145 research outputs found

    G protein-coupled oestrogen receptor 1, oestrogen receptors and androgen receptor in the sand rat (Psammomys obesus) efferent ducts

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    Background: The efferent ducts are mainly involved in the reabsorption of the seminiferous tubular fluid. Testosterone and oestrogens regulate efferent ducts functions via their receptors.Materials and methods: This paper presents an experimental investigation on the location of the P450 aromatase, the 17-b oestradiol (E2), the androgen receptor (AR), the oestrogen receptor 1 (ESR1), the oestrogen receptor 2 (ESR2) and the G protein-coupled oestrogen receptor 1 (GPER1) in the efferent ducts using Psammomys obesus as an animal model to highlight the effect of the season on the histology and the distribution of these receptors.Results: We observed a proliferation of the connective tissue, decreasing in the height of the epithelium during the resting season compared to the breeding season. Ciliated cells expressed P450 aromatase, AR, E2, ESR1, ESR2 and GPER1 during both seasons. Basal cells showed a positive staining for the ESR1 and the GPER1 during both season, the AR and E2 during the breeding season and ESR2 during the resting season.Conclusions: Our result shows that the expression of androgen receptor and oestrogen receptors in the efferent ducts vary by season witch suggest that they are largely involved in the regulation of the efferent ducts functions

    Cambios en la composición de los ácidos grasos y evaluación de la oxidación de lípidos y proteínas en almejas comerciales (Ruditapes decussatus) cocinadas

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    This study aimed to provide information about the changes in fatty acid composition and quality in Ruditapes decussatus tissue after four culinary treatments (steamed, baked, grilled and fried). All treated samples showed a significant decrease in moisture and protein. In contrast, a significant increase in fat content resulted from the grilled and fried treatments. Saturated fatty acid was significantly higher in fresh clams than all cooking processes, except in fried ones. Monounsaturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid varied significantly between fresh and cooked clams with high values recorded for fried clams. The n-3/n-6 ratio, peroxide index, EPA+DHA and atherogenicity index decreased significantly after the cooking processes particularly in fried clams. The mineral levels (Mg, Ca and Mn) of cooked clams decreased considerably with grilled and fried treatments. The impacts of cooking on the fatty acid composition and protein content in clam tissue was evaluated by lipid peroxidation (TBARS, PV, FFA, TOR) and protein oxidation (AOPP and PCO), which varied statistically in fried, steamed, grilled and baked samples; indicating alterations in cooked clam tissues structure. Based on our results, steaming is recommended for the preparation of clams because it preserves the most nutritional tissue quality.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo proporcionar información innovadora sobre los cambios en la composición y calidad de los ácidos grasos presentes en el tejido de Ruditapes decussatus tras cuatro tratamientos culinarios distintos (vapor, horno, parrilla y fritura). Todas las muestras tratadas mostraron una disminución significativa en el contenido de humedad y proteínas. Por el contrario, los tratamientos a la parrilla y frito resultaron en un aumento significativo de la cantidad de grasa. El contenido en ácidos grasos saturados fue significativamente mayor en las almejas frescas comparado con todas las almejas cocinadas, a excepción de las fritas. Los ácidos grasos mono- y poliinsaturados variaron significativamente entre las almejas frescas y cocinadas, mostrando el valor más alto en las almejas fritas. La relación n-3/n-6, el índice de peróxidos, el contenido de EPA + DHA y el índice de aterogenicidad disminuyeron significativamente después de todos los procesos de cocción, especialmente en las almejas fritas. Los niveles de minerales (Mg, Ca y Mn) de las almejas cocinadas disminuyeron considerablemente tras los tratamientos a la parrilla y frito. El impacto del cocinado sobre la calidad de los ácidos grasos y las proteínas se evaluó mediante la medida de la peroxidación de lípidos (TBARS, PV, FFA, TOR) y la oxidación de proteínas (AOPP y PCO), valores que variaron significativamente en las muestras fritas, al vapor, a la parrilla y al horno, indicando una alteración de la estructura de los tejidos de la almeja cocinada. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se recomienda la cocción al vapor para la preparación de las almejas, ya que es el tratamiento que mejor preserva calidad nutricional de los tejidos

    Fundamentals of quantitative fractography

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D42977/82 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    High performance RX2 Ti 6242S titanium for re-useable launch vehicles metallic thermal protection systems

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    Influence of The Association of The EVA and NBR on The Characteristics of Modified Bitumen

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    Durability and the performance of pavement depend mainly on the characteristics of materials which change over time like all other organic substances. They are subject to significant changes due to environmental conditions during the different phases of use. In the present work we investigated experimentally the influence of the association of ethyl vinyl acetate polymer (EVA) with an industrial waste, acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) on the modification of bitumen AC 35-50 and its rheological behavior. The incorporation of NBR and EVA in the bitumen improved its intrinsic characteristics (softening point, penetration and ductility). In addition to improving the characteristics of bituminous binders that will affect the durability of bituminous structures, the environment will be preserved by the recycling of industrial waste

    The effectiveness of stress inoculation group training (SIT) on reducing job stress of employees of RAZAK pharmaceutical company in Tehran

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    Background and aims Despite the fact that work is the major part of human life and the source of satisfying the sense of idealism, innovation and the feeling of consent in the individual, but it is one of the most important factors of creating stress in today's societies. One of the most efficient methods of interfering in stress inoculation group training (SIT). The aim of the present research is the investigation of the efficacy of the stress inoculation group training (SIT) on reducing career stress of employees of Razak Co.'s employees.     Methodsthis study is an intermediary study and the research method is experimental of pretest and posttest type with control group. 46 of subjects whose score in career stress test was above the average score were selected as sample, and were replaced in simple random way in two groups of test and control. 8-session test group of 1.5 hours each received team immunity training against stress. Both groups were tested and evaluated three times at the same time (pretest, posttest and follow up).   Resultsafter adjusting the posttest scores based on pretest scores, the results of one-way covariance pretest showed that stress inoculation group training (SIT) had a meaningful influence on reduction of career stress on employees. Also the results of multivariable covariance analysis (Mankoa) showed that this effect existed in every component of career stress, i.e. exceeding accountability, responsibility of others, very high working pressure, decision making that influences the others, and understanding of self as an individual not quite competent and qualified. In follow up studies after one month, the results showed that stress inoculation group training (SIT) has a stable influence on reduction of career stress and it components.   Conclusion on the base of the obtained findings from research and effectiveness from the stress inoculation group training (SIT) , it is recommended to apply this therapeutic approach in all industrial and organizational centers as an effective therapeutic approach to reduce career stress and increase organizational productivity.

    Image-Based Object Identification for Efficient Event-Driven Sensing in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    Applications based on video and image in wireless sensor network are highly attractive due to their wealth of information. In this context, application for object recognition and tracking using image and video information is one the attractive approaches that can be applied for event detection and localization, security processes, following of the rare animal species and control of road traffic, and so forth. However, the implementation of such approach with WMSN requires a specific image processing scheme and efficient transmission protocol. In fact, because of the limited energy of the batteries embedded in motes, the power consumption is the major constraint facing network life time and reliability in WMSN. The efficiency and the validity of these multimedia applications over wireless sensor networks are then dependent on the capabilities of the designer to provide low-power scheme for data processing and energy-aware transmission protocols. This paper presents a contribution to the design of low complexity scheme based on object identification for efficient sensing of multimedia information in wireless multimedia sensor networks. It proposes a new solution and explores the associated performances of this scheme. The presented results in this paper attest the high efficiency to achieve low-power objects identification when implemented in wireless motes