58 research outputs found

    O noua provocare a invatamantului superior din Romania - universitatile antreprenoriale

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    Learning and teaching have always been at the core of economic change and development. For long time there was a search for suggestions, ideas, plans and projects of how educational systems can be made more relevant to the needs of the societies they were established to serve. Implementing the Bologna principles and following the priorities of Lisbon strategy, Romanian education system and, particularly, the higher education system, reconsiders and rebuilds its vision and mission as well as its entire strategy. In this regard, the following basic elements are considered in the paper: •What is learned must be relevant to the needs of the people in economy. Educational providers need to be in touch with labour market requirements; •Effective learning must be judged on the basis of the outcomes that result, rather than on the inputs required; •Ways must be found to facilitate learning rather than to simply supply instruction; •The valueing of research and innovation within educational organizations must be increased; •Tailor made “entrepreneurial” education towards the necessities of the market, especially focused on small and medium size enterprises; •The lifelong learning –education permanence- should be continuously developed and be linked to the market requirements. The role and the main influences that higher education system will have over economic and human resources development are underlined. Also, appreciating that entrepreneurship becomes more and more one of the most important factors of development, the education and economic development are linked through the concept of “entrepreneurial university”.higher education, economic development, entrepreneurial university

    New Approaches of Consumers’ Protection in Terms of Management Systems’ International Standards Evolution

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    This paper grew out of the central issue addressed in Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental Regulation in a Global Economy by David Vogel, namely the impact of economic globalization on consumers’ protection regulations. Reviewing the extensive matter of consumer protection, with a thorough analysis of European Union last issued data, the paper summarizes and analyzes the contributions of ISO quality management standards to consumers’ protection based on a chain of logically connected concepts and activities. The approach was double-sided, intercrossing the qualitative and quantitative arguments joined with the analysis of the correlation between the efforts and effects in consumers’ protection area. Due to a yet continue divergence regarding the regulatory processes, of a visible movement to the development and implementation of more stringent standards as well as a new means for implementing integrated quality management systems, the paper suggests and develops an implementation model of integrated quality management systems, based on Jorgensen 2006 model and improved through adding the new ISO 26000 standard.consumers' protection, quality, ISO standards, implementation models for ISO integrated systems


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    Flexible work arrangements should focus on providing employees with more options for when and how they do their work. Organizations can provide a suite of flexible options to enable employees to choose the arrangements that best balance their work with family and lifestyle preferences. In this paper we intended to investigate the flexibilization process of working time determined by the new trends of work organization. For this purpose, the various aspects of working time in a company were analyzed in connection with the employee’s life cycle.flexible work time, time preference, work arrangements

    Democracy in the European Union: Examining Gender (Im)balance in the European Parliament

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    This project examines political representation in the European Union (EU) from a gender-balance perspective. A justification for gender-balance representation mechanisms will be drawn in order to set a base for explaining the different methods used in the Member States of the European Union in order to conclude what is the best stream of action to take in the road to achieving gender-balanced representatio

    Ways to Reduce Consumer Complaints: The EU Perspective

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    Organizations are currently concerned with meeting consumers’ demands and needs by creating products that meet their expectations. Addressing wider issues of consumers’ protection and relying on a detailed research of the latest data from the European Union, our paper analyses and synthesizes ways to reduce consumers’ complaints on products and services purchased, based on a series of causal links and interrelated activities. It is a dual approach in order to link quantitative and qualitative arguments as well as the analysis of correlations between efforts and the recorded effects in the domain of the consumer’ protection. Based on data provided by the Flash Eurobarometer 332 there were determined the existing influences in consumers’ protection, calculating correlations among a number of indicators registered in the European Union in the field of consumer protection. Based on the relations established between the indicators that describe the domain of the protection of consumer, a model that centres on complaining in case of problems, indicating the main ways to reduce these complaints was developed and built

    O noua provocare a invatamantului superior din Romania - universitatile antreprenoriale

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    Learning and teaching have always been at the core of economic change and development. For long time there was a search for suggestions, ideas, plans and projects of how educational systems can be made more relevant to the needs of the societies they were established to serve. Implementing the Bologna principles and following the priorities of Lisbon strategy, Romanian education system and, particularly, the higher education system, reconsiders and rebuilds its vision and mission as well as its entire strategy. In this regard, the following basic elements are considered in the paper: •What is learned must be relevant to the needs of the people in economy. Educational providers need to be in touch with labour market requirements; •Effective learning must be judged on the basis of the outcomes that result, rather than on the inputs required; •Ways must be found to facilitate learning rather than to simply supply instruction; •The valueing of research and innovation within educational organizations must be increased; •Tailor made “entrepreneurial” education towards the necessities of the market, especially focused on small and medium size enterprises; •The lifelong learning –education permanence- should be continuously developed and be linked to the market requirements. The role and the main influences that higher education system will have over economic and human resources development are underlined. Also, appreciating that entrepreneurship becomes more and more one of the most important factors of development, the education and economic development are linked through the concept of “entrepreneurial university”

    Functional and spatial transformations of the Truskavets spa after 1945

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    The article focuses on the identification of the basic directions in the functional-spatial transformations of the Truskavets spa during the period of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. While conducting the present study, particular attention was drawn to the period of the 70’s and 80’s of the 20th century, which is regarded as the era of the greatest prosperity of tourism in the Soviet Union. Literature and source studies also took into consideration the so far unpublished cartographic materials and analysis of the consequences of the development of Truskavets was cognised. Among the consequences of the excessive growth of the spa, one finds among others: high attendance of spa guests, excessive urbanisation, investment pressure, excessive building concentration and environmental problems.Autorzy koncentrują się na identyfikacji zasadniczych kierunków przemian funkcjonalno-przestrzennych uzdrowiska Truskawiec w okresie istnienia Ukraińskiej Socjalistycznej Republiki Radzieckiej. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na okres lat 70. i 80. XX w., który uważany jest za okres ożywienia turystyki w Związku Radzieckim. Wykonując studia literaturowe i źródłowe, w tym wykorzystując niepublikowane wcześniej materiały kartograficzne, dokonano rozpoznania skutków rozwoju Truskawca. Należą do nich: wysoka frekwencja kuracjuszy, nadmierna urbanizacja, presja inwestycyjna, przesadna koncentracja zabudowy oraz problemy środowiskowe

    Dynamic capabilities for CSR management: towards identifying common processes

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    Purpose – The objective of this paper is to address the question whether and how firms can follow a standard management process to cope with emerging corporate social responsibility (CSR) challenges? Both researchers and practitioners have paid increasing attention to the question because of the rapidly evolving CSR expectations of stakeholders and the limited diffusion of CSR standardization. The question was addressed by developing a theoretical framework to explain how dynamic capabilities can contribute to effective CSR management. Design/methodology/approach – Based on 64 world-leading companies’ contemporary CSR reports, we carried out a large-scale content analysis to identify and examine the common organizational processes involved in CSR management and the dynamic capabilities underpinning those management processes. Findings – Drawing on the dynamic capabilities perspective, we demonstrate how the deployment of three dynamic capabilities for CSR management, namely, scanning, sensing and reconfiguration capabilities can help firms to meet emerging CSR requirements by following a set of common management processes. The findings demonstrate that what is more important in CSR standardization is the identification and development of the underlying dynamic capabilities and the related organizational processes and routines, rather than the detailed operational activities. Originality/value – Our study is an early attempt to examine the fundamental organizational capabilities and processes involved in CSR management from the dynamic capabilities perspective. Our research findings contribute to CSR standardization literature by providing a new theoretical perspective to better understand the capabilities enabling common CSR management processes
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