4 research outputs found

    Memory effects in backscattering of two-dimensional electrons in corrugated systems

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    It is reported a theoretical and numerical study of non-markovian memory effects in backscattering of ballistic electrons constrained to move in a corrugated surface topography. Two approaches to model the electron trajectories are used, better approximation is obtained with the Hamilton-Dirac method for constrained system


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    A construção de uma Rede Local Sem Fio (RLSF) com um Sistema de Aquisição de multi-Dados (SAD) para aplicações educacionais é relatado, onde um banco de dados para a intensidade da luz, temperatura e potencial elétrico de um painel fotovoltaico foi gerado. Os sinais analógicos de três diferentes sistemas de sensores/transdutores são recolhidos e enviados para um placa Arduino Uno Revisão 3. Os sinais analógicos são convertidos em dados digitais através de um código guardado no microprocessador Arduino e, em seguida, transmitido via Internet através da utilização da tecnologia sem fios suportada por um servidor Arduino Uno WiFi acoplada à placa Arduino Uno. Dados da Internet são adequadamente recuperados, armazenados em uma base de dados, e  apresentado continuamente pelo software NI-Labview desenvolvido. Esta ferramenta fornece o professor controle remoto e monitoramento de experimentos físicos desenvolvidos pelos alunos, e seria muito relevante em Educação a Distância (EaD) onde as aulas experimentais podem ser desenvolvidas pelo tutor e aquisição de dados remotamente monitorado em tempo real pelo decente.Es relatada la construcción de un sistema de adquisición de datos múltiples (DAS) con base en redes de área local inalámbrica (WLAN) para aplicaciones educativas, en el cual que se generó una base de datos para la intensidad luminosa, la temperatura y el potencial eléctrico de un panel fotovoltaico. Las señales analógicas procedentes de tres diferentes sistemas de sensores/transductores se recogen y se envían a una placa Arduino Uno Revisión 3. Las señales analógicas son convertidas a datos digitales a través de un código guardado en el microprocesador de la placa Arduino y luego se difunden pela Internet mediante el uso de la tecnología WLAN soportada por un servidor de internet en un shield WiFi compatible, acoplado con la placa Arduino Uno. Los datos de Internet se recuperan correctamente, se almacenan como una base de datos y se muestran continuamente a través de una aplicación de software desarrollada en NI-Labview. Esta herramienta provee al profesor de control remoto y monitoreo de los experimentos físicos desarrollados por los estudiantes, y sería muy relevante en la Educación a Distancia (DE) donde las clases experimentales pueden ser desarrolladas por el tutor y la adquisición de datos remotamente monitoreados en tiempo real por el profesor.The construction of a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) multi-Data Acquisition System (DAS) for educational applications is reported, were a database for light intensity, temperature and electric potential for a photovoltaic panel was generated. Analog signals from three different sensors/transducer systems are collected and sent to an Arduino Uno Revision 3 board. The analog signals are converted to digital data through a code saved on the Arduino microprocessor and then broadcasted to the internet by the use of the WLAN technology supported by an Arduino WiFi Shield server coupled to the Arduino Uno board. Data from the internet are properly retrieved, stored as a database, and continuously displayed by the development of a NI-Labview software application. This tool provides the teacher remote control and monitoring of physical experiments developed by students, and it would be very relevant in Distance Education (DE) where experimental classes can be developed by the tutor and the acquisition of data remotely monitored in real time by the teacher

    A rede escolar nas comunidades rurais assentadas, quilombolas e indígenas do Tocantins

