190 research outputs found

    Evaluation of simplified DMFT indices in epidemiological surveys of dental caries

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether two simplified indices, DMF in 6 Teeth(DMF6T) and DMF in two quadrants (DMF2Q), could be indicated for epidemiological surveys of oral health according to dental caries distribution. METHODS: The sample came from epidemiological data in 29 municipalities. A total of 2,378 examinations were done on 12-year-old schoolchildren. The mean DMFT from each locality was utilized to obtain three DMFT prevalence groups (low, moderate and high), for which the simplified indices were calculated. Statistical analysis was done using intraclass correlation and the Wilcoxon and chi-squared tests, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Intraclass correlation between the DMFT index and the simplified indices ranged from 0.82 to 0.95 (p0.05), although DMF6T showed differences. The proportions of decayed, missed and filled teeth were similar between the DMFT and DMF2Q indices (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The simplified DMF2Q index can be used in epidemiological surveys in areas with low, moderate and high prevalence of dental caries. However, better evaluation of the DMF6T index needs to be made.OBJETIVO: Analisar a utilização de dois índices simplificados CPO em 6 Dentes e CPO em 2 Hemiarcos em levantamentos epidemiológicos em saúde bucal, segundo a distribuição da cárie dental. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi proveniente de dados epidemiológicos de 29 municípios, totalizando 2.378 exames em escolares de 12 anos de idade. Considerando a média CPOD em cada localidade, obtiveram-se três grupos de prevalência (baixa, moderada e alta), para os quais foram estimados os índices simplificados. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse, o Teste de Wilcoxon e o qui-quadrado, com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A correlação entre o índice CPOD e os índices simplificados variou de 0,82 a 0,95 (p0,05) entre as médias do índice CPOD com o índice simplificado CPO em 2 Hemiarcos nas prevalências estudadas, o que não ocorreu com o CPO em 6 dentes. A proporção de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados também foi semelhante entre o CPO em 2 hemiarcos e o CPOD (p>0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O índice simplificado CPO em 2 Hemiarcos pode ser utilizado em levantamentos epidemiológicos em baixa, moderada e alta prevalência de cárie dentária. Porém, o CPO em 6 Dentes deve ser melhor avaliado.28529

    Dental caries and tooth loss in adults in a Brazilian southeastern state

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to analyze dental caries experience of adults living in the southeastern state of São Paulo, Brazil, according to some socio-demographic conditions of this population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample consisted of 1,159 school teachers and workers (35 to 44 years old) from 29 cities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. RESULTS: 92.3% were dentate and the DMFT index (number of decayed, missing and filled teeth) was 21.0 and the mean number of decayed teeth was 1.1, with no significant difference among adults from regions with and without fluoridation. Male subjects presented the highest mean values of "D" (decayed teeth) and "M" (missing teeth) components. The percentage of caries-free subjects was higher among white subjects, as well as the mean number of teeth present in the mouth. The mean values of the "F" component (filled teeth) [9.81] and present teeth [19.3] were higher for adults from fluoridated water regions. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the worse condition observed was the early tooth loss in all groups. In addition, people with worse socio-demographic conditions had worse oral health conditions. It is expected that oral health programs targeted to this population could be established with the goal of improving the oral health conditions of this population and hence the maintenance of the teeth for a longer period in function

    Dental caries in an elderly population in Brazil

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    This study evaluated dental caries according to the presence of natural teeth and sociodemographic conditions of an elderly population in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Examinations were performed according to the World Health Organization's guidelines. The sample of 1,192 elderly individuals aged 65 to 74 years was stratified according to the presence of teeth and the following variables: gender, race, age, city size and Human Development Index (HDI). The Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were applied at a confidence level of 95% for analysis of results. In the total sample, 68.9% (n=822) were edentulous; the mean of present teeth was 3.5 and the DMFT was 30.2, being 28.5 of missing teeth. Among dentate individuals (n=370), the mean of present teeth was 11.3, the DMFT was 26.2 and the missing component accounted for 20.7 teeth. The differences observed in the evaluated conditions should be highlighted: the mean number of present teeth was higher among younger individuals (from 65 to 69 years) [12.1] and among those living in cities with high HDI [12.9]; the DMFT was lower among men [24.9] and non-Caucasians [25.1]. Based on these findings, it may be concluded that specific dental programs should be established, with emphasis on oral health promotion and dental caries control, as well as public health policies that may enhance the access to the services provided

    Risk Indicators For Tooth Loss In Adult Workers.

