4 research outputs found

    The use of zooplankton metrics to determine the trophic status and ecological potential: An approach in a large Mediterranean watershed.

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    In the European Water Framework Directive, zooplankton was not included as a Biological Quality Element despite its important place in the aquatic trophic web. In the present study on zooplankton abundances and biomasses, we used several metrics to test their ability to detect differences among trophic statuses and ecological potential levels, and collected a large sum of data in more than 60 reservoirs at Ebro watershed, on more than 300 sampling occasions over 10 years. Our results indicate that most zooplankton metrics are correlated to environmental variables that determine reservoirs' trophic states, especially chlorophyll a and total phosphorus. The metrics with better sensitivity to differentiate trophic states and ecological potential levels were ZOO (total zooplankton), LZOO (large zooplankton), CLAD (cladocerans), and ZOO:CHLA (zooplankton:chlorophyll a ratio). Microcrustacean metrics such as DAPHN (Daphnia), COP (copepods), CYCLO (cyclopoids), and CALA (calanoids) were good at differentiating between high and low water quality in trophic status (oligotrophic-eutrophic) and ecological potential (good or superior-moderate). Thus, zooplankton can be used as a valuable tool to determine water quality; we believe that zooplankton should be considered a Biological Quality Element withinWater Framework Directive monitoring programs for inland waters

    Evolución de la conductividad en la Albufera de Valencia entre 1985 y 2018

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    La laguna costera de la Albufera de Valencia es una masa de agua oligohalina rodeada de un antiguo marjal, transformado en cultivo del arroz desde hace más de 200 años. La presión de las aportaciones superficiales mantiene la conductividad en valores estables en torno a la media anual, modificada puntualmente al alza sólo en los periodos de sequía. La concentración de cloruros es la variable más relacionada con la conductividad. En el estudio de la serie temporal se observa que en el último decenio hay una tendencia significativa al aumento de los valores mínimos de la conductividad, lo cual indicaría una disminución de la cantidad de agua dulce que llega a la laguna. La medida de esa variable sería un buen indicador de las alteraciones que se pueden producir en un escenario previsible de cambio climático con descenso de las precipitaciones y de las aportaciones de agua dulce

    Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) chlorophyll-a and turbidity estimation with Sentinel-2

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    Mar Menor is a Mediterranean Coastal lagoon with high environmental and social value, but has suffered important episodes of contamination in recent years due to heavy rains, sediment dragging and polluting substances mainly from agriculture as well as the entry of mining waste, causing an increase in eutrophication. Water quality variables such as chlorophyll-a concentration [Chl-a] and turbidity, can be studied through its optical properties by remote sensing techniques. In this work, a methodology is proposed for monitoring [Chl-a] and the turbidity of the Mar Menor using Sentinel-2 images. For this purpose, an extensive database of both variables was used consisting of data taken on different dates between 2016 and 2019 at 12 points of Mar Menor. The images were atmospherically corrected using Case 2 Regional Coast Color Processor (C2RCC) version for turbid waters (C2X) to obtain the water surface reflectance. Then several arithmetic relations between database and reflectance bands used in the bibliography for [Chl-a] and turbidity were analyzed. Comparing the results of each one of these relations with the in situ data, decided that the best index for [Chl-a] estimation is the relation (R560 + R705)/ (R560 + R665) with an RMSE = 2.6 mg/m3 and a NRMSE = 9.1 % and for turbidity R705*R705/R490 with an RMSE = 1.5 NTU and a NRMSE= 10.9 %. Finally, by applying these relationships on different dates, thematic maps of [Chl-a] and turbidity of Mar Menor were obtained. One of these images was some days after September 2019 torrential rains, in which a considerable [Chl-a] and turbidity increase was observed

    Turbidity and Secchi disc depth with Sentinel-2 in different trophic status reservoirs at the Comunidad Valenciana

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    [ES] En los estudios de calidad de aguas por teledetección, uno de los principales indicadores es la transparencia o turbidez del agua. La transparencia puede ser medida in situ mediante la profundidad del disco de Secchi (SD), y la turbidez con un turbidímetro. En las últimas décadas se han utilizado diferentes relaciones entre bandas de diferentes sensores obtenidas por teledetección para la estimación de estos parámetros. En este trabajo, a partir de datos de campo obtenidos a lo largo de 2017 y 2018 en embalses de la cuenca del Júcar con gran variedad de estados tróficos, se han calibrado diferentes índices y bandas para poder estimar la transparencia a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2 (S2). A las imágenes S2 nivel L1C tomadas en el mismo día que los datos de campo, se les han aplicado tres métodos de corrección atmosférica desarrollados para aguas: Polymer, C2RCC y C2X. A partir de los espectros de S2 obtenidos y de los datos de campo de SD se ha observado que el menor error se obtiene con las imágenes corregidas con Polymer y un ajuste potencial del cociente de reflectividades en las bandas azul y verde (R490/R560), que permiten la estimación de SD con un error relativo del 13%. También el método C2X presenta buen ajuste con el mismo cociente de bandas, aunque un error mayor, presentando la corrección C2RCC la peor correlación. Se ha obtenido también la relación entre SD (en m) y turbidez (en NTU), lo que proporciona un método operativo para la estimación de la turbidez con S2. Se muestra, además, la relación para los diferentes embalses entre el SD y la concentración de clorofila-a, sólidos en suspensión y materia orgánica disuelta.[EN] Transparency or turbidity is one of the main indicators in studies of water quality using remote sensing. Transparency can be measured in situ through the Secchi disc depth (SD), and turbidity using a turbidimeter. In recent decades, different relationships between bands from different remote sensing sensors have been used for the estimation of these variables. In this paper, several indices and spectral bands have been calibrated in order to estimate transparency from Sentinel-2 (S2) images from field data, obtained throughout 2017 and 2018 in Júcar basin reservoirs with a great variety of trophic states. Three atmospheric correction methods developed for waters have been applied to the S2 level L1C images taken at the same day as the field data: Polymer, C2RCC and C2X. From the spectra obtained from S2 and the SD field data, it has been found that the smallest error is obtained with the images atmospherically corrected with Polymer and a potential adjustment of the reflectivities’ ratio of the blue and green bands (R490/R560), which allow the estimation of SD with a relative error of 13%. Also the C2X method presents good adjustment with the same bands ratio, although with a greater error, while the correction C2RCC shows the worst correlation. The relationship between SD (in m) and turbidity (in NTU) has also been obtained, which provides an operational method for estimating turbidity with S2. The relationship for the different reservoirs between SD and chlorophyll-a concentration, suspended solids and dissolved organic matter, is also shownEste trabajo ha sido posible gracias al Proyecto ESAQS del Programa Prometeo para grupos de investigación de excelencia de la Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (GVPROMETEO2016-132) de la Generalitat Valenciana.Delegido, J.; Urrego, P.; Vicente, E.; Sòria-Perpinyà, X.; Soria, J.; Pereira-Sandoval, M.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.... (2019). Turbidez y profundidad de disco de Secchi con Sentinel-2 en embalses con diferente estado trófico en la Comunidad Valenciana. 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