11 research outputs found

    Les stratégies des armateurs de lignes réguliÚres en matiÚre de dessertes maritimes

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    La desserte maritime ne reprĂ©senterait plus aujourd’hui un enjeu essentiel pour les armements de lignes rĂ©guliĂšres. Une offre maritime standardisĂ©e ne permettrait plus Ă  ces derniers de dĂ©gager sur mer des avantages compĂ©titifs.L’étude systĂ©matique des rĂ©seaux maritimes des 26 plus grands armements mondiaux en 2002 Ă  partir de l’offre de transport permet de les diffĂ©rencier. Les compagnies asiatiques sont des armements chargeurs. Leur domination est assurĂ©e par leur participation aux alliances qui masquent en fait leur fragilitĂ© liĂ©e Ă  leur caractĂšre profondĂ©ment national. A cet ordre asiatique s’opposent les armements transporteurs Maersk, MSC et CMA-CGM qui dĂ©ploient des rĂ©seaux vĂ©ritablement transnationaux. Leur trĂšs forte croissance s’appuie sur des stratĂ©gies innovantes en matiĂšre de dessertes maritimes.Maritime space is often considered to be no longer a challenge for the major companies involved in liner shipping. Shipping lines have achieved a degree of maturity that results in a standardisation of services. They deploy vessels of similar size, serve global markets through their hub and spoke networks, take part in alliances and serve a limited number of major ports of call. From this point of view globalisation produces homogeneity.The aim of this paper is to differentiate the carriers between them by analysing the individual shipping networks of the 26 largest container shipping lines in 2002. Far from being uniform, their networks differ substantially one from another. The system of alliances hide the fragility of the Asiatic shipping lines which are highly dependent on their respective domestic market. They are faced by three European lines who act outside every alliance: Maersk, MSC and CMA-CGM. Besides the common factors related to their recent very strong growth, they are characterised by innovative maritime networks which are truly trans-national as they neither completely depend on the east-west circumterrestrial route, nor on the captive domestic markets

    Partage modal et intermodalitĂ©. Évolutions structurelles de l'Ă©conomie

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    Modal shift from road to other modes is a major challenge for European transport policy in respect to sustainable development. The share of road haulage has been increasing despite strong political action. The explanation of this trend can be sought in the organization of production process which determines the demand for transport. The industrial fabric and the modes of production in post-fordist economies generate fragmented flows that foster road haulage. The problem of modal disequilibrium originates in the very structure of economy. The results of two shipper surveys « Chargeurs 1988 » and « ECHO 2004 » carried out in France at a national level provide useful data for our research.modal shift, intermodality, post-fordism, flow fragmentation, shipper survey

    DĂ©veloppement local au Havre. Apports et perspectives de la recherche

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    SoppĂ© Martin, Bonnet Emmanuel. DĂ©veloppement local au Havre. Apports et perspectives de la recherche . In: Études Normandes, 52e annĂ©e, n°1, 2003. La Normandie recomposĂ©e - II. L'IdentitĂ© Normande. pp. 59-71

    Transport maritime conteneurisé et mondialisation

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    Frémont Antoine, Soppé Martin. Transport maritime conteneurisé et mondialisation. In: Annales de Géographie, t. 114, n°642, 2005. pp. 187-200

    Un modĂšle transcalaire des nodalitĂ©s et polaritĂ©s portuaires: exemple d’application au port de Hambourg

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    The scale of port terminals and that of the global space of maritime transport are linked via differentiated reticular patterns. Between the two scales, the integration of a port into a servicing process combining maritime and terrestrial activities thus reflects a pattern of both nodality and polarity generated by different actors. A general transcalar model is proposed and then applied to the case of the port of Hamburg

    Emerging inter-industry partnerships between shipping lines and stevedores: from rivalry to cooperation?

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    Since late-1960s stevedoring operations assumed a dramatic importance for shipping lines, who have been securing dedicated berths for some decades. Over the last 20 years, the institutional turn in ports drove the overseas expansion of pure stevedoring companies. For quite a long time carriers and stevedores fiercely battled each other both for bargaining contractual arrangements and for securing new concessions in the key port areas. Currently this scenario is slowly changing and some early-forms of partnership are coming out. This paper analyses the different pathways through which carriers satisfy their needs of handling services. Based on 2006 data it empirically demonstrates the growing resort to such forms of cooperation both contractually and via equity ventures

    La réforme des ports italiens: éléments de réflexion pour la politique portuaire française

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    National audienceLes dĂ©bats en cours sur la rĂ©forme des ports autonomes en France peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©clairĂ©s par des expĂ©riences de rĂ©formes affectant des ports europĂ©ens de taille comparable. Dans cette approche comparative, l'exemple des ports italiens est instructif en raison de l'importance d'une rĂ©forme engagĂ©e dans les annĂ©es 1990 dans un esprit partiellement conforme aux projets de directives communautaires sur les services portuaires. Cet article porte sur cette rĂ©forme et la loi qui l'organise (loi n ° 84-1994), sur la redĂ©finition du rĂŽle des autoritĂ©s portuaires, sur la partition nouvelle entre activitĂ©s d'exploitation, de rĂ©gulation et d'amĂ©nagement, en s'appuyant sur deux exemples de systĂšmes portuaires rĂ©gionaux. L'Ă©tude de cette rĂ©forme permet ainsi de cerner des choix diffĂ©renciĂ©s opĂ©rĂ©s par type de fonctions portuaires en dĂ©montrant un modĂšle hybride associant des logiques publiques centralisĂ©es pour les questions d'autonomie portuaire et des logiques libĂ©rales pour les services marchands. Cet exemple des ports italiens permet ensuite d'apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©flexion sur la politique portuaire en France en particulier sur les questions de gouvernance portuaire, c'est-Ă -dire sur l'Ă©volution du rĂŽle stratĂ©gique de l'État et sur les fonctions des autoritĂ©s et des acteurs des places portuaire