14 research outputs found

    Temporal variation in body measurements in three Taurine cattle populations of Burkina Faso supports introgression of Zebu genes into West African Taurine cattle

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    A total of 769 adult females belonging to 3 taurine and one zebu cattle populations sampled in 3 provinces of Burkina Faso were assessed for 19 body measurements during two different years (2014 and 2018). The aim of this research was to identify temporal morphological variation in cattle bred in the humid southern zones to obtain empirical evidence supporting a possible introgression of zebu cattle genes into Gourounsi and Lobi taurine cattle breeds. Zebu cattle samples were used as out-group for both 2014 and 2018 subsets. Least square means of body measurements allowed to classify Burkina Faso taurine cattle into three subgroups according to body size (Gourounsi–Sanguié –GourS-, Gourounsi-Nahouri –GourN- and Lobi from the tallest to the smallest respectively). Principal Component Analysis suggested that in 2014, taurine populations were structured. Dispersion map constructed using the two first factors informed that the GourS population was well separated from both the Lobi and the GourN, which, in turn, overlapped. However, in 2018 a strong signal of homogenization was identified, with GourN partially overlapping the other two populations. Linear Discriminant Analysis suggested that about 20% of both GourS and GourN individuals were reciprocally misclassified. Clues for such increase have been pointed out by MANOVA analysis. Although on 2014, Lobi cattle was clearly smaller than Gourounsi and both GourS and GourN populations showed clear differences on body traits, on 2018 it could be assessed an increase in size in Lobi cattle and a strong homogenization signal within Gourounsi cattle. Zebu cattle gene flow southwards in Burkina Faso is likely to have caused these changes, suggesting a fast erosion of taurine cattle genetic background. Keywords: Body traits, quantitative traits, Gourounsi cattle, Lobi, Burkina Faso

    The three cattle types Baoulé, Zebu and Hybrids used in the study.

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    <p>Figure 1A. Trypanotolerant Baoulé breed (<i>Bos taurus</i>). Note the small horn size. Figure 1B. Trypanosusceptible Zebu type (<i>Bos indicus</i>). Note the large horn size and hump. Figure 1C. Hybrid cattle (Baoulé and Zebu crossbreds).</p

    Morphometric Characterization of Local Goat Breeds in Two Agroecological Zones of Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    In Burkina Faso, goats are the second most numerous ruminant livestock population, with almost exclusively indigenous breeds being reared in extensive production systems in various agroecological zones. This study was carried out to understand the morphological variation of local goat breeds in the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudanian agroecological zones. A total of 511 adult female animals belonging to two presumed populations (Mossi breed in Sudano-Sahelian zone and Djallonké breed in Sudanian zone) were sampled and body weight as well as a range of linear body measurements, following FAO guidelines, were recorded. The least squares means of body measurements of indicated that Sudano-Sahelian goats have significantly (p < 0.001) larger body measurements than Sudanian goats. Furthermore, relative high variability of the two populations in morphometric traits was observed. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) suggested structure between Mossi breed on one side and Djallonké on the other side, but no strict separation was observed, suggesting that gene flow is occurring among the different populations. A dispersion map with four clusters was built based on the first two factors. The least square means of body measurements ranked the four groups from small to large body size, namely Djallonké, Mossi × Djallonké, Mossi, and Sahelian × Mossi. Gene flow from Sahelian goat into other populations of the country, based on migration of the Fulani ethnic group from the Sahel into areas with Mossi and Djallonké breeds, could explain this configuration and confirms the continuous erosion of genetic identity of these two local breeds. The sustainable use of these adapted local goat genetic resources calls for the promotion of sustainable genetic improvement using participatory breeding approaches

    Prevalence of African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT) according to Burkina Fasa region, trypanosome species and cattle type.

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    <p>Prevalence of African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT) according to Burkina Fasa region, trypanosome species and cattle type.</p

    Positive tested animals and corresponding biological and husbandry parameters of cattle.

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    <p>Breed is Baoulé (B), Zebu (Z) or hybrids (ZB). Coat colour is black (b), brown (br), brown-white (brw), black-white (bw), white (w), white-black (wb), white-brown (wbr). Gender is male (M) or female (F). Age is indicated in years (y) or months (m). Trypanosome infections are <i>T. congolense</i> – unspecified subtype (TC), <i>T. congolense Savannah</i> (TCS), T. <i>congolense Forest</i> (TCF), <i>T. brucei</i> (TB) and <i>T. vivax</i> (TV). Parasite equivalents calculated according to (Duffy et al., 2009) considering that one parasite cell consists of approximately 200 fg of DNA.</p

    Comparison matrix of PCR and qPCR results.

