15 research outputs found

    Two-electron one-photon transition in Li-like Bi

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    Corneal Transduction by Intra-Stromal Injection of AAV Vectors In Vivo in the Mouse and Ex Vivo in Human Explants

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    The cornea is a transparent, avascular tissue that acts as the major refractive surface of the eye. Corneal transparency, assured by the inner stroma, is vital for this role. Disruption in stromal transparency can occur in some inherited or acquired diseases. As a consequence, light entering the eye is blocked or distorted, leading to decreased visual acuity. Possible treatment for restoring transparency could be via viral-based gene therapy. The stroma is particularly amenable to this strategy due to its immunoprivileged nature and low turnover rate. We assayed the potential of AAV vectors to transduce keratocytes following intra-stromal injection in vivo in the mouse cornea and ex vivo in human explants. In murine and human corneas, we transduced the entire stroma using a single injection, preferentially targeted keratocytes and achieved long-term gene transfer (up to 17 months in vivo in mice). Of the serotypes tested, AAV2/8 was the most promising for gene transfer in both mouse and man. Furthermore, transgene expression could be transiently increased following aggression to the cornea

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    The article describes some approaches to choice of the most potent non-narcotic analgesics among agents investigated in various R&D stages. Preparations non-narcotic analgesics for relief of severe and moderate pain are relatively new area of pharmaceuticals. Their application is very important as an alternative to opiates. However, the actual number of drug candidates is very limited. As a result of the authors analysis one of the most potent non-narcotic analgesics (PNS neurons sodium channel blocker) - Tetrodotoxin (TTX) was recognized as the most promising. Currently FSUE «GosZMP» conducting preclinical studies of injectable preparation of TTX

    Objective outcome measures may demonstrate continued change in functional recovery in patients with ceiling effects of subjective patient-reported outcome measures after surgery for lumbar degenerative disorders

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT The 6-minute walking test (6WT) has been previously shown to be a reliable and valid outcome measure. It is unclear if the 6WT may further help to detect differences in well performing patients that reach a ceiling effect in PROMs after surgery. PURPOSE To evaluate changes and timing of change in objective functional impairment (OFI) as measured with the smartphone-based 6WT in relation to patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) after surgery for degenerative lumbar disorders (DLD). STUDY DESIGN Prospective observational cohort study. PATIENT SAMPLE Fifty consecutive patients undergoing surgery for DLD. OUTCOME MEASURES Patients self-determined their OFI using the 6WT application (6WT-app) and completed a set of paper-based PROMs before, 6 weeks and 3 months after surgery. METHODS Fifty patients undergoing surgery for DLD were assessed preoperatively (baseline), 6 weeks (6W) and 3 months (3M) postoperatively. Paired sample t-tests were used to establish significant changes in raw 6-minute walking distance (6WD) and standardized Z-scores, as well as PROMs. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to define the relationship between 6WT and PROMs. Floor and ceiling effects were assessed for each PROM (visual analogue scale [VAS], core outcome measure index [COMI], Zurich claudication questionnaire [ZCQ]). RESULTS Mean 6WT results improved from 377 m (standard deviation - SD 137; Z-score: 1.8, SD 1.8) to 490 m (SD 126; -0.7, SD 1.5) and 518 m (SD 112; -0.4, SD 1.41; all p<.05) at 6W and 3M follow-up. No significant improvement was observed between 6W and 3M for the ZCQ, VAS back and leg pain. While correlation between 6WT and all PROMs were weak at baseline, correlation coefficient increased to moderate at 3M. A considerable ceiling effect (best possible score) was observed, most notably for the ZCQ physical performance, VAS back and leg pain in 24%, 20%, and 16% of patient at 6W and in 30%, 24%, and 28% at 3M. CONCLUSIONS Objective functional tests can describe the continued change in the physical recovery of a patient and may help to detect differences in well performing groups as well as in cases where patients' PROM results cannot further improve because of a ceiling effect

    Reliability of the 6-minute walking test smartphone application

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    Objective: functional measures such as the 6-minute walking test (6WT) are increasingly applied to evaluate patients with degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine before and after (surgical) treatment. However, the traditional 6WT is cumbersome to apply, as it requires specialized in-hospital infrastructure and personnel. The authors set out to compare 6-minute walking distance (6WD) measurements obtained with a newly developed smartphone application (app) and those obtained with the gold-standard distance wheel (DW). METHODS: The authors developed a free iOS- and Android-based smartphone app that allows patients to measure the 6WD in their home environment using global positioning system (GPS) coordinates. In a laboratory setting, the authors obtained 6WD measurements over a range of smartphone models, testing environments, and walking patterns and speeds. The main outcome was the relative measurement error (rME; in percent of 6WD), with |rME| &lt; 7.5% defined as reliable. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for agreement between app- and DW-based 6WD was calculated. RESULTS: Measurements (n = 406) were reliable with all smartphone types in neighborhood, nature, and city environments (without high buildings), as well as with unspecified, straight, continuous, and stop-and-go walking patterns (ICC = 0.97, 95% CI 0.97–0.98, p &lt; 0.001). Measurements were unreliable indoors, in city areas with high buildings, and for predominantly rectangular walking courses. Walking speed had an influence on the ME, with worse accuracy (2% higher rME) for every kilometer per hour slower walking pace (95% CI 1.4%–2.5%, p &lt; 0.001). Mathematical adjustment of the app-based 6WD for velocity-dependent error mitigated the rME (p &lt; 0.011), attenuated velocity dependence (p = 0.362), and had a positive effect on accuracy (ICC = 0.98, 95% CI 0.98–0.99, p &lt; 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The new, free, spine-specific 6WT smartphone app measures the 6WD conveniently by using GPS coordinates, empowering patients to independently determine their functional status before and after (surgical) treatment. Measurements of 6WD obtained for the target population under the recommended circumstances are highly reliable.</jats:sec

    Development of a Complication- and Treatment-Aware Prediction Model for Favorable Functional Outcome in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Based on Machine Learning.

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    Current prognostic tools in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) are constrained by being primarily based on patient and disease characteristics on admission. To develop and validate a complication- and treatment-aware outcome prediction tool in aSAH. This cohort study included data from an ongoing prospective nationwide multicenter registry on all aSAH patients in Switzerland (Swiss SOS [Swiss Study on aSAH]; 2009-2015). We trained supervised machine learning algorithms to predict a binary outcome at discharge (modified Rankin scale [mRS] ≤ 3: favorable; mRS 4-6: unfavorable). Clinical and radiological variables on admission ("Early" Model) as well as additional variables regarding secondary complications and disease management ("Late" Model) were used. Performance of both models was assessed by classification performance metrics on an out-of-sample test dataset. Favorable functional outcome at discharge was observed in 1156 (62.0%) of 1866 patients. Both models scored a high accuracy of 75% to 76% on the test set. The "Late" outcome model outperformed the "Early" model with an area under the receiver operator characteristics curve (AUC) of 0.85 vs 0.79, corresponding to a specificity of 0.81 vs 0.70 and a sensitivity of 0.71 vs 0.79, respectively. Both machine learning models show good discrimination and calibration confirmed on application to an internal test dataset of patients with a wide range of disease severity treated in different institutions within a nationwide registry. Our study indicates that the inclusion of variables reflecting the clinical course of the patient may lead to outcome predictions with superior predictive power compared to a model based on admission data only