85 research outputs found

    Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in high-risk pulmonary infections: a clinical review

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    The aim of this article was to review the role of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in acute pulmonary infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), H1N1 and tuberculosis, and to assess the risk of disease transmission with the use of NIV from patients to healthcare workers. We performed a clinical review by searching Medline and EMBASE. These databases were searched for articles on "clinical trials" and "randomised controlled trials". The keywords selected were non-invasive ventilation pulmonary infections, influenza-A (H1N1), SARS and tuberculosis. These terms were cross-referenced with the following keywords: health care workers, airborne infections, complications, intensive care unit and pandemic. The members of the International NIV Network examined the major results regarding NIV applications and SARS, H1N1 and tuberculosis. Cross-referencing mechanical ventilation with SARS yielded 76 studies, of which 10 studies involved the use of NIV and five were ultimately selected for inclusion in this review. Cross-referencing with H1N1 yielded 275 studies, of which 27 involved NIV. Of these, 22 were selected for review. Cross-referencing with tuberculosis yielded 285 studies, of which 15 involved NIV and from these seven were selected. In total 34 studies were selected for this review. NIV, when applied early in selected patients with SARS, H1N1 and acute pulmonary tuberculosis infections, can reverse respiratory failure. There are only a few reports of infectious disease transmission among healthcare workers

    Frequency of Aspirating Gastric Tubes for Patients Receiving Enteral Nutrition in the ICU: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Background: Enteral nutrition (EN) tolerance is often monitored by aspirating stomach contents by syringe at prescribed intervals. No studies have been conducted to assess the most appropriate time interval for aspirating gastric tubes. We compared gastric tube aspirations every 4 hours (usual care) with a variable regimen (up to every 8 hours aspirations).Methods: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) enrolled patients who stayed in the intensive care unit (ICU) for >48 hours, had a gastric tube, and were likely to receive EN for 3 or more days. Patients were randomized (computer-generated randomization) to either the control (every 4 hours) or intervention group (variable regimen). The primary outcome was number of gastric tube aspirations per day from randomization until EN was ceased or up to 2 weeks postrandomization.Results: Following Institutional Ethics Committee approval, 357 patients were recruited (control group, n = 179; intervention group, n = 178). No differences were found in age, sex, worst APACHE II score, or time to start of EN. In the intention-to-treat analysis, the intervention group had fewer tube aspirations per day (3.4 versus 5.4 in the control group, P < .001). Vomiting/regurgitation was increased in the intervention group (2.1% versus 3.6%, P = .02). There were no other differences in complications.Conclusion: This is the first RCT to examine the frequency of gastric tube aspirations. The frequency of gastric tube aspirations was reduced in the variable-regimen group with no increase in risk to the patient. Reducing the frequency of aspirations saves nursing time, decreases risk of contamination of feeding circuit, and minimizes risk of body fluid exposure

    Clinical review: Humidifiers during non-invasive ventilation - key topics and practical implications

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    Inadequate gas conditioning during non-invasive ventilation (NIV) can impair the anatomy and function of nasal mucosa. The resulting symptoms may have a negative effect on patients' adherence to ventilatory treatment, especially for chronic use. Several parameters, mostly technical aspects of NIV, contribute to inefficient gas conditioning. Factors affecting airway humidity during NIV include inspiratory flow, inspiratory oxygen fraction, leaks, type of ventilator, interface used to deliver NIV, temperature and pressure of inhaled gas, and type of humidifier. The correct application of a humidification system may avoid the effects of NIV-induced drying of the airway. This brief review analyses the consequences of airway dryness in patients receiving NIV and the technical tools necessary to guarantee adequate gas conditioning during ventilatory treatment. Open questions remain about the timing of gas conditioning for acute or chronic settings, the choice and type of humidification device, the interaction between the humidifier and the underlying disease, and the effects of individual humidification systems on delivered humidity

    Non-invasive ventilation after neuromuscular block antagonism with sugamadex in an asthmatic patient

