55 research outputs found

    Book Review of "Greece's Horizons: Reflecting the Country's Assets and Capabilities"

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    In their concise introduction, the two editors of this volume point not only to the causes of the crisis in Greece but also to the immense efforts the country made in 2010-2012 to recover

    Europe at the Epicenter of National Politics: The Attitudes of Greek Political Elites Towards the European Union and the Economic Crisis

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    This article presents new research on the Europeanness of Greek political elites under the economic crisis. It registers the views of a sample of 74 Greek Members of Parliament (MPs) on European integration and the handling of the economic crisis by the European Union (EU). The ENEC survey, which was conducted in 2014, shows that Greek MPs continue to be attached to Europe, but evaluate negatively the role of EU’s institutions during the economic crisis. They mostly view European integration positively, but are skeptical about the representativeness of EU organs. There is a discernible set of “core attitudes” which constitute the Europeanness of Greek MPs, but there is also a set of issues on which MPs are clearly divided. The dominant dimension of conflict within Greek political elites is the issue of economic austerity packages, i.e., the Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), as since 2010 EU’s management of the crisis has become the epicenter of Greece’s domestic politics. The two party, SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government that was formed after the January 2015 elections was not a surprise given the close proximity of these two parties on their stance towards the MoUs and the EU

    The remains of authoritarianism : bureaucracy and civil society in post_authoritarian Greece

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    Les relations entre administration et administrés en Grèce ont toujours été dominées par une bureaucratie et des partis politiques tout puissants qui ont jusqu'à présent étouffé les tentatives de formation d'une société civile reposant sur des mouvements sociaux organisés et des négociations du travail équitables. Il semble cependant que, dans la seconde phase de la Troisième Démocratie grecque, une société civile soit en train d'émerger, malgré les pesanteurs d'une "partitocratie" sans comparaison dans les autres pays européens

    The remains of authoritarianism : bureaucracy and civil society in post_authoritarian Greece

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    Les relations entre administration et administrés en Grèce ont toujours été dominées par une bureaucratie et des partis politiques tout puissants qui ont jusqu'à présent étouffé les tentatives de formation d'une société civile reposant sur des mouvements sociaux organisés et des négociations du travail équitables. Il semble cependant que, dans la seconde phase de la Troisième Démocratie grecque, une société civile soit en train d'émerger, malgré les pesanteurs d'une "partitocratie" sans comparaison dans les autres pays européens

    Resposta de um cultivar de pêssego com caroço aderente à irrigação por défice regulado

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    Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) involves inducing water stress during specific fruit growth phases by irrigating at less than full evapotranspiration. The objectives of this research were to study the effects of RDI perfomed at stage II of fruit growth and postharvest, on productivity of clingstone peaches, fruit quality as well as photosynthetic rate and midday leaf water potential. The research was conducted in a commercial clingstone peach (Prunus persica L. Batch cv. A-37) orchard in Greece. Trees were irrigated by means of microsprinklers and their frequency was determined using local meteorological station data and the FAO 56 Pennman-Monteith method. Photosynthetic rate was measured by a portable infrared gas analyzer. Midday leaf water potential was measured by the pressure chamber technique. During the years 2005 and 2006, the treatment RDII with irrigation applied at growth stage II of the peach tree did not affect productivity, fresh and dry mass of fruits. RDII reduced preharvest fruit drop in comparison to the control. RDII as well as the combined treatment RDII plus RDIP with irrigation applied at postharvest, at both years reduced shoot length of the vigorous shoots inside the canopy. RDII in comparison to the control increased the soluble solids content of the fruits and the ratio soluble solids/acidity. However it did not affect fruit acidity and fruit firmness. RDII as well as RDII plus RDIP in 2006 increased 'double' fruits and fruits with open cavity in comparison to the control and RDIP. Water savings were considerable and associated with the climatic conditions of each year.A irrigação por défice regulado (RDI) envolve a indução de défice de água durante fases específicas do crescimento das frutas, irrigando a taxas menores que a evapotranspiração. Os objetivos desse estudo foram verificar os efeitos da RDI no estágio II do crescimento das frutas e no periodo pós-colheita, avaliando a produtividade de pêssegos, a qualidade dos frutos, bem como a taxa fotossintética e o potencial da água na folha. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em um pomar comercial de pêssegos com caroço aderente (Prunus persica L. Batch cv. A-37) da Grécia. As árvores foram irrigadas por meio de microaspersores e sua frequência foi determinada por meio de dados meteorológicos obtidos em estação automática e o método FAO 56 Pennman-Monteith para determinação de evepotranspiração. A taxa de fotossíntese foi medida por analisador de gás na faixa do infravermelho. O potencial da água na folha foi medido ao meio-dia usando a técnica da câmara de pressão. Durante 2005 e 2006 o tratamento RDII com irrigação aplicada no estágio II não apresentou efeito sobre a produção, pesos seco e fresco dos frutos. RDII reduziu a queda de frutos antes da colheita, em relação ao controle. RDII, como também o tratamento combinado de RDII mais RDIP com irrigação aplicada em pós-colheita, reduziu o comprimento de ramos vigorosos dentro do dossel nos dois anos de estudo. Em comparação com o controle, RDII aumentou o conteúdo de sólidos solúveis dos frutos e a relação sólidos solúveis/acidez, mas não afetou a acidez dos frutos e a firmeza da polpa. Em 2006 RDII e RDII mais RDIP aumentaram os `frutos dobrados' e frutos com cavidade aberta, em comparação com o controle. A economia de água foi considerável e associada às condições climáticas de cada ano

    Methanol oxidation at platinized copper particles prepared by galvanic replacement

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    Bimetallic Pt-Cu particles have been prepared by galvanic replacement of Cu precursor nanoparticles, upon the treatment of the latter with a chloro-platinate acidic solution. The resulting particles, typically a few tens of nm large, were supported on high surface area carbon (Vulcan® XC–72R, Cabot) and tested as electrodes. Surface electrochemistry in deaerated acid solutions was similar to that of pure Pt, indicating the existence of a Pt shell (hence the particles are denoted as Pt(Cu)). Pt(Cu)/C supported catalysts exhibit superior carbon monoxide and methanol oxidation activity with respect to their Pt/C analogues when compared on a per electroactive surface area basis, due to the modification of Pt activity by Cu residing in the particle core. However, as a result of large particle size and agglomeration phenomena, Pt(Cu)/C are still inferior to Pt/C when compared on a mass specific activity basis

    Effect of pomegranate juice consumption on biochemical parameters and complete blood count

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    Pomegranate has been used therapeutically for centuries. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of pomegranate juice (PJ) supplementation on complete blood count (CBC), glucose, blood lipids and C‑reactive protein (CRP) in healthy subjects. A total of 5 males and 5 females (aged 31.8±6.6 years, weighing 66.2±12.9 kg) were randomly assigned into one of two groups and either consumed 500 ml PJ/day or no PJ for 14 days. Blood samples were obtained from participants prior to and following the experimental period. PJ consumption resulted in a significant increase in red blood cell count (P<0.05), hemoglobin levels (P<0.001) and hematocrit levels (P<0.05). Other CBC parameters, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, high‑density lipoprotein, low‑density lipoprotein and CRP levels did not significantly change following PJ consumption. These results indicate that PJ intake for a short period of time may result in increased erythropoiesis or decreased degradation without any significant alterations in factors associated with metabolic health and inflammation in healthy individuals