377 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de um bloco cerâmico para a construção sustentável

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    O projecto cBloco teve como objectivo, desenvolver um sistema de construção de alvenaria que cumpra as exigências regulamentares aplicáveis, melhorando as características de desempenho mecânico, térmico e acústico relativamente aos sistemas tradicionais de tijolo cerâmico furado. O cBloco é um elemento cerâmico com pasta aligeirada com resíduos da indústria da madeira, cortiça e celulose, o que, para além de reduzir a massa, reduz o consumo da energia utilizada na cozedura, e aliado a uma geometria optimizada confere um isolamento térmico melhorado. Trata-se de um sistema constituído por uma peça base que é complementada por um conjunto de peças especiais, adaptadas aos diferentes pontos singulares da construção, o que permitirá reduzir os desperdícios em corte de material e os consequentes resíduos da construção. Este projecto, liderado por um consórcio de fabricantes do sector da cerâmica designado por NAC – Novas Alvenarias Cerâmicas foi coordenado pelo CTCV e contou com a colaboração da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e da Universidade do Minho, tendo sido apoiado pela ADI (Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Inovação)

    Biofilm formation under high shear stress increases resilience to chemical and mechanical challenges

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    The effect that the hydrodynamic conditions under which biofilms are formed has on their persistence is still unknown. This study assessed the behaviour of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms, formed on stainless steel under different shear stress (tau w) conditions (1, 2 and 4 Pa), to chemical (benzalkonium chloride - BAC, glutaraldehyde - GLUT and sodium hypochlorite - SHC) and mechanical (20 Pa) treatments (alone and combined). The biofilms formed under different tau w showed different structural characteristics. Those formed under a higher tau w were invariably more tolerant to chemical and mechanical stresses. SHC was the biocide which caused the highest biofilm killing and removal, followed by BAC. The sequential exposure to biocides and mechanical stress was found to be insufficient for effective biofilm control. A basal layer containing biofilm cells mostly in a viable state remained on the surface of the cylinders, particularly for the 2 and 4 Pa-generated biofilms

    Biomechanical study of cervical spine with pathology

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    O conhecimento da cinemática da coluna cervical é uma ferramenta muito importante, dado que esta região é uma das estruturas mais complexas do esqueleto humano e porque a incidência de incapacidade que pode resultar de traumas ou doenças degenerativas é relativamente elevada. O principal objetivo deste estudo consiste na análise e comparação da fusão cervical anterior e/ou fusão cervical posterior como possíveis tratamentos para uma fratura do tipo C2.2, segundo a classificação da AO spine injury classification system, sendo que este estudo poderá auxiliar os profissionais de saúde na escolha do melhor método de fusão. Para o efeito, foi construído um modelo 3 D de elementos finitos do segmento cervical C4‐C5‐C6. Foram modelados os respetivos discos intervertebrais (IV ) e os seus componentes, nomeadamente o núcleo pulposo, o anel fibroso, as fibras lamelares e as placas cartilaginosas. Os 6 conjuntos de ligamentos (longitudinais anteriores, longitudinais posteriores, interespinhosos, supraespinhosos, amarelos e capsulares) foram também modelados, assim como as articulações intervertebrais. A simulação de uma fratura foi realizada em 3 passos distintos: introdução de uma fratura na zona anterior da vértebra C5, o comprometimento (rompimento) dos ligamentos da região posterior e o deslizamento da vértebra C5. A instrumentação utilizada nos tratamentos em estudo e ainda a substituição dos discos lesados por um enxerto ósseo proveniente do ilíaco foram também modeladas. Com este estudo, concluiu‐se que a fusão cervical anterior e posterior apresenta melhores resultados em comparação com os outros tipos de fusão cervical estudados em termos de deslocamento da unidade funcional.The knowledge of the kinematics of the cervical spine is a very important tool, since this region is one of the more complex structures of the human skeleton and because the incidence of failure that may result from trauma or degenerative diseases is relatively high. The main objective of this study is the analysis and comparison of anterior cervical fusion and/or posterior cervical fusion as possible treatments for a fracture of type C2.2 according to AO spine injury classification system, and this study may assist health professionals in choosing the best fusion technique. To this end we built a 3 D finite element model of the cervical segment C4‐C5‐C6. Their intervertebral discs (IV ) and its components, namely the nucleus pulposus, the annulus fibrosus, the fibers and the lamellar cartilaginous plates were modeled. Six sets of ligaments (anterior longitudinal, posterior longitudinal, interspinous, suprespinous, yellow and capsular) and the facet joints were also modeled. The simulation of the fracture was performed in 3 different steps: introduction of a fracture zone in the previous C5 vertebra, rupture of the ligaments of the posterior region and the sliding of the C5 vertebra. The instrumentation used in the study treatments and even the replacement of the damaged disc by bone graft from the iliac bone, were also modeled. Analyzing the displacements of the functional unit it was concluded that the anterior and posterior cervical fusion provides the best results compared to other types of cervical fusion studied in terms of displacement of the functional unit.Peer Reviewe

