8,996 research outputs found

    The Epstein-Glaser causal approach to the Light-Front QED4_{4}. I: Free theory

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    In this work we present the study of light-front field theories in the realm of axiomatic theory. It is known that when one uses the light-cone gauge pathological poles (k+)−n(k^{+}) ^{-n} arises, demanding a prescription to be employed in order to tame these ill-defined poles and to have correct Feynman integrals due to the lack of Wick rotation in such theories. In order to shed a new light on this long standing problem we present here a discussion based on the use rigorous mathematical machinery of distributions combined with physical concepts, such as causality, to show how to deal with these singular propagators in a general fashion without making use of any prescription. The first step of our development will consist in showing how analytic representation for propagators arises by requiring general physical properties in the framework of Wightman's formalism. From that we shall determine the equal-time (anti)commutation relations in the light-front form for the scalar, fermionic fields and for the dynamical components of the electromagnetic field. In conclusion, we introduce the Epstein-Glaser causal method in order to have a mathematical rigorous treatment of the free propagators of the theory, allowing us to discuss the general treatment for propagators of the type (k+)−n(k^{+}) ^{-n}. Moreover, we show that at given conditions our results reproduce known prescriptions in the literature.Comment: 34 pages, v2 matching the published versio

    Causal approach for the electron-positron scattering in Generalized Quantum Electrodynamics

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    In this paper we study the generalized electrodynamics contribution for the electron-positron scattering process, e−e+→e−e+e^{-}e^{+}\rightarrow e^{-}e^{+}, the Bhabha scattering. Within the framework of the standard model, for energies larger when compared to the electron mass, we calculate the cross section expression for the scattering process. This quantity is usually calculated in the framework of the Maxwell electrodynamics and, by phenomenological reasons, corrected by a cut-off parameter. On the other hand, by considering the generalized electrodynamics instead of Maxwell's, we can show that the effects played by the Podolsky mass is actually a natural cut-off parameter for this scattering process. Furthermore, by means of experimental data of Bhabha scattering we will estimate its lower bound value. Nevertheless, in order to have a mathematically well defined description of our study we shall present our discussion in the framework of the Epstein-Glaser causal theory.Comment: 24 pages, V2 to match published versio

    Lesson Study and Service Learning in Teacher Preparation

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    The aim of this paper is to share an teacher preparation experience that combines Lesson Study (LS) with a Service Learning methodology. This experience is interdisciplinary and includes three subjects from first-grade Childhood Education, carried out at University of Malaga since academic year 2014-2015. Within this framework, our students carry out Service Learning projects for schools in our area that are designed and developed following the LS methodology. Service Learning projects go through the following phases (Puig, J., MartĂ­n, & Batlle, 2008): 1) Preparation by the teachers involved in the project; 2) Implementation, i.e. developing the project with the students; 3) Evaluation. The implementation phase also has three sub-phases: preparation, implementation, and round-up. It is here that the LS is developed through the following phases (Soto & PĂ©rez, 2015): 1. Define the problem; 2. Co-operatively design an experimental lesson and its observation process; 3. First experimental lesson; 4. Analyse and review the lesson; 5. Second experimental lesson; 6. Analysis and drafting of conclusions; 7. Presentation in extended context. We were able to gather evidence on how students teachers resolved different cognitive conflicts during the process. We saw how the LS process, with its phases and cooperative work, allows them to combine creativity and unique talents in a common project that acquires meaning and relevance thanks to Service Learning. This provides a framework that facilitates the construction of solid structures related to the meaning of the educational process, and which can be used to recalibrate what it means to be a Childhood School teacher: a creative, relevant, complex experience that requires recreating the knowledge and experience that students bring with them to the University about what it means to be a Childhood School teacher.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Hierarchy and Competition in CSCW applications: Model and case study

