1,182 research outputs found

    Social risk factors for speech, scholastic and coordination disorders : a nationwide register-based study

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    Background: Broadly defined learning and coordination disorders (LCDs) are common in the population and have previously been associated with familial social risk factors and male sex. However, comprehensive nationwide studies of these risk factors in LCD subgroups are lacking. Our objective was to assess different LCDs in relation to sex and maternal education, marital status and socioeconomic status based on occupation. Methods: We conducted a nationwide register-based study. The following diagnoses were identified from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR) according to the ICD-10 (n = 28,192): speech disorders (F80), scholastic disorders (F81), motor and coordination disorders (F82) and mixed developmental disorder (F83). To study cumulative incidence and male: female ratios of service use of LCDs, we used a cohort design among all Finnish children born singleton 1996-2007 (n = 690,654); to study social risk factors, we used a nested case-control design with extensive register data on both cases and matched controls (n = 106,616). Results: The cumulative incidence was 4.7% for any LCD by age 15 and the changes in cumulative incidence over time were minor. The male: female ratios were 2.2-3.0 across LCD subgroups. Learning and coordination disorders were more common in households with lower maternal education, socioeconomic status based on occupation and among children with single mothers at the time of birth; the odds ratios (OR) for any LCD were 1.2-1.9 across risk factors. The odds for LCD diagnosis increased linearly with the number of social risk factors, except for coordination disorder. The effect size of three risk factors was highest in the group with mixed or multiple LCDs; OR 3.76 (95% CI 3.31-4.28). Conclusions: Multiple social risk factors increase the odds for multiple, more comprehensive learning difficulties. The findings have implications for service planning, as early identification and interventions of learning and coordination disorders might reduce related long-term social adversities.Peer reviewe

    Social risk factors for speech, scholastic and coordination disorders : a nationwide register-based study

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    Background: Broadly defined learning and coordination disorders (LCDs) are common in the population and have previously been associated with familial social risk factors and male sex. However, comprehensive nationwide studies of these risk factors in LCD subgroups are lacking. Our objective was to assess different LCDs in relation to sex and maternal education, marital status and socioeconomic status based on occupation. Methods: We conducted a nationwide register-based study. The following diagnoses were identified from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR) according to the ICD-10 (n = 28,192): speech disorders (F80), scholastic disorders (F81), motor and coordination disorders (F82) and mixed developmental disorder (F83). To study cumulative incidence and male: female ratios of service use of LCDs, we used a cohort design among all Finnish children born singleton 1996-2007 (n = 690,654); to study social risk factors, we used a nested case-control design with extensive register data on both cases and matched controls (n = 106,616). Results: The cumulative incidence was 4.7% for any LCD by age 15 and the changes in cumulative incidence over time were minor. The male: female ratios were 2.2-3.0 across LCD subgroups. Learning and coordination disorders were more common in households with lower maternal education, socioeconomic status based on occupation and among children with single mothers at the time of birth; the odds ratios (OR) for any LCD were 1.2-1.9 across risk factors. The odds for LCD diagnosis increased linearly with the number of social risk factors, except for coordination disorder. The effect size of three risk factors was highest in the group with mixed or multiple LCDs; OR 3.76 (95% CI 3.31-4.28). Conclusions: Multiple social risk factors increase the odds for multiple, more comprehensive learning difficulties. The findings have implications for service planning, as early identification and interventions of learning and coordination disorders might reduce related long-term social adversities.Peer reviewe