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    Severe Tetrodotoxin Poisoning after Consumption of Lagocephalus sceleratus (Pufferfish, Fugu) Fished in Mediterranean Sea, Treated with Cholinesterase Inhibitor

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    Lagocephalus sceleratus, or better known as the pufferfish, or fugu, is widespread in Asia and Indo-Pacific regions. It is a poisonous fish containing tetrodotoxin (TTX) which is a potent neurotoxin. In the Far East, fugu is considered a delicate dish, especially in Japan where it is prepared by experts. Nevertheless, poisoning from Lagocephalus sceleratus is not a rare event. Recent data from Japan indicate an incidence of 45 patients per year and a mortality rate of 11%. Mediterranean sea is not the natural habitat of Lagocephalus sceleratus. However, by now multiple reports have established a firm presence of Lagocephalus sceleratus in Mediterranean region as well. This phenomenon is explained by migration of pufferfish across the Suez Channel (lessepsian migration) (Eisenman et al., 2008, Bentur et al., 2008). With lessepsian migration came the first reports of TTX poisoning in the Mediterranean region. We report a patient with a particularly severe and life-threatening TTX poisoning caused by consumption of Lagocephalus sceleratus and treated by cholinesterase inhibitor to a complete and uneventful recovery

    Managing Hypercapnia in Patients with Severe ARDS and Low Respiratory System Compliance: The Role of Esophageal Pressure Monitoring—A Case Cohort Study

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    Purpose. Patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and hypercapnia present a formidable treatment challenge. We examined the use of esophageal balloon for assessment of transpulmonary pressures to guide mechanical ventilation for successful management of severe hypercapnia. Materials and Methods. Patients with severe ARDS and hypercapnia were studied. Esophageal balloon was inserted and mechanical ventilation was guided by assessment of transpulmonary pressures. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) and inspiratory driving pressures were adjusted with the aim of achieving tidal volume of 6 to 8 mL/kg based on ideal body weight (IBW), while not exceeding end inspiratory transpulmonary (EITP) pressure of 25 cm H2O. Results. Six patients with severe ARDS and hypercapnia were studied. Mean PaCO2 on enrollment was 108.33±25.65 mmHg. One hour after adjustment of PEEP and inspiratory driving pressure guided by transpulmonary pressure, PaCO2 decreased to 64.5±16.89 mmHg (P<0.01). Tidal volume was 3.96±0.92 mL/kg IBW before and increased to 7.07±1.21 mL/kg IBW after intervention (P<0.01). EITP pressure before intervention was low with a mean of 13.68±8.69 cm H2O and remained low at 16.76±4.76 cm H2O (P=0.18) after intervention. Adjustment of PEEP and inspiratory driving pressures did not worsen oxygenation and did not affect cardiac output significantly. Conclusion. The use of esophageal balloon as a guide to mechanical ventilation was able to treat severe hypercapnia in ARDS patients

    Noninvasive Ventilation in Emergency Care

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    Patterns of thermotolerance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and heat shock gene expression vary among four Boechera species and Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Thermotolerance is a property of all organisms, but due to their sessile nature, this trait is particularly important in plants. Basal thermotolerance is based on inherent tolerance to heat stress. Acquired thermotolerance is attained through stress-induced gene expression, often of those genes encoding heat shock proteins (HSPs). Both basal and acquired thermotolerance have been extensively studied in model species such as A. thaliana but much less is known about thermotolerance in wild plant species. The aims of this study are to examine the basal and acquired thermotolerance of four species of Boechera, and of A. thaliana. Four species of Boechera native to California were collected and used for this study: B. arcuata, B. californica, B. depauperata and B. perennans. Seedlings were exposed to both basal and acquired heat stress and then monitored for leaf damage, chlorophyll fluorescence, and gene expression of HsfA3, Hsp101 and four sHSP genes. Analysis of organismal responses to heat stress demonstrated that all four Boechera species are more thermotolerant than is A. thaliana. Further we found that he species with the highest thermotolerance is B. depauperata.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author
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