14 research outputs found

    Intracellular localization of Treponema denticola chymotrypsin-like proteinase in chronic periodontitis

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    Treponema denticola is an important periodontal pathogen capable of tissue invasion. Its chymotrypsin-like proteinase (CTLP) can degrade a number of basement membrane components in vitro, thus suggesting a contribution to tissue invasion by the spirochete. The aim of this study was to analyze the localization of CTLP in chronic periodontitis tissues ex vivo. A polyclonal antibody specific to T. denticola cell-bound CTLP was used to detect the spirochetes in the gingival tissues of patients with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis (n=25) by immunohistochemistry and periodic acid-Schiff staining (PAS). The presence of T. denticola in the periodontal tissue samples was analyzed by PCR. Periodontal tissue samples of 12 of the 25 patients were found to be positive for T. denticola by PCR. Moreover, CTLP could be detected in the periodontal tissues of all these patients by immunohistochemistry. In the epithelium, the CTLP was mostly intracellular. Typically, the positive staining could be seen throughout the whole depth of the epithelium. When detected extracellularly, CTLP was localized mainly as granular deposits. The connective tissue stained diffusely positive in four cases. The positive staining co-localized with the PAS stain in nine cases. T. denticola and its CTLP could be detected in diseased human periodontium both intra- and extracellularly. The granular staining pattern was suggestive of the presence of T. denticola bacteria, whereas the more diffused staining pattern was indicative of the recent presence of the bacterium and shedding of the cell-bound proteinase

    Yrttikuivurin suunnittelu ja käyttö

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    Nimekkeen selvennys: Dimensioning and use of a dryer for herbs.vokMTT/Vakol

    Proteolytic Activities of Oral Bacteria on ProMMP-9 and the Effect of Synthetic Proteinase Inhibitors

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    Tissue reactions to bacteria lead to proinflammatory reactions involving matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Synthetic protease inhibitors may offer new possibilities to regulate bacterial proteases. We investigated proteolytic activities of certain periodontal bacteria, their effects on the latent proMMP-9, and the effects of synthetic MMP inhibitors and a serine protease inhibitor Pefabloc. The strains studied were Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Peptostreptoccus micros, Prevotella nigrescens, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and 5 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes. Their gelatinolytic activities and the effects of certain synthetic MMP inhibitors and Pefabloc were analyzed by zymography. Bacterial effects on proMMP-9 conversion were investigated by Western immunoblot. All investigated periodontal bacteria produced gelatinolytic cell-bound and extracellular proteinases which could fragment latent proMMP-9, suggesting co-operative processing cascades in oral tissue remodeling. A. actinomycetemcomitans produced the weakest gelatinolytic activity. Synthetic proteinase inhibitors exhibited slight but clear reductive effects on the bacterial proteolytic activities. We conclude that targeted anti-proteolytic treatment modalities against bacterial-host proteolytic cascades can be developed

    Spatial patterns of enzymatic activity in large water bodies: Ship-borne measurements of beta-D-glucuronidase activity as a rapid indicator of microbial water quality

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    This study used automated enzymatic activity measurements conducted from a mobile research vessel to detect the spatial variability of beta‑d‑glucuronidase (GLUC) activity in large freshwater bodies. The ship-borne observations provided the first high-resolution spatial data of GLUC activity in large water bodies as rapid indication of fecal pollution and were used to identify associations with hydrological conditions and land use. The utility of this novel approach for water quality screening was evaluated by surveys of the Columbia River, the Mississippi River and the Yahara Lakes, covering up to a 500 km river course and 50 km2 lake area. The ship-borne measurements of GLUC activity correlated with standard E. coli analyses (R2 = 0.71) and revealed the effects of (1) precipitation events and urban run-off on GLUC activity in surface waters, (2) localized point inlets of potential fecal pollution and (3) increasing GLUC signals along gradients of urbanization. We propose that this ship-borne water quality screening to be integrated into future water inventory programs as an initial or complementary tool (besides established fecal indicator parameters), due to its ability to provide near real-time spatial information on potential fecal contamination of large surface water resources and therefore being helpful to greatly reduce potential human health risks.Austrian Science Fund (FWF)Vienna University of TechnologyNorth Temperate Lakes–Long Term Ecological Researc

    Visualisointi - kuinka esittää sisustuskonsepti asiakkaalle

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on visualisointi sisustusarkkitehtuurissa. Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin ja vertailtiin erilaisia sisustusarkkitehdin työssä käytettyjä visualisointimenetelmiä, niiden hyviä ja huonoja puolia sekä niiden soveltuvuutta sisustusarkkitehtuuriin. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä visualisointimenetelmät ovat käytetyimmät sekä kasata informatiivinen tietopaketti, josta olisi hyötyä muun muassa vastavalmistuneille sisustusarkkitehdeille ja sisustusarkkitehtuuriopiskelijoille. Työ käsittelee visualisoinnin historiaa, visualisointia suunnitteluprosessin eri vaiheissa, tapoja kuvata kolmiulotteista tilaa, eri visualisointimenetelmien toimivuutta sisustusarkkitehtuurissa ja alan ammattilaisten näkökulmaa visualisointiin. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitut visualisointimenetelmät ovat käsin piirtäminen, väritetyt tasoprojektiot, 3D-mallintaminen, virtuaalitodellisuus ja lisätty todellisuus. Työelämän käytäntöjen selvittämiseksi sisustusarkkitehdeille laadittiin kysely. Kyselyn avulla selvitettiin, mitä visualisointimenetelmiä alan ammattilaiset käyttävät työssään ja miksi.The subject of the thesis is visualization in interior architecture. Different visualization methods used in interior architect’s work, their pros, cons and suitability were studied and compared. The goal was to find out which visualization methods are the most popular and to gather an informative package which would be useful for newly graduated interior architects and interior architecture students. The thesis covers the history of visualization, visualization in different phases of the design process, ways to represent 3-dimentional space, functionality of several different visualization methods and visualization from professional interior architect’s point of view. The visualization methods that were studied in this thesis are hand drawing, colored plans, 3D-modeling, virtual reality and augmented reality. To find out the working life practices, a survey for interior architects was made. The survey was used to discover which visualization methods professionals use in their work and why