26 research outputs found

    Designing Classroom Practices for Teaching Online Inquiry: Experiences from the Field

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    Students face several challenges when asked to locate relevant and credible information from the internet. This article introduces three principles for designing online inquiry lessons and documents what we learned from five language arts teachers from Finland who implemented and provided feedback on a learning unit framed in those design principles. Teachers implemented a researcher-designed online inquiry unit in nine upper secondary school classrooms. The unit included four 75-minute lessons sequenced to support the location, evaluation, and synthesis of information students encountered in an online inquiry task. Teachers’ diaries revealed their impressions of the unit, problems encountered, and exceptions made to the designed plan. Follow-up interviews revealed additional insights about appropriate time allocation, clear instruction, and areas where students benefit from explicit guidance in strategy use. Findings suggest a researcher-teacher collaboration can be a fruitful endeavor to assist in advancing the design of productive online inquiry activities. Increasingly, students turn to the internet to seek information to address a problem or complete a learning task. These forms of online inquiry require students to locate relevant and credible information from multiple online resources and build a coherent representation of the explored issue (Leu et al., 2019). Although online inquiry is a common practice, students’ competencies are often under-developed (Brand-Gruwel & van Strien, 2018), resulting in uncritical engagement with online information. Furthermore, many teachers find it challenging to embed instruction of these competencies into their curriculum (Derakhshan & Singh, 2011). To address these issues, we developed a learning unit designed to intentionally translate relevant theories and design principles into effective classroom practices for teaching online inquiry. Five language arts teachers from Finland collaborated with us to provide initial feedback on the unit; after revisions, they agreed to implement the lessons in nine upper secondary classrooms and reflect on their teaching experiences. In this paper, we describe the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of our unit’s design and how it was implemented in classrooms. Then, we share teachers’ reflections about the unit, including ideas for improvements

    Designing classroom practices for teaching online inquiry : Experiences from the field

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    Students face several challenges when asked to locate relevant and credible information from the internet. This article introduces three principles for designing online inquiry lessons and documents what we learned from five language arts teachers from Finland who implemented and provided feedback on a learning unit framed in those design principles. Teachers implemented a researcher-designed online inquiry unit in nine upper secondary school classrooms. The unit included four 75-minute lessons sequenced to support the location, evaluation, and synthesis of information students encountered in an online inquiry task. Teachers' diaries revealed their impressions of the unit, problems encountered, and exceptions made to the designed plan. Follow-up interviews revealed additional insights about appropriate time allocation, clear instruction, and areas where students benefit from explicit guidance in strategy use. Findings suggest a researcher-teacher collaboration can be a fruitful endeavor to assist in advancing the design of productive online inquiry activities.Peer reviewe

    Magical thinking in individuals with high polygenic risk for schizophrenia but no non-affective psychoses-a general population study

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    A strong genetic background for psychoses is well-established. Most individuals with a high genetic risk for schizophrenia, however, do not develop the disorder. We investigated whether individuals, who have a high genetic risk for schizophrenia but no non-affective psychotic disorders, are predisposed to develop milder forms of deviant thinking in terms of magical thinking. Participants came from the population-based Young Finns Study (n = 1292). The polygenic risk score for schizophrenia (PRS) was calculated on the basis of the most recent genome-wide association study (GWAS). Psychiatric diagnoses over the lifespan were collected up to 2017 from the registry of hospital care. Magical thinking was evaluated with the Spiritual Acceptance Scale (e.g., beliefs in telepathy, miracles, mystical events, or sixth sense) of the Temperament and Character Inventory in 1997, 2001, and 2012 (participants were 20-50-year-olds). We found that, among those who did not develop non-affective psychotic disorders, high PRS predicted higher magical thinking in adulthood (p = 0.001). Further, PRS predicted different developmental courses: a low PRS predicted a steady decrease in magical thinking from age 20 to 50 years, while in individuals with high PRS the decrease in magical thinking ceased in middle age so that their level of magical thinking remained higher than expected for that age. These findings remained when controlling for sex, childhood family environment, and adulthood socioeconomic factors. In conclusion, if high PRS does not lead to a non-affective psychotic disorder, it predicts milder forms of deviant thinking such as elevated magical thinking in adulthood, especially in middle age. The finding enhances our understanding of different outcomes of high genetic psychosis risk.Peer reviewe

