70 research outputs found

    Molecular modeling and in silico characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TlyA : Possible misannotation of this tubercle bacilli-hemolysin

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    Background: The TlyA protein has a controversial function as a virulence factor in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). At present, its dual activity as hemolysin and RNA methyltransferase in M. tuberculosis has been indirectly proposed based on in vitro results. There is no evidence however for TlyA relevance in the survival of tubercle bacilli inside host cells or whether both activities are functionally linked. A thorough analysis of structure prediction for this mycobacterial protein in this study shows the need for reevaluating TlyA's function in virulence. Results: Bioinformatics analysis of TlyA identified a ribosomal protein binding domain (S4 domain), located between residues 5 and 68 as well as an FtsJ-like methyltranferase domain encompassing residues 62 and 247, all of which have been previously described in translation machinery-associated proteins. Subcellular localization prediction showed that TlyA lacks a signal peptide and its hydrophobicity profile showed no evidence of transmembrane helices. These findings suggested that it may not be attached to the membrane, which is consistent with a cytoplasmic localization. Three-dimensional modeling of TlyA showed a consensus structure, having a common core formed by a six-stranded β-sheet between two α-helix layers, which is consistent with an RNA methyltransferase structure. Phylogenetic analyses showed high conservation of the tlyA gene among Mycobacterium species. Additionally, the nucleotide substitution rates suggested purifying selection during tlyA gene evolution and the absence of a common ancestor between TlyA proteins and bacterial pore-forming proteins. Conclusion: Altogether, our manual in silico curation suggested that TlyA is involved in ribosomal biogenesis and that there is a functional annotation error regarding this protein family in several microbial and plant genomes, including the M. tuberculosis genome. © 2011 Arenas et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Molecular modeling and in silico characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TlyA: Possible misannotation of this tubercle bacilli-hemolysin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The TlyA protein has a controversial function as a virulence factor in <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>(<it>M. tuberculosis</it>). At present, its dual activity as hemolysin and RNA methyltransferase in <it>M. tuberculosis </it>has been indirectly proposed based on <it>in vitro </it>results. There is no evidence however for TlyA relevance in the survival of tubercle bacilli inside host cells or whether both activities are functionally linked. A thorough analysis of structure prediction for this mycobacterial protein in this study shows the need for reevaluating TlyA's function in virulence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bioinformatics analysis of TlyA identified a ribosomal protein binding domain (S4 domain), located between residues 5 and 68 as well as an FtsJ-like methyltranferase domain encompassing residues 62 and 247, all of which have been previously described in translation machinery-associated proteins. Subcellular localization prediction showed that TlyA lacks a signal peptide and its hydrophobicity profile showed no evidence of transmembrane helices. These findings suggested that it may not be attached to the membrane, which is consistent with a cytoplasmic localization. Three-dimensional modeling of TlyA showed a consensus structure, having a common core formed by a six-stranded β-sheet between two α-helix layers, which is consistent with an RNA methyltransferase structure. Phylogenetic analyses showed high conservation of the <it>tlyA </it>gene among <it>Mycobacterium </it>species. Additionally, the nucleotide substitution rates suggested purifying selection during <it>tlyA </it>gene evolution and the absence of a common ancestor between TlyA proteins and bacterial pore-forming proteins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, our manual <it>in silico </it>curation suggested that TlyA is involved in ribosomal biogenesis and that there is a functional annotation error regarding this protein family in several microbial and plant genomes, including the <it>M. tuberculosis </it>genome.</p

    Protocolo de estimulación cognitiva con musicoterapia en pacientes con mucopolisacaridosis.

