1,634 research outputs found

    Notes per a una filosofia del llenguatge de Paul Valéry

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    Depresión en parados. El efecto de la resiliencia y el apoyo social.

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    Introducción: La actualidad nos pone ante una situación de crisis en la que, durante los últimos años, se ha generado una gran cantidad de parados, concretamente 5.457.700 a finales de 2014. Entre los efectos de esta situación, a nivel psicológico, se encuentra el padecimiento de depresión (Libby y cols., 2010). Los estudios muestran que hay una relación positiva entre estar parado y tener depresión (Booker y Sacker, 2012). Así mismo, diversos estudios (Kroll, Lampert y Devitt, 2011), muestran que los desempleados tienen más problemas de salud que los empleados, y que el apoyo social facilita afrontar el desempleo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer si existe diferencia en cuanto a la depresión que padecen los sujetos que se encuentran en paro y los que no lo están; asimismo nos interesa conocer el efecto que puede tener en ambas muestras el apoyo social percibido y la resiliencia. Método: Para dar respuesta al objetivo se recogió muestra de 98 sujetos que se encontraban trabajando y en paro y, de modo voluntario y anónimo, rellenaron los cuestionarios: BDI de Beck para depresión, DUKE UNK para apoyo social y la escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young. Resultados: Los resultados muestran altos niveles en depresión, especialmente entre la muestra de parados; no obstante, apuntan a que el efecto del apoyo social matiza y mejora los niveles de depresión entre los parados y que los parados con baja resiliencia son proclives a padecerla.Introduction: Nowadays in a situation of crisis, during the last years, it has generated a lot of unemployed people, particularly 5.457.700 at the end of 2014. Among the effects of this situation, in the psychological field, it is found suffering from depression (Libby et al., 2010). Studies show that there is a positive relationship between being unemployed and being depressed (Booker & Sacker, 2012). In that way, several studies (Kroll, Lampery and Devitt, 2011) show that the unemployed people have more health problems than the employed ones, and that social support facilitates facing up to unemployment. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is difference in depression suffered by subjects who are unemployed and those who are not; also we want to know the effect it can have on both samples perceived social support and resilience. Method: To be able to give an answer to the main goal, 98 samples of subjects who were working or unemployed were gathered together and voluntarily and anonymously, completed questionnaires: BDI Beck Depression, DUKE UNK for social support and resilience’s scale of Wagnild and Young. Results: The results show high levels of depression, especially among the sample of unemployed people; nevertheless, they suggest that the effect of social support clarifies and improves levels of depression among the unemployed and also shows that unemployed people with low resilience are prone to suffer from it

    La lectoescritura desde una pedagogía innovadora. Sus ventajas e inconvenientes

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019Este trabajo pretende mostrar las ventajas e inconvenientes de utilizar una metodología innovadora y multitudinaria. Se basa principalmente en el aula de 2º Primaria del centro público Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Ángel Esteban de Benicarló. El objetivo principal de esta nueva propuesta que está siendo propulsada a varios colegios de España es que los niños y niñas potencien su creatividad gracias a las ilustraciones y se fomente la habilidad social tanto con sus compañeros/as como con el maestro o maestra del aula. En primer lugar, aparece una breve explicación sobre la praxis que utiliza la metodología “Vox Prima” o “Pictoescritura”, donde se trabajan todas las áreas de la lengua a modo colectivo e individual. Se trabaja por la memorización visual y no por reglas ortográficas como se hacía tradicionalmente. Además de personalizar a cada uno un itinerario adecuado según el resultado de la prueba inicial, es decir, se adapta al nivel de aprendizaje del alumno/a de modo que las habilidades lingüísticas progresan desde su punto de partida. Se encontrará un trabajo en el que aparte de mostrar cada actividad como una propuesta descubridora, aparecerá una propuesta de mejora para alguna de ellas, dado que tras una obtención de los resultados, se observan algunas carencias en cuanto a la escritura puesto que se trabaja especialmente de manera oral.This work aims to show the advantages and disadvantages of using an innovative and multitudinous methodology. It is based mainly on the 2nd Primary classroom "Elementary and Primary Education School Ángel Esteban" in Benicarló. The main objective of this new proposal that is being promoted to several schools in Spain is that children improve their creativity through illustrations and social skills are fostered both with their classmates and with the teacher in the classroom. First of all, there is a brief explanation about the praxis that uses the methodology "Vox Prima" or "Pictoscritura", where all the areas of the language are worked in a collective and individual way. It works by visual memorization and not by orthographic rules as was traditionally done. In addition to personalizing each one an appropriate itinerary according to the result of the initial test, it adapts to the student's level of learning so that the linguistic skills progress from their starting point. You will find a job in which, apart from showing each activity as a discovering proposal, a proposal for improvement will appear for some of them, since after obtaining the results, there are some shortcomings in terms of writing since it is especially worked orally

