8 research outputs found

    Reform of Village Coordination Policy in Maluku Province Area

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    Village assistance to assist the implementation of projects that enter the village, is not also a companion for village use, but assistance for the whole village. Different from coaching. In coaching, between the builder and the fostered, have a hierarchical relationship, knowledge and truth flows one direction from top to bottom. Almost in mentoring, the facilitators stand on a par with the mentors. The big mission of the village assistant is to empower the village as a community of independent government that is advanced, strong, independent and integrated. In the implementation of village assistance, various discussions and challenges raised by villages and regions gave rise to critical and evaluative discussions about the direction of policies to facilitate the purpose of formulating and measuring the steps taken. This research was conducted to provide appropriate input for all stakeholders (Central, Provincial, Regency / City and Village Governments)  The results showed that the pattern of assistance policy (TPP) which had been carried out through symmetrical considerations by taking into account all regions without regard to the geographical aspects of each region contributed to the implementation of the village assistant itself, so that in areas characterized by islands and island clusters. For this reason, the formulation of TPP policy formulations based on geographic difficulty factors or levels of accessibility (accessibility and connectivity) is needed, taking into account regional mapping based on the conditions and characteristics of villages, islands, inland and borders. Keywords: Policy Model, Village Assistance DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/94-18 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Penyelesian Sengketa Lingkungan Hidup Menurut Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2009 tentang UUPPLH

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    This study aims to encourage the establishment of alternative dispute resolution institutions outside the court (non-litigation) that are free and impartial and independent and professional by both the government and society. The established institution is free and impartial, independent and professional, in accordance with Article 86 paragraph (1) and (2) UUPPLH-2009. The free and impartial nature as well as being independent and professional in alternative institutions for resolving disputes outside the court (non-litigation), can be seen from the rigorous stages of the selection process and seen from the ability of human resources (HR) in certain areas, so that this institution can become the parties' choice to resolve environmental disputes out of court (non-litigation)

    Penegakan Hukum Administrasi Terhadap Reklamasi Pesisir Pantai Kota Ambon

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    ABSTRACT:  Coastal reclamation is an example of human efforts to respond to limited land in urban areas as happened in Ambon City. In subsequent developments, the site was used for the construction of urban and banking facilities. The beach reclamation process has not actually been carried out properly so there are fears of negative impacts such as flooding, sedimentation. Changes in current patterns have not been identified, more and more material is washed away, resulting in silting of the waters and if this continues it will threaten the coastal ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss whether the reclamation carried out on the coast of Ambon City had an impact on environmental damage and how Administrative Law enforcement on reclamation had an impact on environmental damage. The research method used was normative juridical research. The legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study need strict rules from the government from parties that have authority in dealing with beach reclamation issues carried out by certain parties

    Kewenangan Penjabat Negeri Dalam Pengangkatan Dan Pemberhentian Saniri Negeri Laha Kaba Kecamatan Telutih Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    State officials took arbitrary actions in appointing and dismissing Saniri without any deliberation from each clan or soa which had the right and authority to appoint and dismiss State Saniri Central Maluku Regency Regional Regulation No. 04 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for Structuring State Saniri/Village Consultative Bodies explains in Article 19 Point 1 "State Saniri are selected based on representation in accordance with local customs, customary law and culture." This writing discusses two issues, namely: 1) Do State Officials have the authority to appoint and dismiss State Saniri in accordance with statutory regulations. 2) What are the legal consequences of Saniri's appointment by a State Official? The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the authority of State Officials in appointing and dismissing State Saniri and the Legal Consequences of Appointing Saniri by State Officials. The method used in this research is a normative legal research method. The results of this research indicate that the delivery and dismissal of State Saniri by State Officials is not in accordance with local state customs or is contrary to statutory regulations. The Decree of the Regent of Central Maluku regarding the Appointment of State Saniri is invalid or legally flawed

    Penyelenggaraan Urusan Pemerintahan Daerah Berciri Kepulauan (Kajian Terhadap Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah)

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    Masalah pelayanan administrasi kependudukan di wilayah bercirikan kepulauan seperti di Kabupaten Maluku tengah, menjadikan masyarakat kesulitan untuk mendapatkan layanan pengurusan administrasi kependudukan seperti pengurusan KTP dan administrasi kependudukan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis terhadap penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dalam pelayanan administrasi kependudukan di daerah yang berciri kepulauan. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian hukum normative. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di kabupaten Maluku Tengah terkait pelayanan administrasi kependudukan masih terkendala karena pengurusan data kependudukan Masyarakat harus ke ibu kota kabupaten, karena wewenang kecamatan hanya sebatas perekaman data kependudukan. Pengurusan pencetakannya harus ke ibu kota kabupaten di kota masohi, yang jarak menuju ibu kota kabupaten sangat jauh sehingga untuk mendapatkan data administrasi kependudukan membutuhkan pembiayaan yang sangat besar. Perlu desain alternatif kebijakan yang dapat mendukung kelancaran penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di bidang pelayanan data administrasi kependudukan dengan cara melimpahkan kewenangan bagi kecamatan, pembentukan UPTD Disdukcapil di kecamatan, demi terwujudnya keserasian dan keseimbangan hubungan negara dan warga masyarakat

    Keabsahan Pengusulan Pejabat Kepala Pemerintahan Negeri Haya

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    Regional Government defines regional autonomy as the authority and obligation of an autonomous region to regulate and manage government affairs and the interests of local communities in accordance with statutory regulations. Saniri Negeri is a vehicle for democracy that is formed based on the customs that apply in that traditional country. The purpose of this research is to examine and discuss whether the regent's actions in appointing the head of the Haya state government were based on applicable laws. The research method used is normative juridical, namely research on rules, norms and legal principles based on statutory regulations. The problem approach used is a normative legal approach, namely the conceptual approach, case approach and statutory approach. The sources of legal materials used are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Techniques for collecting legal materials through literature study. Next, it was analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research concluded that the regent's action in using his authority to appoint an official outside the proposed saniri of the country/village of Haya without involving the saniri of the country in the vacancy at the end of the term of office of the king of one of the parents' houses of Haya village was not based on the applicable laws and regulations. Responsibility for regulations carried out by the regent in carrying out his authority is considered flawed and categorized as exceeding the limits of his authority

    Pemilihan Kepala/Wali Desa/Nagari dengan Sistem E-Voting di Kabupaten Agam Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Village head election must be continuously developed and adapted to the development of the community in the village. The Indonesian nation has stated clearly in the constitution of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the fourth paragraph which is the purpose of national and state life "...... protecting the whole Indonesian nation and the entire Indonesian blood sphere, and to promote general welfare, educating the life of the nation ". In 2017, 28 Nagari in Agam District will carry out the election of Head/Village Guard/Nagari. The elections will be held on 16, 19, 22, 25 and 29 July 2017, with a total of 128,000 voters, with an E-voting system. Through the e-voting system in the selection of Wali Nagari (Pilwana) it has made it easier for the villagers/nagari in choosing, and the potential for cheating is less than the paper voting system


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    The implementation of the PSBB in the city of Ambon has received various criticisms from the public, there have been various actions by the community that have disobeyed the PSBB guardian, as well as problems with law enforcement by law enforcement officials. The purpose of the study was to examine and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of PSBB in Ambon City and to examine and analyze legal protection for the people of Ambon City in implementing PSBB. The research method used is normative legal research. The results of the study show that: 1) The effectiveness of PSBB in Ambon city has not been implemented to its full potential. 2) legal protection for the people of Ambon city is more focused on enforcement (repressive) efforts than preventive prevention efforts