    Sex difference in brain CB1 receptor availability in man

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    none12The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has a widespread neuromodulatory function in the central nervous system and is involved in important aspects of brain function including brain development, cortical rhythms, plasticity, reward, and stress sensitivity. Many of these effects are mediated via the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) subtype. Animal studies convincingly show an interaction between the ECS and sex hormones, as well as a sex difference of higher brain CB1R in males. Human in vivo studies of sex difference have yielded discrepant findings. Gender differences in CB1R availability were investigated in vivo in 11 male and 11 female healthy volunteers using a specific CB1R tracer [18F]FMPEP-d2 and positron emission tomography (PET). Regional [18F]FMPEP-d2 distribution volume was used as a proxy for CB1R availability. In addition, we explored whether CB1R availability is linked to neuropsychological functioning. Relative to females, CB1R availability was on average 41% higher in males (p = 0.002) with a regionally specific effect larger in the posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortices (p = 0.001). Inter-subject variability in CB1R availability was similar in both groups. Voxel-based analyses revealed an inverse association between CB1R availability and visuospatial working memory task performance in both groups (p noneLaurikainen, Heikki; Tuominen, Lauri; Tikka, Maria; Merisaari, Harri; Armio, Reetta-Liina; Sormunen, Elina; Borgan, Faith; Veronese, Mattia; Howes, Oliver; Haaparanta-Solin, Merja; Solin, Olof; Hietala, JarmoLaurikainen, Heikki; Tuominen, Lauri; Tikka, Maria; Merisaari, Harri; Armio, Reetta-Liina; Sormunen, Elina; Borgan, Faith; Veronese, Mattia; Howes, Oliver; Haaparanta-Solin, Merja; Solin, Olof; Hietala, Jarm

    Balancing participation in writing meeting minutes online in video-mediated return-to-work negotiations

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    Introduction: Balancing participation in multiparty negotiations in healthcare and vocational rehabilitation processes is an interactional challenge, especially when the participants interact online. Participants in multiparty video-mediated context have limited and asymmetric access to each other's activities. Also the different meeting tasks cause an imbalance in their opportunities to participate. At the same time, contemporary clinical practice rests on the ideal of reciprocal, balanced participation. Method: We used conversation analysis to examine the participants' construction of the meeting memo as a joint document in video-mediated return-to-work (RTW) negotiations. We aim to observe how participants views are invited, receipted, and jointly formulated, both verbally and writing, when constructing the meeting memo. RTW negotiations are common collaboration arenas of vocational rehabilitation in Finland which aim to support the employee's return to work, for instance, after sickness absence. The meeting memo is a summary of the negotiation and its concrete decisions which may affect the employee's disability-based vocational rehabilitation services and benefits. Results: The way in which the meeting memo is produced in RTW negotiations plays a significant role in the participants' opportunities for participation. Sharing the screen view to the already written text, enable participants to comment on and correct the text, reinforcing its joint approval. Involvement of participants in co-producing memo texts allow the participants not only produce the content to the text but also to formulate the publicly available form of the text. Discussion: These practices for constructing the memo in and through the unfolding of interaction may be considered as enhancing more balanced participation. However, they may also require extra interactional effort in multiparty video-mediated negotiations.Peer reviewe

    Metabolic trajectories in childhood and adolescence : Effects on risk for schizophrenia

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    Abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism is common in antipsychotic-naive first-episode patients with schizophrenia, but it is unclear whether these changes can already be seen in premorbid or prodromal period, before the first psychotic episode. We examined insulin, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride trajectories in children and adolescents (9–18 years old), who were later diagnosed with schizophrenia, any non-affective psychosis (NAP) or affective disorder (AD). The study population consisted of a general population-based cohort “The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study”, started in 1980 (n = 3596). Psychiatric diagnoses were derived from the Health Care Register up to the year 2018. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated no significant differences in insulin or lipid levels in children and adolescents who later developed schizophrenia (n = 41) compared to the cohort control group (n = 3202). In addition, no changes in these parameters were seen in the NAP (n = 74) or AD (n = 156) groups compared to the controls, but lower triglyceride levels in childhood/adolescence associated with earlier diagnosis of psychotic disorder in the NAP group. Taken together, our results do not support any gross-level insulin or lipid changes during childhood and adolescence in individuals with later diagnosis of schizophrenia-spectrum disorder. Since changes in glucose and lipid metabolism can be observed in neuroleptic-naive patients with schizophrenia, we hypothesize that the more marked metabolic changes develop during the prodrome closer to the onset of the first psychotic episode. The findings have relevance for studies on developmental hypotheses of schizophrenia.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Metabolic trajectories in childhood and adolescence: Effects on risk for schizophrenia

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    Abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism is common in antipsychotic-naive first-episode patients with schizophrenia, but it is unclear whether these changes can already be seen in premorbid or prodromal period, before the first psychotic episode. We examined insulin, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride trajectories in children and adolescents (9-18 years old), who were later diagnosed with schizophrenia, any non-affective psychosis (NAP) or affective disorder (AD). The study population consisted of a general population-based cohort "The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study", started in 1980 (n=3596). Psychiatric diagnoses were derived from the Health Care Register up to the year 2018. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated no significant differences in insulin or lipid levels in children and adolescents who later developed schizophrenia (n=41) compared to the cohort control group (n=3202). In addition, no changes in these parameters were seen in the NAP (n=74) or AD (n=156) groups compared to the controls, but lower triglyceride levels in childhood/adolescence associated with earlier diagnosis of psychotic disorder in the NAP group. Taken together, our results do not support any gross-level insulin or lipid changes during childhood and adolescence in individuals with later diagnosis of schizophrenia-spectrum disorder. Since changes in glucose and lipid metabolism can be observed in neuroleptic-naive patients with schizophrenia, we hypothesize that the more marked metabolic changes develop during the prodrome closer to the onset of the first psychotic episode. The findings have relevance for studies on developmental hypotheses of schizophrenia.</p