    Els col·legis rurals agrupats des de la perspectiva docent

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015Amb el Treball Final de Grau que s’exposa a continuació ens endinsem en la vida de quatre Col·legis Rurals Agrupats, més coneguts com a C.R.A., situats a les comarques del Maestrat i la Plana Alta a la província de Castelló com són: la Bardissa, Araboga, l’Ullastre i el Trescaire; per tal d’acostar i saber-ne més d’aquesta tipologia de centres ja que per a molts resulta desconegut. En primer lloc, s’ha fet un anàlisi teòric de les circumstàncies i els factors que van conduir fins a la creació dels Col·legis Rurals Agrupats, com també de les lleis que les emparen i els punts de vista de diferents autors. Després, per tal de fer un apropament vivencial del dia a dia d’aquests centres s’ha recorregut a aquells que són part principal dintre del procés ensenyament-aprenentatge, aquells que són coneixedors de tots els agents que participen en l’escola, que coneixen la realitat des de dintre, és a dir, els i les docents. Per mitjà de sis entrevistes s’ha volgut esbrinar quins són els punts més favorables i aquells que no ho són tan. Se’ls ha preguntat sobre quatre aspectes: didàctics, organitzatius, d’identitat i personals, tots ells relacionats amb el món educatiu i més en concret amb el món de les escoles rurals. Finalment s’han realitzat unes conclusions analitzant les respostes que han donat els docents i s’han formulat propostes de millora per què hi haja una educació amb la qualitat que es mereix

    Big data analysis applied to EEL spectroscopy

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018, Tutors: Sonia Estradé Albiol, Javier Blanco PortalsIn order to characterize an unknown sample, big data and machine learning methods are proposed. An electron energy loss (EEL) spectrum image obtained in the transmission electron microscope is analyzed. Applying principal component analysis (PCA) to image EEL spectra, the noise present in the raw data can be discarded, and comparing with existing datasets and alternatively through clustering analysis, the presence of vanadium and oxygen in the sample over a substrate with lanthanum and oxygen can be recognize

    Two-stage procedure based on smoothed ensembles of neural networks applied to weed detection in orange groves

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    The potential impacts of herbicide utilization compel producers to use new methods of weed control. The problem of how to reduce the amount of herbicide and yet maintain crop production has stimulated many researchers to study selective herbicide application. The key of selective herbicide application is how to discriminate the weed areas efficiently. We introduce a procedure for weed detection in orange groves which consists of two different stages. In the first stage, the main features in an image of the grove are determined (Trees, Trunks, Soil and Sky). In the second, the weeds are detected only in those areas which were determined as Soil in the first stage. Due to the characteristics of weed detection (changing weather and light conditions), we introduce a new training procedure with noisy patterns for ensembles of neural networks. In the experiments, a comparison of the new noisy learning was successfully performed with a set of well-known classification problems from the machine learning repository published by the University of California, Irvine. This first comparison was performed to determine the general behavior and performance of the noisy ensembles. Then, the new noisy ensembles were applied to images from orange groves to determine where weeds are located using the proposed two-stage procedure. Main results of this contribution show that the proposed system is suitable for weed detection in orange, and similar, groves

    A New Approach to Visual-Based Sensory System for Navigation into Orange Groves

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    One of the most important parts of an autonomous robot is to establish the path by which it should navigate in order to successfully achieve its goals. In the case of agricultural robotics, a procedure that determines this desired path can be useful. In this paper, a new virtual sensor is introduced in order to classify the elements of an orange grove. This proposed sensor will be based on a color CCD camera with auto iris lens which is in charge of doing the captures of the real environment and an ensemble of neural networks which processes the capture and differentiates each element of the image. Then, the Hough’s transform and other operations will be applied in order to extract the desired path from the classification performed by the virtual sensory system. With this approach, the robotic system can correct its deviation with respect to the desired path. The results show that the sensory system properly classifies the elements of the grove and can set trajectory of the robot

    Comunicación financiera en la web de las ONG infantiles de Valencia

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    XXII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2017

    Combining Satellite Images and Cadastral Information for Outdoor Autonomous Mapping and Navigation: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Citric Groves

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    The development of robotic applications for agricultural environments has several problems which are not present in the robotic systems used for indoor environments. Some of these problems can be solved with an efficient navigation system. In this paper, a new system is introduced to improve the navigation tasks for those robots which operate in agricultural environments. Concretely, the paper focuses on the problem related to the autonomous mapping of agricultural parcels (i.e., an orange grove). The map created by the system will be used to help the robots navigate into the parcel to perform maintenance tasks such as weed removal, harvest, or pest inspection. The proposed system connects to a satellite positioning service to obtain the real coordinates where the robotic system is placed. With these coordinates, the parcel information is downloaded from an online map service in order to autonomously obtain a map of the parcel in a readable format for the robot. Finally, path planning is performed by means of Fast Marching techniques using the robot or a team of two robots. This paper introduces the proof-of-concept and describes all the necessary steps and algorithms to obtain the path planning just from the initial coordinates of the robot