    Ennenaikaisuuden ja sikiön pienen syntymäpainon vaikutus oppimishäiriöiden ilmenemiseen - systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Ennenaikaisen syntymän määritelmän mukaan lapsi on ennenaikainen, mikäli hän syntyy kolme viikkoa ennen laskettua aikaa, eli ennen raskausviikkoa 37. Tämän määritelmän mukaan kehittyneissä maissa syntyneistä lapsista ennenaikaisia on 5-10%. Hyvin ennenaikaiseksi luetaan lapsi, joka syntyy ennen raskausviikkoa 32. Erittäin ennenaikainen lapsi syntyy ennen raskausviikkoa 28. Ennenaikaisuuden ennustaminen on haastavaa, sillä kyseessä on monen tekijän yhteisvaikutus. Raskauden kulkuun vaikuttaa geneettiset ja biologiset sekä psykososiaaliset ja sosioekonomiset tekijät. Pienipainoinen keskonen painaa syntyessään alle 1500 g, hyvin pienipainoinen keskonen painaa syntyessään alle 1000 g. Lapsi on alipainoinen, mikäli hän painaa syntyessään alle -2 SD raskauden kestoon nähden. Pienelle syntymäpainolle (SGA, small for gestational age) voi olla sikiöperäinen syy tai se voi johtua äidin sairaudesta tai häiriöstä, toisaalta syynä voi myös olla istukan toiminnan ongelma. Oppimis- ja koodinaatiohäiriö -termi kattaa alleen puheen, matemaattisen sekä motorisen koordinaation vaikeuden. Oppimishäiriö tarkoittaa vaikeutta suorittaa tiettyä kognitiivista prosessia, mikä ei kuitenkaan ole sidoksissa henkilön älylliseen lahjakkuuteen. Samalla henkilöllä voi ilmetä monenlaisia oppimisen vaikeuksia samanaikaisesti. Oppimishäiriön laajuus vaikuttaa suoriutumiskykyyn yhdellä tai useammalla osa-alueella. Oppimishäiriön etiologia on moninainen ja sillä on vahva, mutta vaikeasti määriteltävä geneettinen tausta yhdistettynä pre- ja postnataalisiin ympäristötekijöihin. Syventävän työn tavoitteena on tutustua ja käydä analyyttisesti läpi kirjallisuutta, joka käsittelee pienen syntymäpainon ja ennenaikaisuuden vaikutusta oppimishäiriöiden ilmenemiseen myöhemmin nuoruudessa. Kirjallisuuden pohjalta toteutettiin systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus

    Robust data-driven identification of risk factors and their interactions : A simulation and a study of parental and demographic risk factors for schizophrenia

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    Objectives Few interactions between risk factors for schizophrenia have been replicated, but fitting all such interactions is difficult due to high-dimensionality. Our aims are to examine significant main and interaction effects for schizophrenia and the performance of our approach using simulated data. Methods We apply the machine learning technique elastic net to a high-dimensional logistic regression model to produce a sparse set of predictors, and then assess the significance of odds ratios (OR) with Bonferroni-corrected p-values and confidence intervals (CI). We introduce a simulation model that resembles a Finnish nested case-control study of schizophrenia which uses national registers to identify cases (n = 1,468) and controls (n = 2,975). The predictors include nine sociodemographic factors and all interactions (31 predictors). Results In the simulation, interactions with OR = 3 and prevalence = 4% were identified with = 80% power. None of the studied interactions were significantly associated with schizophrenia, but main effects of parental psychosis (OR = 5.2, CI 2.9-9.7; p = 35 (1.3, 1.004-1.6; p = .04) were significant. Conclusions We have provided an analytic pipeline for data-driven identification of main and interaction effects in case-control data. We identified highly replicated main effects for schizophrenia, but no interactions.Peer reviewe

    Vapaussodan punainen armeija sodankäyntivälineenä

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    Artikkelin ensimmäisessä luvussa käsitellään punaisen armeijan joukkojen muodostumisperiaatteita ja pyritään selvittää muun muassa kokonaisvahvuutta eri lähteiden valossa. Kirjoittaja toteaa johtopäätelmänään, että komppania oli suuri toiminnallinen yksikkö ja näin esimerkiksi painopisteen luominen joukkoja keskittämällä oli hankalaa. Punaisen armeijan johdon organisaation muotoutumista ja muutoksia toiminnan eri vaiheissa käsitellään ylimpien esikuntien osalta. Kirjoittaja toteaakin, että " sotilassivistyksen omaavan ylimmän päällystön puute tuli vaikuttamaan sangen haitallisesti, ei ainoastaan ensimmäisiin sotatoimiin, vaan myös sodan jatkuvaan kulkuun". Seuraavassa luvussa käsitellään esimerkkien valossa muun muassa päällystön ammatillista pätevyyttä, johtamiskykyä ja auktoriteettia. Miehistön koulutustasoa ja kuria käsitelevässä luvussa painopiste on lyhyehkössä koulutusjärjestelmän esittelyssä. Lisäksi teoksessa käsitellään punaisen armeijan aseistusta, vaatetusta ja varustusta sekä huoltoa. Lopuksi tarkastellaan omassa luvussaan punaisen armeijan taistelukuntoa

