149 research outputs found

    A Unified Multilingual Handwriting Recognition System using multigrams sub-lexical units

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    We address the design of a unified multilingual system for handwriting recognition. Most of multi- lingual systems rests on specialized models that are trained on a single language and one of them is selected at test time. While some recognition systems are based on a unified optical model, dealing with a unified language model remains a major issue, as traditional language models are generally trained on corpora composed of large word lexicons per language. Here, we bring a solution by con- sidering language models based on sub-lexical units, called multigrams. Dealing with multigrams strongly reduces the lexicon size and thus decreases the language model complexity. This makes pos- sible the design of an end-to-end unified multilingual recognition system where both a single optical model and a single language model are trained on all the languages. We discuss the impact of the language unification on each model and show that our system reaches state-of-the-art methods perfor- mance with a strong reduction of the complexity.Comment: preprin

    Endohedral confinement of molecular hydrogen

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    Abstract Molecular hydrogen endohedrally confined using H 2n -fullerene-like cavities is investigated with resort to density functional theory. Firstly, the pressure dependence of the ground state energy and internuclear distance of a single H 2 molecule is obtained as a function of a H 20 cage volume. Secondly, 30 hydrogen atoms are allowed to relax under the confinement of a H 60 cage of radius R $ 4 A to reach a configuration of minimum energy. Hydrogen molecules form and self-assemble into a (H 2 ) 15 stable cluster characterized by two coaxial sixfold symmetry ring structures. The present confinement model gives results in agreement with experimental observations. Ó 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Pedro Rodriguez, Iglesias particulares y prelaturas personales. Consideraciones teológicas a proposito de una nueva institución canónica (coll. Colección teológica, 41), 1985

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    Soullard R. Pedro Rodriguez, Iglesias particulares y prelaturas personales. Consideraciones teológicas a proposito de una nueva institución canónica (coll. Colección teológica, 41), 1985. In: Revue théologique de Louvain, 17ᵉ année, fasc. 3, 1986. pp. 373-374

    Les Vitry : une dynastie de fontainiers du roi au service des grandes eaux de Marly (1685-1793)

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    From 1685 until the French Revolution, one family reigned at the head of the Marly fountains and passed on the position for four generations: the Vitry family. These faithful servants of the monarchy created, maintained and repaired fountains and gardens and displayed the Grandes Eaux before the king and the court. Their outstanding savoir faire meant that this family, over the course of a century, served three successive kings of France

    La machine de Marly

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    La machine de Marly, construite sous le règne de Louis XIV et destinée à alimenter les grandes eaux de Marly et de Versailles est alors la plus grosse mécanique jamais construite par l’homme. Construite en bord de Seine, de 1681 à 1685, par le charpentier des mines de Liège Rennequin Sualem, elle élevait l’eau de la Seine jusqu’au sommet du coteau de Louveciennes, 160 mètres plus haut, pour alimenter les fontaines des jardins des châteaux de Marly et de Versailles, en particulier le grand jet..

    Waterworks of Versailles palace XVII-XVIII

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    Les eaux de Versailles sont le plus grand chantier de l'histoire de l'Ancien Régime. Les chiffres sont vraiment impressionnants car, pour satisfaire sa passion des Grandes Eaux, Louis XIV fait creuser une douzaine d'étangs artificiels d'une capacité totale de 8 millions de mètres cube, construire des kilomètres d'aqueducs sur arches à l'imitation de l'Antiquité, poser 20 km de tuyaux de fonte et 10 km de conduite de plomb. Sans oublier la machine de Marly, la plus grosse mécanique hydraulique jamais construite, qui amène à Versailles les eaux de la Seine, située 160 m en contrebas du palais. Au-delà de Versailles, il existe d'autres palais-satellites qui ont aussi leurs effets d'eau : la Ménagerie, les Trianon, le Hameau de la reine Marie-Antoinette, sans oublier Marly avec son grand Jet, le plus haut de France, culminant à 40 m.En plus de ces immenses installations servent à alimenter les fontaines, Louis XIV fait aussi réaliser un réseau des « eaux bonnes à boire », avec un total de 7,4 kilomètres d'aqueducs de captage souterrain afin d'approvisionner le palais, le Grand Commun, les chevaux des Écuries, sans oublier les habitants de la ville de Versailles, avec une eau de source, la plus saine qui soit. Le Roi-Soleil se veut donc édilitaire et bienfaiteur à travers les fontaines publiques dont il équipe la nouvelle capitale royale. Pour construire, gérer, entretenir et faire fonctionner ces infrastructures, les Bâtiments du roi se dotent d'un personnel nombreux où la survivance du poste de père en fils et l'endogamie professionnelle sont la règle. Personnel qui, vu ses compétences techniques, reste en place sous la Révolution et même jusque sous le Second Empire.The waterworks of Versailles is the largest project in the history of Ancien Régime. The numbers are really impressive, because to satisfy his passion for fountains, Louis XIV dug a dozen artificial lakes with a total capacity of 8 million cubic meters, build miles of aqueducts on arches in imitation of Antiquity, lay 20 km of iron pipes and 10 km of lead pipe. Not to mention the machine of Marly, the largest ever built mechanical hydraulic, which leads to Versailles waters of the Seine, located 160 m below the palace. Beyond Versailles palace there are other royal satellites which also have their water effects: the Menagerie, the Trianon, the Hameau of the Queen Marie-Antoinette, and Marly with his Grand Jet, the highest in France, peaking at 40 m.In addition to these great facilities are used to feed the fountains, Louis XIV is also implementing a network of “eaux bonnes à boire”, with a total of 7.4 miles of underground aqueducts to supply the palace, the Grand Common, horses in stables, not to mention the inhabitants of the town of Versailles, with spring water, the healthiest of all. The Sun King is therefore intended benefactor through civic and public fountains which equip the new royal capital. To build, manage, maintain and operate these facilities, the King's Buildings equip themselves with a large staff where the survival of the post from father to son and occupational endogamy is the rule. Staff which, given its technical expertise, remains in place during the Révolution and even until the Second Empire

    Les Vitry : une dynastie de fontainiers du roi au service des grandes eaux de Marly (1685-1793)

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    De 1685 jusqu’à la Révolution française, une seule famille règne à la tête des fontaines et Grandes eaux de Marly et se transmet le poste sur quatre générations : les Vitry. Ces fidèles serviteurs de la monarchie créent, entretiennent, réparent les fontaines des jardins et font jouer les Grandes eaux devant le roi et la cour. Leur savoir-faire exceptionnel fait que cette famille sert trois rois de France successifs, durant plus d’un siècle.From 1685 until the French Revolution, one family reigned at the head of the Marly fountains and passed on the position for four generations: the Vitry family. These faithful servants of the monarchy created, maintained and repaired fountains and gardens and displayed the Grandes Eaux before the king and the court. Their outstanding savoir faire meant that this family, over the course of a century, served three successive kings of France

    Iterative Refinement of HMM and HCRF for Sequence Classification

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    International audienceWe propose a strategy for semi-supervised learning of Hidden-state Conditional Random Fields (HCRF) for signal classification. It builds on simple procedures for semi-supervised learning of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and on strategies for learning a HCRF from a trained HMM system. The algorithm learns a generative system based on Hidden Markov models and a discriminative one based on HCRFs where each model is refined by the other in an iterative framework