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    Tooth loss continues to be a prevalent condition in Brazilian adults and elderly individuals. The aim of this cross-sectional study, conducted among workers in a wholesale grocery chain in the State of São Paulo, was to identify risk indicators for tooth loss in adults. The presence of caries and periodontal status were examined in 387 adults aged 20-64 years, according to World Health Organization criteria. Two outcomes were analyzed: loss of one or more teeth, and loss of four or more teeth. Independent variables analyzed were demographic and socioeconomic factors, clinical conditions, use of dental services, and self-perceived oral health. Poisson regression models were used for multivariate statistical analysis. Participants were missing a mean of 5.38 teeth, and 76.9% (n = 297) had lost at least one tooth; the most frequently lost teeth were permanent molars. Older age and the presence of visible dental biofilm were associated significantly with the two tooth loss outcomes (p < 0.05). Individuals who had visited the dentist 3 or more years previously showed a lower prevalence of tooth loss (prevalence ratio = 0.79; 95% confidence interval, 0.68-0.91). Those with lower household incomes were significantly more likely to have lost four or more teeth (prevalence ratio = 1.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.07-1.70). Study results indicated that age and dental biofilm were risk indicators for tooth loss, independently of socioeconomic factors. These risk indicators should be considered when planning oral health programs for adults.26390-

    Abordagem clínica da doença cárie segundo a formação universitária

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to verify the clinical approach knowledge of graduate students from two colleges (public and private) concerning dental caries. MATERIAL AND METHOD:A case report containing patient general data, photos, and radiographs were presented for the students, which responded tests and a discursive question. Discursive answers were analyzed according to content analysis technique, and posteriorly dichotomized for statistical analysis. (Chi-square, p<0.05). RESULT: Response rates (n=72) were 85.71% in the public college, and 92.30% in the private college. After x-rays evaluation and considering the diverse dynamics by which both schools perform their patient care management, it was observed that less than 10% of the public college students would perform conservative procedures in primary teeth, while at least 30% of private college students would decide for conservative procedures for all cases (p<0.001). Concerning the permanent dentition, the majority of the public college students would perform conservative approach. Preventative-conservative practice was similarly observed amongst public and private college students. CONCLUSION:Both in public and in private college were similar curative e approaches (primary teeth) and preventative +conservative (permanent teeth).OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a abordagem clínica dos formandos de duas instituições de ensino (pública e particular) em relação à doença cárie. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Utilizou-se um caso clínico (contendo dados, fotos e radiografias), e questionou-se sobre o plano de tratamento, com questões fechadas e uma questão discursiva. As respostas discursivas foram analisadas pela técnica de análise do conteúdo, e, posteriormente dicotomizadas, assim como as fechadas, para análises estatísticas (Qui-quadrado, p<0,05). RESULTADO: A taxa de resposta (n=72) foi de 85,71% na faculdade pública e 92,30% na particular. Após a consulta das tomadas radiográficas e considerando a dinâmica de atendimento clínico diferente das faculdades, menos de 10% dos estudantes da faculdade pública realizariam procedimentos conservadores nos dentes decíduos, enquanto pelo menos 30% dos estudantes da faculdade particular optariam por procedimentos conservadores em todos os casos (p<0,001). Quanto aos dentes permanentes, a totalidade dos estudantes da faculdade pública faria tratamento conservador. CONCLUSÃO: Tanto na faculdade pública quanto na particular houve semelhança de abordagens curativa (dentes decíduos) e conservadora+preventivista (dentes permanentes).401407Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Cariology in curriculum of brazilian dental schools