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    <p>neg.: negative tested samples, <i>T. congolense</i> – unspecified subtype (TC), <i>T. brucei</i> (TB), <i>T. vivax</i> (TV), <i>T. congolense</i> and <i>T. brucei</i> (TCB) multiple infections, <i>T. congolense</i> and <i>T. vivax</i> (TCV) multiple infections, <i>T. brucei</i> and <i>T. vivax</i> (TBV) multiple infections.</p

    Gel electrophoresis of infected animals and reference DNA samples amplified with ITS1-CF and ITS1-BR.

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    <p>Lane 1: <i>T. vivax</i> (250 bp), lane 2: <i>T. congolense</i> – unspecified subtype (700 bp), lane 3: <i>T. congolense Forest</i> and <i>Savannah</i> (700 and 710 bp) and <i>T. vivax</i> (250 bp), lane 4: <i>T. congolense Forest</i> and <i>Savannah</i> (700 and 710 bp), NC (negative control).</p

    Corrélations entre les caractéristiques phénotypiques et détermination d’une formule barymétrique chez le taurin Kouri du Niger

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    Objectif: Cette étude vise à contribuer à la connaissance des caractéristiques phénotypiques du taurin Kouri du Niger.Méthodologie et résultats: Les caractéristiques phénotypiques du taurin Kouri du Niger ont fait l’objet d’une étude conduite dans la région de Diffa au niveau des sites situés aux alentours de Kinjandi dans la commune de Gueskerou et au Centre Secondaire de Multiplication du Bétail de Sayam. Des mensurations ont été effectuées directement sur des animaux et ont permis d’enregistrer des paramètres quantitatifs. Des paramètres qualitatifs ont été renseignés sur la base de l’observation des animaux. Un total de 475 animaux (423 femelles, 36 mâles entiers et 16 mâles castrés) âgés d’au moins 4 ans a été concerné par l’étude. Les moyennes des paramètres phénotypiques quantitatifs suivants ont été notées : Hauteur au garrot (HG) : 125,65±6,08 cm ; Périmètre thoracique (PT) : 157,95±10 cm ; Hauteur au sacrum (HS) : 133,50±6,10 cm ; Largeur aux ischions (LI) : 14,41±2,75. Des différences significatives ont été observées entre les sexes. Le PT est le paramètre le plus corrélé au poids avec un coefficient de corrélation de 0,843. Trois modèles barymétriques sont proposés et ont permis de noter des coefficients d’ajustement de R12=0,79 ; R22= 0,74 et R32= 0,71. Les paramètres phénotypiques qualitatifs ont fait ressortir un profil rectiligne dominant (85,86%) ; des oreilles à orientation latérale (99,79 %) ; des cornes présentes (97,89%) et fixées (97,41%), un dos rectiligne chez 86,50% des animaux. Aussi la couleur blanche de la robe domine avec 50,84 %. Conclusion et application des résultats: En somme, le taurin Kouri du Niger peut être considéré comme une race assez hétérogène sur le plan phénotypique. Cette variabilité pourrait être favorable à une sélection en vue d’une amélioration génétique de la race.Mots clés: phénotype, formule barymétrique, taurin Kouri, NigerEnglish Title: Correlations between Phenotypic measurements and determination of a Barymetric Formula in Niger Kuri cattle breedEnglish AbstractObjective: The main objective of this study is to contribute to increase knowledge on Niger Kuri phenotypic characteristics.Methodology and Results: Phenotypic characteristics of Niger Kuri cattle breed have been assessed in the region of Diffa, Niger, including sampling sites around Kinjandi in Gueskerou commune, and in the Sayam Cattle Secondary Multiplication Center. Measurements were made directly on animals and allowed to record quantitative parameters. Qualitative parameters were given based on the observation of the animals. A total of 475 individuals (423 females, 36 males and 16 castrated males) with at least 4 years age have been sampled. The means values of phenotypic traits measured were as follow: quantitative phenotypic parameters were measured. Height at withers: 125.65 ± 6.08 cm, Heart girth: 157.95 ± 10 cm, height at hips: 133. 50 ± 6.10 cm, Ischium width: 14.41 ± 2.75. Significant differences were observed between sexes. Heart girth is the most correlated parameter to the weight with a correlation coefficient of 0.843. Three barymetric models were used and showed adjusted coefficients of R12 = 0.79, R22 = 0.74 and R32 = 0.71. The qualitative phenotypic parameters revealed à dominant straight profile (85.86%), lateral oriented ears (99.79%), presence of horns (97.89%) and fixed (97.41%), straight back (86.50%) among the individuals. Besides, the white color pattern is predominant (50.84 %).Conclusion and application of results: Overall, Niger Kuri cattle breed may be considered as heterogeneous breed at phenotypic level. This variability may be favorable for selection strategy for this valuable breed improvement.Keywords: phenotype, barymetric formula, Kuri, Nige