
UV-LED Project


UV-LED is part of a small satellite technologydemonstration mission that willdemonstrate non-contacting charge controlof an isolated or floating mass usingnew solid-state ultra-violet light emittingdiodes (UV-LEDs). Integrated tothe Saudisat-4 spacecraft and launchedonboard the Dnepr in June 19, 2014,the project is a collaboration betweenthe NASA Ames Research Center (ARC),Stanford University, and King AbdulazizCity for Science and Technology(KACST). This technology demonstrationwill validate a novel method of chargecontrol that will improve the performanceof drag-free spacecraft allowingfor concurrent science collection duringcharge management operations as wellas reduce the mass, power and volumerequired while increasing lifetime and reliabilityof a charge management subsystem.These improvements are crucial tothe success of ground breaking missionssuch as LISA and BBO, and demonstratethe ability of low cost small satellite missionsto provide technological advancesthat far exceed mission cost

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