    Maternal Vitamin D Levels during Pregnancy and Offspring Psychiatric Outcomes: A Systematic Review

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    Prenatal exposure to vitamin D may play a significant role in human brain development and function. Previous epidemiological studies investigating the associations between maternal vitamin D status and offspring developmental and psychiatric outcomes in humans have been inconclusive. We aimed to systematically assess the results of previously published studies that examined the associations between maternal vitamin D levels, measured as circulating 25(OH)D levels in pregnancy or at birth, and offspring neuropsychiatric and psychiatric outcomes. Systematic searches were conducted using MEDLINE, Embase, PsychINFO and Web of Science for studies published by 10 August 2022. We included human observational studies that examined associations between prenatal or perinatal vitamin D levels and offspring neuropsychiatric and psychiatric outcomes and were published in English in peer-reviewed journals. Of the 3729 studies identified, 66 studies were screened for full texts and 29 studies published between 2003 and 2022 were included in the final review. There was a small amount of evidence for the association between prenatal vitamin D deficiency and autism spectrum disorder. When studies with larger sample sizes and stricter definitions of vitamin D deficiency were considered, positive associations were also found for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia. Future studies with larger sample sizes, longer follow-up periods and prenatal vitamin D assessed at multiple time points are needed

    Parental relationship satisfaction, reflective functioning, and toddler behavioral problems : A longitudinal study from pregnancy to 2 years postpartum

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    Parent relationship satisfaction and parental reflective functioning (PRF) are significant factors in the transition to first-time parenting and are likely to affect a child's later wellbeing. However, little is known about their joint longitudinal effects from pregnancy onward. Starting in the prenatal period, this follow-up study of 1016 Finnish first-time parents (358 fathers and 658 mothers at baseline) examined the stability and the reciprocal associations between relationship satisfaction and PRF in predicting child behavioral problems (CBCL) at age 2. First, the results of the random-intercept cross-lagged panel models showed that both relationship satisfaction and PRF were stable from pregnancy onward for both mothers and fathers, with the exception of mothers' prenatal PRF. Second, there were significant reciprocal associations between low prenatal PRF and low relationship satisfaction at age 1, and vice versa. Third, for both mothers and fathers, a low level of relationship satisfaction, but not PRF, predicted consistently higher levels of child behavioral problems at age 2. These results suggest that parent relationship satisfaction and PRF are stable but largely independent parental factors during the transition to parenthood. In addition, our results highlight the significant role of parent relationship satisfaction in predicting toddler behavior problems, which indicates the relevance of early relationship-orientated help for first-time parents.Peer reviewe

    Relative age within the school year and diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a nationwide population-based study

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    Background There are mixed findings on the relationship between ADHD and younger relative age in class. This study examines whether relative age is associated with ADHD diagnosis in a country where treatment prevalence rates are low and whether any such association has changed over time or relates to comorbid disorders. Methods Using nationwide population-based registers, all Finnish children born between 1991 and 2004 who were diagnosed with ADHD from age 7 years onwards (school starting age), between 1998 and 2011, were identified (n=6136). Incidence ratios (IRs) were used to examine the inter-relationships between relative age, actual age at ADHD diagnosis, and year of diagnosis (1998-2003 vs. 2004-2011). Findings The cumulative incidence of ADHD diagnosis was greatest for younger children within the schoolyear - IRs of 1.26 (boys) and 1.31 (girls). The association between relative age and ADHD diagnosis reflected children diagnosed before the age of 10 years. The strength of this association increased during recent years – for 2004-2011, IRs were 1.37 (95% CI 1.24,1.53) for May-August and 1.64 (95% CI 1.48,1.81) for September-December compared with January-April births (oldest). The relative age effect was not explained by comorbid disorders. Interpretation In a health service system with low prescribing rates for ADHD, younger relative age is associated with an increased likelihood of receiving a clinical diagnosis of ADHD. This influence has increased in recent years. Teachers, parents and clinicians should take relative age into account when considering the possibility of ADHD in a child or encountering a child with a pre-existing diagnosis