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOReasons for the iniquities of caries, globally recognized, may be related to how Cariology has been taught in dental schools. In Brazil, the most important universities, when considering healthcare teaching, are the public ones. The objective of this study was to identify the insertion of the contents of Cariology in the course flowcharts of public dental schools in the country. The survey was conducted in 2013 seeking to identify the realities of different geographical regions, aimed to the census of public dental schools. It was performed a documentary analysis of the menus of disciplines, identifying the following issues: number of dental schools that include content related to Cariology in their curricula; average total workload undergraduate courses and disciplines that contemplate the theme; distribution of disciplines in professional training cycles (basic, clinical and public health); existence of discipline and/or a specific department; verification of bibliographic indication directly related to Cariology. The response rate was 93.6%. All dental schools recommended specific books, and none of them had a Department of Cariology. All dental schools in the country contemplated content related to Cariology in their disciplines, distributed in specific disciplines (except for the Northern region) and disciplines in the three cycles of learning (basic, clinical and public health), with larger workload in the clinical cycle. Although public dental schools in Brazil demonstrated commitment to contemplating the content related to Cariology in their disciplines, the emphasis on the clinical cycle may not be promoting the integrated formation of students, which could be contributing to reflect the inequalities of the disease in the country.Reasons for the iniquities of caries, globally recognized, may be related to how Cariology has been taught in dental schools. In Brazil, the most important universities, when considering healthcare teaching, are the public ones. The objective of this study was to identify the insertion of the contents of Cariology in the course flowcharts of public dental schools in the country. The survey was conducted in 2013 seeking to identify the realities of different geographical regions, aimed to the census of public dental schools. It was performed a documentary analysis of the menus of disciplines, identifying the following issues: number of dental schools that include content related to Cariology in their curricula; average total workload undergraduate courses and disciplines that contemplate the theme; distribution of disciplines in professional training cycles (basic, clinical and public health); existence of discipline and/or a specific department; verification of bibliographic indication directly related to Cariology. The response rate was 93.6%. All dental schools recommended specific books, and none of them had a Department of Cariology. All dental schools in the country contemplated content related to Cariology in their disciplines, distributed in specific disciplines (except for the Northern region) and disciplines in the three cycles of learning (basic, clinical and public health), with larger workload in the clinical cycle. Although public dental schools in Brazil demonstrated commitment to contemplating the content related to Cariology in their disciplines, the emphasis on the clinical cycle may not be promoting the integrated formation of students, which could be contributing to reflect the inequalities of the disease in the country254265270FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2009/12370-1; 2011/24042-9As razões para as iniquidades da cárie, mundialmente reconhecidas, podem estar relacionadas ao modo como Cariologia tem sido ensinada nas faculdades de Odontologia. No Brasil, as principais universidades em termos de ensino de saúde, são as públicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a inserção dos conteúdos de Cariologia nos fluxos curriculares de cursos de graduação das faculdades públicas de Odontologia do país. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2013 buscando identificar as realidades de diferentes regiões geográficas, visando o censo de faculdades públicas. Foi realizada análise documental dos ementários das disciplinas, identificando: número de faculdades que incluem conteúdos relacionados à Cariologia em seus currículos; carga horária total média dos cursos de graduação e de disciplinas que contemplam a temática; distribuição das disciplinas nos ciclos de formação profissional (básico, clínico e de saúde coletiva); existência de disciplina e/ou departamento específico; verificação de indicação bibliográfica relacionada diretamente à Cariologia. A taxa de resposta foi de 93,6%. Todas as faculdades recomendam livros específicos, e nenhuma delas possui departamento de Cariologia. Todas as faculdades do país contemplam em suas disciplinas conteúdos relacionados à Cariologia, distribuídos em disciplinas específicas (exceção da região Norte) e disciplinas dos três ciclos de aprendizagem (básico, clínico e de saúde coletiva), havendo maior carga horária no ciclo clínico. Embora as faculdades publicas de Odontologia do Brasil demonstrem o compromisso curricular de abordarem conteúdos de Cariologia em suas disciplinas, a ênfase no ciclo clinico pode não estar promovendo a formação integrada dos estudantes, o que poderia estar contribuindo para refletir as desigualdades da doença no paí

