932 research outputs found

    A videoconferencing tandem exchange involving adult learners of english and spanish as foreign languages : an interactionist perspective

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    Pour les fins de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, des vidĂ©oconfĂ©rences ayant pour objectif l‘apprentissage en tandem par le jumelage dâ€˜Ă©tudiants universitaires de l‘anglais langue Ă©trangĂšre et de l‘espagnol langue Ă©trangĂšre ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  l‘analyse. Partant du cadre notionnel interactionniste (Ellis et al., 2001a; Loewen, 2005; Long, 1980; Varonis & Gass, 1985), elle vise Ă  examiner quatre phĂ©nomĂšnes: 1. les lacunes remarquĂ©es par les sujets dans leur propre interlangue, c‘est-Ă -dire la production dâ€˜Ă©pisodes visant la forme/EVF pendant qu‘ils transigent le sens au cours des vidĂ©oconfĂ©rences avec tĂąches d‘apprentissage par jumelage de l‘anglais langue Ă©trangĂšre et de l‘espagnol langue Ă©trangĂšre; 2. l‘effet produit ultĂ©rieurement sur l‘apprentissage langagier quand l‘apprenant remarque lesdites lacunes Ă©pisodiquement; 3. les caractĂ©ristiques des EVF permettant le mieux de prĂ©dire lâ€˜Ă©volution de l‘apprentissage d‘une langue seconde dans le contexte de l‘utilisation des vidĂ©oconfĂ©rences; 4. les sources d‘appui auxquelles les sujets ont eu recours pour tirer le meilleur parti des possibilitĂ©s d‘apprentissage qui se prĂ©sentent dans une vidĂ©oconfĂ©rence d‘apprentissage jumelĂ©. Cinq Ă©tudiants hispanophones d‘une universitĂ© mexicaine apprenant l‘anglais langue seconde au niveau intermĂ©diaire ont Ă©tĂ© jumelĂ©s avec cinq Ă©tudiants anglophones d‘une universitĂ© amĂ©ricaine apprenant l‘espagnol au niveau intermĂ©diaire. Les sĂ©ances d‘apprentissage par jumelage sur vidĂ©oconfĂ©rence avaient pour point de dĂ©part sept tĂąches sur des thĂšmes susceptibles d‘intĂ©resser les sujets, Ă  effectuer en conversation libre. Les donnĂ©es recueillies sur dix semaines Ă©manent de trois sources principales: la transcription des vidĂ©oconfĂ©rences (570 pages), des tests effectuĂ©s aprĂšs les sĂ©ances, soit immĂ©diatement ou avec intervalle d‘attente, et un questionnaire. GrĂące Ă  l‘analyse des transcriptions effectuĂ©es dans le cadre Ă©laborĂ© par Loewen (2005) pour l‘analyse des EVF, il a Ă©tĂ© possible de constater que dans les rencontres d‘apprentissage jumelĂ©es les Ă©tudiants produisaient une quantitĂ© importante de tels Ă©pisodes, autant du cĂŽtĂ© espagnol qu‘anglais langue Ă©trangĂšre (915 en tout). Les rĂ©sultats pour tous les objets linguistiques de type EVF faisant l‘objet de tests effectuĂ©s aprĂšs les rencontres ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©unis afin de permettre la rĂ©alisation d‘une analyse Équations d‘estimation gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es (EEG). L‘analyse des tests effectuĂ©s immĂ©diatement aprĂšs les rencontres d‘apprentissage jumelĂ©s et de ceux effectuĂ©s avec un intervalle d‘attente rĂ©vĂšle que dans les deux cas, les sujets se rappelaient plus de la moitiĂ© des objets linguistiques visĂ©s, soient des EVF. Bien que la quantitĂ© de tels objets dont les sujets se rappelaient aux tests effectuĂ©s avec un intervalle d‘attente Ă©tait moindre, cette diffĂ©rence nâ€˜Ă©tait pas statistiquement significative. À la diffĂ©rence dâ€˜Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es antĂ©rieurement (Loewen, 2005; Shekary & Tahririan, 2006) pour lesquelles la prise (uptake) rĂ©ussie constitue un prĂ©dicteur valide de lâ€˜Ă©volution de l‘apprentissage d‘une langue seconde, les analyses de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude portent Ă  croire que l‘unique facteur d‘importance pouvant servir Ă  faire de telles prĂ©dictions serait plutĂŽt la correction reportĂ©e (deferred timing). L‘analyse des sources d‘appui (Chapelle, 2001) dans lesquelles ont puisĂ© les sujets pendant les rencontres jumelĂ©es pour rehausser les possibilitĂ©s d‘apprentissage pendant les vidĂ©oconfĂ©rences se sont avĂ©rĂ©es ĂȘtre de trois types principaux: le clavardage, les images et le tableau blanc. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude permet d‘affirmer que les rencontres jumelĂ©es en vidĂ©oconfĂ©rence constituent une activitĂ© utile pour l‘apprentissage et l‘acquisition d‘une langue seconde. Les incidences de cette Ă©tude sur l‘enseignement de mĂȘme que les pistes de recherches futures qu‘elle suggĂšre sont traitĂ©es.The present study analyzed videoconferencing tandem language learning exchanges between university students of English as a foreign language (EFL) and Spanish as a foreign language (SFL). Based on an interactionist perspective (Ellis et al., 2001a; Loewen, 2005; Long, 1980; Varonis & Gass, 1985), it sought to explore: 1. participants noticing of the gap in their interlanguage (i.e., production of focus-on-form episodes/FFEs) during the negotiation of meaning in the context of tandem language learning tasks for EFL and SFL, 2. the effect of incidental noticing on subsequent language learning, 3. the characteristics of FFEs that best predict L2 learning in a videoconferencing context, and 4. the support used by participants to enhance language learning opportunities during the exchanges. Five intermediate level Spanish-speaking EFL students from a Mexican university were paired up with five intermediate level Englishspeaking SFL students from an American university. Seven free conversation type tasks on topics of interest to the participants were the basis for the videoconferencing tandem sessions. Data collected over a ten-week period were gathered from three main sources: videoconferencing session transcripts (570 pages), immediate and delayed posttests, and a background questionnaire. Drawing on Loewen‘s (2005) framework for the analysis of FFEs, the transcripts revealed that students generated a substantive number of FFEs in both the EFL and SFL parts of the tandem exchange (915 in total). Results from the immediate and delayed posttests indicated that participants recalled over half of the targeted FFE linguistic items on immediate and delayed posttests. Although fewer items were recalled on the delayed posttests, this difference was not significant. Results from the FFE linguistic items targeted for the posttests were combined in order to carry out a Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) analysis. In contrast to previous studies (Loewen, 2005; Shekary & Tahririan, 2006), where successful uptake was a valid predictor for L2 learning, the analysis of the present study revealed that the only significant predictor for L2 learning was deferred timing. Analysis of the support (Chapelle, 2001) used by participants to enhance L2 language learning opportunities during videoconferencing revealed three major types: chat, pictures, and use of the whiteboard. More generally, the present study supports the claim that tandem language learning through videoconferencing is a useful activity for promoting L2 learning/acquisition. Implications for teaching and suggestions for future research are discussed

