultural option for renewal of the Brazilian energy base, being a promising raw material for biodiesel production. Oil plants that have a high biotechnological potential may have a genetically diverse microbial population with characteristics of promoting the growth of multifunctional plants. Plant growth-promoting endophytes (PGPE) are of biotechnological interest since they can improve the growth of several important agronomical crops. The present study aimed the biochemistry characterization of thirty-seven endophytic bacteria strains associated with J. curcas plants, with the potential of plant growth promotion. Of this total of evaluated strains, 75% showed positive results for fixation of nitrogen, 62% produced IAA in the presence of the tryptophan precursor, 32% solubilized inorganic phosphate and 35% exhibited antagonistic activities against phytopathogenic fungi (Lasiodiplodia. subglobosa, L. euphorbicola, and L. pseudotheobromae) in physic nut. To our knowledge, this is the first report of this potential of biocontrol against Lasiodiplodia species. Among the thirty-seven bacterial isolates identified by partial sequencing of the 16S gene, the presence of the genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Citrobacter, Curtobacterium, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Leucobacter, Lysinibacillus, Microbacterium, Rhodococcus, and Serratia was observed. Our results indicated that the cultivable endophytic bacteria isolated from J. curcas have the potential to demonstrate multiple characteristics of PGPE in vitro and have the potential for other large-scale assays such as biofertilizer and biopesticides.
Doce Seco: uma iguaria do Seridó Norte Riograndense
The candy making tradition in the Northeast started with the Portuguese\u27 arrival in Brazil with their mission to plant sugar cane. With techniques and recipes brought by the colonizers and Africans, they were improved using sugar and hard sugar cane. Several candies are still made today, the doce seco from Seridó being one of them. The objective of this work is to present a survey about the doce seco, which is considered a delicacy in the Seridó region with the focus on the one made in the city of Caicó, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte to obtain information about its origin and techniques used during its preparation. Through a quality field survey, data with ethnographic principles was analyzed, making it possible to identify some of the portuguese sweets that could have influenced the doce seco, its confectioonersr, and the differences between the sweets and their ingredients. It is considered on the brink of extinction by its makers. This is confirmed by an online survey, where only 21% of 296 participants knew about it and the younger ones did not know about it or were interested in the procedure.La tradición de dulces en la región del Nordeste brasilero comenzó con la llegada de los portugueses con la misión de plantar caña de azúcar. Con técnicas y recetas de dulces traídas por los colonizadores y africanos, la producción dulcera en el país se fue perfeccionando utilizando azúcar y rapadura. Hasta el día de hoy se preparan varios dulces, como es el caso de lo doce seco. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo general presentar una investigación sobre el doce seco considerado un manjar de la región de Seridó con foco en el elaborado en la ciudad de Caicó en la provincia de Rio Grande do Norte, con el fin de obtener información sobre su origen y técnicas utilizadas durante su preparación. A través de una investigación cualitativa de campo que analizó los datos con principios etnográficos, fue posible identificar algunos dulces portugueses que pueden haber influido en el doce seco, los reposteros, las diferencias entre los dulces y sus ingredientes. La tradición del doce seco está en peligro de extinción por los propios dulceiros, y confirmado en una encuesta online, donde de los 296 participantes, sólo el 21% lo conocían y los más jóvenes no lo conocen y no están interesados en el aprendizaje de hacer el doce seco.A tradição doceira no Nordeste começou com a chegada dos portugueses no Brasil com a missão de plantar cana-de-açúcar. Com técnicas e receitas de doces trazidas pelos colonizadores e pelos africanos, estes foram sendo aperfeiçoados utilizando açúcar e rapadura. Vários doces são preparados até hoje, como é caso do doce seco. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral apresentar uma pesquisa sobre o doce seco considerado uma iguaria da região Seridó com foco no que é preparado na cidade de Caicó no Rio Grande do Norte, a fim de obter informações sobre a sua origem e técnicas empregadas durante o seu preparo. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa de campo que analisou os dados com princípios etnográficos, possibilitou identificar alguns doces portugueses que podem ter influenciado o doce seco, as doceiras, diferenças entre os doces e seus ingredientes. Ele é considerado em extinção pelas próprias doceiras, e confirmado em uma pesquisa on-line, onde dos 296 participantes, apenas 21% o conheciam e os mais jovens não conhecem e nem se interessam pelo saber-fazer do doce seco.
In vitro bioaccessibility of antioxidant compounds from structured fruits developed with gellan gum and agar
Funding Information: The authors acknowledge CNPq and CAPES for scholarship, and the company Pomar da Polpa for supplying the raw material used in this study. Publisher Copyright: © 2022This study aims to evaluate the bioaccessibility of antioxidant compounds of structured fruits. Samples were prepared with 50% of each pulp (mango/caja, mango/cashew apple and mango/acerola), agar and gellan gum (low acyl-LA and high acyl-HA) in LA:HA ratios of: 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50, in a concentration of 0.75%. There was a reduction in the antioxidant compounds contents after in vitro digestion. The bioaccessible ascorbic acid levels ranged from 15.10% (LA100/HA0 mango/acerola) to 71.18% (LA50/HA50 mango/cashew apple); Total Extractable Polyphenols (TEP) ranged from 24.58% (mango/caja pulp) to 75.50% (LA75/HA25 mango/acerola); antioxidant activity ranged from 21.10% (LA75/HA25 mango/caja) to 51.05% (LA75/HA25 mango/acerola). Mango/acerola ascorbic acid bioaccessibility was lower and the mango/cashew apple HA gellan gum sample antioxidant activity was higher than pulp, probably due to temperature increasing at processing. It was concluded that the agar and gellan gum (HA and LA) hydrocolloids were able to contain these compounds in the production process of the structured and during digestion, which proves the similarity of structured fruits with fresh pulps.publishersversionpublishe
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