40 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular/Stroke Risk Stratification in Diabetic Foot Infection Patients Using Deep Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence: An Investigative Study

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    A diabetic foot infection (DFI) is among the most serious, incurable, and costly to treat conditions. The presence of a DFI renders machine learning (ML) systems extremely nonlinear, posing difficulties in CVD/stroke risk stratification. In addition, there is a limited number of well-explained ML paradigms due to comorbidity, sample size limits, and weak scientific and clinical validation methodologies. Deep neural networks (DNN) are potent machines for learning that generalize nonlinear situations. The objective of this article is to propose a novel investigation of deep learning (DL) solutions for predicting CVD/stroke risk in DFI patients. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) search strategy was used for the selection of 207 studies. We hypothesize that a DFI is responsible for increased morbidity and mortality due to the worsening of atherosclerotic disease and affecting coronary artery disease (CAD). Since surrogate biomarkers for CAD, such as carotid artery disease, can be used for monitoring CVD, we can thus use a DL-based model, namely, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for CVD/stroke risk prediction in DFI patients, which combines covariates such as office and laboratory-based biomarkers, carotid ultrasound image phenotype (CUSIP) lesions, along with the DFI severity. We confirmed the viability of CVD/stroke risk stratification in the DFI patients. Strong designs were found in the research of the DL architectures for CVD/stroke risk stratification. Finally, we analyzed the AI bias and proposed strategies for the early diagnosis of CVD/stroke in DFI patients. Since DFI patients have an aggressive atherosclerotic disease, leading to prominent CVD/stroke risk, we, therefore, conclude that the DL paradigm is very effective for predicting the risk of CVD/stroke in DFI patients

    Arrhythmogenic Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy in Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases: A Challenge for Cardio-Rheumatology

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    Ventricular arrhythmia (VA) in autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARD) is an expression of autoimmune inflammatory cardiomyopathy (AIC), caused by structural, electrical, or inflammatory heart disease, and has a serious impact on a patient’s outcome. Myocardial scar of ischemic or nonischemic origin through a re-entry mechanism facilitates the development of VA. Additionally, autoimmune myocardial inflammation, either isolated or as a part of the generalized inflammatory process, also facilitates the development of VA through arrhythmogenic autoantibodies and inflammatory channelopathies. The clinical presentation of AIC varies from oligo-asymptomatic presentation to severe VA and sudden cardiac death (SCD). Both positron emission tomography (PET) and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can diagnose AIC early and be useful tools for the assessment of therapies during follow-ups. The AIC treatment should be focused on the following: (1) early initiation of cardiac medication, including ACE-inhibitors, b-blockers, and aldosterone antagonists; (2) early initiation of antirheumatic medication, depending on the underlying disease; and (3) potentially implantable cardioverter–defibrillator (ICD) and/or ablation therapy in patients who are at high risk for SCD

    Magnetic resonance imaging-conditional devices: Luxury or real clinical need?

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    Although the risk of MRI scanning on patients with conventional devices is lower than initially thought, the patient's safety can only be guaranteed when using MRI-conditional devices. The most important modifications in MRI-conditional devices include a) Reduction in ferromagnetic components to reduce magnetic attraction and susceptibility artifacts; b) Replacement of the reed switch by a Hall sensor in order to avoid unpredictable reed switch behavior; c) Lead coil design to minimize lead heating and electrical current induction; d) Filter circuitry to prevent damage to the internal power supply; and e) Dedicated pacemaker programming to prevent inappropriate pacemaker inhibition and competing rhythms. Although many companies claim to have MRI-conditional devices, adoption in clinical practice is limited because a) Not all companies have MRI-conditional devices approved for both 1.5 and 3T; b) Not all companies offer the option of unlimited MRI scanning (without an exclusion zone in the thorax); c) Certain companies allow only a 30-min MRI scanning and only in afebrile patients; and d) Despite having MRI-conditional pacemakers, certain companies do not have MRI-conditional defibrillators and CRT systems. It is clear that this new technology opens the door for MRI to a growing number of patients; however, the widespread adoption of MRI-conditional devices will depend on real-life issues, such as cost, clinical indications for such a device and the permanent education of health care professionals

    Cardiovascular Imaging in Obesity

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    Obesity represents one of the most challenging public health problems of our century. It accounts for approximately 5% of deaths worldwide, mostly owing to cardiovascular disease and its associated complications. Cardiovascular noninvasive imaging may provide early accurate information about hypertrophy and ischemia/fibrosis in obese subjects. Echocardiography and nuclear cardiology have serious limitations in obese subjects owing to poor acoustic window and attenuation artifacts, respectively. Coronary computed tomography angiography can provide information about obstructive coronary disease; however, the use of radiation is a serious disadvantage. Finally, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) holds the promise of an “all in one” examination by combining evaluation of function, wall motion/thickness, stress rest/perfusion, replacement and diffuse fibrosis without radiation. Future studies are required to document the cost/benefit ratio of the CMR in the evaluation of cardiovascular risk in overweight/obese children and adolescents