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    El presente proyecto de investigación surge luego de evidenciar que algunos pacientes con Mucopolisacaridosis (MPS) son excluidos de ámbitos académicos, laborales y sociales, por las afectaciones que subyacen a su enfermedad. La MPS es de carácter hereditario y una de las llamadas enfermedades huérfanas, denominada así por el bajo índice de incidencia con que se presentan, motivo por el cual existen pocas investigaciones que contribuyan a una mejor calidad de vida de quienes la padecen (Castañeda & Acosta, 2016)

    Estudio de factibilidad para el montaje de una empresa dedicada a la comercialización y desposte de la carne de cerdo en el municipio de Pereira, año 2014

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    CD-T 658.835 G165;109 p.El comerciar cárnicos, involucra aspectos técnico-agrícolas, fitosanitarios y logísticos, donde el punto de partida del mismo es la producción, por lo cual en el desarrollo del presente trabajo se establecen criterios integrales que conllevan a demostrar la viabilidad del negocio. El procedimiento de las actividades comerciales posee como valor primordial la creación de un plan que justifique todos los caracteres de factibilidad económica que abarca la decisión como tal, de crear una comercializadora de carne de cerdo analizando cada una de las expectativas a tener en cuenta.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Untangling the transmission dynamics of primary and secondary vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi in Colombia : Parasite infection, feeding sources and discrete typing units

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    Background: Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease. Due to its genetic diversity has been classified into six Discrete Typing Units (DTUs) in association with transmission cycles. In Colombia, natural T. cruzi infection has been detected in 15 triatomine species. There is scarce information regarding the infection rates, DTUs and feeding preferences of secondary vectors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine T. cruzi infection rates, parasite DTU, ecotopes, insect stages, geographical location and bug feeding preferences across six different triatomine species. Methods: A total of 245 insects were collected in seven departments of Colombia. We conducted molecular detection and genotyping of T. cruzi with subsequent identification of food sources. The frequency of infection, DTUs, TcI genotypes and feeding sources were plotted across the six species studied. A logistic regression model risk was estimated with insects positive for T. cruzi according to demographic and eco-epidemiological characteristics. Results: We collected 85 specimens of Panstrongylus geniculatus, 77 Rhodnius prolixus, 37 R. pallescens, 34 Triatoma maculata, 8 R. pictipes and 4 T. dimidiata. The overall T. cruzi infection rate was 61.2% and presented statistical associations with the departments Meta (OR: 2.65; 95% CI: 1.69-4.17) and Guajira (OR: 2.13; 95% CI: 1.16-3.94); peridomestic ecotope (OR: 2.52: 95% CI: 1.62-3.93); the vector species P. geniculatus (OR: 2.40; 95% CI: 1.51-3.82) and T. maculata (OR: 2.09; 95% CI: 1.02-4.29); females (OR: 2.05; 95% CI: 1.39-3.04) and feeding on opossum (OR: 3.15; 95% CI: 1.85-11.69) and human blood (OR: 1.55; 95% CI: 1.07-2.24). Regarding the DTUs, we observed TcI (67.3%), TcII (6.7%), TcIII (8.7%), TcIV (4.0%) and TcV (6.0%). Across the samples typed as TcI, we detected TcIDom (19%) and sylvatic TcI (75%). The frequencies of feeding sources were 59.4% (human blood); 11.2% (hen); 9.6% (bat); 5.6% (opossum); 5.1% (mouse); 4.1% (dog); 3.0% (rodent); 1.0% (armadillo); and 1.0% (cow). Conclusions: New scenarios of T. cruzi transmission caused by secondary and sylvatic vectors are considered. The findings of sylvatic DTUs from bugs collected in domestic and peridomestic ecotopes confirms the emerging transmission scenarios in Colombia. © 2016 The Author(s)

    Nutritional supplements in psychomotor and cognitive development in childhood : a literature review

