141 research outputs found

    Breast feeding, bottle feeding and caries experience in children aged 6 months to 5 years in Lagos state, Nigeria

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    Objective: To determine the relationship between breast feeding, bottle feeding pattern and caries experience in young children. Methods: Children aged 6 months – 5 years from 3 randomly selected local governments in Lagos State were examined intraorally. Structured questionnaire were administered to the mothers to inquire about the feeding pattern of their children. Results: The prevalence of dental caries amongst the children was 10.5%. The group most affected with caries was among the predominantly exclusively breast fed (14.6%) compared to 9.4% of those who were exclusively breast fed. No cause and effect relationship was established between the duration of breast-feeding and dental caries, however the longer the duration of breast-feeding the higher the caries prevalence among them. The prevalence of caries also increased with the longer duration of bottle feeding till 18 months after which it declined. Mode of putting child to sleep rather than the bottle content was statistically associated with caries prevalence. (p < 0.05) Conclusion: The multifactorial nature involved in cariogenesis is further demonstrated. The mode of putting the child to sleep is a strong factor in the caries process in young children.Key words: Breast-feeding, bottle-feeding, carie

    Determination of the ionization constants of 2,4-DIIODO-6-methylphenyl carbamoylmethyl iminodiacetic acid

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    The ionization constants of 2,4-diiodo-6-methylphenylcarbamoylmethyl iminodiacetic acid were determined: pK1 1.3 (the first carboxylic group), pK2 2.52 (the second carboxylic group), pK3 5.86 (amino group) and pK4 10.85 (amide group). The determination were performed at 25o C.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Double teeth in the primary dentition: Case reports from a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital

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    The term double tooth is used to describe the developmental dental abnormalities called gemination and fusion. Gemination is an attempted, incomplete division of a single tooth germ during the proliferation stage of odontogenesis, while fusion is the union of two or more independently developing teeth. Although the prevalence of primary double teeth is low, double teeth are of clinical interests because of the associated clinical problems. The clinical problems associated with the condition in the primary dentition are often downplayed for various reasons in spite of their importance. Primary double teeth ought to be carefully investigated so that these clinical problems which may affect the permanent dentition can be effectively managed. Perhaps primary double teeth have not received adequate documentation in our environment because of the low prevalence. This paper presents four primary double teeth in three patients. One of the cases presented occurred bilaterally, a relatively uncommon phenomena. The associated clinical problems are illustrated in the cases and the management discussed. Although primary double teeth are asymptomatic and in some cases may not interfere with function, they do have associated clinical problems. Early diagnosis and regular clinical and radiographic observations are necessary for effective management and appropriate treatment of the anomaly

    Taurodontism in association with the cusp of carabelli: a report of 2 cases

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    Taurodontism is a malformation of multirooted teeth characterized by abnormally large pulp chamber and abnormally short roots. It is diagnosed by the use of radiographs. The cusp of Carabelli is a morphological anomaly of the crown usually seen clinically on the mesiopalatal surface of the maxillary first permanent molars. The aetiology of both anomalies is not entirely clear, however, both genetic and exogenous factors have been proposed. There are recent reports that mutation of some chromosomes could be a cause of taurodontism. Taurodontism has been reported along with talon cusp, dens evaginatus and some Syndromes. This paper presents an unusual occurrence of taurodontism in association with the cusp of Carabelli in a 15 year-old girl presenting with a toothache of 4 months duration and her 46 year-old mother. All the second permanent molars were taurodont. Other siblings investigated had cusps of Carabelli but no taurodont tooth. There was no associated syndrome in both mother and child. Root canal treatment of the pulpally involved taurodont mandibular left permanent second molar of the 15 year-old was carried out. Appropriate restorations were placed on all other carious molars. Her mother had no carious tooth. Taurodontism may present as pain when the affected tooth is carious or as a chance radiographic finding as it is the case in the mother. Preventive restorations of taurodont teeth is ideal treatment when detected early. The anthropological and clinical significance of the cusp of Carabelli is highlighted. The association of these two dental anomalies needs further investigation

    Hromatografske metode za predviđanje apsorpcije leka posle oralne primene

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    Today with the development of combinatorial chemistry hundreds and hundreds of compounds that have potential biological activity are synthesized. The studies which include the selection of drug candidates and the study of their pharmacological properties are time consuming, expensive and usually require the use of experimental animals. For ethical and/or economical reasons, a great deal effort is currently being made to develop in vitro systems and provide primary information about the capability of new compounds in the first steps of drug development. Chromatographic models to predict drug absorption are experimentally easier than membrane-based permeability assays, because of their simplicity, accuracy and avoidance of experimental animals. Different chromatographic systems have been proposed to predict oral drug absorption. The use of conventional reversed-phase columns only has proven to provide adequate correlations for homologous series of compounds. The inclusion of amphiphilic structures in the stationary and/or mobile phases is a pre-requisite to emulate interactions of drugs with the phospholipids bilayers in the membranes.Savremeni razvoj kombinatorijalne hemije omogućio je sintezu velikog broja jedinjenja sa potencijalnom biološkom aktivnošću. Ispitivanja koja uključuju izbor jedinjenja i studije farmakoloških osobina su dugotrajna, skupa i obično zahtevaju primenu eksperimentalnih životinja. Iz etičkih i/ili ekonomskih razloga, veliki napori ulažu se u razvoj in vitro sistema koji mogu da pruže značajne informacije u ranim fazama razvoja leka. Hromatografski modeli za predviđanje apsorpcije leka su eksperimentalno jednostavni, tačni i ne zahtevaju primenu eksperimentalnih životinja. Primena reverznofaznih hromatografskih sistema dala je dobre korelacije samo za homologe serije jedinjenja. Uvođenje amfifilnih struktura u stacionarnu i/ili mobilnu fazu je bitan uslov za simulaciju interakcija farmakološki aktivnih jedinjenja sa fosfolipidnim dvoslojem u membrani

