12 research outputs found

    UV-LED Project

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    UV-LED is part of a small satellite technologydemonstration mission that willdemonstrate non-contacting charge controlof an isolated or floating mass usingnew solid-state ultra-violet light emittingdiodes (UV-LEDs). Integrated tothe Saudisat-4 spacecraft and launchedonboard the Dnepr in June 19, 2014,the project is a collaboration betweenthe NASA Ames Research Center (ARC),Stanford University, and King AbdulazizCity for Science and Technology(KACST). This technology demonstrationwill validate a novel method of chargecontrol that will improve the performanceof drag-free spacecraft allowingfor concurrent science collection duringcharge management operations as wellas reduce the mass, power and volumerequired while increasing lifetime and reliabilityof a charge management subsystem.These improvements are crucial tothe success of ground breaking missionssuch as LISA and BBO, and demonstratethe ability of low cost small satellite missionsto provide technological advancesthat far exceed mission cost

    Flexible, High-Speed, Small Satellite Production

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    Planet’s first mission is to image the entire land mass of the Earth every day in an effort to make global change visible, accessible, and actionable. To do this, Planet designs and builds highly capable Earth-imaging satellites and today operates the largest Earth-imaging fleet in history. To support this mission, Planet had to develop an adaptable concurrent product development cycle associated with a unique assembly and manufacturing line to support the quick production and delivery of satellites. This paper introduces how Planet achieved that objective by building multiple spacecraft design iterations concurrently and how Planet orchestrates a production line for speed, flexibility, and high throughput of satellite delivery in just over a few weeks


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    UV-LED is part of a small satellite technology demonstration mission that will demonstrate non-contacting charge control of an isolated or floating mass using new solid-state ultra-violet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs). Integrated to the Saudisat-4 spacecraft and launched onboard the Dnepr in June 19, 2014, the project is a collaboration between the NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), Stanford University, and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). This technology demonstration will validate a novel method of charge control that will improve the performance of drag-free spacecraft allowing for concurrent science collection during charge management operations as well as reduce the mass, power and volume required while increasing lifetime and reliability of a charge management subsystem. These improvements are crucial to the success of ground breaking missions such as LISA and BBO, and demonstrate the ability of low cost small satellite missions to provide technological advances that far exceed mission cost

    Cost-Effective Icy Bodies Exploration using Small Satellite Missions

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    It has long been known that Saturn's moon Enceladus is expelling water-rich plumes into space, providing passing spacecraft with a window into what is hidden underneath its frozen crust. Recent discoveries indicate that similar events could also occur on other bodies in the solar system, such as Jupiter's moon Europa and the dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt. These plumes provide a possible giant leap forward in the search for organics and assessing habitability beyond Earth, stepping stones toward the long-term goal of finding extraterrestrial life. The United States Congress recently requested mission designs to Europa, to fit within a cost cap of $1B, much less than previous mission designs' estimates. Here, innovative cost-effective small spacecraft designs for the deep-space exploration of these icy worlds, using new and emerging enabling technologies, and how to explore the outer solar system on a budget below the cost horizon of a flagship mission, are investigated. Science requirements, instruments selection, rendezvous trajectories, and spacecraft designs are some topics detailed. The mission concepts revolve around a comparably small-sized and low-cost Plume Chaser spacecraft, instrumented to characterize the vapor constituents encountered on its trajectory. In the event that a plume is not encountered, an ejecta plume can be artificially created by a companion spacecraft, the Plume Maker, on the target body at a location timed with the passage of the Plume Chaser spacecraft. Especially in the case of Ceres, such a mission could be a great complimentary mission to Dawn, as well as a possible future Europa Clipper mission. The comparably small volume of the spacecraft enables a launch to GTO as a secondary payload, providing multiple launch opportunities per year. Plume Maker's design is nearly identical to the Plume Chaser, and fits within the constraints for a secondary payload launch. The cost-effectiveness of small spacecraft missions enables the exploration of multiple solar system bodies in reasonable timeframes despite budgetary constraints, with only minor adaptations. The work presented here is a summary of concepts targeting icy bodies, such as Europa and Ceres, which have been developed over the last year at NASA Ames Research Center's Mission Design Division. The platforms detailed in this work are also applicable to the cost-effective exploration of many other small icy bodies in the solar system