    Etätyöterveysneuvottelu yhteisten ratkaisujen areenana : Teknologiavälitteisyys työterveysneuvottelun vuorovaikutuksessa ja päätöksenteossa

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    Työterveysneuvottelut ovat työterveysyhteistyön tärkeä toimintamalli työntekijöiden työkyvyn ja työssä jatkamisen edistämiseksi. Työelämän digimurroksen myötä ja Covid19-pandemian vauhdittamana työterveysneuvotteluja pidetään yhä enemmän etänä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitimme, miten etätyöterveysneuvottelut toteutuvat osana työkyvyn prosessia, millaiset tekijät edistävät ja hankaloittavat etänä toteutettavien työterveysneuvottelujen toteutumista sekä miten etätyöterveysneuvotteluissa edistetään yhteistä päätöksentekoa ja tuetaan kaikkien neuvotteluun osallistuvien mahdollisuuksia osallistua yhteiseen keskusteluun

    Magical thinking in individuals with high polygenic risk for schizophrenia but no non-affective psychoses-a general population study

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    A strong genetic background for psychoses is well-established. Most individuals with a high genetic risk for schizophrenia, however, do not develop the disorder. We investigated whether individuals, who have a high genetic risk for schizophrenia but no non-affective psychotic disorders, are predisposed to develop milder forms of deviant thinking in terms of magical thinking. Participants came from the population-based Young Finns Study (n = 1292). The polygenic risk score for schizophrenia (PRS) was calculated on the basis of the most recent genome-wide association study (GWAS). Psychiatric diagnoses over the lifespan were collected up to 2017 from the registry of hospital care. Magical thinking was evaluated with the Spiritual Acceptance Scale (e.g., beliefs in telepathy, miracles, mystical events, or sixth sense) of the Temperament and Character Inventory in 1997, 2001, and 2012 (participants were 20-50-year-olds). We found that, among those who did not develop non-affective psychotic disorders, high PRS predicted higher magical thinking in adulthood (p = 0.001). Further, PRS predicted different developmental courses: a low PRS predicted a steady decrease in magical thinking from age 20 to 50 years, while in individuals with high PRS the decrease in magical thinking ceased in middle age so that their level of magical thinking remained higher than expected for that age. These findings remained when controlling for sex, childhood family environment, and adulthood socioeconomic factors. In conclusion, if high PRS does not lead to a non-affective psychotic disorder, it predicts milder forms of deviant thinking such as elevated magical thinking in adulthood, especially in middle age. The finding enhances our understanding of different outcomes of high genetic psychosis risk

    Effects of childhood and adolescence physical activity patterns on psychosis risk—a general population cohort study

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    Schizophrenia spectrum disorders are associated with high morbidity and mortality in somatic diseases. The risk factors of this excess mortality include, e.g., obesity, dietary factors, and physical inactivity, especially after the onset of psychosis, but there are limited early developmental data on these factors in individuals who later develop psychosis. A population-based cohort study “Cardiovascular Risk of Young Finns” started in 1980 with 3596 children and adolescents from six different age groups (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 years). Cardiovascular health parameters, including questionnaire of physical activity before first hospitalization (≤18 years), were studied in 1980, 1983, and 1986. All psychiatric diagnoses of the participants were derived from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register up to the year 2012. We identified diagnostic groups of non-affective psychosis (n = 68, including a schizophrenia subgroup, n = 41), personality disorders (n = 43), affective disorders (n = 111), and substance-related disorders (n = 49), based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). Groups were compared with controls with no psychiatric diagnoses (n = 3325). Sex, age, body mass index, birth weight, non-preterm birth, and mother’s mental disorders were included in the statistical model. Low physical activity in childhood and adolescence (9–18 years) independently predicted later development of non-affective psychosis. Lower physical activity index (relative risk 1.26 [1.1–1.5]), lower level of common activity during leisure time (relative risk 1.71 [1.2–2.5]), and non-participation in sports competitions (relative risk 2.58 [1.3–5.3]) were associated with a higher risk for later non-affective psychosis (expressed as increase in relative risk per physical activity unit). The findings were even stronger for schizophrenia, but no such link was observed for other diagnoses. The cause of low physical activity in premorbid/prodromal phase is likely to be multifactorial, including deviant motor and cognitive development. The results provide a rationale for including exercise and physical activity interventions as a part of psychosis prevention programs.</p