    The prevalence of early childhood caries and its associated risk factors among preschool children referred to a tertiary care institution

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    Objective: The aim was to determine the prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) and its association with infant feeding and oral health‑related behavior among preschool children aged 6–71 months in Lagos.Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive cross‑sectional study in which 302 children aged 6–71 months were selected from four pediatric outpatient clinics in Lagos, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding oral hygiene practices, dietary habits, breast and bottle feeding, birth weight of child and socioeconomic status of the family, from mothers of the children. The status of dental caries was recorded according to the World Health Organization criteria.Results: The prevalence of ECC among 302 children aged 6–71 months was 21.2% while the mean deft was 0.735. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed the correlation of ECC with the associated risk factors. ECC was significantly higher in children who were bottle‑fed at night. Method of tooth cleaning other than using fluoridated toothpaste significantly increased the prevalence of ECC. Breastfeeding for duration of 3–6 months showed significantly lesser caries prevalence. Caries significantly increased with age.Conclusion: Early childhood caries is a multifactorial disease in which prolonged duration of breastfeeding, nocturnal bottle feeding, and use of cleaning methods other than fluoridated toothpaste are risk factors for ECC. Oral health promotion programs should be targeted at mothers, pediatricians, nurses, caretakers at day care centers and primary care health workers.Keywords: Early childhood caries, Lagos, prevalence, risk factor

    Agonisti/antagonisti steroidnih receptora i bisfosfonati u supstitucionoj terapiji - molekularno-hemijske osnove

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    Agonists of estrogen receptors, such as esters of estradiol, conjugated estrogens and esterified estrogens have been widely used in estrogen replacement therapy. Partial agonists of estrogen receptors, derivatives of triarylethylene such as, tamoxifen and toremifene posses weak estrogen-like effects on endometrium, bone and lipids. Recent advances in molecular pharmacology and estrogen receptors have resulted in the development of selective receptor modulators (SEMSs) that activate the estrogen receptor but that also exhibit tissue-specific estrogen-agonist or -antagonist activity. The first SERM marked is the benzothiophene, raloxifene which was introduced to maintain bone density in controlling osteoporosis postmenopausal women. Bisphosphonates have been used as second-line agents for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.U supstitucionoj terapiji kod žena koriste se hormoni steroidne strukture/ agonisti ERa i ERp estrogenih receptora: derivati estrana, estri estradiola, metaboliti estardiola - prirodni proizvodi konjugovani estrogeni i polusintetski -esterifikovani estrogeni. Pored agonista u terapiji se koriste i parcijalni agonisti steroidnih receptora, derivati trifeniletilena ili trifeniletana kao što su tamoksifen i toreksifen. Derivat rigidne biciklične strukture-benzotiofena, raloksifen, je selektivni modulator estrogenih receptora, agonista estrogenih receptora u osteoblastima i osteoklastima, a antagonista na estrogenim receptorima uterusa i dojke. U terapiji osteoporoze se koriste hemijski stabilni bisfosfonati kao što su alendronat, risendronat i dr

    Eikozanoidi u terapiji astme

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    Many novel types of asthma therapeutic procedures have been investigated in the past decade. A vast amount of work in the 5-LO inhibitor and LT1-receptor antagonist area has resulted in a various of compounds being identified for clinical trails, and several compounds are used in the clinic. The impact of the LT1-receptor antagonist and 5-LO inhibitors on alergy therapy will be significant, if these compounds have an antiinflammatory effect within their mechanism. The area with possibly the most promise is selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase enzymes (PDEs). Selective inhibitors of three isoenzymes of PDEs (PDE III, IV and V) may be possess both activity; bronchodilatory and anti-inflammatory effects. This results imply that this agents may lead to a re-examination and further subclassification of various types of asthma diseases

    Hemija sintetskih antihiperglikemika

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    Chemistry of some non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2) such as sulfonylurea derivatives, glinides, biguanides and thiazolidinedione is shown. The relationship between chemical structures and the molecular mechanism of action are presented.U terapiji insulin nezavisnog dijabetesa (tip 2) koriste se derivati sulfonilureje, bigvanidina, tiazolidindiona i inhibitori alfa glukozidaze. U ovom radu je prikazan odnos hemijske strukture i aktivnosti nekih sintetskih antihiperglikemika