    Combined brain/heart magnetic resonance imaging in antiphospholipid syndrome-two sides of the same coin

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    Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by arterial, venous, and/or small vessel thrombosis, pregnancy morbidity, and persistently elevated levels of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). Cardiovascular disease (CVD) in APS can present as heart valvular disease (HVD), macro-micro-coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial dysfunction, cardiac thrombi, or pulmonary hypertension. Brain disease presents as stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) and less frequently as cerebral venous thrombosis, seizures, cognitive dysfunction, multiple sclerosis (MS)-like syndrome, or chorea. Infarcts and focal white matter hyperenhancement are the commonest brain (MRI) abnormalities, while myocardial ischemia/fibrosis, valvular stenosis/regurgitation, or cardiac thrombi are the main abnormalities detected by cardiovascular magnetic resonance. This review aims to present the existing evidence on brain/heart involvement and their interrelationship in APS and the role of brain/heart MRI in their evaluation. Embolic brain disease, due to HVD, CAD, and/or cardiac thrombus, or brain hypo-perfusion, due to myocardial dysfunction, are among the main brain/heart interactions in APS and they are considered determinants of morbidity and mortality. Currently, there is no evidence to support the use of combined brain/heart MRI in asymptomatic APS patients. Until more data will be available, this approach may be considered in APS patients at high risk for CVD/stroke, such as systemic lupus erythematosus with high-risk aPL profile or high scores in CVD risk prediction models; APS patients with HVD/thrombus, CAD, or heart failure; those with classic and non-criteria neurologic APS manifestations (seizures, cognitive dysfunction, MS-like syndrome); or with aggressive multi-organ disease

    Sudden cardiac death in football players: Towards a new pre-participation algorithm

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    Athletic pre-participation screening is essential for minimizing the risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in athletes participating in either competitive or leisure sporting activities. The primary causes of SCD in young athletes (<35 years of age) include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, congenital anomalies of the coronary artery and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Other abnormalities, such as malignant arrhythmia due to blunt trauma to the chest (commotio cordis), myocarditis, valvular disease, aortic rupture (in Marfan syndrome) and ion channelopathies (catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, Brugada syndrome, long or short QT syndrome), also contribute to a lesser degree to SCD. Currently, clinical assessment, electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiography are the cornerstones of the pre-participation athletic evaluation. However, their low sensitivity raises queries as regards the need for the application of more sophisticated modalities, such as cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). CMR offers precise biventricular assessment and is greatly reproducible without the inherent limitations of echocardiography; i.e., low quality of images due to the lack of appropriate acoustic window or operator's experience. Furthermore, myocardium replacement fibrosis, indicative of patients' increased risk for future cardiac events, can be effectively detected by late gadolinium enhanced (LGE) images, acquired 15 min post-contrast injection. Finally, diffuse myocardial fibrosis not identified by LGE, can also be detected by pre-contrast (native) T1, post-contrast T1 mapping and extracellular volume images, which provide detailed information about the underlying pathophysiologic background. Therefore, CMR is recommended in all football players with a positive family or personal history of syncope or SCD, abnormal/doubtful ECG or echocardiogram

    The perpetual sword of Damocles: Cardiac involvement in systemic sclerosis and the role of non-invasive imaging modalities in medical decision making

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    Cardiac involvement in systemic sclerosis (SSc-CI) may be either primary or secondary to pathologic processes in other organs. In contrast to other autoimmune rheumatic diseases, primary SSc-CI preferentially manifests as non-ischemic myocardial fibrosis, with or without myocardial inflammation and minimal involvement of epicardial coronary arteries. Recent developments in cardiovascular (CV) imaging modalities and their increasing availability necessitate the creation of concrete recommendations for use in SSc patients, based on the most recent scientific evidence. Echocardiography offers rapid, effective, multiparametric, and widely available imaging evaluation of SSc patients, owing to its ability to analyze both left and right chambers, as well as pulmonary hemodynamics. However, it is an operator- and acoustic window-dependent modality that cannot perform tissue characterization, which is crucial in these conditions. CV magnetic resonance in SSc patients can accurately evaluate biventricular volumes, ejection fractions, myocardial fibrosis load, and changes suggestive of myocarditis. T2 mapping is the best index of edema indicating acute myocardial inflammation, while late gadolinium enhancement is an index of replacement fibrosis. Extracellular volume fraction (ECV) is an indicator of diffuse myocardial fibrosis only in the absence of significant myocardial inflammation. However, if myocardial inflammation/fibrosis coexist, ECV reflects a combination of the two, but it cannot completely discriminate between them. SSc-CI hangs like the sword of Damocles over physicians managing SSc patients. A constructive partnership between the rheumatologist and the cardiologist is necessary to provide each SSc patient with a comprehensive screening protocol for early detection and treatment of cardiopulmonary pathologic processes