    Case report of whole genome sequencing in the XY female: identification of a novel SRY mutation and revision of a misdiagnosis of androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Background: The 46,XY female is characterised by a male karyotype and female phenotype arising due to any interruption in the sexual development pathways in utero. The cause is usually genetic and various genes are implicated. Case presentation: Herein we describe a 46,XY woman who was first diagnosed with androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminisation) at 18 years; however, this was later questioned due to the presence of intact Müllerian structures. The clinical phenotype suggested several susceptibility genes including SRY, DHH, NR5A1, NR0B1, AR, AMH, and AMHR2. To study candidate genes simultaneously, we performed whole genome sequencing. This revealed a novel and likely pathogenic missense variant (p.Arg130Pro, c.389G>C) in SRY, one of the major genes implicated in complete gonadal dysgenesis, hence securing this condition over androgen insensitivity syndrome as the cause of the patient’s disorder of sexual development. Conclusion: This case highlights the emerging clinical utility of whole genome sequencing as a tool in differentiating disorders of sexual development.Sunita M. C. De Sousa, Karin S. Kassahn, Liam C. McIntyre, Chan-Eng Chong, Hamish S. Scott and David J. Torp

    Comunidades E Ocorrência De Répteis Squamata Em Diferentes Tipos De Vegetação Da Serra De São José, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The objective of the present study was to learn which species of Squamata reptiles occur in Protected Area São José, in Tiradentes, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Between November 2009 and December 2010 reptiles were captured. In total 157 specimens were recorded of 29 species, 16 snakes, 12 lizards and one amphisbaena. Among the snakes, Dipsadidae showed the greatest richness, with a total of nine species. The group of snakes had the highest number of species present in the community, but 79% of sampled specimens were lizards, Enyalius bilineatus being the most abundant species, with 21% of occurrence. The area with the highest richness was the Cerradão. The lower abundance was found in the Gallery Forest area (n=14), but it was the vegetation type with the highest equitability. Areas of Cerradão and Cerrado sensu strictu showed the most similarity. In these areas five species were recorded in common, Bothrops neuwiedi (n=3) being the only species of snake, and the two species of lizards most abundant in both environments were Enyalius bilineatus (n=32) and Ameivula ocellifera (n=19). Ophiodes striatus and Xenodon merremii were common to Cerradão and Dirty Field areas. There was no species recorded that were common to the environments of Cerrado and Dirty Field but two species not sympatric were found of the same genus, Tropidurus torquatus, which was found only in the Cerrado sensu strictu and Tropidurus itambere exclusively in Dirty Field. Since none of the rarefaction curves reached full asymptote, this highlights the need for further study due to the high probability of new species being recorded for the studied area. © 2017, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.171CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoAPQ-01992-09, FAPEMIG, Fundação de Amparo á Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisIBAMA, Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais RenováveisCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Physical exercise on inflammatory markers in type 2 diabetes patients: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a serious disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. Scientific findings showed that physical exercise is an option for treatment of these patients. This study's objective is to investigate the effects of supervised aerobic and/or resistance physical training on inflammatory markers in subjects with T2DM. Methods. A systematic review was conducted on four databases, MEDLINE, CENTRAL, LILACS, and Scopus, and manual search from 21 to 30 November 2016. Randomized clinical trials involving individuals diagnosed with T2DM, who have undergone supervised training protocols, were selected in this study. Results. Eleven studies were included. Studies that evaluated control group versus aerobic exercise reported controversial results about the effectiveness of physical training in modifying C-reactive protein (CRP) and cytokine levels. The only variable analyzed by the six studies in comparison to the control group versus resistance exercise was CRP. This protein showed no significant difference between groups. Between the two modes of exercise (aerobic and resistance), only one study demonstrated that aerobic exercise was more effective in reducing CRP. Conclusion. The evidence was insufficient to prove that aerobic or resistance exercise improves systemic levels of inflammatory markers in patients with T2DM

    Metabolic and chromosomal changes in a <i>Bacillus subtilis whiA</i> mutant

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    The conserved protein WhiA is present in most Gram-positive bacteria and plays a role in cell division. WhiA contains a DNA-binding motif and is a transcription regulator of the key cell division gene ftsZ in actinomycetes. In Bacillus subtilis, the absence of WhiA influences both cell division and chromosome segregation; however, the protein does not regulate any gene involved in these processes. In this study, we addressed three alternative mechanisms by which WhiA might exert its activity in B. subtilis and examined whether WhiA influences either (i) central carbon metabolism, (ii) fatty acid composition of the cell membrane, or (iii) chromosome organization. Mutations in glycolytic enzymes have been shown to influence both cell division and DNA replication. To measure the effect of WhiA on carbon metabolism, we tested different carbon sources and measured exometabolome fluxes. This revealed that the absence of WhiA does not affect glycolysis but does influence the pool of branched-chain fatty acid precursors. Due to the effect of WhiA on chromosome segregation, we examine chromosome organization in a ∆whiA mutant using chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) analysis. This revealed a local reduction in short-range chromosome interactions. Together, these findings provide new avenues for future research into how this protein works in the non-actinomycete firmicutes