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    Introducción: en los últimos años, la malnutrición y su impacto en el desarrollo cognitivo y psicomotor de las personas ha cobrado interés, así como el uso de suplementos nutricionales en la dieta regular con el fin de evitar o disminuir los efectos negativos de una alimentación inadecuada en el desarrollo global de una persona. Dado que se conocen los requerimientos de elementos como el ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA) durante el desarrollo neurológico en las etapas más tempranas de la vida, resulta de gran importancia evaluar el alcance de la suplementación de estos componentes y su relación con la cognición en población pediátrica. Métodos: se realizó una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos Embase y Pubmed teniendo en cuenta estudios que relacionaran la suplementación nutricional con ácidos grasos, hierro y zinc y las funciones cognitivas en niños. Resultados: se encontró evidencia que sugiere que los suplementos nutricionales con ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (DHA y omega 3), hierro y zinc mejoran el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños. Conclusiones: Los suplementos nutricionales con Omega 3, DHA, hierro y zinc podrían proporcionar beneficios en el desarrollo cognitivo, principalmente en lactantes y escolares sin efectos adversos de importancia.Q4Revisión de tema24-30Introduction: in recent years, malnutrition and its impact on the cognitive and psychomotor development has been rising interest, as well as the use of nutritional supplements in the regular diet in order to avoid or lower the negative effect of an inadequate nutrition in the global development of a person. Taken into account that the requirements of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during the neurologic development in the first stages of life is well known, it is of the uttmost importance to assess the reach of supplementation of these components and its relationship with cognition in the pediatric population. Methods: A review of the literature in Pubmed and Embase databases, which took into account studies relating supplements with fatty acids, zinc and iron and cognitive functions in children, was conducted. Results: Evidence suggests that nutritional supplements with Poly- Unsaturated Fatty Acids (DHA and omega 3), iron and zinc improve cognitive development in children. Conclusions: Nutritional supplements with Omega 3, DHA, iron and zinc could provide benefits in cognitive development, especially in infants and schoolchildren without significant adverse effects

    Motivations and resources for the consumtion of psychoactive substancces by university students

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    Objetivo: describir el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas –SPA– (alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilegales) de&amp;nbsp; jóvenes universitarios colombianos y analizar su relación con las motivaciones y la disponibilidad de recursos para el consumo. Método: participaron 1811 estudiantes de seis universidades colombianas, con edades&amp;nbsp; entre los 15 y 24 años (M=19,6; DT=2,0) seleccionados intencionalmente, quienes contestaron la subescala de&amp;nbsp; consumo de sustancias psicoactivas del “Cuestionario de estilos de vida en jóvenes universitarios (CEVJU)”.&amp;nbsp; Resultados: el 20% de los jóvenes informa consumir alcohol por lo menos una vez a la semana, el 13% fuma&amp;nbsp; por lo menos una vez al día y el 4% consume drogas ilegales (marihuana, cocaína, éxtasis, heroína, popper,&amp;nbsp; otros alucinógenos) por lo menos una vez a la semana. Entre los motivos del consumo se encuentran:&amp;nbsp; sentirse mejor, disminuir la tensión, la ansiedad o el estrés y experimentar nuevas sensaciones. Quienes&amp;nbsp; tienen mayores prácticas de consumo de SPA consideran que podrían cambiarlas pero no saben si lo harán.&amp;nbsp; El consumo es mayor en los jóvenes que cuentan con dinero para comprarlas, que conocen sitios donde las&amp;nbsp; venden dentro de la universidad y cerca de ella, y que frecuentan sitios en los cuales pueden adquirirlas.&amp;nbsp; Conclusiones: a partir de los resultados se discute sobre la importancia de reorientar las acciones de&amp;nbsp; prevención del consumo de SPA en los centros universitarios considerando los principales motivos y recursos que se relacionaron con éste.Purpose: to describe the use of psychoactive substances –PS– (alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs) in&amp;nbsp; Colombian young university students and to analyze its relation with motivations and the availability of&amp;nbsp; resources for consumption. Method: 1,811 students from six Colombian universities between 15 and 24&amp;nbsp; years old (M=19.6; SD=2.0) participated. Participants were selected intentionally and they answered the&amp;nbsp; subscale of psychoactive substances consumption from the “College Youth Lifestyle Questionnaire”. Result:&amp;nbsp; 20% of the students report using alcohol at least once a week; 13% smoke at least once daily, and 4%&amp;nbsp; consume illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, heroine, popper, other hallucinogens) at least once a&amp;nbsp; week. Feeling better, reducing stress or anxiety and feeling new sensations were motives to use PS. Those&amp;nbsp; who have a higher use of PS think that they could change their practices but are not sure of doing so.&amp;nbsp; Substance use is higher in students who have money to buy them, in those who know where to buy them in&amp;nbsp; the university and close to it, and in those who go to places where they can get them. Conclusions: From the&amp;nbsp; results, the importance of redirecting drug consumption prevention strategies used in universities is&amp;nbsp; discussed, considering the main motives and resources related to it.&amp;nbsp