    EDITORIAL: Economic Growth and Convergence: Analyses for the Mexican States

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    Panel Data Stochastic Convergence Analysis of the Mexican Regions

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    The stochastic convergence amongst Mexican Federal entities is analyzed in panel data framework. The joint consideration of cross-section dependence and multiple structural breaks is required to ensure that the statistical inference is based on statistics with good statistical properties. Once these features are accounted for, evidence in favour of stochastic convergence is found. Since stochastic convergence is a necessary, yet insufficient condition for convergence as predicted by economic growth models, the paper also investigates whether beta-convergence process has taken place. We found that the Mexican states have followed either heterogeneous convergence patterns or divergence process throughout the analyzed period.Stochastic convergence, beta-convergence, non-stationarity panel data tests, cross-section dependence, multiple structural breaks.

    Testing Stochastic Convergence among Mexican States: A Polynomial Regression Analysis

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    Another look on the economic convergence among Mexican states is offered examining whether they are approaching along 1940-2010. Methodology is based on polynomial regressions, a method that determines whether predictions can be significantly improved by increasing the complexity of the fitted straight-line model. Estimates from a set of polynomial terms are a theoretical approximation to income differentials, so it constitutes an adequate frame to analyze if different initial conditions tend to diminish in the long-run. We calibrate for each economy the polynomial equation of best adjustment supported in information criteria and a strategy of backward iterative elimination. Empirical results are according with the stochastic convergence, but in a relationship where it changed after trade opening, poorer states are diverging and richer states are converging. A focalized regional policy is necessary with the aim to correct the biases produced in a context where some regions are lagging while others more are advancing

    The Long-Run Relationship among Health and Income in Mexico, 1940-2011

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    Theoretically, it has been argued the existence of not only a strong positive correlation among health and real per capita income, but also that their variations are highly interconnected. The stationarity among health indicators and income is analyzed for Mexico, allowing for the presence of multiple structural breaks along 1940-2011, with the aim to study its long-run relationship and how the reductions of the public expenditure have affected this link. One novelty is the long-run perspective supported on structural breaks that affect both the level and the slope of the time series. After the serial correlation is accounted for, several stationary processes evolving around a broken trend are found. The estimated breakpoints are widely related to events as crises and health system reforms, while the corresponding regimes changes lead to a stage of minor health expenditure. This last can be of concern to government and society if improvements on health and economic development are desired

    Analyse critique du contenu linguistique de la méthode New Interchange en anglais L2

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Un Índice de Desigualdad Regional usando Datos Agregados

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    This work considers the Euclidean distance concept to assess the evolution of regional disparities from aggregate data, such as for example, the per capita output. The vector space concept, as a measure of inequality, presents interesting properties: it tends to zero when the distances are reduced, is equal to zero in the hypothetical case of absolute equality and considers the contribution of each element to the joint inequality. The exercise generates an individual inequality index for the Mexican states along 1940-2010 that may be attractive in many respects, for example, in methodologies testing stochastic convergence, in regional economic growth, to determine the effectiveness of policies aimed to reduce the regional differences, among others

    Agricultura, educaciĂłn y migraciĂłn: entendiendo la juventud rural en el norte de Ecuador

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    Los hallazgos sobre las aspiraciones migratorias de los estudiantes de los colegios agrĂ­colas en el sector rural del norte de Ecuador

    Evaluación del impacto en la utilización del libro de curso en el rendimiento académico estudiantil de la materia de cålculo integral, carrera de Ingeniería Agronómica. Universidad Central del Ecuador

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    Ensayo de la evaluación del impacto en la utilización del libro de curso en el rendimiento académico estudiantil de la materia de cålculo integra