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    CSCW applications need to adapt themselves to the functional and organizational structures of people that use them. However they do not usually support division in groups with a certain hierarchical structure among them. In this paper, we propose and study a theoretical model of groupware appliations that reflects those hierarchical interactions. The proposed model is also intended to evaluate the effects in performance derived from competitive and collaborative relationships among the components of a hierarchy of groups. In order to demonstrate the above ideas, a groupware game, called Alymod, was designed and implemented using a modified version of a well-known CSCW Toolkit, namely Groupkit. Groupkit was modified in order to support group interactions in the same CSCW application. In Alymod, participants compete or collaborate within a hierarchical structure to achieve a common goal (completing gaps in a text, finishing numerical series, resolving University course examinations, etc.).Publicad

    Estructura de tallas y composición sexual de Eurypodius Latreillii Guérin, 1828 (Brachyura) y Pagurus Comptus White, 1847 (Anomura) en el extremo sur de Chile

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    The decapod crustaceans Eurypodius latreillii (Brachyura) and Pagurus comptus (Paguridae) were the most frequently occurring species in Agassiz trawl (AGT) samples obtained during the Chilean - German - Italian Victor Hensen Expedition in the Straits of Magellan and south of the Beagle Channel. Sex composition and length structure aspects were studied using the material from 15 stations in the two areas, which comprised 773 specimens of E. latreillii and 647 P. comptus. The size frequency of both species was characterized by the presence of small individuals in shallow waters. The sex composition varied with depth, indicating a dominance of E. latreillii females in deep waters, whereas no such pattern was observed in P. comptus. These differences may be caused by epizoites of E. latreillii and the availability of vacant gastropod shells for P. comptus, in addition to geographical aspects and life-cycle patterns of these speciesLos crustĂĄceos decĂĄpodos Eurypodius latreillii (Brachyura) y Pagurus comptus (Anomura), fueron las especies encontradas con mayor frecuencia en las muestras obtenidas durante la ExpediciĂłn Chilena - Alemana - Italiana “Victor Hensen” (Octubre/Noviembre de 1994) en el Estrecho de Magallanes y al sur del Canal del Beagle, en el extremo sur de Chile. En estas localidades se obtuvieron las muestras mediante una red de tipo Agassiz. Los ejemplares fueron medidos, pesados y sexados, posteriormente se analizĂł la composiciĂłn sexual y la estructura de tallas de estas especies. Se recolectaron un total de 773 individuos de E. latreillii y 647 individuos de P. comptus. Este material corresponde a los especĂ­menes capturados en 15 estaciones. La estructura de tallas para ambas especies se caracterizĂł por la presencia de ejemplares de menor tamaño hacia zonas someras. La composiciĂłn sexual presentĂł variaciones respecto de la profundidad, indicando una dominancia de hembras en aguas profundas para E. latreillii, pero este patrĂłn no se observĂł en P. comptus. Los patrones observados dependerĂ­an de la presencia de epibiontes sobre el caparazĂłn de E. latreillii y la disponibilidad de conchas vacĂ­as de gastrĂłpodos para P. comptus, ademĂĄs de aspectos geogrĂĄficos y de los ciclos de vida que presentarĂ­an ambas especies en la regiĂłn

    The Degenerate Parametric Oscillator and Ince's Equation

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    We construct Green's function for the quantum degenerate parametric oscillator in terms of standard solutions of Ince's equation in a framework of a general approach to harmonic oscillators. Exact time-dependent wave functions and their connections with dynamical invariants and SU(1,1) group are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Large eddy simulation of partial cavitation around a 2D plane-convex hydrofoil

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    Investigations of attached partial cavitation are important because to prevent damages in hydrulic machinery and to reduce the costs. As expected computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods have been developed for more than 40 years to understand this phenomenon and to improve the machinery designs, as pumps and hydraulic turbines. However, cavitation appears at high Reynolds numbers, so that, the traditional turbulence models Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)Postprint (published version

    The Nuclear Yukawa Model on a Lattice

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    We present the results of the quantum field theory approach to nuclear Yukawa model obtained by standard lattice techniques. We have considered the simplest case of two identical fermions interacting via a scalar meson exchange. Calculations have been performed using Wilson fermions in the quenched approximation. We found the existence of a critical coupling constant above which the model cannot be numerically solved. The range of the accessible coupling constants is below the threshold value for producing two-body bound states. Two-body scattering lengths have been obtained and compared to the non relativistic results.Comment: 15 page