    Observatorio de los servicios públicos domiciliarios del municipio de Mistrató : servicio de alcantarillado

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    T 343.092 4 F663; 79 p.Con el objetivo de proporcionar a la comunidad en general información clara y precisa en cuanto a aspectos financieros, el observatorio de servicios públicos de Risaralda realizará el análisis de los estados financieros, cálculo de indicadores y razones financieras que facilitarán un diagnostico completo de la empresa de servicios públicos de Mistrató Risaralda E.S.P. La información será adquirida por la página de SUI (Sistema Unico de información de Servicios Públicos).Universidad Libre de Pereir

    Evaluación de las conductas de salud en jóvenes universitarios

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    Objetivo Construir y analizar las propiedades psicométricas de un cuestionario que evalúa las conductas de salud que hacen parte del estilo de vida de los universitarios. Métodos Se realizó un estudio de validación con dos fases. La primera con 1485 estudiantes (63,2 % mujeres), de cuatro universidades de Colombia, cuya edad media fue de 20,7 años (DT= 2,5). La segunda con 1811 estudiantes (55,8 % mujeres) de seis universidades del país, con una edad media de 19,7 (DT= 2,0). Se hicieron análisis para la validez de contenido, análisis de discriminación de ítems, análisis factoriales y de consistencia interna. Resultados La versión final del “Cuestionario de estilos de vida de jóvenes universitarios” [CEVJU-R] quedó constituida por 40 ítems que evalúan conductas en ocho dimensiones del estilo de vida: Actividad física, Tiempo de ocio, Alimentación, Consumo de alcohol, cigarrillo y drogas ilegales, Sueño, Habilidades interpersonales, Afrontamiento y Estado emocional percibido. Adicionalmente, incluyó 28 ítems que evalúan, en siete de las ocho dimensiones, las motivaciones para llevar a cabo o no las prácticas y para cambiarlas, así como los recursos que facilitan o dificultan su realización. El nivel de fiabilidad de las dimensiones fue de aceptable a moderado (entre 0,6 y 0,7). Conclusiones El CEVJU-R presenta propiedades psicométricas adecuadas y constituye un avance en la medición de los estilos de vida de los universitarios. Podría utilizarse para la identificación de las necesidades de los jóvenes y para la definición de las acciones de promoción y prevención dentro de las universidades

    Didactic Proposal with Ecological and Interdisciplinary Approach: a Commitment to Inclusive Higher Education

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    People with intellectual disabilities have had few opportunities to access higher education, for a long time it has been considered that they are not a potential group to be trained in the university environment. This article is derived from an investigation that was developed in the Colombian context, the purpose of which was to contribute to reducing the barriers of young people for their inclusion in the family, social, academic and occupational context, through the design and validation of a model of comprehensive care with an ecological and interdisciplinary approach. The study had a mixed methodological perspective, the ABAS II scale was used to evaluate the adaptive behavior index in 20 young people as a pretest and posttest. It was concluded that this experience contributed to the formation and quality of life of the young people; and it showed that all people can be taught, but that each one learns in their uniqueness.Las personas en situación de discapacidad intelectual han tenido pocas oportunidades para acceder a la educación superior; durante mucho tiempo se ha considerado que ellas no son un colectivo potencial para formarse en el ámbito universitario. Este artículo es derivado de una investigación que se desarrolló en el contexto colombiano, cuyo propósito consistió en contribuir a disminuir las barreras de los jóvenes para su inclusión en el contexto familiar, social, académico y ocupacional, mediante el diseño y validación de un modelo de atención integral con enfoque ecológico e interdisciplinar. El estudio tuvo una perspectiva metodológica mixta, se utilizó la escala ABAS II para evaluar el índice de conducta adaptativa en 20 jóvenes a modo de pretest y postest. Se concluyó que esta experiencia contribuyó a la formación y calidad de vida de los jóvenes; y mostró que a todas las personas se les puede enseñar, pero que cada una aprende en su singularidad