    Incorporação de evidenciador de placa bacteriana a um dentifrício

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    Dental plaque removal is an important issue in health promotion. Toothbrushing is one of the main methods employed for such purpose, since it can prevent dental caries by means of the fluoride present in the dentifrice. Dentifrices might contain plaque disclosing agents and thus allow dental plaque observation. The aim of this study was to assess whether utilization of a plaque disclosing agent interfered with plaque removal among adolescents, as well as the difference between utilization of erythrosine tablets and dentifrices containing plaque disclosing agent. The sample was composed of 62 students from Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, aged 12 to 14 years old, divided into 3 groups: G1 or control group (toothbrushing without plaque disclosure); G2 (plaque disclosing with an erythrosine tablet and toothbrushing) and G3 (toothbrushing with dentifrice containing plaque disclosing agent). After toothbrushing, disclosure of the remaining dental plaque was performed in all groups with a fuchsin tablet and measured through the Simplified Oral Health Assessment Index (OHI-S), in two stages with a 2-month interval between them. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was no difference in the OHI-S index between the groups (p>;0.05), however the G3 displayed a higher proportion of students with plaque reduction (23%) than G2 (21%), besides the smallest difference in the mean remaining dental plaque. There was no difference between groups; however, it was suggested that the dentifrice with plaque disclosing agent had positive results in relation to the erythrosine tablet, even though the small sample size may have interfered with the results, indicating the need of complementary studies.Na promoção de saúde, a remoção da placa bacteriana é um fator importante e um dos métodos que incentivam sua remoção, é a escovação dentária, podendo-se prevenir a cárie dental através do íon flúor dos dentifrícios. Estes podem conter evidenciadores, possibilitando a visualização da placa bacteriana. Assim, avaliou-se o uso de evidenciadores na remoção de placa bacteriana em adolescentes, e se houve diferença entre pastilhas de eritrosina e dentifrício contendo evidenciador. A amostra foi de 62 escolares de Piracicaba- SP, entre 12 e 14 anos, dividida em 3 grupos: o G1 como grupo controle (escovação dental sem prévia evidenciação de placa); o G2 (evidenciação de placa com pastilha de eritrosina e escovação dental) e o G3 (escovação com dentifrício contendo evidenciador de placa). Após a escovação, evidenciou-se a placa remanescente com pastilha de fucsina nos 3 grupos, medida pelo Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS), sendo realizada em 2 fases, com intervalo de 2 meses. Segundo a Análise de Variância (ANOVA), não houve diferença no índice IHOS entre os grupos (p>;0,05). Entretanto, o G3 apresentou maior proporção de escolares onde houve diminuição do IHOS (23%) em relação ao G2 (21%) e menor diferença nas médias de acúmulo de placa. Não houve diferença entre os grupos, entretanto, sugere-se que o dentifrício com evidenciador de placa tenha resultados positivos em relação à pastilha de eritrosina, apesar da amostra ter sido pequena e poder ter interferido, havendo necessidade deste resultado ser melhor explorado

    Qualidade da fluoretação da água de Capão Bonito, SP, Brasil, avaliada pelos controles operacional e heterocontrole

