611 research outputs found

    A 26-Year-Old Man with Headache

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    In this case, changes are made to the shape or amplitude of ECG complexes change alternatively. In the most common form, alternative changes can be viewed better in QRS complexes and in mid precordial leads. These alternative changes can be seen simultaneously in every other QRS complex and T wave. This means that in one beat the amplitude or shape of QRS complexes and T wave are normal and in the next beat the amplitude or shape of QRS complexes and T wave change. Since at times QRS complexes get closer, then they collapse and overlap and after that they gain distance from each other again. The answer to this ECG is a heterotropic transplanted heart.   &nbsp

    A 58-Year-Old Woman with Weakness and Shortness of Breath

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    The patient was a 58-year-old woman with a history of mitral valvuloplasty, presenting to the emergency department (ED) due to weakness and shortness of breath. Her vital signs were stable. The patient’s electrocardiogram (ECG) is presented in figure 1. What is the correct interpretation of this ECG? Sinus dysrhythmia Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with variable AV node block Atrial flutter with variable AV node block Sinoatrial block Atrial fibrillation with normal ventricular rate The baseline rhythm of this ECG shows an irregularity at the first glance that is repeated without any specific pattern. After considering this irregular abnormal pattern, in the next step, the heartbeat in this ECG should be calculated, taking into account the irregular base rhythm, about six seconds of the ECG should be considered, and the number of complete QRS complexes should be counted in this period. The resulting number should be multiplied by ten in order to estimate the heart rate in a minute. In this patient, the heart rate was about 90 beats per minute. So far, we have an irregular abnormal rhythm in the ECG. Differential diagnosis of this condition in the ECG varies based on the wide or narrow QRS complexes. A narrow QRS complex is a sign of the natural ventricular depolarization, and several rhythms with a natural rate (60-100 beats per minute) can have irregular QRS intervals. In the case of irregular abnormal rhythms, normal rates, and narrow QRS complexes, there are various differential diagnoses, some of which are mentioned in the multiple choice answer to this question. In the following, after mentioning the electrocardiographic characteristics of each of the rhythms mentioned in the question and their simultaneous assessment in this ECG, we will reach the correct answer

    An 85-year-old Woman with Altered Mental Status and Hypotension

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    An 85-year-old female patient was brought to emergency department (ED) from a nursing home with altered mental status (GCS: 12/15) and hypotension (90/60 mmHg). Bilateral fine crackles in lungs and severe cachexia were obvious in her physical examination. The ECG showed only sinus tachycardia. Several attempts at peripheral vein cannulation failed due to poor visualization of severely atrophied and contracted subcutaneous veins. Therefore, on two attempts, a central venous catheter (CVC) was inserted into the right internal jugular vein (IJV) using the Seldinger technique. After securing and taping the central line, fluid infusion started with no difficulty and a portable chest x-ray was ordered

    Leak Detection In Large Storage Tanks Using Seismic Boundary Waves

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    This paper describes a field evaluation of a technique for detecting leaks in large above ground storage tanks. The technique detects leaking tank products in the foundation material by sensing anomalies in seismic boundary waves transmitted across the tank bottom. The evaluation consisted of three steps: (1) investigation of surface (Rayleigh) wave anomalies due to surface soil saturation in linear arrays; (2) evaluation of boundary waves propagated across the bottom of typical tanks; and (3) a surface (Rayleigh) wave experiment using tomography to locate velocity changes due to surface soil saturation. The results of these tests have shown that boundary waves can be easily propagated along a tank bottom and received by conventional geophones, and that soil saturation anomalies can be detected and located using boundary waves and tomographic reconstruction

    Interferon beta-1a as a Candidate for COVID-19 Treatment; An Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Since December 2019, an outbreak of Covid-19 has caused growing concern in multiple countries. Researchers around the world are working to find a treatment or a vaccine for Covid-19 and different treatment approaches have been tested in this regard. Objective: This study was designed and conducted to assess the possible efficacy of Interferon beta-1a as a safe and efficient candidate for Covid-19 treatment. Methods: This is an investigator-initiated, open-label, single-arm clinical trial. Twenty patients with suspected Covid-19, who were admitted to Sina hospital in Tehran, Iran, with moderate to severe symptoms, from 6 to 10 March, 2020, were enrolled. Patients were treated with antiviral and hydroxychloroquine combination therapy, along with subcutaneous Interferon beta-1a for 5 consecutive days. Baseline characteristics and findings during the course of admission and 5 days after discharge were recorded for all the patients. Results: In total, 20 patients with suspected Covid-19 were included in this study, 12 (60%) of which were male. The median (Interquartile (IQ) range) of patients’ age was 55.5 (43-63.5). The most common symptom of the patients at onset of disease was fever. The median (IQ range) of duration of hospital stay was 5.0 (3-6) days. Only 2 cases were admitted to ICU. At the time of follow-up, 15 (94%) patients reported that they generally felt good and had oral tolerance, 1 patient had suffered from dyspnea, 5 patients had suffered from cough, none of them had experienced fever and no case of re-admission or death was reported after discharge. Conclusions: Results of the current study are in favor of using Interferon beta-1a in addition to recommended antiviral treatment in Covid-19 patients
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