357 research outputs found

    Evidencias del pensamiento funcional en niños de segundo de educación básica primaria

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    A continuación se presenta un trabajo de grado en el marco de la Licenciatura en Matemáticas, el cual tiene el objetivo de analizar las estrategias utilizadas por los estudiantes de segundo de primaria para crear registros, encontrar patrones y relaciones de dependencia entre los datos obtenidos en una situación de variación, e identificar en dichas estrategias el desarrollo del pensamiento funcional

    Pohjanmaan porvariston ja yhteiskunnan vuorovaikutuksesta

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    Arvosteltu teos: Pohjanmaan porvariston vuosisata 1800 : sivistyksen verkostot / toim. Erik Engberg & Kristina Ahmas. [Kokkola] : K.H. Renlundin museo - Keski-Pohjanmaan maakuntamuseo, 2018

    Sivistykselliset keinot poliittisen päätöksenteon ja valtiosuunnittelun osana

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    Rituaalien ja myyttien käyttöä osana 1800-luvun hallitsijaretoriikkaa käsittelevä tutkimukseni nostaa esiin sukujuuriltaan länsisuomalaiset Alexander Armfeltin, Carl Johan Walleenin, Emil Stjernvall-Walleenin ja Casimir von Kothenin sivistyspoliitikkoina ja kulttuuriperintötyön edelläkävijöinä.</p

    Securitising Culture During the Cold War: The Geopolitical Aspect of Culture in European Discussions, 1949–1974

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    Most of the existing academic analysis contend that culture and identity—as a security policy—appeared in the political discussions of European institutions as late as after the Cold War. While adopting a historical and contextualist approach, this paper challenges this account, analysing the geopolitical aspect of culture inside the triangle of political union, beside foreign policy and defence, identifying culture as an independent factor that influences foreign policy and its management. Analysis of the political documents of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe from 1949 to 1974 demonstrates that notwithstanding the CoE’s character as being neutral and maintaining its distance from pure military functions, culture became security policy, an extension of the ‘political aspects of the defence question’ from the early 1950s on. Culture was lifted as a necessity above normal politics and as a question of survival, that is, it was securitised. </div

    Criteria for the suspicion and diagnosis of acute food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome.

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    Over the past decades, several panels of criteria have been proposed for the diagnosis of acute food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES). However, none of them have been validated by a prospective study. Such a study is not easy to carry out, because even the children who most of us would certainly believe to be suffering from acute FPIES, possibly serious, should be subject to oral food challenge (OFC). Moreover, the presence of different phenotypes of the acute FPIES may mean that some of them do not fit into any of the above criteria panels. Particularly, Vazquez-Ortiz et al. reported that milder cases (1/4 in their Southern European cohort) might not be captured by the 2017 Consensus diagnostic criteria, which are the most shared till date. Those authors, as well as all interested researchers, claim for accurate diagnostic bio-markers which, however, are not available at the moment

    Propuesta metodológica para la gestión de auditoria interna aplicada a la dirección de proyectos bajo la norma ISO 20001

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    Con el trabajo aquí presentado, se puede dilucidar, que toda acción de mejora logra grandes propósitos evolutivos en las magnas empresas de mercado tecnológico, cuando se cumplen las expectativas de los clientes se cuenta con una satisfacción que genera lazos de negociación a largo plazo, por ende, podemos observar al momento de prestar un servicio de cualquier índole, lo que prima es la calidad con que se brinda el servicio y se ofrece un producto. Se está trabajando para forjar empresas que generen puntos de referencia basados en cumplir a cabalidad las exigencias de la normatividad y solo se puede lograr hacer desde una gerencia diligente y objetiva.With the work presented here, it can be elucidated, that any action of improvement achieves great evolutionary purposes in the magnas companies of technological market, when customer expectations are met, we have a satisfaction that generates long term negotiating ties, so we can observe at the moment of providing a service of any kind, which is the quality of the service provided and a product is offered. It is working to forge companies that generate benchmarks based on fulfilling the requirements of regulation and can only be achieved from a diligent and objective management

    Andamiaje metacognitivo en un planeador docente para promover competencias metacognitivas.