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the quality of drinking water fluoridation of Capão Bonito, SP, Brazil, whose optimal fluoride concentration should be between 0.6 to 0.8 ppm F, considering the balance benefits/risks. METHODS: Historical records (n=1,964) from 2005 to 2009 of the water treatment plant (operational control) were evaluated. Also, from July 2009 to June 2010, 120 samples of the network water were collected for analysis and the fluoride concentrations found (external control) were compared with records of operational control of the same period. RESULTS: According to the historical records, 76.3% of the samples had acceptable fluoride concentration and this value was confirmed by the external control done during one year, which found that 80.8% of samples were within the optimal range. However, considering the samples out the optimal range, while the records of the operational control showed values below the minimum, the results of the external control found higher percentage of samples above the maximum. CONCLUSION: The data show the relevance to have a quality control of drinking water fluoridation because at same time the operational control analysis suggests that certain percentage of the population would not be receiving anticaries benefits, the external control indicates that it would be in increased risk of fluorosis.To evaluate the quality of drinking water fluoridation of Capão Bonito, SP, Brazil, whose optimal fluoride concentration should be between 0.6 to 0.8 ppm F, considering the balance benefits/risks. Historical records (n=1,964) from 2005 to 2009 of the water treatment plant (operational control) were evaluated. Also, from July 2009 to June 2010, 120 samples of the network water were collected for analysis and the fluoride concentrations found (external control) were compared with records of operational control of the same period. According to the historical records, 76.3% of the samples had acceptable fluoride concentration and this value was confirmed by the external control done during one year, which found that 80.8% of samples were within the optimal range. However, considering the samples out the optimal range, while the records of the operational control showed values below the minimum, the results of the external control found higher percentage of samples above the maximum. The data show the relevance to have a quality control of drinking water fluoridation because at same time the operational control analysis suggests that certain percentage of the population would not be receiving anticaries benefits, the external control indicates that it would be in increased risk of fluorosis264285290Avaliar a qualidade da fluoretação da água de Capão Bonito, SP, Brasil, cuja concentração de fluoreto deveria estar entre os limites de 0,6 e 0,8 ppm F, considerando o equilíbrio benefícios/riscos. Foram consultados 1964 registros feitos de 2005 a 2009 pela empresa responsável pelo tratamento da água (controle operacional). De 07/2009 a 06/2010, 120 amostras de água foram coletadas e as concentrações de fluoreto encontradas (heterocontrole) foram comparadas com as registradas pelo controle operacional do mesmo período. De acordo com os registros históricos, 76% das amostras tinham concentrações aceitáveis de fluoreto e este valor médio foi confirmado pelo heterocontrole feito, o qual encontrou um valor de 81%. Entretanto, considerando as amostras abaixo e acima dos limites aceitáveis, enquanto os registros do controle operacional mostraram maior porcentagem de valores abaixo do mínimo, os resultados do heterocontrole detectaram maior porcentagem acima do limite máximo. O relatado mostra a importância de haver um controle de qualidade da fluoretação da água de abastecimento publico, porque enquanto as análises feitas pelo controle operacional sugerem que uma porcentagem da população não estaria recebendo os benefícios da fluoretação, o heterocontrole aponta que ela estaria sob risco aumentado de fluorose dentári

    [the Current Applicability Of Viegas Simplified Indices To Dental Caries Epidemiological Surveys].

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    The aim of this study was to verify whether two simplified Viegas indices, Method One and Method Two, could be recommended for epidemiological surveys. The sample was obtained from secondary data for 29 cities, totaling 2,378 epidemiological tests in 12-year-old schoolchildren. Considering mean DMFT in each city, three prevalence groups were obtained (low, moderate, and high), calculating the estimated value of simplified indices in each group. Moderate correlation in the three prevalence groups and similarity among the mean DMFT was found in Method One, which describes first molar caries experience (p < 0.05). Method Two, which in addition to first molar caries experience included upper central incisor caries experience, showed similarity in mean DMFT only in low caries prevalence. The results allow one to conclude that the Method One simplified index can be used with low, moderate, and high dental caries prevalence, showing the first molar as an important indicator of caries level in populations.201495-50