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    ABSTRACT. Under the spotlight as the newest state of the federation, the Tocantins carries the Brazilian malaise, like the deficiencies in several public services rendered to the population. Education is no exception and is part of this gap, with a lack of school units, teachers, adequate academic training, quality school structure, among many others. When it comes to education in the countryside, those problems become more latent. The objective of this work was to investigate the main characteristics of the educational situation of the three large rural social communities of Tocantins, the Rural Settlements, the Remnant Areas of Quilombos and the Indigenous Lands, through a quantitative analysis of data available from government agencies. It has been shown that the supply of basic education in these communities is heterogeneous in terms of the number of schools and school levels offered and is, in its entirety, borne by the state and municipal governments. It was identified that the Remnant Areas of Quilombos do not count on offer of secondary education.ABSTRACT. Under the spotlight as the newest state of the federation, the Tocantins carries the Brazilian malaise, like the deficiencies in several public services rendered to the population. Education is no exception and is part of this gap, with a lack of school units, teachers, adequate academic training, quality school structure, among many others. When it comes to education in the countryside, those problems become more latent. The objective of this work was to investigate the main characteristics of the educational situation of the three large rural social communities of Tocantins, the Rural Settlements, the Remnant Areas of Quilombos and the Indigenous Lands, through a quantitative analysis of data available from government agencies. It has been shown that the supply of basic education in these communities is heterogeneous in terms of the number of schools and school levels offered and is, in its entirety, borne by the state and municipal governments. It was identified that the Remnant Areas of Quilombos do not count on offer of secondary education.RESUMEN. Bajo los reflectores como el más reciente estado de la federación, el Tocantins carga los principales problemas brasileños, tales como la deficiencia en los varios servicios públicos prestados a la población. La educación no es una excepción y forma parte de esta laguna, con falta de unidades escolares, profesores, formación académica adecuada, estructura escolar de calidad, entre tantos otros. Cuando se trata de la educación en el campo, estos problemas se vuelven más latentes. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo investigar las principales características de la situación educativa de las tres grandes Comunidades Sociales Rurales de Tocantins, los Asentamientos Rurales, las Áreas Remanentes de Quilombos y las Tierras Indígenas a través de un análisis cuantitativo de datos disponibles por las agencias gubernamentales. Se mostró que la oferta de educación básica en estas comunidades es heterogénea en cuanto al cuantitativo de escuelas y de niveles escolares ofertados y está en su totalidad a cargo de los gobiernos estatal y municipal. Se identificó que las Áreas Remanentes de Quilombos no cuentan con oferta de enseñanza media.ABSTRACT. Under the spotlight as the newest state of the federation, the Tocantins carries the Brazilian malaise, like the deficiencies in several public services rendered to the population. Education is no exception and is part of this gap, with a lack of school units, teachers, adequate academic training, quality school structure, among many others. When it comes to education in the countryside, those problems become more latent. The objective of this work was to investigate the main characteristics of the educational situation of the three large rural social communities of Tocantins, the Rural Settlements, the Remnant Areas of Quilombos and the Indigenous Lands, through a quantitative analysis of data available from government agencies. It has been shown that the supply of basic education in these communities is heterogeneous in terms of the number of schools and school levels offered and is, in its entirety, borne by the state and municipal governments. It was identified that the Remnant Areas of Quilombos do not count on offer of secondary education.Sob os holofotes como o mais novo estado da federação o Tocantins carrega as mazelas brasileiras, como as carências em vários serviços públicos prestados à população. A educação não é uma exceção e faz parte desta lacuna, com falta de unidades escolares, professores, formação acadêmica adequada, estrutura escolar de qualidade, entre tantos outros. Quando se trata da educação no campo esses problemas se tornam mais latentes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar as principais características da situação educacional das três grandes Comunidades Sociais Rurais do Tocantins, os Assentamentos Rurais, as Áreas Remanescentes de Quilombos e as Terras Indígenas por meio de uma análise quantitativa de dados disponíveis pelas agências governamentais. Mostrou-se que a oferta de educação básica nessas comunidades é heterogênea quanto ao quantitativo de escolas e de níveis escolares ofertados e está, em sua totalidade, a cargo dos governos estadual e municipais. Identificou-se que as Áreas Remanescentes de Quilombos não contam com oferta de ensino médio. Palavras-chave: Quilombolas, Assentamentos, Terras Indígenas, Unidades Escolares.   The school network in the rural seated communities, quilombolas and indigenous peoples of Tocantins ABSTRACT. Under the spotlight as the newest state of the federation, the Tocantins carries the Brazilian malaise, like the deficiencies in several public services rendered to the population. Education is no exception and is part of this gap, with a lack of school units, teachers, adequate academic training, quality school structure, among many others. When it comes to education in the countryside, those problems become more latent. The objective of this work was to investigate the main characteristics of the educational situation of the three large rural social communities of Tocantins, the Rural Settlements, the Remnant Areas of Quilombos and the Indigenous Lands, through a quantitative analysis of data available from government agencies. It has been shown that the supply of basic education in these communities is heterogeneous in terms of the number of schools and school levels offered and is, in its entirety, borne by the state and municipal governments. It was identified that the Remnant Areas of Quilombos do not count on offer of secondary education. Keywords: Quilombolas, Settlements, Indigenous Lands, School Units.   La red escolar en las comunidades rurales asentadas, quilombolas y indígenas del Tocantins RESUMEN. Bajo los reflectores como el más reciente estado de la federación, el Tocantins carga los principales problemas brasileños, tales como la deficiencia en los varios servicios públicos prestados a la población. La educación no es una excepción y forma parte de esta laguna, con falta de unidades escolares, profesores, formación académica adecuada, estructura escolar de calidad, entre tantos otros. Cuando se trata de la educación en el campo, estos problemas se vuelven más latentes. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo investigar las principales características de la situación educativa de las tres grandes Comunidades Sociales Rurales de Tocantins, los Asentamientos Rurales, las Áreas Remanentes de Quilombos y las Tierras Indígenas a través de un análisis cuantitativo de datos disponibles por las agencias gubernamentales. Se mostró que la oferta de educación básica en estas comunidades es heterogénea en cuanto al cuantitativo de escuelas y de niveles escolares ofertados y está en su totalidad a cargo de los gobiernos estatal y municipal. Se identificó que las Áreas Remanentes de Quilombos no cuentan con oferta de enseñanza media. Palabras clave: Quilombolas, Asentamientos, Tierras Indígenas, Unidades Escolares