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    El presente estudio analiza los efectos generados por un andamiaje metacognitivo en un planeador web sobre las competencias metacognitivas de un grupo de docentes en ejercicio. Los participantes fueron 50 docentes de una institución privada de la ciudad de Bogotá - Colombia divididos en dos grupos. Uno de ellos interactuó con el planeador web con un andamiaje metacognitivo y el otro grupo sin este. Se utilizó inventario de habilidades metacognitivas para docentes MAIT como pretest y postest, el cual nos permitió determinar las competencias metacognitivas. Se desarrolló una prueba MANCOVA para analizar los datos. Los resultados sugieren diferencias en el desarrollo de competencias metacognitivas entre los docentes debido a la interacción con el andamiaje metacognitivo. Se identifica que en la categoria de regulación metacognitiva del MAIT, los docentes que utilizaron el ambiente web con el andamiaje metacognitivo desarrollaron mayor nivel de competencias metacognitivas en comparación con el grupo que no presento apoyo del andamiaje.Magister en Tecnologías de la Información aplicadas a la EducaciónMaestrí

    Potential Application of Lung Ultrasound in Children with Severe Uncontrolled Asthma: Preliminary Hypothesis Based on a Case Series

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    : In recent years, lung ultrasound (LUS) has been increasingly used for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases in both adult and pediatric patients. However, asthma is a field in which the use of LUS is not yet well defined, or is in development. In the following case series, we describe clinical, laboratory, and radiological results, as well as detailed lung ultrasound findings of six children with asthma: some of them with acute asthma attack and with inadequately controlled allergic asthma or childhood asthma; others with acute asthma and allergic or infantile asthma adequately controlled by preventive therapy. Finally, we describe the clinical, laboratory, and imaging parameters of a child with severe allergic asthma in the absence of exacerbation. In these cases, albeit at different times, LUS played an important role in both the initial diagnostic process and follow-up. It also showed different ultrasound features depending on the severity of the individual asthma based on the type of asthmatic phenotype and control of it

    Desarrollo del sistema de gestión de calidad en la Corporación de Abastos de Bogotá S.A con base en la norma ISO 9001:2008

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    En este documento se presenta el desarrollo del sistema de gestión de calidad de la Corporación de Abastos de Bogotá S.A, como estrategia para lograr un nivel de competitividad que le permita posicionarse como una de las mejores Centrales Mayoristas, alcanzando la satisfacción de sus clientes reconociendo sus necesidades y expectativas e integrándolas de manera exitosa en sus actividades, al igual que estandarizar sus procesos de tal manera que se pueda tener un control y seguimiento de toda la función de la Corporación. Este documento está desarrollado bajo los parámetros de la ISO 9001:2008 la cual rige los estándares de desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de calidad en cualquier organización, bajo este enfoque se crearon los objetivos y políticas de calidad, para luego dar lugar a la creación del cuerpo del documento, el cual es el Manual de Calidad de la Corporación de Abastos de Bogotá S.A, en donde se describen los procesos, procedimientos, instructivos y formatos documentados de la Corporación. Seguido de la estructura anterior se desarrolló un programa y plan de auditoría para que el sistema pueda ser evaluado en periodos de tiempo y así lograr la mejora continua del mismo. Por último se realizó una evaluación costo-beneficio del desarrollo del sistema de gestión de calidad en la Corporación donde se analiza la ventaja de implementarlo.Universidad LibreFacultad de IngenieríaPrograma de Ingeniería IndustrialThis paper presents " The Development of Quality Management System of Corporación de Abastos de Bogotá S.A, " as a strategy to achieve a level of competitiveness that allows you to position itself as one of the best Central Wholesalers, achieving customer satisfaction recognizing their needs and expectations and integrating them successfully in their activities, as well as standardize their processes so that they can have a control and monitoring of all the function of the Corporation. This document is developed within the parameters of the ISO 9001:2008 standard which governs the development of a quality management system in any organization, under this approach the quality objectives and policies were created, and then lead to the creation body of the document, which is the Quality Manual of x , where the processes, procedures, instructions and formats are documented Corporation are described . Followed by the above structure a program and audit plan for the system can be evaluated in time periods and thus achieve continuous improvement of it was developed. Finally, a cost -effective development of quality management system in the Corporation where the advantage is analyzed implement evaluation was conducted

    Functional constipation related to cow's milk allergy in children: A management proposal.

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    Functional constipation (FC) is one of the most common disorders in childhood and has a neg-ative impact on the quality of life of children. Scientific evidence regarding a causal relation-ship between FC and cow's milk allergy is controversial, as it is also reported by the latest European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition-North American Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN–NASPGHAN) rec-ommendations. In the case of FC, routine allergometric tests are not recommended and the cows' milk-free diet is only proposed in the case of laxative-resistant constipation and only following the advice of an expert. Instead, after a careful review of the literature and in view of the many clinical cases encountered in our clinical practice, we believe that it is useful to propose cows' milk-free diet as first line for the treatment of FC at least in pre-school children and in children with a personal or family history of atopy or with a previous diagnosis of cow's milk protein allergy