10,507 research outputs found

    The concept of social pharmacy

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    The 13th International Social Pharmacy Workshop will be held in Malta in July 2004. The Social Pharmacy Workshops are international conferences for research in social and behavioural pharmacy. Meetings are held every second year and participation has grown steadily since the first Workshop was held in Helsinki, Finland, in 1980. Following the successful 2002 conference in Sydney, Australia, the 2004 meeting in Malta will be the first one held in the Mediterranean area!peer-reviewe

    Different quantization mechanisms in single-electron pumps driven by surface acoustic waves

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    We have studied the acoustoelectric current in single-electron pumps driven by surface acoustic waves. We have found that in certain parameter ranges two different sets of quantized steps dominate the acoustoelectric current versus gate-voltage characteristics. In some cases, both types of quantized steps appear simultaneously though at different current values, as if they were superposed on each other. This could indicate two independent quantization mechanisms for the acoustoelectric current.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Entrance and survival of <i>Brucella pinnipedialis</i> hooded seal strain in human macrophages and epithelial cells

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    Marine mammal Brucella spp. have been isolated from pinnipeds (B. pinnipedialis) and cetaceans (B. ceti) from around the world. Although the zoonotic potential of marine mammal brucellae is largely unknown, reports of human disease exist. There are few studies of the mechanisms of bacterial intracellular invasion and multiplication involving the marine mammal Brucella spp. We examined the infective capacity of two genetically different B. pinnipedialis strains (reference strain; NTCT 12890 and a hooded seal isolate; B17) by measuring the ability of the bacteria to enter and replicate in cultured phagocytes and epithelial cells. Human macrophage-like cells (THP-1), two murine macrophage cell lines (RAW264.7 and J774A.1), and a human malignant epithelial cell line (HeLa S3) were challenged with bacteria in a gentamicin protection assay. Our results show that B. pinnipedialis is internalized, but is then gradually eliminated during the next 72 – 96 hours. Confocal microscopy revealed that intracellular B. pinnipedialis hooded seal strain colocalized with lysosomal compartments at 1.5 and 24 hours after infection. Intracellular presence of B. pinnipedialis hooded seal strain was verified by transmission electron microscopy. By using a cholesterol-scavenging lipid inhibitor, entrance of B. pinnipedialis hooded seal strain in human macrophages was significantly reduced by 65.8 % (± 17.3), suggesting involvement of lipid-rafts in intracellular entry. Murine macrophages invaded by B. pinnipedialis do not release nitric oxide (NO) and intracellular bacterial presence does not induce cell death. In summary, B. pinnipedialis hooded seal strain can enter human and murine macrophages, as well as human epithelial cells. Intracellular entry of B. pinnipedialis hooded seal strain involves, but seems not to be limited to, lipid-rafts in human macrophages. Brucella pinnipedialis does not multiply or survive for prolonged periods intracellulary

    Observation of modified hadronization in relativistic Au+Au collisions: a promising signature for deconfined quark-gluon matter

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    Measurements of identified particles from Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on nuclear modification, baryon-to-meson ratios, and elliptic flow at intermediate transverse momentum (1.5<pT<51.5 < p_T < 5 GeV/c). Possible connections between (1) these measurements, (2) the running coupling for static quark anti-quark pairs at finite temperature, and (3) the creation of a deconfined quark-gluon phase are presented. Modifications to hadronization in Au+Au collisions are proposed as a likely signature for the creation of deconfined colored matter.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, invited talk at the Strange Quark Matter 2004 conference, Cape Town, South Afric

    Toward Quantum Superposition of Living Organisms

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    The most striking feature of quantum mechanics is the existence of superposition states, where an object appears to be in different situations at the same time. The existence of such states has been tested with small objects, like atoms, ions, electrons and photons, and even with molecules. More recently, it has been possible to create superpositions of collections of photons, atoms, or Cooper pairs. Current progress in optomechanical systems may soon allow us to create superpositions of even larger objects, like micro-sized mirrors or cantilevers, and thus to test quantum mechanical phenomena at larger scales. Here we propose a method to cool down and create quantum superpositions of the motion of sub-wavelength, arbitrarily shaped dielectric objects trapped inside a high--finesse cavity at a very low pressure. Our method is ideally suited for the smallest living organisms, such as viruses, which survive under low vacuum pressures, and optically behave as dielectric objects. This opens up the possibility of testing the quantum nature of living organisms by creating quantum superposition states in very much the same spirit as the original Schr\"odinger's cat "gedanken" paradigm. We anticipate our essay to be a starting point to experimentally address fundamental questions, such as the role of life and consciousness in quantum mechanics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Bond-versus-site doping models for off-chain-doped Haldane-gap system Y2_2 Ba Ni O5_5

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    Using the density matrix renormalization-group technique, we calculate the impurity energy levels for two different effective models of off-chain doping for quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg chain compound Y2_2 Ba Ni O5_5: ferromagnetic bond doping and antiferromagnetic site spin-1/2 doping. Thresholds of the impurity strength for the appearance of localized states are found for both models. However, the ground-state and low-energy excitations for weak impurity strength are different for these two models and the difference can be detected by experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figures included, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Fluctuation and flow probes of early-time correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Fluctuation and correlation observables are often measured using multi-particle correlation methods and therefore mutually probe the origins of genuine correlations present in multi-particle distribution functions. We investigate the common influence of correlations arising from the spatially inhomogeneous initial state on multiplicity and momentum fluctuations as well as flow fluctuations. Although these observables reflect different aspects of the initial state, taken together, they can constrain a correlation scale set at the earliest moments of the collision. We calculate both the correlation scale in an initial stage Glasma flux tube picture and the modification to these correlations from later stage hydrodynamic flow and find quantitative agreement with experimental measurements over a range of collision systems and energies.Comment: Proceedings of the 28th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Dorado del Mar, Puerto Rico, April 7-14, 201

    Superconductor-insulator transition driven by local dephasing

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    We consider a system where localized bound electron pairs form an array of "Andreev"-like scattering centers and are coupled to a fermionic subsystem of uncorrelated electrons. By means of a path-integral approach, which describes the bound electron pairs within a coherent pseudospin representation, we derive and analyze the effective action for the collective phase modes which arise from the coupling between the two subsystems once the fermionic degrees of freedom are integrated out. This effective action has features of a quantum phase model in the presence of a Berry phase term and exhibits a coupling to a field which describes at the same time the fluctuations of density of the bound pairs and those of the amplitude of the fermion pairs. Due to the competition between the local and the hopping induced non-local phase dynamics it is possible, by tuning the exchange coupling or the density of the bound pairs, to trigger a transition from a phase ordered superconducting to a phase disordered insulating state. We discuss the different mechanisms which control this occurrence and the eventual destruction of phase coherence both in the weak and strong coupling limit.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRB (05-Feb04